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刘则渊先生作为科学学领域极具影响力的杰出学者,多年来,他坚持致力于科学学理论、方法和应用研究,积极参与国家重大科技项目,在其中发挥了重要作用。刘则渊先生对中国科学学的发展与创新做出了巨大贡献,对科学学理论也有着独到而深刻见解,在技术哲学、科技伦理、科学计量学、创新管理等多个领域上做出了开创性成就。为了缅怀和纪念刘则渊先生,本文重点评述了他在科学学领域的杰出成就,总结了他及其团队在科学学领域的学术成果,并对其学术贡献进行梳理和归纳。从时间维度对刘则渊先生四十年来发表的代表性学术论文进行评析。根据学术论文主题,基于刘则渊先生各时期的研究方向,刻画了其科学学学术思想的演化变迁。希望科学学界能更多发展科学学理论,丰富研究方法,拓展科学学应用领域,为科学学事业谱写新的篇章。  相似文献   

This article is published to mark the tercentenary of the birth of Réaumur. Today, his work is rather little appreciated but his contemporaries called him the Pliny of the eighteenth century, and in his breadth of knowledge and interest he has been likened to Francis Bacon. He is commonly remembered for his achievements in the systematic application of science to industry but he also did important biological work, particularly in entomology.  相似文献   

两次鸦片战争不但显示了西方船坚炮利的军事优势,更招致包括科学技术在内的西方文化的大规模输入,然而囿于虚幻的文化优越感与流传日久的“西学中源”说,一般的中国知识分子较少考虑西方科学技术优胜的原因。王韬的个人经历及其特立独行的思维方式,使他比同时代的士人具有更为开阔的视野与较客观的认识。本文揭示了:王韬对西方科技文明的认识有一个逐步深化的过程,尽管在不同的情境中他的言论有时自相矛盾,但就总体而论,王韬是承认中国近代科技落后于西方的,他也是最早对此事实背后的原因进行思考与分析的中国学者之一。  相似文献   

常梅 《科教文汇》2020,(12):175-176
寺田寅彦(1878—1935)是日本著名的物理学家、随笔家、俳人、画家。他在从事物理学研究的同时,热心于随笔创作,他将诗心和科魂“一体化”,创造出科学与文学相融合的独特文体,在日本文学中占有一席之地。其作品构思新颖、手法巧妙、脍炙人口,他的著作进入日本著名出版社岩波书店最热销排行榜前十名,也常被选入教科书与考试试题中,一直深受广大读者喜爱。然而寺田寅彦在国内译介极少。本文将从各方面介绍这位文理兼容的日本大家,让更多读者能够认识他、了解他,帮助读者理解寺田先生的作品。  相似文献   

Stevenson WR 《Endeavour》2011,35(4):160-168
In November 1910, Shirase Nobu (1861-1946) sailed from Tokyo Bay aboard the Kainan Maru as part of an international race for the South Pole. The Japanese had no history of polar exploration and looked to British precedence to compensate for their lack of experience. Following the British example required that they include a scientific dimension to their venture. It is clear, however, that Shirase and his men had little scientific understanding. Nevertheless, on failing to reach the Pole, science became the central aim of the expedition and the primary means to declaring their efforts a success.  相似文献   

Larson EJ 《Endeavour》2011,35(4):129-136
One hundred years ago, teams led by Roald Amundsen and Robert Scott may have been heading in the same direction but they were poles apart in the way they sought their goals. Amundsen led a five-person team of expert Nordic skiers and dog-sledders with a single goal: getting to the South Pole first. He planned and executed the effort brilliantly. Scott, in contrast, led a complex and multi-faceted Antarctic expedition with 33 explorers and scientists, many of whom were focused on ambitious and often taxing scientific research projects that had nothing whatsoever to do with reaching the Pole. Although Scott failed to reach the South Pole first and died with four men on the return trip, his expedition made significant contributions to Antarctic science. Indeed, at least some of Scott's failure to reach the Pole first and the subsequent death of his polar party on the return trip can be attributed to burden of trying to do too much and not focusing on reaching the pole.  相似文献   

Brock WH 《Endeavour》2002,26(3):87-91
Forging a scientific career in 19th-century Britain was difficult for most middle-class scientists. Despite his discovery of thallium in 1861 and later distinction as an experimental physicist that led him to the Presidency of the Royal Society (1913-1915), William Crookes (1832-1919) never obtained one of the limited number of academic or official positions. Scientific journalism and commercial activities were eventually to bring him financial security, but before that he was an opportunist willing to try his hand at anything that would win him national publicity. This is illustrated by his intervention in the great cattle plague epidemic that swept the UK between 1865 and 1866.  相似文献   

The Danish amateur scholar Christian Jürgensen Thomsen has often been described as a founder of modern "scientific" archaeology. Thomsen's innovation, this essay argues, reflects developments within neighboring fields, such as philology and history. He reacted against historians who limited themselves to histories of texts and therefore abandoned the earliest human history. Instead, he proposed a new history of objects, which included the entire history of humankind. Thomsen's work as director of the Royal Museum of Nordic Antiquities in Copenhagen was especially important for this renewal. The arrangement of artifacts not only helped him formulate his theories, but also allowed him to present his arguments in a language of objects. At the same time, Thomsen's definition of archaeology as a museum science placed his branch of archaeology in a closer relationship with other museum sciences, such as geology and comparative anatomy. From the 1840s, Thomsen's museum became a model for how the study of human artifacts could deliver scientific insights into human nature and the laws of human development.  相似文献   

杨峥 《科教文汇》2011,(19):85-87
霍尔顿是《麦田里的守望者》的主人公,本文利用温尼科特的客体关系理论对其进行了全新的精神分析研究,指出霍尔顿早期心理创伤的根源在于弟弟艾里的死使其过早地失去了一个"足够好的照顾者",并且在寄宿学校的生活又使其失去了一个"促进性环境",从而使他的自体发展出现了障碍。而最后回到妹妹菲比的身边,他又找回了他的"足够好的照顾者"和他的"促进性环境",妹妹菲比充当了分析师的角色。  相似文献   

The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, awarded the 2001 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Physics to Alan H. Guth for his efforts to advance our knowledge of physical science and its application of the inflationary scenario, in which the universe undergoes a rapid expansion in the first stages of the Big Bang.  相似文献   


The story of the Dutch East India Company, Christiaan Huygens and the marine clock shows that in the seventeenth century Dutch Republic there was a tendency towards the formation of a modern partnership between business, science and technology. This emerging relationship was personified by Johannes Hudde (1628-1704) and Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695), men from entirely different walks of life except for their shared interest in science, especially mathematics. It was this shared interest in mathematics which brought them together and indirectly led to the marine clock research project. Hudde was a Director of the Dutch East India Company as well as a mathematician of international standing, whilst Huygens was both a brilliant theoretical scientist and extremely skilled innovator.Through his interest in mathematics, Hudde had come to know Huygens - he had corresponded with him and was broadly familiar with the work Huygens had been doing. So when Huygens, in 1682, returned to Holland from France, Hudde conceived the idea, which was entirely novel at the time, to enlist the support of the East India Company for one of Huygens' research projects, a project, of course, in which the Company had a direct economic interest, namely, the marine clock which it needed to find the longitude at sea.  相似文献   

托马斯·库恩是20世纪最伟大的科学哲学家和科学史学家。由他划时代著作《科学革命的结构》产生出来的"范式"和"范式转换"已经成为我们的日常生活用语。一方面,库恩自认在哲学上的最大贡献是"不可通约性",但这一点遭到多方非议。另一方面,当他被认为是"科学知识社会学"(SSK)强纲领的思想先驱时,他却拒绝承认SSK的主张;他在学术上的同路人少得可怜,与他在思想界的巨大影响完全不成比例。库恩从登上学术舞台开始,就遭到不同程度的误解,他一直在寻找自己的身份定位。本文试图通过梳理矛盾的库恩形象,他与学生的关系以及影响他的思想形成的几大事件,从"误解"与"被误解"的角度来阐释库恩的心路历程。我们的目的不是"去魅",更不想树立新的偶像,而是试图还原一个真实的库恩。  相似文献   

Roberts P 《Endeavour》2011,35(4):142-150
In 1911-1912 Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott led rival parties in a race to the geographic South Pole. While both parties reached the Pole--Amundsen first--Scott's men died on the return journey. Amundsen became a Norwegian icon through his record-setting travels; Scott became a symbol of courage and devotion to science. The memory of each was invoked at various points during the twentieth century in the context of contemporary Antarctic events. Scott's status as a scientific figure was central to the Scott Polar Research Institute, while Amundsen's lack of scientific legacy became a way for British polar explorers to differentiate themselves from Norwegian contemporaries during the interwar years. After 1945 Scott and Amundsen were again invoked as exemplars of national polar achievement, even as the rise of large-scale science on the continent overshadowed past British and Norwegian achievements. In the present Amundsen and Scott remain wedded to particular values, focused respectively on national achievement and sacrifice in the name of science, while their race has become secondary.  相似文献   

乔雪莲 《科教文汇》2013,(35):44-45
著名的“大众诗人”柯仲平虽然诗文创作数量不多,但他从青年时期开始就致力于诗歌大众化民族化道路的实践,尤其是延安时期,他的诗歌以及他所组织领导的诗歌运动和民众剧团产生了非常广泛的影响,受到了广大民众包括毛泽东同志的高度赞扬。但在现当代文学史上,学术界对他的研究还很不够,尤其在文艺大众化民族化方面,对他的重视不够,对他的贡献认识不足。本文力图通过梳理历年来学术界对他的研究,指出研究的不足和努力的方向,希望更多的文学爱好者和文学艺术家,能秉承柯老遗风,继续吹响文艺大众化民族化的号角。  相似文献   

福斯特的论题一反有关科学与宗教关系的冲突论,试图论证基督教教义对近代科学不容忽视的影响,具体地说就是上帝创世教义导致了自然哲学中对偶然性的接受,进而使得近代科学家在方法论上重视观察、经验。在他看来,基督教教义的内容在这一过程中变化不大,但影响范围延伸到自然哲学领域。福斯特论题对科学史界产生了深远影响,但也存在着一些问题,如忽视了文艺复兴时期柏拉图主义的作用,对基督教教义渗入自然哲学之过程的定期过于狭窄,忽视方法对自然哲学的反向构建,等等;为了延续其思想活力,可以将论证限于"创世教义对自然哲学接受偶然性的影响"这一步,并适度扩展这一影响的时间跨度。  相似文献   

This year marks the bicentenary of the births of two distinguished chemists, Joseph Gay-Lussac and Humphry Davy. This study of the life of Gay-Lussac shows how his work was related to that of Davy as well as to that of his French contemporaries. His keen interest in the application of chemistry earned him some criticism in his lifetime, but in retrospect can be seen to have contributed to his professional stature.  相似文献   

Roberts M 《Endeavour》2001,25(1):33-37
Darwin returned to Shrewsbury in mid-June 1831 and spent that summer learning geology. He made geological maps of Shropshire and visited Llanymynech and other localities. From 3-20th August he joined Sedgwick on his tour of North Wales; they geologised west of Shrewsbury before travelling through Llangollen, Ruthin, Conwy to Bangor finally reaching Anglesey. Darwin left Sedgwick at Menai and walked to Barmouth making a special visit of Cwm Idwal. He returned to Shrewsbury on 29th August to open the letter from Fitzroy inviting him to join the Beagle. During this summer Darwin gained skills in all aspects of geology, including chemical analysis, which were to prove vital in the development of his ideas on natural selection.  相似文献   

Science historian Ronald Numbers once remarked that the two most influential historians of science of the 20th century were Thomas Kuhn and Stephen Jay Gould. All historians are deeply familiar with Kuhn's work and influence, and most know of the remarkable impact Gould has had on evolutionary theory through both his professional and popular works. But little attention has been paid to the depth, scope, and importance of Gould's r?le as historian and philosopher of science, and his use of popular science exposition to reinforce old knowledge and generate new. This paper presents the results of an extensive quantitative content analysis of Gould's 22 books, 101 book reviews, 479 scientific papers, and 300 Natural History essays, in terms of their subject matter (Evolutionary Theory, History and Philosophy of Science, Natural History, Paleontology/Geology, Social Science/Commentary), and thematic dichotomies (Theory-Data, Time's Arrow-Time's Cycle, Adaptationism- Nonadaptationalism, Punctuationism-Gradualism, Contingency-Necessity). Special emphasis is placed on the interaction between the subjects and themata, how Gould has used the history of science to reinforce his evolutionary theory (and vice versa), and how his philosophy of science has influenced both his evolutionary theory and his historiography. That philosophy can best be summed up in a quotation from Charles Darwin, frequently cited by Gould: 'All observation must be for or against some view if it is to be of any service'. Gould followed Darwin's advice throughout his career, including his extensive writings on the history and philosophy of science.  相似文献   

彼得·卡皮查是苏联学术界的领袖人物之一。他早年在英国剑桥大学的卡文迪许实验室从事强肱场和低温物理研究,卓有成就,1929年当选为英国皇家学会会员。1934年他被苏联政府强制留在国内,创建科学院“物理问题研究所”并担任所长,其间发现了液态氦在超低温下具有超流动性,为此获得1984年诺贝尔物理学奖。卡皮查还是一位关心社会,尤其是科学界公共事务的科学家,他向斯大林以及其他苏联最高领导人写了大量书信,为身陷囹圄的科学家陈情,或者对苏联当局的文化和科学政策提出建言,为此本人一度遭到贬斥。  相似文献   

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