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通过对冥想训练的内容、作用的分析,指出使用冥想训练来提升教师身心健康、缓解职业倦怠具有良好的可行性:优化教师的注意状态,预防教师情感耗竭;缓解教师的焦虑和抑郁,提高其情绪调节能力;增加教师的人际能力和人际支持从而提高其教学能力;提升教师的创造力和反思能力等。同时介绍了国外对教师实施冥想训练的方案MBWE的思路和内容,藉此为教师职业倦怠的预防和干预提供新的参考框架:通过发展支持性、非评判的空间来培养教师对健康和幸福的自我决定能力;让教师通过体验自身的存在来接纳自我、面对现实,从而能回应生活召唤,做出健康的抉择。  相似文献   

This study aims to examine how pre-service teachers learn to teach in Australia context during their practicum and how this learning experience constructs their identities as teachers through activity theory framework. Data were drawn from interviews with two pre-service teachers, interviews with their supervising teachers and university mentors, lesson plans, and supervising teacher’s feedback. The findings indicate that the two pre-service teachers’ identity formation is a continuing process and an outcome of the collective activity through their interaction with their coordinating teachers, mentors and students. We argue that teachers’ identity formation is related to their agency to seek and offer support to others. The pre-service teachers could produce and reproduce their identity in the relevant community through their agentive action to interact with others.  相似文献   

Teacher education institutions play a key role in preparing pre-service teachers to graduate as competent and confident inclusive educators. Seeking to understand pre-service teachers’ current perceptions of diversity and inclusion, and how they perceived themselves as future inclusive educators, this qualitative study employed inductive analysis to explore pre-service teachers’ self-perceptions as inclusive teachers, utilising the theory of possible selves. Forty-six (n?=?46) of 292 pre-service teachers enrolled in an inclusive education subject in a graduate entry teacher education programme in eastern Australia participated in this study. Findings revealed that pre-service teachers had developed good theoretical understanding of inclusive education through their coursework. However, their development of possible selves as inclusive educators was less well-defined in that they had difficulty extending their understandings of who they might be as inclusive teachers beyond their coursework samples. This difficulty in identifying their cultural selves beyond a stereotypical norm of who a ‘classroom teacher’ is indicates a need for more and extensive time for pre-service teachers to develop their professional identities as inclusive educators.  相似文献   

Beliefs about mathematics education and their influences on teaching practices have been widely investigated in recent decades. There have been numerous empirical studies on the influences of religions on teachers’ and students’ beliefs about subjects such as sciences and language. However, the influences of worldviews in general and religions in particular, as one of the major sources of beliefs in relation to mathematics education, are under-researched. The current study is a first step to unpacking the relationship between teachers’ religions and their beliefs about mathematics teaching and learning. By means of semi-structured interviews with mathematics teachers of different religious backgrounds, teachers’ perceptions on the connection between their personal religious beliefs and their beliefs about teaching and learning are investigated. In-depth analyses of the perceptions of three mathematics teachers reveal the complex relationship between teachers’ religious beliefs and their teaching beliefs. First, there are some common values shared by different religions, which influence the beliefs about mathematics teaching and learning as well as education in general. Second, religion is a rich belief system, and the teachers appear to apply only a portion of their religious beliefs to guide their teaching. It is also possible that a teacher is influenced by more than one religion or cultural tradition. Despite its subtleties, our study provides evidence to support the alignment between teachers’ personal religious beliefs and their beliefs about mathematics teaching and learning.  相似文献   

高校青年教师的职业承诺和职业生涯管理不仅影响着教师个体的发展,也影响着高校的发展。为了了解高校青年教师职业承诺与其职业生涯管理之间的结构关系,本研究运用"职业承诺问卷"和"自我职业生涯管理调查问卷",对来自不同高校的218名青年教师进行了调查。结果发现,高校青年教师职业承诺对其职业生涯管理的影响仅在有限的几个维度之间存在:(1)情感承诺、继续承诺对个体的职业探索存在显著性影响;(2)情感承诺对继续学习存在显著性影响;(3)情感承诺、继续承诺对职业目标、注重关系以及自我展示的影响是以规范承诺为中介的。  相似文献   

This study introduces a model of novice teachers’ expectations together with supporting empirical evidence. The model is sectorial, distinguishing novice teachers’ expectations according to their reciprocal relations with their partners in the school. The study investigated 237 teachers attending internship programmes at five large teachers training colleges in Israel, using a self‐report questionnaire. The findings revealed that: (1) the expectations of novice teachers are based on a sectorial organisational view of the school, as proposed by role theory; (2) novice teachers have very high expectations of their organisational work environment; and (3) their highest expectations are for public recognition of the importance of teaching, while the lowest expectations are for receiving support and backing from the partners in the educational process. The article discusses novice teachers’ views of their function as organisational people and of the school as an arena for developing and nurturing their organisational selves.  相似文献   

This is a study of teachers’ modelling of civic virtues in the classroom. It focusses on three virtues of good citizenship: justice, tolerance and solidarity. The aim is to explore the extent to which teachers can be regarded as models of these virtues. Questionnaires were developed for both students and teachers. Factor analyses showed that the three virtues could be empirically distinguished in teachers’ behaviour. The students rated their teachers higher on the justice and solidarity scales than on the tolerance scale. The teachers rated themselves as less just, but more tolerant than they were rated by their students. Furthermore, the correspondence between students’ perceptions and teachers’ self-ratings was not high: correlations were only found between ratings of teachers’ level of justice. The results of the study indicate that teachers need to become more aware of their exemplary function and the way they are perceived by their students.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing discussion about what content that should be taught in science education and there are different views among teachers about what represent good science content. However, teachers are not isolated individuals making their own interpretations, but are part of institutionalised systems building on patterns in the selection of teaching goals and content. Earlier research shows that teachers teach in alignment with different selective traditions, which can be understood as well-developed teaching habits. Individual teachers seem to develop their personal habits on the basis of the contextual situations created by earlier generations of teachers. In order to find out which content teachers find representative for science education, we asked nine teachers to take part in group interviews to talk about what they value as “good” science content. The participants were grouped according to their selective traditions expressed in earlier studies. The method was used to dynamically explore, challenge and highlight teachers’ views. The starting point for the group discussions is national tests in science. In Sweden, national tests in biology, physics and chemistry were introduced in secondary school science (year 9) in 2009. One overarching aim of these tests is to support the implementation of the science curricula and to include for example knowledge about socio-scientific issues (SSI). The content of the tests can consequently be seen as important for teachers to consider. The findings show that ‘resistance’ to including SSI is not just an issue for individual teachers. As individuals teachers can create many kinds of obstacles, but still be interested in integrating SSI in their science teaching. However, in group discussions the teachers tend to collectively adopt the scientific rational discourse. This discourse is what joins them and creates their common identity as science teachers. In turn, they seek to free scientific knowledge from social knowledge and thereby make assessment easier.  相似文献   

以368名教师为对象(其中优秀教师143名、普通教师225名),用问卷调查的方式获取具体的数据,通过分析不同类型教师家庭的差异,探求教师家庭的基本现状以及家庭对教师工作的影响。结果显示,优秀教师家庭幸福感要高于普通教师;普通教师中,幼儿园教师要高于小学、初中、高中教师。在对调查结果进行分析的基础上,提出建议:学校要关心教师的家庭经济生活,提高教师的经济收入;教师也要保持良好的心态,多参加艺术、体育类活动。  相似文献   

A web-based questionnaire was sent to all elementary and middle school teachers in Iceland. The population list, with e-mail addresses, was obtained from the teaching union. The teachers were asked to indicate their major, as well as their experience in teaching Icelandic as classroom teachers or subject teachers. They then rated their competence in teaching Icelandic on a scale from 1–10. Responses were received from 1033 elementary and middle school teachers. Of all teachers, 83.9% had taught Icelandic as classroom teachers and 37.3% had taught Icelandic as subject teachers. All teachers rated their competence as high. Statistically, Icelandic majors and older teachers were significantly more efficacious than others in teaching Icelandic. Those with the lowest competence ratings in teaching Icelandic were sports and home studies majors. However, teachers from all majors had taught Icelandic as classroom teachers, and a significant number of them had taught Icelandic as a subject.  相似文献   

郑国强 《中国德育》2007,2(5):33-36
通过对杭州市近千名中小学班主任的调查发现,中小学班主任的自我效能感主要与师生关系、自身能力、考核评价以及外部支持等因素有关。要增强班主任的自我效能感,班主任需要加强与学生的情感沟通,加强自身能力建设,同时要完善班主任考核、评价制度,强化社会、家庭以及学校其他教职员工的育人意识。  相似文献   

随着高等职业教育的快速发展,高校教师数量也在快速增加,青年教师在高职院校教师队伍中的比重越来越大,因此,加强对年轻教师的培养,促其尽快成长是各高校的当务之急。地方高校要想在未来以教学质量求生存的教育竞争中生存,必须重视青年教师成长中面临的问题,加速对年轻教师的培养,加快他们的成长,使其早日成为一名合格的高职教师。  相似文献   

在与传统观念、社会环境、幼儿园环境及具体教育教学工作相互作用的过程中,男性幼儿教师在其专业发展的道路上面临许多困境。主要是男性幼儿教师的社会地位和工资待遇较低,其次是男性幼儿教师在适应工作环境以及在教育教学及管理中面临的困境。为此,男性幼儿教师要通过自身的努力,让社会认可接受,改变传统观念;而社会要从工资待遇、社会地位及政策等方面给以重视,以留住男性幼儿教师,吸引更多的男性幼儿教师,改变男性幼儿教师专业发展的困境。  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the power of the cultural encounter metaphor in explaining learning and teaching difficulties, using as an example computer science education (CSE). CSE is envisioned as an encounter between veterans of two computer-oriented cultures, that of the teachers and that of the students. Forty questionnaires administered to CS teachers, as well as in-depth interviews with four leading CS teachers, revealed those teachers perceived their students as having a different perspective on the domain, on what constitutes a beneficial approach to problem-solving and on the nature of satisfactory solutions. In fact, the teachers portrayed their teaching as a continual battle in which their success is limited. Yet, their instruction was characterized as a composite of enforcement and compromise, with few and isolated attempts at building on students’ cultural capital. The cultural encounter metaphor, while still viewing students as novices to the professional CS culture represented by their teachers, emphasizes that good teaching requires building upon students’ cultural capital to create zones of fertile cultural encounter.  相似文献   

调查我国部分高校女教师的心理健康状况,以探讨心理压力的成因,为改善和提高高校女教师的心理健康水平提供科学依据。方法采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对我国部分高校的1800名女教师进行心:哩测评。结果不同任教科目、不同职称、不同工资水平的高校女教师在心理健康上的差异具有统计学意义;不同教龄的高校女教师在躯体化、强迫、敌对因子上存在显著性差异。结论高校女教师心理健康状况不容乐观,应尽早加强心。理干预。  相似文献   

远程教育是一条推进教师专业化的全新途径。现代教师要迎接远程教育带来的挑战,必须转变观念,抓住机遇,树立终身学习意识,不断提高自身专业水平,如此,才能做一名新世纪合格的教师。  相似文献   

This paper is a critical ethnography of mathematics teachers in a Cameroonian private, mission school system. Findings from in-depth interviews with secondary mathematics teachers indicate that most of these teachers perceive their educational situation as disconnected, in several ways, from their cultures. However, most participants look to western processes as models for their own development. An analysis of state and international postcolonial hegemonies which influence these teachers is presented, including allocation of resources, curricular agendas, and professional development opportunities.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查和访谈等研究方法,以山西省中小学教师为研究对象,对山西省中小学教师社会经济地位的整体状况和内部差异情况进行调查和分析表明:中小学教师群体的社会经济地位在逐步提高,但仍存在一定的内部分化现象,教师对目前的社会经济地位状况满意度不高。主要表现为:教师对教育系统内部政治权利内容规定的满意度不高,权利意识比较淡薄;教师政治参与程度较低,参与内容和方式比较单一;不同职务教师的政治参与程度存在较大差异,专任教师政治参与程度偏低;教师工资基本能够按时发放,但总体经济收入水平低于期望值;教师群体内部收入差距大,不同类型教师之间存在一定的不平衡现象;教师对有关教师专业权利的规定比较认同,但不能全部拥有和实现;教师对自身专业水平的满意度不高,专业地位有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

Secondary school teachers have quite busy and complex routines in their classrooms. However, present classroom technologies usually require focused attention from teachers while being interacted with, which restricts their use in teachers’ daily routines. Peripheral interaction is a human-computer interaction style that aims to enable interaction to take place both in the center and periphery of users’ attention and naturally shift between the two. We believe that classroom technologies employing the principles of peripheral interaction can reduce attentional resources required for teachers to interact with the technologies, and thus make technologies seamlessly blend into teachers’ routines. In order to design such technologies, a thorough understanding of users’ existing routines is crucial. In this paper, we present a qualitative study on everyday routines of seven Dutch secondary school teachers using contextmapping methodology. The results of two qualitative content analyses reveal an overview of teachers’ routine tasks in their classrooms, as well as rich and vivid contextual information about how teachers allocated their attention in their routines and how teachers experience their routines. Based on these findings, we present opportunities and considerations that may inform the design and development of classroom technologies which are to become part of teachers’ routines.  相似文献   

One hundred and eighty‐nine Israeli high school teachers filled in questionnaires in which they were asked about their philosophy of education and their attitudes toward and the use of their school library. When asked about their philosophy of education many answers reflected the progressive approach, although most of them gave undecisive answers. When asked about their practical work different answers were given. Only 26% of the teachers regularly give their students individual assignments, and only 14% see the contribution of the library to the learning process as very important. There were significant differences among the different departments’ teachers. More social sciences and humanities teachers view the library as an important part of the educational process and use it than the science teachers. The smallest use is made by languages, mathematics, and technical and vocational teachers.  相似文献   

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