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广东高校研究生管理人员工作满意度调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用自编的《工作满意度问卷》对广东省高校研究生管理人员的工作满意度进行调查研究。统计分析的结果表明:评定研究生管理人员工作满意度的相关因素从强到弱是工作回报、工作本身、制度因素、领导因素、自我效能感、人际关系、工作负荷。研究生管理人员在工作满意度各个维度的得分,从高到低的排列是:自我效能感、工作本身、领导因素、人际关系、工作回报、工作负荷、制度因素。研究生管理人员的总体满意度为中等,但在制度因素、工作负荷、工作回报三个维度上的得分均低于"基本满意"的中等水平。男性的总体工作满意度比女性高,年龄、从事本工作的年限对"工作本身"、"人际关系"两个因素有影响,但对总体满意度没有影响;月收入不同的管理人员对"工作回报"的满意度不同,但月收入对总体满意度没有影响;学历对工作满意度没有影响。  相似文献   

目的:调查医学研究生学业满意度并分析其影响因素。方法:采用整群抽样的方法,自行设计医学研究生满意度调查表,对医学研究生进行网络问卷调查。结论:学生学业总体满意度与所在年级存在负相关关系;教学资源及教学管理满意度是影响学业满意度的主要因素;部分导师科研水平不足影响学生对导师总体满意度;论文写作是当前医学生最为困扰的问题。启示:加强研究生教育教学条件和资源建设;以课程建设为重点,以能力培养为核心,优化人才培养方案;加强管理,提高导师队伍带教水平。  相似文献   

本文对518名大学教师进行内部资源满意水平及其影响因素的调查结果显示:①大学教师内部资源满意度在整体上处于"中立"和"满意"之间,不同工龄的教师对内部资源的满意水平存在显著差异;②影响内部资源满意度的个人因素是工龄、月薪、年龄、学科领域、职称;③影响内部资源满意度的最主要因子是教师对"图书馆支持"的满意度;④内部资源满意度对教师总体的工作满意度有较大影响,其中"科研资源"满意度对工作满意度的影响最大。  相似文献   

本文以东南大学为例,对220位本科生进行问卷调查,结合描述性分析与因子分析方法对问卷进行统计并对慕课满意度的影响因素进行分析。结果显示学生对慕课认知程度偏低、黏性不足,学生对现行慕课满意度总体评价为基本满意,其中更为关注教学氛围、师资队伍与教学内容。因此,正确处理好"学习质量、学习效果"与"学校认可度、社会认可度"的关系是慕课健康可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

根据全日制教育硕士对教育实习满意度的现状调查,探究影响学生实习满意度的主要因素及其相互作用路径。基于国内外相关研究和理论分析构建出全日制教育硕士教育实习满意度影响因素的概念模型,并通过结构方程模型来验证假设。研究结果显示:学生教育实习的满意度主要受客观和主观2个方面6个维度的影响,其中总体满意度受实践导师、实习条件以及自我认可与肯定的正向影响,受学生的预期期待值的负向影响,而实践导师、实习任务和学校支持与服务3个维度又会通过预期期待的中介作用影响总体满意度。为此,需要培养单位重视教育实习,做好与实习单位的协调沟通工作,提升学生的生活满意度,并且保持学生对实习的适度期望,培育学生的自我效能感,提升教育硕士的实习满意度和实习成效。  相似文献   

以X大学604名三四年级的本科学生为调查对象,使用因子分析和线性回归对影响教学质量满意度的因素进行分析,结果发现教风和学风是影响教学质量学生满意度的最重要因素,其余各因子对教学质量总体满意度的影响程度由大到小的顺序是课程设置因素、实习实践因素、教师因素、管理和服务因素、硬件设施因素,这启示改善相应条件可以提高学生对教学质量的满意度。  相似文献   

目的:以本科社会医学课堂实践为基础,了解学生对于视频案例教学模式的满意度状况及其影响因素.方法:对443名调查对象进行问卷调查,调查方法主要是自填问卷式,作答结束由调查员进行核对,共回收问卷443份.对于定量资料采用SPSS17.0统计软件包进行统计分析,进行卡方检验,单因素方差分析和Logistic回归分析.结果:统计分析得出对社会医学视频案例教学的评价满意的为33.4%,基本满意的为65%,这说明总体满意度较高;单因素方差分析得出专业、对于教学方式适应程度、对学习的帮助、与没有视频案例教学相比、就其利弊的评价、内容的针对性等8个因素对总体满意度有统计学意义;Logistic回归分析,筛选出与没有视频案例教学相比、使用频率共2个有统计学意义(P<0.05)的变量.结论:学生对于视频案例教学模式的满意度较高,其中的影响因素有教学方式适应程度、对学习的帮助、与没有视频案例教学相比、就其利弊的评价、内容的针对性等8个因素,其中与没有视频案例教学相比、使用频率2个因素对满意度影响较大.  相似文献   

合并高校教职工合并满意度及其影响因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对山西、陕西两省四所合并高校教职员工的合并满意度是采用经过信度效度、检验的自编问卷进行研究的。研究结果表明:1.高校教职工对合并的总体满意度不高。2.影响教职工合并满意度的因素可归纳为三个:领导与管理因素、个人利益因素和学校形象因素,其中领导与管理因素的影响最大。  相似文献   

利用学生满意度理论对N大学中外合作办学项目的学生满意度进行调查分析,结果表明该项目的学生满意度总体评价较好,但不同类别学生的评价结果具有明显差异,高年级学生的满意度高于低年级学生,赴外方学习的学生满意度高于留在中方学习的学生.学生对中外合作办学过程中各具体项目的评价结果表明,课程设置、实验室条件、教学模式、教材选用等因素较大程度上影响了学生对中外合作办学项目的总体满意度水平。  相似文献   

本文针对"参与互动式"创新型教学模式,参照国际CSS、SSA、SSI量表,以吉首大学文化产业管理专业为例,构建教学模式创新对学生满意度影响的测评指标体系,借助层次分析法和熵权法计算各指标的权重及满意度指数。研究表明:增加参与互动式教学环节比重有助于提高学生的总体满意度,设置不同的"理论课程群"有助于提高学生学习自主性及满意度,优化教学评估体系有助于促进师生精力的投入和学生满意度的提升。  相似文献   

University Student Satisfaction: An Empirical Analysis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The purpose of this research is to gain an empirical understanding of students' overall satisfaction with their academic university experiences. A hierarchal model is used as a framework for this analysis. Fifteen hypotheses are formulated and tested, in order to identify the dimensions of service quality as perceived by university students, to examine students' overall satisfaction with influential factors such as tuition fees (price) and university image, and to determine the impact of students' overall satisfaction on favourable future behavioural intentions. Students' perceptions of these constructs are compared using demographic factors such as gender, age, and ethnicity.

Statistical support is found for the use of a hierarchical model, three primary dimensions, and ten sub-dimensions. In addition, the results support a relationship between service quality and price; service quality, image, and satisfaction; and satisfaction and favourable future behavioual intentions. However, there is no statistical support for a relationship between price and satisfaction. The results also suggest that students' perceptions of the constructs are primarily influenced by their ethnicity and year of study.

The results of this analysis contribute to the service marketing theory by providing empirically–based insight into satisfaction and service quality constructs in the higher education sector. This study will assist higher education management developing and implementing a market-oriented service strategy, in order to achieve a high quality of service, enhance students' level of satisfaction and create favourable future behavioural intentions. 1 1. Missing At Random (MAR) is a condition which exists when missing values are not randomly distributed across all observations but are randomly distributed within one or more sub-samples. View all notes  相似文献   

为了考察大学生领悟社会支持与生活满意度之间的关系,本文采用《领悟社会支持量表》(PSSS)和《生活满意度量表》(SLS)对368名被试大学生进行问卷调查。结果如下:(1)领悟社会支持和生活满意度在人口学变量上的分析表明,性别在领悟社会支持及其各要素上存在主效应;性别和专业在家庭支持上存在交互效应;专业在生活满意度上存在主效应。(2)领悟社会支持和生活满意度的相关分析表明,大学生的生活满意度与领悟社会支持总分、家庭支持、朋友支持及其他支持均呈显著正相关。(3)生活满意度对领悟社会支持及各因素的回归分析表明,家庭支持、朋友支持和其他支持均能显著预测大学生的生活满意度。通过分析,得出如下结论:大学生领悟社会支持是大学生生活满意度的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted in which 288 undergraduate college students taking 17 live, interactive telecourses at 68 remote sites were asked to report their satisfaction with various aspects of their telecourses as well as their overall satisfaction with those courses. In addition, a measure of relative academic performance was calculated for each student in which performance in the current telecourse was compared to prior academic performance. Results showed that high levels of relative performance were associated with (1) student satisfaction with the technological aspects of the courses, (2) student satisfaction with the promptness of material exchange with the instructor, and (3) overall student satisfaction. Practical implications of these results are discussed.


OBJECTIVE: The United States General Accounting Office (United States General Accounting Office [USGAO], 1989) report on out-of-home care affirmed that the foster care system is in crisis. To shed light on some factors that influence retention, the study reported here asked "What factors influence the satisfaction of foster parents?" and "What factors influence the intent of licensed foster parents to continue to foster?" METHOD: A sample of 539 foster parents in eight urban counties in a large Midwestern state completed questionnaires aimed at addressing these questions. RESULTS: Some of the factors exerting the strongest influence on satisfaction were: feeling competent to handle the children who were placed; wanting to take in children who needed loving parents; no regrets about investment in foster children; foster mother's age; and agency social worker providing information and showing approval for a job well done. An example of factors exerting influence on intent to continue to foster include overall satisfaction, readiness to phone the social worker, number of foster boys in the home, being treated like one needed help oneself, and agency affiliation (private). CONCLUSIONS: Efforts to increase the supply of foster homes through recruitment is not enough. The support, training, and professional regard given to parents after they have begun the fostering task is of greater need. Based on analysis of the findings, implications for practice, programming, and policy are offered.  相似文献   

为更好地了解游客对兵马俑景区的需求与期望,提高游客对景区的满意度,以游客满意度理论为基础,从新浪旅游网、旅评网、大众点评网中选取2009年~2010年关于兵马俑景区的游客网络点评数据,根据点评内容确定指标因素,运用单层次模糊综合评价法对兵马俑景区游客满意度进行评价.评价结果显示兵马俑景区游客满意度为"非常好",表明游客对兵马俑景区总体印象很好.根据游客点评内容,分析了兵马俑景区存在的问题,最后提出改进对策及建议,为景区更好地发展和制定相应的政策提供依据.  相似文献   

International students make a vital contribution to the Australian economy. Due to their importance, a number of studies have been undertaken to examine the living experiences, attitudes and behaviours of international students in Australia. However, very few studies have examined international students' overall satisfaction with their university experience. The primary objective of this paper is to measure the influence of six individual university service factors on international students' satisfaction, and its subsequent impact on behavioural intentions. The results from the structural equation modelling analysis revealed that overall student satisfaction is influenced by the level of satisfaction with academic services, courses offered, access and augmented services. In contrast, administrative services and physical evidence were found to have a non-significant impact on overall satisfaction. Analysis also revealed a strong relationship between overall satisfaction and behavioural intentions.  相似文献   

The Child Abuse Potential (CAP) Inventory and a Work Satisfaction Questionnaire were administered to 228 day-care employees at 40 centers to investigate the relationship between potential for child abuse and degree of job satisfaction. In addition, the ability of the CAP abuse scale to distinguish between groups of day-care employees thought to differ in the quality of child care provided was studied. Small, albeit significant, inverse correlations were observed between abuse scores and two job satisfaction items. As clarity of job expectations and as overall job satisfaction increased, abuse scores decreased. Although abuse scores for all day-care employees were not significantly different from norm scores, significantly lower scores were found for employees from "superior" day-care centers and for employees rated "high" by center directors. Abuse scores for employees rated "high" were also significantly below scores for employees rated "low." While these data indicate only limited relationships between child abuse and job satisfaction, the findings suggest the CAP abuse scale can distinguish some subgroups of day-care employees thought to differ in quality of child care provided.  相似文献   

League tables that rank universities may use reputational measures, performance measures, or both. Each type of measure has strengths and weaknesses. In this paper, we rank disciplines in Australian universities both by reputation, using an international survey of senior academics, and with actual performance measures. We then compare the two types of measures to see how closely they match. The criterion we use for both sets of measures is ‘international academic standing’. We find a high correlation between the survey results and the various measures of research performance. We also find a correlation between the quality of student intake and the survey rankings, but the satisfaction levels of recent graduates do not correlate well with the rankings by academics. We then construct an overall measure of performance, which gives very similar rankings to the survey results, especially for the top-ranked institutions.
Ross WilliamsEmail:

Eighty-four students in an online health education doctoral program taking the first course in the program over one year (four quarters) were surveyed in regards to their computer, Internet, and online course anxiety, and overall course satisfaction. An 18-item anxiety tool with domains in computer, Internet, and online learning was administered in the first and last weeks of an educational research course to assess for changes in student anxiety. A 24-item satisfaction tool with domains regarding the instructor, technology, setup, interaction, outcomes, and overall satisfaction was administered at the end of the course. Results show a significant negative correlation between anxiety and student satisfaction. Student anxiety levels were in the relatively moderate range; changes in anxiety levels over time were not significant. Participants who felt anxious when using computers or the Internet, or when taking online courses experienced anxiety with other domains.  相似文献   

学生对教师开展的教学活动的满意度将影响学生的学习行为和学业成绩。通过对地方高校学生学习行为、对教师教学活动的满意程度和学业成绩的问卷调查,采用斯皮尔曼等级相关系数,分析地方高校学生学习行为与对教师教学活动满意度间的关系,发现影响地方高校学生学业成绩的相关因素,最后提出提高地方高校学生的学业成绩的对策。  相似文献   

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