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在现代艺术设计水平不断发展的今天,国外各种艺术思潮对中国传统文化艺术不断带来冲击.中国现代艺术设计与传统文化越来越背离,出现盲目崇拜西方艺术设计思想,一味模仿西方艺术设计的现象,导致我们的艺术设计失去了民族个性.如何正确认识中国传统文化与现代艺术设计的关系,成为当下我国艺术设计教学需要认真研究的课题.  相似文献   

艺术设计的格调与中国传统思想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对艺术设计及其格调进行了解,在此基础上,分析了艺术设计格调与风格的区别和联系,由此重点分析了中国传统儒家思想和道家思想对艺术设计格调的影响,探讨了中国传统文化思想对艺术设计格调提升的重要性,提出了艺术设计格调魅力展现基于中国传统思想活化的观点。  相似文献   

于明 《华章》2013,(17)
艺术设计在我国社会发展中有着重要的应用,而中国元素是艺术设计中最具特色的设计内容之一。中国元素以我国传统文化为基石,并将其凝结到相应的题材中,在通过艺术设计内容展现其具体含义。中国元素在艺术设计中的应用包含多种形式,其具有的艺术气质也有着重大的区别。本文分析了中国元素在艺术设计的应用特点,并归纳出进行提升应用效果的措施,进而使中国元素在艺术设计中展现更多的色彩。  相似文献   

论中国高等艺术设计教育现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张智昊 《教育探索》2007,19(2):44-45
中国的艺术设计教育要赶上世界先进水平,必须认清我国的艺术设计教育现状,针对艺术设计教育存在的诸多问题进行改革,创新艺术设计教育体系,使艺术设计教育适应国民经济发展的需要.  相似文献   

笔者通过分析中国特色民族文化与现代艺术设计的关系,说明中国的艺术设计应从民族文化中吸取营养,从而提升品质、完善理论、丰富表现形式.这是中国艺术设计文化形成和振兴的关键所在.文中强调了少数民族文化在丰富艺术设计理论和表现形式上所起的重要作用.  相似文献   

英国艺术设计教育历史悠久,文章探讨了其与中国艺术设计教育相比较所具有的崇尚创造、保障公平、注重过程、价值独立的鲜明特征,值得处于转型期的中国艺术设计教育借鉴.  相似文献   

中国的艺术设计教育在21世纪初开始进入蓬勃发展的时期,作为一门“创造性”和“实用性”兼具的艺术学科,现代艺术设计的发展开始注重艺术实践,这一理念应用在教育中,不仅符合了新课改的课程要求,还遵循了艺术设计本身的特质与学科规律。目前关于现代艺术设计教育的研究层出不穷,但是从“创造性”“实用性”角度进行深度挖掘的书籍并不多,现代艺术设计的“创造性”是其教育过程中面对社会经济与文化发展的应对策略,同时也是中国艺术设计融入全球市场的一个判断标准。在近百年的时间里,我国的现代艺术设计教育发展出了一定的规模,并借助文化全球化的趋势,开始与国际艺术设计潮流逐渐结合,新的设计理念进入中国,并且在中国的传统文化中激起浪花,激发了中国现代艺术设计的新发展,同时催生了艺术设计教育的长足进步,各个高校分别扩招,但同时更多的问题开始浮现,如理论先行、师资跟不上等。  相似文献   

中国的艺术设计爱国际化趋势的影响和现代新媒介新技术的挑战与西方强势文化的侵蚀,如何在艺术设计中加强民族文化的教育提升设计中的民族文化内涵,如何继续和发展民族文化将是艺术设计工作者应该深刻思考的问题.本文旨在通过分析中国民族文化的特征以及现代艺术设计与民族文化的关系,说明中国的艺术设计应从民族文化中吸取营养,从而提升品质、完善理论、丰富表现形式.  相似文献   

当代中国社会发展与艺术设计需求   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本从艺术设计与社会生活、艺术设计与社会经济等角度论述了艺术设计对于社会发展的重要性,并又进一步结合中国当前社会状况论述了中国社会发展对艺术设计的必然需求。  相似文献   

张智昊 《教育探索》2006,(10):87-88
一对艺术设计教育进行改革,首先必须清楚当今中国艺术设计教育的现况,而且各个院校必须清楚自己在整个中国艺术设计教育中所处的位置,只有清楚地认识到这一点,才能明确艺术设计教育改革的方向。目前国内的设计院校的情况大体可以分为以下三种情况:1.教学方法陈旧,且与时代脱节这种情况在今天的中国艺术设计教育中虽不是主流现象,但也绝没有到可以忽略不计的地步。据了解有一些学  相似文献   

如何组织软件设计模型中的大量设计元素,影响软件设计工作和从设计模型生成设计文档。采用"4+1"视图体系结构和UML构造型机制,扩充了软件设计模型描述元素,提出了由用例实现、软件结构、软件组件、软件接口、软件进程、软件部署等六部分组成的设计模型描述框架。该描述框架用于在Rose和SoDA工具上建立设计模型模板和设计文档模板,实现了软件设计模板化和文档生成自动化。  相似文献   

Educational researchers are increasingly using design as a means of advancing their understanding. Historically design in educational research has served as a way to implement theories for testing. The emerging design research paradigm treats design as a strategy for developing and refining theories. In this article, I discuss the lessons that can be learned from design. Starting from a model that characterizes designs in terms of problem analyses, design solutions, and design processes, I describe 3 types of theories that can be developed through design research: domain theories, design frameworks, and design methodologies. I present examples from a design research program investigating software supports for reflective inquiry. I argue for design research as form of educational research because (a) design offers opportunities to learn unique lessons, (b) design research yields practical lessons that can be directly applied, and (c) design research engages researchers in the direct improvement of educational practice.  相似文献   

An international education opportunity has been created for design students at West Virginia University. This experience is unique because it takes an interdisciplinary approach to design that exposes students to the idea of a larger design methodology common to design professions. Students take core courses with students from a variety of design fields, including interior design, fashion design, fashion merchandising, landscape architecture, art, and graphic design. Through this interaction, students gain an understanding of the interrelationships among design fields, learn to appreciate new perspectives, and begin to appreciate the place of their field as part of the design community as a whole.  相似文献   

本文在介绍了设计和设计思维概念的基础上,构建了一种设计思维框架,阐释了设计思维视野下对教学设计的理解,以期丰富教师的教学设计理念,提高教师的教学设计水平和促进教学设计学科的发展.  相似文献   


Design thinking has an important role in STEM education. However, there has been limited research on how students engage in various modalities throughout the design process in hands-on design tasks. To promote middle school students’ engineering literacy, it is necessary to examine the use of design modalities during design. Using a case study approach, we examine middle school students’ design stages and modalities during design activities. We also identify the patterns of design processes in the teams with different design outcomes. Drawing on theories in design thinking and embodied interaction, we proposed a framework and devised a video analysis protocol to examine students’ design stages and modalities. Middle school students attending a design workshop engaged in two design activities in teams of 3–4 people. The design sessions were video recorded and analyzed using the video analysis protocol. The teams engaged in the stages of planning, building, and testing, while employing the verbal, the visual, and the physical modalities. The teams that varied in design outcomes exhibited different patterns in the use of multiple modalities during the design stages. This study contributes to research on design thinking by proposing a framework for analyzing middle school students’ multimodal design processes and presenting data visualization methods to identify patterns in design stages and modalities. The findings suggest the necessity to examine students’ use of design modalities in the context of design stages and imply the potential benefits of using multiple modalities during design. The implications for future research and education practices are also discussed.


The notion of design thinking is becoming more concrete nowadays, as design researchers and practitioners study the thinking processes involved in design and employ the concept of design thinking to foster better solutions to complex and ill‐defined problems. The goal of the present research is to develop a cognitive activity‐based design methodology for novice visual communication designers, which will be achieved by mapping the findings from a comparative analysis of novice and expert visual communication designers' thinking processes onto the prospective methodology. Under the proposed methodology, activity modes take place in a chronological flow under specific guidelines involving various forms of design cognition. The guidelines correlate to design phases from problem structuring to detailed design and to the cognitive processes of divergent and convergent thinking. The methodology gives open‐ended instruction to novices endeavouring to proceed with the design process, solve complex design problems and make better design decisions. This research has value for its unique approach to methodology development. Furthermore, the proposed methodology provides guidance for more effective cognitive activities during the design process and holds potential for implementation in design education due to its focus on the needs of novice designers.  相似文献   

装饰艺术作为一种最普遍、最大众化的艺术形式,是观察、体会、创造自然界和生活中广泛蕴含的一种展现美的方式。居住环境设计同样也是展现形式美的设计艺术。从装饰艺术视角创造并满足人们展现美的需要,将审美理想相一致的形态美,通过居住环境设计的表现赋予人们以精神上美的感受和审美的愉悦。装饰艺术是一种由装饰意识和装饰行为所构成的装饰品格,它可以存在于任何艺术形式之中,特别是与居住环境设计有着紧密的关联。从装饰艺术视觉领域看居住环境设计,好的装饰艺术设计作品融入到居住环境设计中,是对居住环境设计使命的提升,也是体现装饰艺术在居住环境设计中的重要意义。  相似文献   

在对目前采矿工程本科毕业设计存在问题及其影响因素分析的基础上,对采矿工程本科毕业设计环节进行教学改革探讨,以解决目前采矿工程本科毕业设计存在问题为目标,提出了对思想根源、保障条件、设计内容、设计过程、设计成果各个环节措施针对性强、全过程监控的教学改革方案,为提高采矿工程本科毕业设计质量提供强有力保障。  相似文献   

服装工艺教学必须改变传统的教学模式,提供给学生多练习、多实践的机会,使学生能真正把握服装设计的本质。从服装工艺与实用服装设计结合、与时尚服装设计结合、与少数民族服饰设计结合的多视角出发,设计"一体化"的教学模式,在将服装的款式设计、结构设计、工艺设计等各项技能融于一体方面进行有益的尝试。  相似文献   

Product design and evaluation require a broad and varied set of information and analysis tools, and effective design and evaluation of a product during its design phase is critical if production costs are to be minimized. A system is described that integrates product design specifications with material and process databases, and a simulation-based analysis module. The system allows product design specifications to be evaluated in terms of economic and technical criteria. The system will serve as a training tool in the computer-integrated manufacturing courses in our undergraduate curriculum. It allows students to investigate ways to design better products through integration of design and manufacturing, and to explore trade-offs between design and manufacturing  相似文献   

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