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英汉交互式跨语言检索系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对跨语言信息检索的查询翻译歧义性问题,采用交互式系统开发设计方法,对基于相关反馈的跨语言信息检索技术进行研究和分析,提出一个英汉交互式跨语言信息检索系统,实现用户辅助查询翻译、多级用户相关性判断,以及翻译优化与查询扩展等相关反馈功能,结果明显提高了检索效果。  相似文献   

随着互联网的不断普及,网络用户分布日益国际化,网络信息语种分布日趋多元化,探究如何跨越语言障碍、实现多语言信息的有效获取是十分必要的,提供多语言信息组织、实现跨语言信息检索成为用户获取多语言信息资源的解决之道。为了解用户在检索多语言信息时的行为过程,本文利用WorldWideScience平台设计了一个多语言信息检索用户行为实验,使用有声思维、观察实验等多种方法对用户行为进行了深入研究,以期为多语言信息检索系统与服务平台的研发与优化提供参考。图6。表5。参考文献12。  相似文献   

当今的科技信息发展环境中,信息检索用户的认知行为和需求心理极为复杂.如何将信息检索中用户的潜意识显现出来,以便更好地服务于检索系统建设,是信息检索研究中的核心难题之一.研究基于流行于欧美国家及港台地区多年的身心语言程式(NLP)理论,从身心、语言和程式三个核心维度出发,构建了信息检索用户的"需求认知、表达与交互模式"、"检索语言认知、表达与交互模式"和"检索目标制定中的心理取向模型".同时结合MP中的锚理论,分析信息检索用户的"心锚"和相关的"空间锚",总结出相应的信息检索规律,构建出检索中锚交互模型、集合关系、双因子矩阵模型和表达式,并对相关的假设模型进行数据检验和优化.  相似文献   

许多研究已经探讨了跨语言和多语言信息检索问题,并提出了多种实现方法,特别是针对查询的翻译.但是大多数的方法都将跨语言检索问题看成是两个分开的步骤查询的翻译和单语检索.而对于多语言信息检索,则另外再加上一个结果合成的步骤.在本文中,我们提出一种一体化的检索方法,即将查询的翻译看成是整个检索过程的一部分.使用这种一体化的方法能充分将翻译和检索中的不确定性结合起来,从而达到更好的整体优化,也能将单语言信息检索的方法用于跨语言及多语言信息检索.  相似文献   

跨语言信息检索进展研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
根据研究对象的变迁,国外关于跨语言信息检索的历程主要分为三个阶段。跨语言信息检索目前的主要解决方法是在单语言信息检索系统上增加一个语言转换机制。解决查询条件与查询文档集间的语言障碍有五种不同的技术路线。跨语言信息检索主要研究热点有翻译歧义研究、翻译资源构建、专有名词识别与音译研究等五个领域。  相似文献   

分析跨语言信息检索的基本模式和翻译消歧关键技术,采用基于词语对共现率和词语间距加权计算的方法,对查询式翻译进行消歧优化,在此基础上构建跨语言商品信息检索系统并应用于图书商品搜索,实验结果证明翻译质量和检索效果得到提高。  相似文献   

在现有数字图书馆信息检索系统的基础上,针对检索结果的查准率和查全率偏低等问题,将智能交互式检索技术与CLIR技术相结合,设计基于跨语言交互式检索模型,并将其引入到数字图书馆系统进行应用。  相似文献   

基于伪相关反馈的跨语言查询扩展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
相关反馈是一种重要的查询重构技术,本文分析了两类相关反馈技术,一是按用户是否参与可分为伪相关反馈和交互式相关反馈,二是按作用于查询的方式可分为查询扩展与检索词重新加权.在此基础上,本文重点探讨了将相关反馈技术应用于跨语言信息检索,提出了翻译前查询扩展、翻译后查询扩展、翻译前与翻译后相结合的查询扩展三种方法.最后,本文通过伪相关反馈实验对这三种方法进行了比较,实验结果显示,三种跨语言查询扩展方法都能够有效地提高检索结果的精度,其中翻译后查询扩展方法相对更优越.此外,查询式的长度对不同跨语言查询扩展方法产生着不同程度的影响.  相似文献   

个性化跨语言学术搜索技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术搜索引擎是一种行业化的搜索引擎,但因其缺乏个性化的服务,使得用户的学术文献检索效率低下,海量的数字学术资源得不到充分利用.本文使用Google翻译,研究基于机器翻译的中、英、俄、法和西班牙等五个语种跨语言学术检索.在跨语言学术搜索的基础上研究个性化检索技术,提出一种基于聚类的个性化信息检索方法:通过观察用户对搜索结果聚类的点击行为,生成并更新用户实时兴趣模型,采用余弦夹角公式计算用户实时兴趣模型与搜索返回结果的相似度,根据相似度大小,为用户提供个性化重排序的搜索返回结果.实验结果证明了提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

信息用户对信息检索相关性判断的因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍相关性是信息检索科学的核心概念,用户观点则是相关性研究的主要观点;从用户角度研究相关性理论,以试验法为研究方法,力图证明存在一个核心的、可以跨不同用户类型、问题情境和信息源环境的关于信息用户在信息需求检索中的相关性判断的因素集,以此阐述如何提高信息检索的准确率,指导信息用户能够及时、准确的查找到所需信息。  相似文献   

We present a system for multilingual information retrieval that allows users to formulate queries in their preferred language and retrieve relevant information from a collection containing documents in multiple languages. The system is based on a process of document level alignments, where documents of different languages are paired according to their similarity. The resulting mapping allows us to produce a multilingual comparable corpus. Such a corpus has multiple interesting applications. It allows us to build a data structure for query translation in cross-language information retrieval (CLIR). Moreover, we also perform pseudo relevance feedback on the alignments to improve our retrieval results. And finally, multiple retrieval runs can be merged into one unified result list. The resulting system is inexpensive, adaptable to domain-specific collections and new languages and has performed very well at the TREC-7 conference CLIR system comparison.  相似文献   

Prior-art search in patent retrieval is concerned with finding all existing patents relevant to a patent application. Since patents often appear in different languages, cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) is an essential component of effective patent search. In recent years machine translation (MT) has become the dominant approach to translation in CLIR. Standard MT systems focus on generating proper translations that are morphologically and syntactically correct. Development of effective MT systems of this type requires large training resources and high computational power for training and translation. This is an important issue for patent CLIR where queries are typically very long sometimes taking the form of a full patent application, meaning that query translation using MT systems can be very slow. However, in contrast to MT, the focus for information retrieval (IR) is on the conceptual meaning of the search words regardless of their surface form, or the linguistic structure of the output. Thus much of the complexity of MT is not required for effective CLIR. We present an adapted MT technique specifically designed for CLIR. In this method IR text pre-processing in the form of stop word removal and stemming are applied to the MT training corpus prior to the training phase. Applying this step leads to a significant decrease in the MT computational and training resources requirements. Experimental application of the new approach to the cross language patent retrieval task from CLEF-IP 2010 shows that the new technique to be up to 23 times faster than standard MT for query translations, while maintaining IR effectiveness statistically indistinguishable from standard MT when large training resources are used. Furthermore the new method is significantly better than standard MT when only limited translation training resources are available, which can be a significant issue for translation in specialized domains. The new MT technique also enables patent document translation in a practical amount of time with a resulting significant improvement in the retrieval effectiveness.  相似文献   

Relevance feedback is an effective technique for improving search accuracy in interactive information retrieval. In this paper, we study an interesting optimization problem in interactive feedback that aims at optimizing the tradeoff between presenting search results with the highest immediate utility to a user (but not necessarily most useful for collecting feedback information) and presenting search results with the best potential for collecting useful feedback information (but not necessarily the most useful documents from a user’s perspective). Optimizing such an exploration–exploitation tradeoff is key to the optimization of the overall utility of relevance feedback to a user in the entire session of relevance feedback. We formally frame this tradeoff as a problem of optimizing the diversification of search results since relevance judgments on more diversified results have been shown to be more useful for relevance feedback. We propose a machine learning approach to adaptively optimizing the diversification of search results for each query so as to optimize the overall utility in an entire session. Experiment results on three representative retrieval test collections show that the proposed learning approach can effectively optimize the exploration–exploitation tradeoff and outperforms the traditional relevance feedback approach which only does exploitation without exploration.  相似文献   

张彦文 《图书情报工作》2014,58(14):139-147
认为多语言信息存取(MLIA)是数字图书馆面临的一个重要问题,而跨语言信息搜索(CLIR)则是MLIA的主要应用,CLIR中以用户为中心的研究相比以技术为中心的研究少但正日益受到重视。目前CLIR中的用户需求、用户行为、用户体验或用户满意度等的定性或定量研究已发展为交互式跨语言信息搜索即interactive CLIR(iCLIR)。从系统的角度对国内外主要的iCLIR研究进行对比,揭示其用户交互技术策略,分析其翻译消歧、查询优化等核心技术,预测未来iCLIR的发展趋势。  相似文献   

As the volume and variety of information sources continues to grow, there is increasing difficulty with respect to obtaining information that accurately matches user information needs. A number of factors affect information retrieval effectiveness (the accuracy of matching user information needs against the retrieved information). First, users often do not present search queries in the form that optimally represents their information need. Second, the measure of a document’s relevance is often highly subjective between different users. Third, information sources might contain heterogeneous documents, in multiple formats and the representation of documents is not unified. This paper discusses an approach for improvement of information retrieval effectiveness from document databases. It is proposed that retrieval effectiveness can be improved by applying computational intelligence techniques for modelling information needs, through interactive reinforcement learning. The method combines qualitative (subjective) user relevance feedback with quantitative (algorithmic) measures of the relevance of retrieved documents. An information retrieval is developed whose retrieval effectiveness is evaluated using traditional precision and recall.  相似文献   

In Information Retrieval, since it is hard to identify users’ information needs, many approaches have been tried to solve this problem by expanding initial queries and reweighting the terms in the expanded queries using users’ relevance judgments. Although relevance feedback is most effective when relevance information about retrieved documents is provided by users, it is not always available. Another solution is to use correlated terms for query expansion. The main problem with this approach is how to construct the term-term correlations that can be used effectively to improve retrieval performance. In this study, we try to construct query concepts that denote users’ information needs from a document space, rather than to reformulate initial queries using the term correlations and/or users’ relevance feedback. To form query concepts, we extract features from each document, and then cluster the features into primitive concepts that are then used to form query concepts. Experiments are performed on the Associated Press (AP) dataset taken from the TREC collection. The experimental evaluation shows that our proposed framework called QCM (Query Concept Method) outperforms baseline probabilistic retrieval model on TREC retrieval.  相似文献   

综述命名实体识别与翻译研究现状,提出基于信息抽取的命名实体识别与翻译方法,以及对该方法进行一系列集成优化处理,并实现了基于命名实体识别与翻译的跨语言信息检索实验。实验结果显示出命名实体识别与翻译在跨语言信息检索中的重要性,并证明了所提出的翻译加权和网络挖掘未登录命名实体方法的应用能显著提高跨语言信息检索的性能。  相似文献   

This study develops regression models for predicting the performance of cross-language information retrieval (CLIR). The model assumes that CLIR performance can be explained by two factors: (1) the ease of search inherent in each query and (2) the translation quality in the process of CLIR systems. As operational variables, monolingual information retrieval (IR) performance is used for measuring the ease of search, and the well-known evaluation metric BLEU is used to measure the translation quality. This study also proposes an alternative metric, weighted average for matched unigrams (WAMU), which is tailored to gauging translation quality for special IR purposes. The data for regression analysis are obtained from a retrieval experiment of English-to-Italian bilingual searches using the CLEF 2003 test collection. The CLIR and monolingual IR performances are measured by average precision score. The result shows that the proposed regression model can explain about 60% of the variation in CLIR performance, and WAMU has more predictive power than BLEU. A back translation method for applying the regression model to operational CLIR systems in real situations is discussed.  相似文献   

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