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An increasing number of students with disabilities are attending higher education. These students might face various difficulties coping with academic skills and with learning methods compared to students without disabilities. Integrating information and communication technologies (ICTs) in academic studies may be effective and constructive for students with and without various disabilities, as ICTs can provide students with adaptive ways to compensate for disabilities and enable them to improve learning. The present study examined students’ knowledge of and accessibility to ICTs and it examined students’ perceptions of the ICTs used by professors teaching in a face-to-face traditional postsecondary educational institute (in Canada) and a distance/blended learning higher education institute (in Israel). The sample included 309 Canadian students and 963 Israeli students who completed questionnaires regarding ICT usage, accessibility, and perceived use by professors. Findings reveal that Israeli students reported higher use and greater accessibility of ICTs and they also reported higher use of ICTs by professors. For both groups of students – those with and without LD/ADHD - accessibility to ICTs was predicted by self-reported knowledge and use of ICTs, professors’ ICT use, gender and nationality. The study’s findings and its implications are likely to be important for promoting access to ICTs for students with and without disabilities in both the traditional higher education modality and in distance/ blended learning contexts.  相似文献   

Teaching is a complex practice that requires teachers to draw upon their content knowledge, pedagogical approaches and strategies, and knowledge about learners in order to support learning. Integrating technology into the teaching and learning practice of a classroom is a strategy that many teachers are drawing upon. This article reports on the initial findings on information communication technology (ICT) implementation in Kenyan secondary schools and discusses factors affecting effective technology integration. The study used questionnaire and classroom observation data to examine what types of ICTs for education are available in secondary schools in Kenya and what training teachers have had in using ICTs for education; teachers’ perspectives regarding the role of ICT in teaching and learning; and what factors might influence ICT integration in teaching and learning in public secondary schools in Kenya. The study found that while few teachers are integrating ICT into their teaching and learning, many teachers are implementing ICT in their teaching.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the concept of the network organisation in relation to the technologised university. Drawing upon the early findings of a study that examines the impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on both organisational and teaching and learning issues in five Australian universities, the authors discuss the way in which discourses of network technology have become articulated to a range of at times paradoxical agendas within higher education. The introduction of new technologies into organisations tends to be portrayed in either transformative or oppressive terms. The complexity of the university experience foregrounds the important role played by pre‐existing organisational practices and narratives in determining the uses and meanings of ICTs in the organisational setting. These observations place into question the notion that the network organisation is a single coherent entity driven by a particular technological logic. Instead, it suggests that network technologies are socially embedded and therefore highly variable in their expression.  相似文献   

大学提供给学生的是什么?简而言之,就是学习环境。杜威的实用主义教育思想注重效用原则,强调实用主义方法是引导人们积极地改造环境。从实用主义角度认识高校信息化教学环境建设,就是为了适应社会变革对创新型人才的需求。信息化教学环境是以ICT技术为支撑的教与学活动开展过程中赖以持续的情况和条件。目前高校信息化学习环境建设存在硬件建设整体设计融合度较低、软件设计考虑师生需求不够、教学评价机制单一、教学服务缺乏个性化支持和一站式服务、总体投入依旧不足等问题。高校信息化学习环境建设需要通过加强顶层设计和部门协同,倡导使用者设计及相关者参与,提供有效学习服务等方式来改变建设模式,从而促进创造性学习的发生。信息化学习环境建设正在成为高校破解的命题,“云大学”的概念已经出现在可能的解决方案中。  相似文献   

过去30年,教学学术无论是理论建构还是制度实践,都逐渐成为高等教育改革运动的热门话题。集中于技术促进学习及教师发展、批判性思维培养、学生参与教学学术及教学学术的学科应用四方面的实践,教学学术运动转换了高校教学质量保障的范式,重塑了大学教师的发展模式。当前,教学学术的发展依然面临困境。教学学术既是教学水平,也是学术类型,更是“学者共同财富”和政策制度。要提升我国高校教师教学学术能力,需要走向科教融合,加强教学学术制度化建设,进行技术融于教学的开发,努力实现“教”“学”融合,推动教师教学能力发展,打造教师提升教学能力方略,提升教师多元教学能力。  相似文献   

The learning/teaching systems through which distance teaching universities (DTU) operate open up new avenues and possibilities of actions not available in conventional universities. Distance education has the potential to widen and expand the significance of higher education in many ways. This article analyzes the potential contribution of DTU to improving learning/teaching practices in traditional universities. It focuses mainly on the experience of Everyman's University, the Open University of Israel. More specifically it discusses seven potential areas of contribution: (1) improving the quality of university level textbooks; (2) enhancing independent study skills; (3) improving the pedagogy of university teaching; (4) promoting inter-disciplinary courses; (5) contributing to inter-university collaboration; (6) advancing the integration of multi-media into the learning/teaching systems of the universities; (7) promoting research on adult learning.  相似文献   

信息技术与高师音乐教学法课程整合的内涵,是通过信息技术所创建的学习环境和学习方式,改变音乐教学法传统教学结构,提高课程教学质量。目前信息技术与高师音乐教学法课程的整合存在课程资源不够丰富、教师综合信息技术不高、滥用信息技术等问题。实现信息技术与高师音乐教学法课程的有效整合,必须加强音乐课程网络资源建设,提高音乐教师综合信息素养,创新高师音乐法课程教学模式。  相似文献   

The Net Generation (those born in or after 1980) rely heavily on ICTs for social and professional interactions, and it has been suggested that they have the expectation that technology will be an integral part of their education. At the same time, it is argued that Facebook has educational potential, and that today's learners should be encouraged and supported to use Web 2.0 technologies for learning in formal education. However, there is growing evidence that the value of Facebook in the educational context does not relate to formal learning at all, but to the ‘social networking’ elements of the site. This Viewpoint article discusses the results of a study to explore students' views towards the use of Facebook in the university setting, especially with regard to learning and integration into university life. The findings suggest support for informal rather than formal learning use of Facebook within the university setting.  相似文献   

Research on work life and job satisfaction of university professors is becoming an important research issue in the field of higher education. This study used questionnaires administered to 1 770 teachers from different levels, types, and academic fields of Chinese universities to investigate job satisfaction among university professors and the relationship between job satisfaction of university professors and the organizational characteristics of the university. The job satisfaction of Chinese university professors includes six dimensions: career development and school management, teaching and research services, salary, benefits and logistical services, professional reputation, teaching and research facilities, and the work itself. The overall job satisfaction levels are close to average, with salary and benefits receiving the lowest level of satisfaction. The organizational characteristics of universities, such as school type, school level, academic field, organizational climate, evaluation orientation, and school management, all have significant effects on the overall job satisfaction of university professors. The organizational climate and school level affect all six dimensions of job satisfaction among university professors.  相似文献   

天津电大在共享专业课程教学资源建设和课程考核改革的实践探索充分说明,要建设适合电大学生自学、符合学科标准规范、被学习者所普遍喜爱的学习资源,不能只依赖普通高校主讲、主编和电大主持教师组成的小精英团队,而必须以贴近平民、呵护平民进步为原则,有效整合大团队协作,特别是充分发挥电大系统人力资源优势才能做到。  相似文献   

面授和网上教学有机结合的整合式教学越来越成为高校教育和培训的主要模式。本文旨在介绍和分析香港理工大学教学发展中心(简称EDC)如何通过网上教学平台的功能,与面授教学结合起来,发挥面授教学和网上教学的各自优势,使教师培训更加有效。EDC的实践表明,在大学教师培训课程中,发挥网上教学的优势,能帮助学员弥补由于有限的面授教学产生的师生之间、学员和学员之间互动的不足。在网上学习中,通过互相的学习观摩和观念碰撞,能激发学员的学习兴趣,有效地促进学员之间进行探究性学习,同时,这种集体学习的方法,能促进在职教师之间的友好交往和学术交流。  相似文献   

和世界其他大学一样,德国大学经历了多次变革,但洪堡主张大学应当秉承教学与科研紧密联合的理念却始终享有崇高的声誉。反观之,重研究、轻教学在中国各级各类大学中已经是一个普遍现象,这种一哄而上的局面所带来的负面效应是显而易见的。反省自身,洞悉他者,通过深层解析不同层次、不同办学模式的各类德国高等教育机构中教授的工作特点,揭示德国大学教授在教学与科研中如何秉承"以研究促教学,以教学带研究"的动态平衡范式,以期能给我们启示。  相似文献   


Vietnam is emerging as an accelerated economic and political society with an increased global presence; thus, increased attention has been given to producing qualified college graduates who can contribute to the growing global economy. Yet challenges exist due to lack of educational infrastructure and ineffective teaching practices. As a result, the Vietnamese government embraces international collaborations in higher education as a way to address educational needs; however, although research exists on policy implications and government priorities, very little is known about how students perceive the teaching methods provided at these collaborative transnational universities. The purpose of this qualitative case study is to examine graduate students’ perceived effectiveness of teaching methods at Vietnamese-German University (VGU), a predominantly technology and engineering university that is an international collaboration between Vietnam and Germany. We seek to answer the research question of, ‘how is the use of student-centred practices effective in an international learning environment?’ Findings from graduate students indicate that collaborative learning, specifically through group work and modified flipped classrooms, are effective ways to maximise student learning. Implications for practice and future research are discussed as ways to emphasise the benefits of student-centred teaching and learning at transnational collaborative universities.  相似文献   

哈佛大学马祖尔教授的教学改革是美国大学信息技术与教学深度融合的典型案例。经过近30年的改革实践,创生了主动学习、同伴互助、讨论对话与及时反馈的新式大班课堂。文章从教育技术学的视角出发,发现马祖尔信息化教学改革的内涵是:在教与学过程中采取结构化、精致化的教学过程与方法;以学生为中心重构教学内容和开发学习工具;信息技术的应用聚焦于支持教学场域中的生生互动和学习反馈。基于此,文章分析了马祖尔信息化教学改革带来的启示,以期推动我国信息技术与教育的深度融合,并为教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   

The passive role of students in their learning and education and the absence of student engagement in higher education institutions (HEIs) are quite common in many higher education institutions in developing countries. The main objective of the research presented in this paper is to explore the influential factors on student engagement in HEIs in the situational frame where student engagement and active learning and teaching do not have a long tradition. To answer our research questions, we conducted a survey with 279 undergraduate students from four universities in Libya. Our findings show that the availability and active usage of the university’s ICTs resources, the university’s reputation and teachers’ activating influence on students most efficiently predict student engagement in HEIs. The role of teachers and their competencies to use active learning techniques are perceived to be very influential in promoting student engagement.  相似文献   

混合培训模式在高校教育技术培训中的行动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过应用混合学习原理在高校进行教育技术基本理论、基本技能培训的行动研究,探索和构建了适合教师教育技术培训的混合培训模式,使高校教师信息技术素养和教学能力得到发展,同时也验证了混合培训模式在高校教育技术培训中的可行性。  相似文献   

The university as a producer of highly qualified human resources contributes not only to economic development, but more importantly, to endogenous technical progress. Although certain students of the subject have tried to prove that research and teaching in universities do not complement one another, most professors would disagree. If university teaching contributes to economic development, then it should also contribute to the improvement of teaching which through its effects on students will also contribute to economic development. A poll that the authors helped to direct of senior university managers indicated strong belief that teaching and fundamental research will remain linked and will continue to be very important parts of the missions of universities for the foreseeable future. Applied research will have a slightly lower priority, but its role will steadily increase in importance. Interestingly, very little priority was accorded to lifelong learning and even less, to third age instruction.  相似文献   

当前,高校公共计算机实验室日益成为集机房教学、上机实践、上机考试、培训、自主学习与实践创新为一体的高校共享平台,传统的高校公共计算机实验室管理模式已无法适应新时期高校人才培养的需求。高校公共计算机实验室管理必须寻求以高水平的实验室技术人员队伍为核心,以先进的技术手段为支撑,以培训机制为辅助的新的管理模式,培养学生的自主学习能力和实践创新能力。  相似文献   

One of the best ways of incentivating the use of ICTs as university teaching tools is by providing clear evidence that this technology helps to increase educational benefits, i.e., that students learn more and more effectively – in conditions of equivalent efforts by both teachers and students. The point, however, is that little has been reported on the specific impact of Web enhancements on classroom activities – the face‐to‐face component of traditional courses – and the nature of that impact. This contribution is intended to publish some evidence based on two well‐documented experiments on the use of the Campus Global, the e‐learning platform for undergraduate, traditional face‐to‐face courses introduced at the Pompeu Fabra University as early as 1998. The first analyses the failures that often accompany the introduction of ICTs into traditional teaching. The second describes the results of an experiment aimed at comparing the academic performance of two equivalent groups of students of the same subject, one receiving ordinary, lecture‐based teaching and the other being taught with the novel use of ICTs. Finally, the results are discussed and future lines of research are proposed.  相似文献   

近年来,我国各个高校不断扩大招生规模,高校教学质量引起了广大教师的重视,对分课堂运用于大学教学的研究掀起了一番热潮。然而,对分课堂运用于中小学的研究不多,关于信息技术的研究更少。本文尝试以高中信息技术为例,采取隔堂对分的教学模式,即第一课堂讲授和第二课堂讨论交流,分别设计了相应的教学内容,尝试为中学信息技术的教学改革与创新做出探索,旨在提高学生的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

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