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“无论何时何地,每个人都有意无意地扮演着某种角色”,教师亦是如此。每一位教师都扮演着多种角色:社会中的公民、学校中的教师、家庭中的成员等等。教育学将教师视为“教育者”,社会学视角下的教师则是一种“社会角色”。本文试图从另外一个视角,即社会学的视角对教师的角色特征进行剖析,充分理解教师角色,缓解角色冲突的危害,推动教师专业化发展。  相似文献   

论校长的角色冲突与核心角色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对校长的基本角色与相关角色冲突的主要类型和成因进行分析基础上,提出确立校长核心角色———学校专业领导者的必要性与价值,应具备的素质和主要职责。  相似文献   


This article explores definitions of maturity, drawing out the essential elements of what makes up the mature person and how this relates to culturally determined norms of behaviour. It compares and evaluates models formulated by Douglas Heath and Malcolm Knowles and applies them to the author's experience of teaching in higher education. It goes on to relate the concept of maturity to the way learners develop their personal skills and qualities. It illustrates that maturity is a goal of personal effectiveness and that it can be fostered through sensitive teaching and learning strategies designed to promote autonomy, stability, allocentrism, symbolisation and integrity, the key elements of maturity as defined by the psychologist Douglas Heath.  相似文献   

Eight participants at the annual NCSE conference held at Bristol in April took part in a taped discussion about the changing role of teachers in special education. an edited version of their discussion appears below
What are the new challenges you now face in special education and what problems arise in meeting these demands?  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,大学院长在学院和学校中发挥的作用越来越突出,其角色冲突也愈发明显,具体体现为角色间的冲突和角色内冲突两类。这两类角色冲突是由社会环境、学校内部管理体制外部原因和院长自身科学素养内部原因引起的,引起的角色冲突极大影响了学院甚至是学校的教育改革的进程,亟需社会、学校和大学院长自身进行调试,缓解角色冲突,保证教育事业健康发展。  相似文献   

教师作为构成大学组织的基本要素,其发展对大学以及高等教育系统的发展起着极为重要的作用。大学教师在专业方面的知识权威是其工作的基础。大学教师通过获得高深学问,从而获得专业方面的学术权力。大学教师学术权力影响的大小取决于他们在发展高深学问领域中的地位、角色与作用。增进大学教师在高深学问领域中的权威与影响力是提升高等教育水平以及科学研究水平的至关重要的途径。因此,促进大学教师的发展应主要着眼于其在高深学问方面的发展,实现其知识人的角色。  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论发端于皮亚杰的发生认识论。 90年代以后 ,由于多媒体计算机和基于Inter net的网络通讯技术为建构主义学习环境的实现提供了技术支持 ,建构主义学习理论在教育界产生深远的影响。建构主义学习环境的实现使教育模式和教育理念发生了变化 ,教师的角色和学生的角色也随着变化 :教师从传统教学中单一的知识传授者转向学生意义建构的帮助者、协作者、组织者和促进者 ;学生从传统教学中知识的被动接受者转向信息加工的主体和知识意义的积极建构者  相似文献   

高校辅导员角色组合变化及角色调适   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
辅导员是高校学生教育与管理工作队伍的重要组成部分,新时期的高校辅导员角色是一个动态的角色组合.辅导员在领悟和扮演其角色过程中常会出现角色障碍现象,具体表现为角色模糊、角色冲突和角色紧张.做好辅导员角色障碍的调适工作,可以有效消除角色差距,使辅导员较好地进入工作状态.  相似文献   

翻译的目的就是要使译作忠实地体现原作的思想内容及风格。然而,译者在努力追求这一境界的同时,其译作中流露出译者个人风格在所难免,任何译作都会留有译者再创作的痕迹,这是由译者在翻译中的角色所决定的。对译者的翻译风格不应简单地否认或抹煞,而应正视其存在,努力实现译者风格与作者风格的辩证统一。  相似文献   

随着信息化学习型社会的到来,教师的传统优势似乎不再明显,许多教师面临着“今天怎么当教师”的角色困惑,甚至出现了“职业倦怠”倾向。本文以对人生角色的感悟为出发点,从当代教师的作用观、关注点、自身修养的变化以及教师的理性思维和教师的教育信念等方面,分析阐明了当代教师在其角色意识当中所应明确的角色定位和角色职能实现的基础。  相似文献   

社会角色是指人们的某种社会地位、身份相一致的一整套权利、义务的规范与行为模式,它是人们对具有特定身份的人的行为的期望。在社会中,角色不是孤立存在的,总是与其他角色联系在一起,这样一组相互联系,相互依存、相互补充的角色就是角色集。任何一个人都不可能仅仅承担某种社会角色,而是承担着多种社会角色,他所承担的多种角色又总是与更多的社会角色相联系。〔1〕由于个人同时扮演不同的角色,每一个角色都有自己特定的角色集,而该角色集中与之发生互动的角色伙伴对他都有一定的角色期望。当这些期望彼此出现矛盾或个体对过多的…  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,教师承担的角色趋向多元,社会对教师的期待要求越来越高.教师要达到社会对自己的期望,必须不断地充实自己,努力实现角色社会化.教师实现角色社会化的途径有获取资格、提高学历、在职培训、在校培训、自我学习等.  相似文献   

从上世纪80年代开始,我国出现了民办高等学校。20多年以来,民办高等教育得到了较快的发展,但是,相关法律与政策的滞后,制约了民办高等教育的发展。民办高等学校属于社会主义公益性事业,是社会主义教育事业的组成部分,与公办高等学校具有同等的法律地位;民办高等学校实施的学生管理行为是特殊的行政行为,民办高等学校是学生管理纠纷行政诉讼中的适格被告。  相似文献   


This study examined verbal interruptions of eight role groups of third grade students when responding to or initiating talk with teachers. Attention was also given students interrupting their classmates. Data were collected from ten classrooms-245 heterogeneously grouped students-using the Feshbach Situation Test and Flanders Interaction Analysis. Teachers and Students were found to use interruptions differently with the Active, Independent, Assertive; Passive, Dependent, Acquiescent; Flexible, Nonconforming, Untidy; and Rigid, Conforming, Orderly. It was also found that the amount of time used by students initiating talk before interruption was different.  相似文献   

经济全球化对国家是双刃剑.国家往往希望在全球化中利用国家的作用趋利避害.然而,由于国际间竞争、国际经济体制的制约,以及以邻为壑的政策可能造成的国际紧张关系,国家通过保护主义的传统措施来保护自己的做法已经受到了越来越大的限制.国家在全球化中要想获得主动,根本之举是发挥国家的积极作用去创造人为的比较优势,如大力发展教育科技,培育创新和研发能力,开发人力资源、制定合理的产业政策,塑造良好的投资与法治环境等.这种积极的国家作用可以长远地保障国家的繁荣与强盛,减少国际冲突.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of a structured procedure for collaborative writing (Paired Writing) on the quality of creative writing and attitudes to writing in 8-year-old children. Each of two classes featured an experimental collaborative writing group and a control group, which produced writing individually. In one class the experimental group collaborated in different-ability pairs with fixed roles as helper and writer; in the other class, in same-ability pairs reciprocating roles. The 8 week project involved training for the participating children. Analyses were made of quality of individual writing before and after the project and of collaborative writing during the project. Pre-post gains in individual writing were statistically significant for the cross-ability experimentals but not for their controls. Pre and post scores for same-ability experimentals were not significantly different, nor for their controls. However, the same-ability experimentals improved while their controls deteriorated, and the difference in gain between experimentals and controls was significant. Also, the collaborative writing of same-ability pairs scored significantly higher than their pre-project individual writing, although this was not the case for cross-ability pairs. Both types of Paired Writers reported finding the method easy to use and a majority showed positive attitudes to it. It was concluded that both formats of Paired Writing could be effective. However, ensuring short term gains for the more able helpers in cross-ability pairs could be problematic. Further research is needed, including trials of cross-ability reciprocal role pairing.  相似文献   

本研究以212名中学生及其父母为被试,考察父母的性别角色平等态度与孩子性别角色平等态度、性别角色的关系。结果发现:男生比女生、男生的母亲比女生的母亲更认为男女是不平等的,而男孩的父亲与女孩的父亲在性别角色平等态度上没有差异;父亲、母亲的性别角色平等态度与孩子的性别角色平等态度有显著的正相关;父亲的性别角色平等态度与孩子的性别角色没有显著相关,但母亲的性别角度平等态度与孩子的女性性别角色有显著负相关。  相似文献   

For a brief time in the mid‐1970s Desmond Nuttall was Secretary to a Certificate in Secondary Education (CSE) Examining Board. Desmond Nuttall was already well known for his work with the National Foundation for Educational Research and his appointment caused quite a stir both among those who expected him to be a catalyst for change in the public examination system and those who thought his talents would be lost in a sea of bureaucracy. His sojourn at the Middlesex Board was to be brief, too brief to prove right either the expectations or the cynics. Within 2 years of his appointment, the Middlesex Board had been absorbed into the London Regional Examinations Board and Desmond Nuttall entered the world of academia from where he continued to play a very significant role in examination developments.  相似文献   

语境在确定词义中起着非常重要的作用,这一点许多语言学家和学者都已经讨论和研究过.有些语言学家甚至认为语境完全决定着词义的选择.因此,明晰语境的定义、分类及特征,有助于培养英语学习者根据语境来确定词义的能力.  相似文献   

以田野调查为基础,运用社会人类学的理论,从女性人类学的视角分析了藏传佛教尼僧的价值认同以及这种认同与社会价值体系之间的“交涉”①,并就尼僧的性别角色与价值认同的特点进行了反思。  相似文献   

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