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The landscape of higher education is more competitive now than ever before. Colleges and universities are changing and refocusing their identity, missions, and strategic visions to better serve students, prospective students, partners, and other external constituencies. As a result, many colleges and universities have changed their name to distinguish and differentiate themselves in this growing and evolving marketplace. This study takes a closer look into the phenomenon of a university strategic name change process and faculty involvement. It addresses the following questions: How much faculty involvement is needed to facilitate a successful university strategic name process? What is the impact of faculty involvement on a university strategic name event? What are the drivers of a university strategic name change? What are the roles of faculty members in fulfilling the desired outcome(s) of university strategic name change events. This paper proposes that faculty involvement is pertinent to the process and outcomes of a strategic university name change.  相似文献   

为了促进学科交叉融合、提高科技创新能力、改变行政权力主导学术事务的现状、实现行政权力与学术权力的相对分离,继国内多所重点大学实施学部制改革之后,部分省属本科院校也陆续开展了学部制改革。实行学部制改革,是省属本科院校内部管理体制改革的重要探索,是对现代大学制度的重要创新,具有相当的优势,也存有一定问题。以国内省属本科院校中较早开展学部制改革的辽宁石油化工大学为例,对其学部的运行模式及管理体制进行认真研究,可以为省属本科院校的内部管理体制改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

论公立高校与教育职员的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
高校行政人员实行职员制是高校人事分类管理的需要,旨在促进高校内部管理的专业化。国外公立高校与管理人员之间的关系的共同特点是:受公法调整,且大多纳入了司法审查的范围。我国公立高校与职员之间的关系属于内部行政关系,但当职员身份丧失时,这种内部行政关系就转化为外部行政关系,应纳入司法审查的范围。职员与教师之间的关系,实质上是职员所代表的公立高校与教师之间的关系。  相似文献   


International students represent a growing market segment for colleges and universities in the U.S. As universities begin to target international students, it will become imperative that university administrators and faculty understand what these students expect once they arrive on campus. The present study, utilizing 686 U.S. and 338 Australian business students was designed to explore university service expectations from a cross-cultural perspective. Results indicate that expectations of Australian students are greater than those of U.S students on three dimensions of service quality. Implications for university administrators and faculty, along with future directions, are discussed.  相似文献   

目前我国的高等职业学校主要有普通本科院校下设的二级学院、高等专科学校、独立设置的职业技术学院和成人高校等。其中独立设置的职业技术学院成为高等职业教育的主力军。作者站在专业教学及管理的角度,指出高职院校在办学条件、学制、师资力量、课程设置、教学评价体系、就业导向等方面存在的问题,并提出一些相应的对策。  相似文献   

This article describes the experiences, perceptions, and available support systems of untenured faculty from a south eastern United States public university system in their progress toward tenure. Survey results were used to develop a model support system for new faculty. Data were collected from an online survey sent to 191 tenure‐track faculty in colleges of education, yielding a 50% (n = 96) response rate. The following research questions guided this research: (a) What are the expectations for teaching, research and service in the colleges of education surveyed? (b) In what ways are untenured faculty supported and/or mentored? (c) What kind of support system(s) need(s) to be in place to assist new faculty in balancing teaching, research, and service expectations? In this mixed‐methods study, respondents were asked about their workload, expectations for tenure, and formal and informal support they received on the tenure track. Untenured faculty reported stressful and unbalanced lifestyles, and work expectations exceeded assigned workloads for several institutions. A new faculty comprehensive support system model is suggested.  相似文献   


Of concern to many educators is in-service education of community college faculty. Some two-year colleges have looked to themselves for in-service programs and activities; many have turned to the university for this. A study was conducted among community college leaders and university professors involved in community college education to determine the current status of in-service education in the community college. Opinions related to this topic as well as the role of the university in in-service education of community college faculty were also sampled.  相似文献   

Effects of Exposure to Part-time Faculty on Community College Transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the past several decades, one of the most significant changes in the delivery of postsecondary education involves the dramatic increase in the use of contingent or part-time faculty. Although the increased use of part-time faculty within higher education makes sense from an administrative point of view, its use does not come without criticism. With community colleges representing a more convenient, affordable, and flexible educational option for a number of students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, examining how exposure to part-time faculty relates to students’ academic goals represents an important area of inquiry. This study draws from social and human capital frameworks and uses hierarchical generalized linear modeling (HGLM) to examine how exposure to part-time faculty relates to community college students’ likelihood of transferring to a four-year college or university. Findings suggest that students tend to be significantly less likely to transfer as their exposure to part-time faculty increases.  相似文献   

通过实地调查发现,转型之际部分独立学院还存在着办学思路不清、办学特色不明显、师资队伍较弱、教学管理不规范等一系列问题。只有从办学理念、师资队伍、教学管理等方面加强内涵建设,切实提高教学质量,独立学院才能发展成为真正意义上的独立民办大学。  相似文献   

FACULTY WORKLIFE: Establishing Benchmarks Across Groups   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Pressures on colleges and universities have spawned numerous studies to improve our understanding of faculty and their worklives, including examinations of faculty satisfaction, morale, motivation and productivity, reward, and retention and turnover. In response to external pressures for improved accountability in higher education, institutional leaders seek to identify outcome measures and generate benchmarks that can be used to assess change over time. The purpose of this study is to propose a structural model of faculty worklife and to test its generalizability by examining possible differences in the model across three cross-sectional samples of probationary faculty at a major research university. Identified trends in faculty perceptions about their worklife over time can be used as benchmarks to aid institutions in retaining faculty by monitoring and improving aspects of their worklives.  相似文献   

高等学校人事争议是高等学校与其编制内聘用的教职员工之间由于辞职、辞退及履行聘用合同所发生的人事争议.随着高等学校人事制度改革的深入,近些年来高等学校人事争议频发,影响了高等学校的和谐稳定.高等学校人事争议产生的原因有各种,如人事管理不合法、不公平和不规范,教职员工不守法、不诚信等.高等学校必须推进人事制度改革,注意效率与公平的结合;增强依法治校理念,依法依章进行人事管理;完善聘用合同制,规范聘用合同内容等,以避免和预防人事争议的产生.  相似文献   

当前,高校之间的竞争主要表现为师资力量的竞争。因此,高校要把人力资源视为学校办学第一资源,在科学发展观指导下,坚持以人为本,坚持改革创新,全面加强教职工队伍建设,推动学校事、业又好又快发展。  相似文献   


At most US colleges and universities, faculty development programmes have assumed a passive role waiting for interested faculty to come to them. For the most part, their activities have been limited to facilitating instructional workshops, managing faculty study leaves and sabbaticals, and providing remedial support for faculty who experience problems in their teaching. As higher education in the US faces political, social and technological challenges, faculty developers must play a more active role in institutional transformation. After providing an historical overview of faculty development in the US and describing the current situation in US higher education, this paper outlines four activities that faculty developers can undertake as change agents to help institutions accomplish the objective of institutional transformation and to foster a stronger academic culture.  相似文献   

我国高校的民主管理存在职责不明、途径单一、大学生被排除在外及缺少程序性规定等缺陷。要保障教职工和大学生民主参与高校管理的权利,必须以高校民主管理理论为基础,从组织结构和制度建设两个方面来建构高校民主管理体系,深化高校民主管理水平,提高高校民主管理质量。  相似文献   

高职院校师资队伍建设是当前职业教育普遍关注的问题。分析浙江省高职院校师资队伍的现状,针对目前高职院校师资队伍建设中存在的问题,从师资队伍建设的定位,规划、特色、机制等方面提出新时期加强高职院校师资队伍建设的具体对策。  相似文献   

向专业性应用型高校转型发展是新建本科院校在高等教育大众化背景下发展战略的必然选择。新建本科院校必须转变发展理念,为学校的转型发展奠定思想基础;做好顶层设计,为学校的转型发展确立目标导向;强化队伍建设,为学校的转型发展提供人才支持;加强应用研究,为学校的转型发展提供智力支撑。  相似文献   

论新建地方本科院校教师队伍的建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
师资队伍建设是高等院校永恒的主题。作为新组建的本科院校,师资队伍建设有它自身的特点,必须用正确的理念来指导,科学定位,合理规划,科学绘制人才强校蓝图;牢固树立以教学为中心、以教师为主体的理念,营造良好的尊师重教氛围;育引聘并举,培养和引进高层次人才,优化师资队伍结构;加强日常管理,健全教师管理的长效机制,激发全体教师的积极性、创造性,在提高师资队伍整体素质上下功夫。  相似文献   

大学生科技创新教育是高职教育的一项重要任务。当前我国的高职教育仍然存在不利于创新能力培养的各种因素,为改变这一状况,需要在观念、管理、师资、学生、课程等方面进行改进和加强,这是当前加强高职院校大学生科技创新教育的可行思路。  相似文献   

通过比较研究法对后发高校的内涵及其超越发展的优势与劣势进行了深入辨析,并据此对后发高校进行了初步分类研究。认为,后发高校是高等学校相对于高水平大学而言的一种状态描述;后发高校超越发展的优势和劣势不能简单地归咎于制度,而是综合影响;相对于"先发高校",后发高校由"后发—先发高校"、"后发高校"、"后发超越高校"三个类别构成。  相似文献   

作为对政府制度安排的积极回应,当前我国高校兴起了一股人工智能学院“建设热”。文章通过调研发现,尽管我国高校人工智能学院在数量上得到迅速增加,但其质量参差不齐,缺乏相应的建设标准。基于未来技术学院建设视角,文章认为高校建设人工智能学院应先做好顶层设计,既要有短期目标和长期目标,又要遵循相应的建设原则。此外,立足于高校人工智能学院的建设实际,文章从凝练未来技术特色、教师队伍与人才培养、教学组织形式与管理体制、国际交流合作与资源共享等方面对其建设路径展开了探讨,以期能够为我国高校科学合理建设人工智能学院提供参考。  相似文献   

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