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学习不良儿童的孤独感及其相关因素研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:探讨学习不良儿童孤独感状况及其影响因素。方法:采用儿童孤独感量表、社会支持问卷、应对方式问卷和EPQ量表分别对96名学习不良儿童和102名一般儿童进行调查。结果:学习不良儿童孤独感得分高于一般儿童孤独感得分(t=3.02 P<0.01);学习不良儿童社会支持量表总分及各因子分均低于一般儿童(P<0.01);应对方式问卷的消极应对因子分及EPQ的精神质、神经质显著多于一般儿童(P<0.01)。相关分析表明:消极应对、社会支持及神经质个性是影响学习不良儿童孤独感的主要因素。结论:重视提高学习不良儿童的心理健康水平,减轻其孤独感。  相似文献   

学习不良儿童一直以来是教育者们关注的一个特殊群体.研究表明其自我概念整体水平低于一般儿童,学习不良儿童的自我概念与心理健康呈较高正相关.家庭、教师、同伴群体和社会文化对儿童自我概念的形成发展产生着重要影响,教育者应努力发挥自身作用促进学习不良儿童积极自我概念的建立.  相似文献   

学习不良儿童一直以来是教育者们关注的一个特殊群体。研究表明其自我概念整体水平低于一般儿童,学习不良儿童的自我概念与心理健康呈较高正相关。家庭、教师、同伴群体和社会文化对儿童自我概念的形成发展产生着重要影响,教育者应努力发挥自身作用促进学习不良儿童积极自我概念的建立。  相似文献   

学习不良儿童自我概念、归因风格与心理健康的相关研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用“田纳西自我概念量表(TSCS)”、“多维——多向归因量表(MMCS)”及“临床症状自评量表(SCL-90)”,对初中一、二、三年级288名一般儿童和学习不良儿童施测。结果发现,学习不良儿童的自我概念、归因风格与一般儿童差异显,且二与其心理健康水平呈高相关。这一结果提示,加强积极自我概念和归因风格的培养将有助于学习不良儿童心理健康水平的提高。  相似文献   

儿童学习障碍不仅仅是一种认知障碍,同时还有心理行为方面的问题,包括:多动和注意缺陷、焦虑和抑郁、攻击和违纪,以及社会交往不良等。造成上述现象的主要原因有学习障碍儿童自我概念较低、家庭不良环境影响等。教育者可以通过认知训练、合作学习以及塑造新行为等策略干预和矫正学习障碍儿童的心理行为问题,从而提高他们的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

对学习有障碍儿童的教育越来越引起人们的关注。这是由于学习有障碍的儿童的教育问题直接影响着义务教育的质量。学习有障碍的儿童一般指除残疾儿童外,由于智力差、行为问题、心理障碍、疾病侵扰,教学不适以及不良社会环境等各种原因致使在正常情形下学习明显落后于教学大纲要求水平.而需要采取特殊教育方式的学龄儿童和个体心理发展水平严重落后的学龄儿童。  相似文献   

对学习不良最早的正式界定出自Kirkl962年。自20世纪80年代以来我国对于学习不良儿童的研究日益增多,学习不良儿童的教育问题受到广泛关注。我国对学习不良儿童影响因素的研究涉及的因素很多,如社会因素、家庭因素和个体因素等。国内研究者从智力结构、社会适应水平、家庭因素、自我概念等角度探讨儿童学习不良的问题。  相似文献   

一问题提出学习后进生(有人又称学习困难学生、学习差生、学习落后生、学业不良儿童等)是指由于智力差异、行为问题、心理障碍、疾病侵扰、教学不适应以及不良社会环境等各种原因,致使在正常教育情形下,学习成绩明显落后于教学大纲(九年义务制教育)要求水平,而需要采取特殊教育方式的学龄儿童和个体心理发展水平严重落后于儿童年龄特征水平的学龄儿童(残疾儿童除外)。本研究的被试取自一般农村小学自然状态下学习有困难,学习成绩持续维持在较低水平的学生。长期以来,学习后进生的研究一直受到中外心理学界及教育界的重视。在西方…  相似文献   

请关注学习不良学生的心理健康   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学习不良是指学生智力水平正常,但在听、说、读、推理、数学能力或社会技能等方面有显著困难,与其它智力相当的学生之间有明显差距。这一问题是教育界及心理学界热切关注的。近来人们对于学习不良学生的。心理健康问题也有了新的认识,应引起教育工作者的注意。一、学习不良学生的心理健康状况研究表明,学习不良学生与非学习不良学生比较,他什1突出的问题是情绪不适应和心理疾病。具体表现如下;首先,学习不良学生显得更为焦虑、对学习不良学生的研究表明,这种高焦虑水平还与睡眠障碍有密切关系。一般来讲,焦虑是由于犯错误、受取笑…  相似文献   

<正>社会能力是儿童发展的重要组成部分,它不但影响儿童的人际交往、心理健康、生活与学习质量,而且在很大程度上能预测儿童将来的人际关系、情绪情感调控和社会适应等方面的发展水平[1]。开端计划的最早倡导者之一Zigler曾指出:社会技能应该成为开端计划早期干预项目的主要内容[2]。近30年来,儿童社会能力培养在理论和技术层面都得到了迅速的发展,并且这些技术的运用确实改善了部分儿童尤其是不良儿童的  相似文献   

学习困难儿童的心理特点与教育策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
儿童学习困难的问题是学校、教师、家长、学生共同关心的话题。在系统地分析学习困难儿童的神经心理、认知心理、社会性发展和心理健康等特点的基础上,提出训练学习困难儿童的学习策略。归因策略和认知监控策略的教育对策。  相似文献   

学习困难儿童心理特点、影响因素及教育策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导致儿童学习困难的因素有很多,除了神经心理、认知心理、社会性发展和心理健康特点等因素外,还有其自身身体素质和学校及家族影响。教育者应在提高其健康水平基础上,促进其认知发展,矫正其社会性发展。  相似文献   

我国学习障碍儿童绝大多数在普通学校普通班接受教育,但目前学校对这部分儿童的教育处于缺失状态,不少教师对学习障碍知之甚少,不能及时、正确、科学地进行教育干预。普通班学习障碍儿童的教育干预应以教师特别是班主任为主体,干预要涉及生理和心理两个层面,干预策略应以心理健康教育为基础,以个别化教育为关键。  相似文献   

This article presents information about the attitudes and beliefs of mothers concerning their children in learning disabilities classes. Four mothers were interviewed over a 1-year period. Their comments about services provided by educational and mental health professionals indicated high levels of frustration and dissatisfaction. Parental expectations and perspectives differed from those of educators. Participants and educators were found to view learning disabilities differently.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that the diagnosis of a comorbid learning disability is dependent on the method used for making the LD diagnosis. This study investigated that proposition by studying the effects of using three approaches to the assessment of learning disabilities in a sample of 177 six- to thirteen-year-old boys referred to outpatient mental health clinics for behavior problems. The use of these three procedures to diagnose comorbid learning problems produced significantly different results. All methods identified significant numbers of children in the clinical population as learning disabled; however, each method identified children with differing characteristics. Consistent with predictions from measurement theory, the commonly used simple standard score discrepancy method was more likely to identify children with above-average IQs as learning disabled, whereas a regression approach identified learning disabilities more consistently across the ability range. These results were interpreted as supporting the use of regression approaches to diagnose co-occurring learning disabilities, as that method is less likely to be biased by the child's intelligence test score. The implications of the use of each method in research investigations is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is set against the backdrop of new policies and legislation regarding the health, welfare and education of children and young people in England. In response to these policies, the Department for Education and Skills has developed an increasing number of strategies to support the psychological health and well-being of children and young people and thereby signalled greater recognition of the value of improving mental health in relation to children's learning, achievement, attendance and behaviour. Counselling is increasingly seen as an effective strategy for addressing the psychological needs of children and young people with social, emotional, behavioural and academic problems. The aim of this paper is to explore the inclusion of children and young people with learning disabilities (13–19 years) in mainstream counselling services. The nature of learning disabilities is examined in relation to accessing counselling services and a model for inclusive counselling practice is developed from the research findings. Findings are based on data collected from a quantitative survey ( n =396) of 3000 counsellors and analysed using SPSS, along with qualitative data from the survey, which was analysed using a thematic approach.  相似文献   

本研究主要通过问卷调查分析智障儿童学习活动支持程度的特点。通过研究发现,不同性别、年龄、家庭所在地、父母受教育水平、家庭序列的智障学生在基本学习活动、自我决定活动、健康与安全活动所需支持程度差异不显著;不同家庭社经水平的智障儿童在自我决定活动、健康与安全活动所需支持程度差异不显著,但在基本学习活动上差异显著;不同智力水平在基本学习活动、自我决定活动所需支持程度差异显著,但在健康与安全活动方面差异不显著;不同适应行为水平的智障儿童在自我决定活动、健康与安全活动所需支持程度差异显著。  相似文献   

探讨学习不良大学生的心理状况及教育策略。方法:用心理健康量表(SCL—90)、成就动机量表(AMS)和自我概念量表(TSCS)对学习不良大学生进行调查,并随机选择了对照组。结果:学习不良大学生心理健康状况较差,在成就动机方面两组大学生也存在差异。结论:针对大学生学习不良现象教育者必须查找到其不良的真正原因,并且应该从学校、教师及个人三方面进行努力去改变它。  相似文献   

A basic need for a child is to belong to a group ( Maslow, 1970 ). Groups help children: to develop relationships and to foster individual mental health ( Johnson and Johnson, 1989 ); and disabled and non‐disabled children, when given assistance, can develop relationships with each other ( Sideris, 1998 ). But there are very few opportunities in Cyprus for children with multiple disabilities and visual impairment to learn alongside mainstream school children. A ten‐week pilot programme was developed and implemented in a Cypriot mainstream and specialist school to examine whether interaction between children with multiple disabilities and visual impairment and mainstream school children can be achieved through the co‐education of the two groups. Three primary school children with multiple disabilities and visual impairment from a specialist school and 15 children with no disabilities who attended a neighbouring mainstream primary school took part in this programme. Central to the programme was the principle that every child has the right to participate in common learning and playing ( Feuser, 1982 ). This paper reports those key findings from the evaluation of the programme from the perspective of the children that took part in it. We show that, even over a short period of time, co‐education can be achieved and be of benefit to both groups.  相似文献   

情绪对人们的生活具有重要的影响,但是,学习不良儿童的情绪研究却被忽视了。实际上。学习不良儿童比一般儿童具有更多的情绪问题。文章介绍了有关学习不良儿童焦虑与抑郁情绪的研究。揭示了学习不良与情绪困扰之间的关系,并提出了改善学习不良儿童情绪问题的有效措施。  相似文献   

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