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Science teacher education has long sought to educate new science teachers to more fully understand “Science-for-all” and prepare them to effectively navigate diverse contexts. To adopt this “Science-for-all” mantra, we need to address what the labeling (i.e., categorical labeling and/or mislabeling) of students with disabilities means for science teacher education. This paper provides a critical inquiry to ground the claim that disability operates subversively and unrecognized as a marker of difference similar to labels that produce exclusion in science education (e.g., race, class, and gender). Using a phenomenographic design, this research studied graduate students’ conceptualizations of disability as they progressed through the only required diversity course at a large, urban university in the American northeast. Primary data sources included in-depth, pre-/post-course interviews with supplemental data collected from biweekly course reflections. Phenomenographic data analyses addressed to what extent these graduate students embraced a disability studies perspective relative to disability—i.e., viewing disability beyond merely individual deficit. Findings suggest that the course sustained the relatively static conceptualizations about disability held by the participants related to individual deficiency rather than pushing for more critical views of disability beyond deficiency. Implications are discussed in relation to multicultural science teacher education course goals.


从基层教师角度探讨《深化新时代教育评价改革总体方案》中“为什么改”“改什么”“怎么改”的“三改”问题。“三改”是改革的基本性问题。为什么改?教育评价改革是中国社会发展的历史必然;改什么?当前最需要改革的是教育评价中的行政化问题;怎么改?让教育评价回归到评价教育科研成果内容本身。  相似文献   

市属特殊学校(中心)因为具有各种优越条件,具有成为区域特殊教育"中心校"的天然优势,应该发挥区域特殊教育"中心校"的作用;这些作用主要体现在六个方面。然而,现实中森严的行政壁垒及由此而致的"中心校"职能赋予缺乏,妨碍着其"中心校"作用的充分发挥。要消除这些因素,促进区域特殊教育的发展,必须建立以之为中心的区域特殊教育网络。  相似文献   

This article examines how Boalian Theatre of the Oppressed exercises helped instructors and pre-service teachers navigate the consequences of ventriloquized, racialized discourses in a pre-service world language teacher education classroom. Applying a critical and performative approach, we analyse the mostly White student–actors’ varying representations of a “White teacher’s” use of the term “hoodlum” for classroom management and the resulting communication breakdown that occurred between the teacher and a “Black parent.” Findings indicate that rehearsing pre-service teachers’ classroom struggles helped to move the group away from monochromatic perceptions of White/Black, Teacher/Parent interactions to a polychromatic view of interlocutors’ multiple histories and investments. This study has implications for revitalizing the place of world language education in K-12 education, extending the acquisition of second language verbs and nouns to incorporate connections between language, culture, history, and power.  相似文献   

“面子”是中国人的外在形象,中国人历来看重“面子”。“面子”思想根植于传统社会制度和礼仪文化之中,尤其深受传统儒家礼教的影响。传统儒家礼教中所蕴含的“面子”思想相当丰富:既包括“有德之人”的道德“面貌”,也涵括“有位之人”的身份“定位”。“面子”在礼教中表现为社会礼仪上的宁俭毋奢、宁恭毋滥,人伦义务上的孝悌忠信以及人际关系上的依礼而行。肯定传统儒家的“面子”思想,其目的在于丰富人的内在德性与外在德行,为当今道德教育和人格修塑提供历史借鉴。  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to provide a critical analysis of barriers to social inclusion and integration in schools and propose inclusive educational practices that help connect and unite diverse students. Diversity is defined broadly to refer to a range of differences (i.e., overall heterogeneity) across students. We review theoretical frameworks that help explain group dynamics and contextual conditions that contribute to exclusion (i.e., peer victimization, rejection, friendlessness) of students based on ethnicity, sexual orientation, body weight, and so on. We argue that to be able to facilitate inclusion (acceptance by peers, cross-group friendships), educators and school administrators need to be aware of group and interpersonal dynamics. They must also comprehend how some common school practices highlight differences and segregate students in ways that further promote divisions and reinforce negative stereotypes. We propose proactive school-based practices as “built-in” preventions to increase social inclusion. Also, relevant intervention approaches are reviewed. To conclude, we discuss teacher education and professional development and make recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

This article draws on three Canadian research studies to question conventional understandings that access to adult literacy education is a simple matter of providing programs. In the face of women's experiences of violence, commonly overlooked barriers limit “access.” Different forms of violence, their frequency, and the prevalence of medicalizing discourses about violence are examined. Effects of violence on women's attempts to get to programs, complete courses they begin, and learn successfully, are introduced. Educators are challenged to design literacy programs that will support learning and create conditions to counteract the early “training” which tells women they cannot learn.  相似文献   

儿童身体观是社会大众对儿童身体的总体认知。儿童身体观直接影响儿童身体地位,作用于儿童身体锻炼方法与过程。通过解构儿童身体观,分析儿童身体与儿童、教育、社会三者的关系,批判目前儿童身心二元论的身体观,并且以现象学为切入点,重新建构儿童独立身体观。儿童身体是儿童存在于世界上的基本形式,应树立以下三方面独立儿童观:一是儿童身体是“流动的身体”,身体锻炼需全面化;二是儿童身体是“发展的身体”,儿童身体研究需科学化;三是儿童身体是“在场的身体”,儿童游戏活动情境设计需自然化。  相似文献   

“翻转课堂”教学模式实现了学生从学习过程中的“配角”到“主角”的转变,充分激发了学生学习的主观能动性,最大程度地发掘了学生的学习潜力。分析学前教育专业采用“翻转课堂”教学模式背景和可行性,探索“翻转课堂”教学模式在学前教育专业中的实施路径。以“儿童文学”课程为例,阐述了“翻转课堂”教学模式在学前教育专业中的实施方案,以及“翻转课堂”教学模式的缺点和解决策略。  相似文献   

受高等教育者应向培养学校支付培养成本费的观念已被普遍认可,但按何种标准付费的问题目前在国内尚无定论.作者根据中国的国情,应用生产函数(Cobb—Douglas)的一般形式,就教育成本费与国家拨款、家庭收入、学生学费之间的关系进行讨论,并用生产函数建立了产出与投入之间的数学模型:Y=AertX1aX2bX3cX4dY—高校学生培养成本,X1—国家拨款,X2—学生学杂费,X3—城市居民家庭人均收入,X4—农村居民家庭人均收入,ert—投资的时间效益,反映出在某时段内,投入与产出间的比率,它是时间的函数.a、b、c、d分别为国家拨款、学生学杂费、城市居民人均收入、农村居民人均收入的弹性系数.  相似文献   

As the borders between higher education systems continue to erode and competition for qualified students increases, many institutions are exploring variable pricing options, known in the USA as “tuition discounting.” The goal of tuition discounting is to use institutional funds to attract and retain desired students while maximizing net revenue to the institution. Recent changes in higher education funding and tuition structures in non‐US countries have led to interest in how to most effectively allocate institutional aid. This article outlines the basic concepts of tuition discounting, and shares insights for institutions that might be considering this option.  相似文献   

Teachers’ engagement with and in educational research has become an aspiration in many countries. However, this has been counterbalanced with decades of research on the perennial theory-practice divide. This study provides new perspectives by considering the role of epistemic beliefs in pre-service science teachers’ (PSSTs’) acceptance or rejection of “Education Studies” from their Initial Teacher Education (ITE). Individual case profiles demonstrate how PSSTs compare knowledge in science with knowledge in education. Certain belief profiles can be seen to present barriers to evaluating education research as valuable. Thus, we argue for epistemic development and support with boundary crossing in ITE.  相似文献   

Private tuition, or “shadow education”, has become a prominent feature in many countries internationally. A number of studies have found that such tuition is associated with improved examination performance and enhanced access to tertiary education. However, these studies have generally not taken into account important attitudinal differences between tuition participants and nonparticipants or explored variation in the intensity of young people's involvement in paid tuition. This paper uses a large-scale survey of upper secondary students in the Republic of Ireland to explore the impact of different levels of involvement in private tuition on student performance. Multilevel regression and propensity score matching techniques indicate no significant performance advantage accruing to involvement in private tuition when adequate account is taken of key differences between participants and nonparticipants. All else being equal, even relatively high levels of involvement in private tuition do not enhance academic performance.  相似文献   

Traditional assumptions favouring native English language countries in transnational higher education (TNHE) overlook experiences of international students in new emerging Asian education hubs. Specifically, there has been limited research relating to international students’ choice for studying in Malaysia. Drawing from the “push-pull” model of factors influencing the movement of international student destination choice, this study identifies determinants of student destination decision for TNHE. While acknowledging perceived qualities and values of individual institutions as important criteria, findings from interviews with students that are currently enrolled at international branch campuses also indicated key influences driven by “pull” factors of country image – attractive features of Malaysia, i.e. comparatively low cost of living, low tuition fees, safe country for living, stable government, modern amenities, proximity in culture and religion and freedom from discrimination – as focal motives in their choice decision. These findings provide implications for policy-makers to deploy their educational resources as well as develop effective promotional and marketing strategies in promoting the local reputation and amenities in order to attract more international students.  相似文献   

The funding of higher education in South Africa has in the recent past been a subject of animated debate. This debate has ranged from the adequacy of government funding of higher education, the suitability of the funding framework, to protestations against frequent tuition fee increases. At present, the debate is mainly about “free” higher education. Unlike most African countries, South Africa has an established history of cost sharing. But, for a while now, students, especially Black students, have been demanding tuition free higher education even though the country has a student financial aid scheme to support talented but poor students. The demands for tuition free higher education suggest, among others, the possible existence of financial barriers to higher educational opportunities. This paper is a sequel to the debate on free higher education in South Africa. It seeks, in the main, to understand and examine the rationale and drivers for the students’ demand for “free” higher education. What are the financial barriers to higher educational opportunities that the current funding architecture has failed to address? Secondly, why are students demanding free higher education when there is a scheme to support talented but poor students? Is cost sharing inconsistent with the country’s post-apartheid transformation policy in higher education? Finally, is “free” higher education the panacea to the access and participation challenges facing Black students?  相似文献   

1920年的北高师图书馆学讲习会是近代中国首次全国性的图书馆员在职专业培训。全程参与其中的杨昭悊连载于《晨报》的相关评述文章,记载了这期讲习会的盛况,提出了诸多图书馆学科建设和事业发展方面的真知灼见;这些期刊史料是研究中国近现代图书馆事业史和图书馆学教育史非常珍贵的历史文献,对研究杨昭悊图书馆学思想及实践活动亦具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

This article asserts whiteness as an ideology that reaches beyond race/racism to shape and reproduce other interlocking oppressive systems. In higher education, this notion of whiteness permeates commonly celebrated “high impact practices” (HIPs) to undermine the success of trans* students in US postsecondary education. Through an intersectional approach, we illustrate how HIPs lead to jeopardizing trans* students’ success in higher education and advance a different approach that we have coined “trickle up high impact practices” (TUHIPs). TUHIPs prioritize the needs of those students who are most vulnerable and incorporate an acknowledgement of the oppressive contexts within which students with multiple minoritized identities must navigate higher education. We discuss the implications of this approach and offer five recommendations to move higher education institutions toward policies, practices, and systems that support the college success of trans* students.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a coding scheme rooted in the Knowledge Building model, named Conversational Functions for Knowledge Building (CF4KB), to analyze students’ interactions in an online undergraduate course. In order to develop the coding scheme, we analyzed students discourse and identified the kinds of “Conversational Functions” students performed. Connecting these identified functions with Knowledge Building Model principles, we developed the coding scheme to analyze knowledge building [In the present article, we used “Knowledge Building” to indicate the theoretical model and “knowledge building” to refer to the activity of the community members.] activity. Applying the resulting coding scheme, two independent judges coded 186 messages posted into Knowledge Forum by 26 students (5 men and 21 women) attending the online course of Educational Psychology at University of Valle d’Aosta to develop the coding scheme. The inter-coder agreements obtained were 77.3 and 78.0%, with Cohen’s K?=?0.68 and 0.66, respectively for Specific and Global Conversational Functions level. The theoretical implications and possible uses in different contexts for future inquiry of this instrument are discussed.  相似文献   

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is a contemporary approach to promote science with and for society for aligning scientific innovations with societal needs. Literature about education for RRI is limited because it is not a widespread practice at the moment. To explore this gap, this study examines teachers’ views about a novel inquiry game with Augmented Reality to foster inquiry skills for RRI. This game about Genetic-Modified food was used by 18 educators from Secondary and Higher Education who engaged 390 students to form opinions about risks and benefits of GM cereal. The thematic analysis of qualitative data: semi-structured questionnaires, teaching reports and focus groups, revealed motivations and practices that influence teachers’ adoption of OER created with new technologies. Findings revealed that the 3-phase-model approach used in the game engaged students to “CARE” about global issues, “KNOW” science concepts and “DO” actions through an active open schooling network. The key drivers for educators’ adoption of AR inquiry games are to make learning more meaningful and engaging through students-centred approaches and topical resources for them to develop scientific knowledge and skills. However, the key requirements for that are easy-to-use technologies and pedagogical strategies for identifying learner’s achievements and difficulties.  相似文献   

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