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颜元认为孔门之后的习静教育和书本知识教育有害于身心,有害于家国,提出了习动和习行的教育修习方法,并从身心健康、道德涵蓄、经世致用3个方面阐述了习动的意义和价值。颜元的教育理念的形成,与其所处的时代环境有关,与其青少年时期所传承的学养有关,与其哲学思想有关。颜元的实学教育思想对当代中国教育改革具有积极的启发借鉴意义。  相似文献   

该书由《河北师范大学学报·教科版》负责人陈山榜先生撰写,人民教育出版社出版。全书共20章,内容依次是:身世与家事、业师与朋友、设学与执教、东寻与南游、著述与创作、颜元学术思想概论、颜元的政治思想、颜元的经济思想、颜元的义利观、颜元的军事思想、颜元的礼仪思想、颜元的崇儒思想、颜元的哲学思想、颜元的人性理论、颜元的教育目的论与培养目标论、颜元教育内容论、颜元教学方法论、颜元的师道观、颜元的性教育思想等。作者认为,颜元去世后的近300年来,人类社会发生了翻天覆地的变化。所以,尽管颜元的思想不失为当时的一个学术高峰,但他提出的一些具体主张,已不完全适用于当今社会。惟其思想方法,仍多可借鉴,这也是作者撰写本书的主要目的。作者在书中从较广阔的视野对颜元的教育实践和教育思想进行了系统深入的探讨,全书内容丰富,结构严谨,具有较高的学术价值。  相似文献   

在儒家教育思想背景下,清初的实学教育家颜元以勇于批判的学术精神,对宋明理学的人性论、义利观、理想人格作出了不同以往教育家的新的诠释,从而形成了自己独特的教育哲学思想.  相似文献   

颜元所倡导的实学教育的教育目的是建立在他对人才认识的基础上的,他认为人才是国家繁荣、社会发展的根本。颜元的人才观中渗透了全面发展的内涵,他认为“通儒”之才和“专门”之才都可称为圣贤,每个人都应该得到全面发展。在人才培养的方式方面,颜元认为学校是人才培养的重要场所,教育过程中要因材施教,并且他认为“习行”是人才培养的重要手段。  相似文献   

颜元生活在商品经济萌芽的明末清初,他一反传统儒学“重义轻利”的思想而提出既重义又重利的思想。针对宋明理学教育的空虚无物,他提出了“实学”的教育思想,从而他的教育也突出表现出工具性价值取向。颜元的教育价值思想比较全面,不但重视教育的理性价值,而且更重视教育的工具价值。对颜元教育价值取向进行分析,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

颜元教育思想中含有许多精辟的见解,他认识到教育对国家发展的重要性;从经世致用的观点出发,主张教育要培养德才兼备,能“为生民办事”的各级官吏和各行各业的专门人才;积极倡导“实学”和“习行”,强调劳动教育和体育教育。今天看来,这些思想仍具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

清朝思想家、教育家颜元,从1658年开始设学执教,到1704年逝世于习斋学舍,其教育生涯长达47个年头。40多年的辛勤耕耘,颜元不仅培养了大批学生,成就了一个学派,更为重要的是,他开创了中国教育的新纪元,使中国的学校从“理学教育”和“科举教育”中解放出来,成为培养实用人才的基地。  相似文献   

17世纪是世界历史的重要转折时期 ,欧洲和中国在这个时代出现了两位伟大的教育思想家———夸美纽斯和颜元。从夸美纽斯的泛智思想与颜元的实学思想比较 ,探究中西教育在那一时代存在的共同点和差异 ,用历史唯物主义观点分析这些问题 ,以求探索教育发展的规律。  相似文献   

《四书正误》是颜元在学习、教授朱熹《四书章句集注》过程中评价、批判朱熹思想的学术札记,内容包括《四书(章句集注)》之“正”和《四书(章句集注)》之误两个方面,刻画出颜元生活、思考、体验、教学以及学术思想发展历程的多维画面,呈示了颜元事功色彩浓厚的教育目的论、实质教育取向的教育内容观和以实驭虚的教育方法论等教育学思想.  相似文献   

颜元教学方法论探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
颜元是清初知名实学家 ,也是教育改革的先行者。为了培养能够辅世济民的实用人才 ,颜元不仅对教育内容做了苦心孤诣的改革 ,而且对教学方法进行了深入探索。一、远其志而短其节颜元所处的时代 ,学校教育基本都围绕科举考试这个指挥棒运转 ,其动力是看得见摸得着的功名富贵。颜元反对科举 ,鄙夷八股 ,戮力实学教育。他要让学生努力向学、刻苦自强而不辍 ,并认为也需要让学生产生动力 ,于是就采取了“远其志而短其节”的方法来激励学生 ,以使其好学、乐学。颜元说 :“学贵远其志而短其节。志远则不息 ,节短则易竟而乐。”① 远其志 ,就是鼓励…  相似文献   

In this research a number of strategies including physical experiences, physical stories and lab school with guided reflection were used with pre-service physical education teachers in an attempt to foster more critical and inclusive approaches to teaching physical education in the middle years. The strategies were used to illustrate the complex processes that inhibit or enhance an individual’s relationship to physical activity. They served to identify discursive, social and institutional practices, which supported the development of a physical identity for some young people while powerfully denying it to others. Pre-service physical education teachers were asked to respond to these strategies in multiple ways as well as constructing their own knowledge around teaching and learning in physical education. It was concluded that a more complete understanding of young people’s physicality could develop from recognition of the complex interrelationships that occur between school, culture and physical experiences. The strategies used allowed insights into these complexities and worked to develop a deeper appreciation of ‘lived’ experiences, around physical education. Opportunities to explore and critically reflect on teaching and student learning were also found to be significant in considering broadened understandings of pedagogies of physical education.  相似文献   

高中体育教学不仅能够培养学生的体育兴趣爱好,而且能够提高学生的身体素质。文章针对高中体育教学改革存在的问题,探讨增强青少年体质的对策:提高高中体育教学针对性,构建具体化高中体育教学课堂;提高高中体育教学专业性,构建科学化高中体育教学课堂;提高高中体育教学普遍性,构建全民化高中体育教学课堂。  相似文献   

根据众所周知的物理实验和物理理论,提出物理量极限原理:在我们的宇宙里,任何描述物理状态或 物理过程的物理量都具有有限值;任何具有物理意义的物理量都必须是非发散的.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Media representations of physical disability can influence the attitudes of child audiences. In the current study, the depiction of physical disability was analyzed in more than 400 episodes of children's television programming to better understand how media depict physical disability to children and, in turn, how exposure may influence children's attitudes toward this social minority. Characters with a physical disability were rare. When present, characters with a physical disability tended to be older White males. The disabilities were not central to the characters' importance, but the characters themselves were not central to the plot. A majority of characters with a physical disability were depicted as morally good, attractive, and satisfied with life. Able-bodied characters were shown as treating characters with a physical disability the same way they treated other able-bodied characters. Practice or Policy: The results of the current study could be utilized by policymakers, media professionals, and educators in an effort to increase depictions of physical disability in children's programming as a method of integrating individuals with physical disabilities into a predominantly able-bodied society.  相似文献   

Possible selves is an important self-related construct for older adults' health behaviors and well-being. This study examines the relationships among older adults' current physical self-concept, possible selves, and physical activity participation, and it examines the mediating effect of possible selves on the relationships between physical self-concept and well-being. One hundred and sixty-three community-dwelling older adults (M age = 70.91, SD = 6.39) in Taiwan completed the survey packet assessing physical self concept, possible selves, health-related qualities of life, and life satisfaction. Bivariate correlation analyses showed that older adults' possible selves were positively related to physical self-concept and moderate physical activity participation. In addition, the link between older adults' physical self-concept and psychological well-being was mediated partially by possible selves. The results show the significance of using the construct of possible selves to examine and promote older adults' physical activity/exercise behaviors and psychological well-being.  相似文献   

学校体育在培养学生社会适应能力中应努力使学生获取现代社会中的生命知识、体育与健康知识;发挥学生体育社团在社会适应能力培养中的作用;利用学校体育中的挫折教育,磨砺学生的个性,提高学生对社会的适应能力;加强体育课堂内外中的显性和隐性课程对学生的培养;在体育教学评价中应明确提出对学生社会适应能力方面的要求等,以弥补传统学校体...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of a school-based intervention to promote physical activity, utilising the postulates of the trans-contextual model of motivation. The study examined two separate classes of elementary school students (mean age 11.28?years), one of which served as the control group (n?=?26) and the other as the experimental group (n?=?21). The intervention in the experimental group consisted of showing videos related to physical activity participation, conducting discussions and doing tasks related to the content presented in the videos and conducting family discussions. Autonomy support from teachers, peers and parents; motivation in physical education and leisure time physical activity; the different variables of theory of planned behaviour; and physical activity, were measured before and after the intervention. Results showed an increase in teacher autonomy support, identified regulation in physical education, autonomy support from parents and peers, integrated and identified regulation in leisure time physical activity, control, subjective norm, intention and physical activity in the experimental group. Furthermore, this increase resulted in post-intervention differences across groups in such variables. Results are discussed in relation to the important role of families in the promotion of physical activity participation.  相似文献   

针对当前物理学史引进课堂的现状,提出4个方面的看法:引入物理史料要真实可靠;引入物理史料要有计划性;引入物理史料要反映物理理论的继承性和发展性;用历史唯物主义的观点评价科学家的功过得失。  相似文献   

为了解安徽省大学生体质健康现状以及体力活动特点,探询不同体力活动水平对大学生体质的影响,本研究采用实验法、问卷法、数理统计法对我省大学生体质现状、体力活动特点以及它们的相互关系进行了统计分析。结果表明:安徽省大学生体质状况总体良好;课余时间体力活动偏少,每天静坐时间较长;每周规律地参加大中强度体力活动可以有效提高大学生体质健康水平,并能弥补由于静坐时间较长对健康产生的不利影响。  相似文献   

采用文献资料及比较分析等研究方法,分析了中国体育界对体育一词的翻译主要集中在sport、physical education、training等词汇,普遍认为sport主要用于竞技体育或大众体育,physical education主要指的是学校体育,training主要是指体育训练。其中代表体育本质的词应属sport和physical education。  相似文献   

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