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为了解学校氛围对西部农村留守儿童校园欺凌的影响,本研究以我国西部农村地区的3569名留守儿童为样本进行问卷调查,考察社会情感能力在学校氛围与学生校园欺凌之间的中介作用。研究结果显示:学校氛围与留守儿童的校园欺凌存在着显著的负相关关系,与留守儿童的社会情感能力存在显著的正相关关系,留守儿童的社会情感能力在学校氛围与学生校园欺凌之间发挥着部分中介作用。为此,学校管理者应从改善学校中的物理环境、学习环境、同伴关系以及外部环境四个方面着手,营造支持性的学校氛围,以此提高留守儿童的社会情感能力,降低他们遭受校园欺凌的可能性。  相似文献   

校园欺凌行为对受欺凌者的身心发展造成严重的不良影响,同时也影响到欺凌者的人格发展走向。从心理学角度来看,产生校园欺凌现象既与欺凌者的同情心缺失、基本需求匮乏有关,也与家庭监管缺失、社会不良环境影响和惩罚机制不完善有关。应从加强学生道德教育、满足儿童需求、纠正公众认知偏差、增加欺凌者的违规成本等着手。  相似文献   

目前,校园欺凌情况依然严重。少数民族的留守儿童往往由于长时间缺乏父母的照顾和关爱以及有效的管教出现心理问题,在校园中出现欺凌与被欺凌的现象。因此学校要联合各界,多渠道、多模式的治理,还给学生安心的学校生活。  相似文献   

<正>政策 法国:发布《防治校园欺凌部际计划》在过去的三年中,法国有近100万儿童饱受校园欺凌的困扰,并且平均在每个初中班级就有两名学生是欺凌行为的受害者。此外,法国近期还发生了几起学生因校园欺凌而自杀的事件。在此背景下,  相似文献   

作为应对和处理学生欺凌的第一响应人,教师如何识别学生欺凌,如何预防与应对学生欺凌,并进一步促进建设和谐安全的校园,都是极其重要却又鲜被关注的命题。教师需要从把握学生欺凌的概念及核心要素、辨别玩笑打闹与学生欺凌以及认清学生欺凌的角色与类型三方面识别学生欺凌。教师可以从与学生一起应对欺凌、与家长合作应对欺凌、营造和谐安全的校园环境三方面着手预防和应对欺凌。  相似文献   

为探究家庭暴力暴露与儿童校园欺凌之间的内在机制,采用多重形式暴力量表、结交越轨同伴量表、Olweus儿童欺负问卷的欺凌分量表、父母学业参与问卷对深圳市747名4-6年级的儿童进行测试.结果表明:(1)家庭暴力暴露与结交越轨同伴、校园欺凌显著正相关,与父母学业参与显著负相关;结交越轨同伴与校园欺凌显著正相关、与父母学业参...  相似文献   

由于学习和生活环境的变迁,相比于本地儿童,流动儿童更难融入到学校生活中。家庭沟通与关怀不足、同伴关系不良等使得流动儿童面临学校适应困难,易卷入到校园欺凌事件当中。分析了流动儿童易卷入校园欺凌的原因,并从学校、家庭和社会三个层面提出了相关防范与教育对策,以期帮助流动儿童走出校园欺凌的困境,身心健康成长。  相似文献   

近年来,留守儿童校园欺凌事件频频发生,因校园欺凌而造成的惨案触目惊心,社会各界对发生在留守儿童身上的校园欺凌的关注日益增多。加强校园欺凌治理迫在眉睫,以往的研究多从国家、社会、学校、家庭等原因探究校园欺凌发生的影响因素,其中家庭是儿童的第一教育场所,理应放在首要位置来思考,分析家庭对校园欺凌的影响对治理校园欺凌至关重要。  相似文献   

“被欺凌者不说”是校园欺凌治理的关键性难题。通过对一个初中女生长期遭受欺凌却不说的个案分析,研究发现儿童有自己的“江湖世界”,一个满足儿童交往需求,同时也滋生欺凌的世界。但教育者往往忽视这个“世界”,视欺凌为偶发事件。“被欺凌者不说”警示我们关注儿童的他性、教育的他性,教育者应以倾听的逻辑代替控制的逻辑,向儿童江湖敞开,向欺凌本身敞开,迎接他者、回应他者,建构“不可欺凌”的教育伦理关系。  相似文献   

近年来,学生欺凌问题的受到了普遍的关注,这一问题在全社会的努力之下整体上得到了有效的治理。农村地区由于其特殊的文化环境,发生学生欺凌的原因也有特殊性,主要体现在被欺凌者缺少自我保护意识,欺凌者的行为缺乏管教,旁观者的视而不见。治理农村学生欺凌事件,应该将上述三种原因作为依据,从三方面来进行,即提高农村学生自我保护意识并学会寻求帮助,普及农村学生的法治教育和心理健康教育,加强农村学生的良好美德建设。  相似文献   

This study examined the views of 101 boys and girls aged 10–11 and 13–14 with statements of special educational needs for moderate learning difficulties. Questions centred on their experiences of school, teaching and learning in mainstream and special schools. The study is set in the context of the international move towards more inclusion of children with disabilities into mainstream schools and the greater importance attached to the child's voice in decision‐making in education. Most children expressed positive evaluations of their schools and the teaching they received, while a significant minority expressed mixed views. A significant proportion in the mainstream preferred learning support in withdrawal settings. While the majority in both settings preferred their current school, a significant minority in special school preferred to be in a mainstream setting. A notable emergent theme from the study was the high incidence of ‘bullying’ that was experienced. Though experienced in both settings, those in special schools experienced far more ‘bullying’ by children from other mainstream schools and from peers and outsiders in their neighbourhood. These findings are discussed in terms of the tensions or dilemmas about difference that were experienced and their implications for the move towards greater inclusion.  相似文献   


The authors examined the nature of dominant students in Grades 3–5 in a midwestern school system in the United States. Previous research has indicated 2 ways a student may gain dominance—through bullying and prosocial behaviors. A cluster analysis for dominant children was conducted using social interdependence attitude scores, children's self-reports of bullying and prosocial behaviors, and teacher reports of bullying and prosocial behaviors. Dominant children were clustered into cooperative-prosocial, competitive-aggressive, and individualistic groups. Competitive-aggressive children received higher teacher ratings of dominance than did cooperative-prosocial children, there was no significant among the clusters on perceived leadership by peers, and cooperative-prosocial children tended to have teachers who used more cooperative learning in their classroom.  相似文献   

Bullying is a moral transgression. Recognizing the importance of approaching bullying from a moral perspective, the present study examines whether children's judgments and reasoning to justify their judgments differ between bullying and repeated conventional transgressions. Our study also explores differences by gender and differences among bullies, victims, and uninvolved students. Participants included 381 students from 13 elementary schools in Sweden. Findings indicate that children judge bullying as more wrong than repeated conventional transgressions; use moral reasons more frequently in their justifications about bullying than about repeated conventional transgressions; and use conventional reasons more frequently to justify their judgments on repeated conventional transgressions as compared with bullying. Female students and nonbullies judged bullying and repeated conventional transgressions as more wrong and used moral reasons more frequently in their justifications of judgments of bullying than did male students and bullies. Male students reported bullying more than did female students. Implications for practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

Bullying and victimisation remains a pervasive problem within the nation’s schools. International research has indicated that students who are enrolled in special education curricula are victimised and perpetrate more bullying than their general education peers. Few empirical studies have examined bullying and victimisation rates among American schoolchildren within special education programmes. The current study examined rates of bullying and fighting perpetration and victimisation among middle‐school students (n = 7331) and high‐school students (n = 14,315) enrolled in general education and special education programmes. As hypothesised, students in special education reported greater rates of bullying and fighting perpetration, and victimisation than general education students. Students who were in self‐contained classrooms reported more perpetration and victimisation than those in inclusive settings. Fighting perpetration was similar for younger and older students in special education settings, whereas fighting perpetration was lower for older students, versus younger students, in general education.  相似文献   

This study explores the prevalence of different types of bullying and victimisation among Greek pupils receiving special education support provision. Associations of these types with feelings of loneliness and perceived social efficacy for peer interactions are also examined. The sample consisted of 178 students of fifth and sixth primary school grades who participated in pull‐out special education delivery programmes. Participants were found to be actively involved in both bullying and victimisation, with higher rates in victimisation. Statistically significant gender and disability differences in bullying and loneliness were identified. Both bullying and victimisation were associated with loneliness/social dissatisfaction, and self‐efficacy for peer interactions. Moreover, our data provided evidence that bully/victims may be a distinct group in terms of their increased levels of loneliness. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for promoting children with special educational needs and disabilities social inclusion.  相似文献   

英国学生欺侮问题的现状及其原因探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪80年代末,90年代初以来,中小学生的欺侮问题引起了英国政府和社会的高度重视。从本质上讲,欺侮是学生之间发生的一种特殊暴力行为,它包括对身体的欺侮、语言的欺侮和间接的欺侮三类。现在,学生欺侮问题已经遍及英国全境。欺侮事件的发生给被欺侮学生在身体上和精神上造成了极大的伤害。导致学生欺侮问题的诱因错综复杂。其中既有家庭、社会、学校方面的原因,也有学生自身方面的原因。目前,英国正在积极推进欺侮防止教育,同时也在积极采取欺侮干预对策。  相似文献   

特殊家庭子女心理健康状况的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用自编的中小学生心理健康状况测查问卷测查了526名特殊家庭和510名普通家庭的小学生和初中生。结果表明,特殊家庭子女的自我概念(2.20±0.49)最差,其次为学习认知问题(2.09±0.66)较多,再者是性格缺陷(2.03±0.54)和情绪问题(2.00±0.51)。特殊家庭子女在学习认知、人际适应、行为问题、情绪问题、性格缺陷、自我概念等各个方面以及总体心理健康状况均显著劣于普通家庭子女。不同类型特殊家庭子女的心理健康状况的比较显示,分居家庭子女的心理健康状况最差,流动家庭子女的心理健康问题也较多,其次是离异、丧偶和再婚家庭子女,留守家庭子女的心理健康问题最少。特殊家庭初中生在学习认知上存在的问题显著多于特殊家庭小学生。特殊家庭小学女生的自我概念问题显著多于小学男生。特殊家庭初中男生的学习认知、人际适应、行为问题、性格缺陷和总体心理健康状况显著劣于初中女生。  相似文献   

This study examined the prevalence of bullying and victimisation among students in special schools in Taiwan. The sample included 140 students with various disabilities, aged 12–18, from 10 special schools throughout Taiwan. Trained interviewers conducted face-to-face surveys using structured questionnaires. Results show that 31.8% of students in special schools experienced peer victimisation within the past year, while 26.5% of students had bullied others during that period. While the findings did not yield gender differences, students in junior high grades tended to report more victimisation experiences than did their senior high counterparts. Severity of disability was positively associated with both bullying and being bullied; however, no difference was found regarding types of disability. Delinquency was positively associated with student bullying and victimisation. Students who suffered victimisation also reported a higher number of suicide attempts. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study analysed whether bullying/victimisation and related social support vary by emotional and behavioural disturbances (EBD) as well as school type. We examined 540 German adolescents with and without emotional disturbances (ED)/behavioural disturbances (BD) attending regular and special schools for students with EBD. Adolescents with BD and co-morbid co-occurring emotional and behavioural disturbances (ED + BD) reported elevated levels of bullying, while students with ED and co-morbid ED + BD reported elevated levels of victimisation. Enhanced levels of overt victimisation were also found in adolescents from special schools. Students from special schools perceived less peer support but more teacher support. Furthermore, adolescents with co-morbid ED + BD were least likely to tell teachers about being victimised. It is concluded that bullying interventions for adolescents with EBD and students from special schools need to be implemented and evaluated.  相似文献   

Through socio-cultural analysis of the discourse of bullying, the present article aims to show that moral learning is less about teaching children the difference between right and wrong and more about making available to them what Tappan and Wertsch describe as the mediational means to engage in their own moral learning. Bullying is explained in Bakhtinian terms as a form of ‘authoritative discourse’. Both moral education and manipulative adolescent bullying are presented as, in a broad sense, forms of political practice. The same 13-year-old girl was recorded as she talked with peer ‘counsellors’ about her own bullying and then a fortnight later in the course of directing and featuring in a tutor-group video which aimed to introduce younger pupils to their new school. Through the inter-animation of social voices, new moral ideas are appropriated by the participants. In a succession of ‘zones of proximal development’, students support and ‘scaffold’ each other’s thinking in their progression towards changed levels of moral awareness.  相似文献   

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