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1、第一次全国代表大会(1921·7·23—31) 2、第二次全国代表大会(1922.7·16—7 .23) 3、第三次全国代表大会(工923·6·12—6 .20) 4、第四次全国代表大会(1925·1·11—1‘22) 5、第五次全国代表大会(1927·4·27) 6、八七会议(1927·8·7·) 7、第六次全国代表大会(192沙6·玲一一7·11) 8、红军第九次代表太会—一古田会议(1929·12) 9、六届三中全会(1930·9) 10、六届四中全会(1931·1) 11、六届五中全会(1934·1) 12、中央政治局扩大会议—遵义会议(2 935·l·15一一l丁) 13、中央政治局两河口会议(1935.6·26) 14、中央政治局毛儿…  相似文献   

从哈喇浩特到定远营的考察(俄)彼·库·柯孜洛夫著杨自福译本文是彼·库·柯孜洛夫所著《蒙古·安多和死城哈喇浩特》一书的第六章“从哈喇浩特到定远营”,译者对题目稍加变动。柯孜洛夫(1863———1935)是俄国皇家地理学会会员,著名的中央亚细亚考察家。他...  相似文献   

(丁)本年拟办之特殊事务一·派员赴日本考察职业教育二·派员赴邻近各省详查职业教育状况三·筹高乡村改进讲习所四·调查农民生计状况并积极提倡农村合作事业五·继续推行新农具六·创办蠶桑事业七·研究农民实习教育实施办法八·研究救济失业九·研究边业教育十·施行职业心理测验  相似文献   

‘二\127T6(C)一台(D)希、万J、、、‘.2了、洲勺,ao八了口性、,尹召.、, 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第l卷(非选择题)两部分. 第I卷(选择题共60分) 参考公式: 如果事件A、B互斥,那么 尸〔A十B)=尸‘A)十尸(B) 如果事件A、B相互独立,那么 尸(A·B)二尸(A)·尸(B) 如果事件A在一次试验中发生的概率是P,那么n次独立重复试验中恰好发生k次的概率 几(旬=嗽尸无(l一尸)”一无 球的表面积公式s二47rR2 其中R表示球的半径已知函数万二tan(2x+叻的图象过点,则甲可以是·························……()介16 B(6)函数…  相似文献   

“哈利·波特”系列第六部《混血王子》终于在全世界亿万“哈迷”的翘首企盼下问世。首发当天24小时之内销量达到惊人的690 万册。全球范围内又一次掀起了“哈利·波特”狂潮。我们必须感谢《哈利·波特》的作者J·K·罗琳,正是这位魔法母亲把我们带进了神奇的魔法世界,这里充满了神秘与惊险。我们相信在这里什么都可能发生。  相似文献   

他终于恢复了记忆,知道自己确实还活着,但死亡正在附近徘徊。周围连绵无际的荒漠、尘土使他一下子回忆起整个过程。 他叫克莱德·安德尔斯,是第七人造卫星城的太空探险家。仿佛就在刚才,他在阿尔发·阿莱夫星上着陆,进行一次两小时的考察。这是一颗从未被人类考察过的行星。  相似文献   

钱远晏 惊异、怀疑与批判 —一哲学方法论的历史反思一则…·。··二………………··’……·(1’1)赵”中社 评“二律背反”…………………………………·。…………………·(工·7)陈显佃 马克思主义第三次理论高潮的孕育和兴起……··+··’……·’·、…·’·‘’(2·l)衡彩霞 论人本质生发中的受动性与主动性…………………………、…··;··(2·16)钱选晏 对辩证的“圆圈式”哲学方法论的历史考察与反思··’…………·’·(3·7)张剑伟 关于列宁真理观中的几个问题………………………………………(3·13…  相似文献   

从1931年5月到1985年1月,我国历经了四次教师节。第一次是“六·六”教师节。1931年5月,教育家邵爽秋、程其保等人联络京沪教育界人士,拟定每年的6月6日为“教师节”,并发表“教师节宣言”。其目的在于尊师重教,振兴民族。虽然南京国民政府没有承认,但仍有一定的影响。第二次是“八·二七”教师节。1939年,国民政府决定以中国古代著名教育家孔子的诞辰日8月27日为教师节。当时全国已进入全面抗日阶段,山河破碎,学校流离转徙,这个教师节未能在全国推行。第三次是“五·一”教师节。1951年,中华人民共和国教育部、中华全国总工会共…  相似文献   

《哈利·波特》系列的第六部《哈利·波特与混血王子》7月份全球同步发售,从挪威到中国的北京、到美国的阿拉斯加,各地的读者都在第一时间内买到了属于自己的《哈利·波特》。自1997年问世以来,“哈利·波  相似文献   

20 0 2年 4月 2 5日至 2 6日 ,美国盖蒂保护所提姆·韦伦所长、珍·玛丽·条顿尼柯副所长、高级项目经理柯瑞斯·凯丽女士一行 3人 ,与提前到达敦煌莫高窟参加“莫高窟壁画保护研究”和《中国文物保护准则》合作项目的该所首席项目专家内维尔·阿根纽博士、顾问林博明博士 ,对中美合作保护莫高窟项目进行了考察。在敦煌研究院樊锦诗院长、李最雄副院长及有关人员的陪同下 ,提姆·韦伦所长一行详细考察了莫高窟窟顶流沙治理研究项目和第 85窟“壁画保护研究”合作项目工作现场 ,并在现场进行了讨论。樊锦诗院长、李最雄副院长还同提姆·韦伦…  相似文献   

Efforts are underway to determine if there are any ways unique to Navajo thinking and thus to the way that they might learn. Studies have shown a consistent lag in achievement levels for Native Americans. The purpose of this investigation was to examine spatial thinking abilities of sixth and tenth grade students from 2 locales—a school on the Navajo Reservation and schools in Mesa, Arizona. A battery of 10 Piagetian-type tasks were administered individually to the subjects. A chi-square one sample procedure was used to test for significant differences between subsamples at each grade level. Significant differences were detected for two of the tasks at the sixth grade level, and one task at the tenth grade level. The overall findings of this study support the contention that there were no substantial time delays or advances in the development of selected spatial abilities of Navajo sixth and tenth grade students compared to those of parallel non-American Indian students. The concern of modifying instruction in science courses in order to adapt them to supposed 'different' spatial structures possessed by Navajo students appears to be unfounded.  相似文献   

党的十六届六中全会通过的《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》第一次明确提出“社会主义核心价值体系”这一科学命题。本文以马克思主义为根本研究指针,在参考已有研究成果的基础上,根据大量的调查与文献资料,对社会主义核心价值体系融入高校校园文化建设的途径进行多角度的探讨。  相似文献   

本文针对普通小学教师对特殊儿童的接纳态度做了专门的调查,采用问卷调查法和文献法,对本溪市5所小学198名一到六年级教师进行调查。经分析得出以下结论本溪市随班就读学生接收情况较好,同时虽然随读教师在认知上赞同随班就读,但很少有付出具体行动的,缺乏特殊教育方面的知识与培训,因此本文还提出一些改革建议。  相似文献   

运用《镶嵌图形测验》(CEFT,1998年)和"成就目标取向量表",以180名五、六年级的学生为被试,探讨了小学儿童成就目标取向与认知风格之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)小学高年级儿童场独立的认知风格与其掌握目标取向呈非常显著的正相关,与成绩目标取向不呈现显著相关;(2)在0.01水平上,掌握目标和成绩目标都高的小学生和两者都低的小学生的认知风格存在着非常显著的差异;(3)掌握目标和成绩目标都高的这种组合模式的场独立性最强。  相似文献   


A set of stories and an accompanying test was developed for the purpose of assessing sixth graders, comprehension of social conflict. The test, consisting of 125 multiple-choice items, was designed to measure six types of ability to comprehend with emphasis on the “higher mental processes.” The sample consisted of 481 sixth graders; and for comparative purposes, nine fifth-grade classrooms, seven seventh-grade groups, and seven ninth-grade classes. Seventy-nine percent of the sixth graders succeeded on half or better of the test items. Comprehension increased sharply from the fifth to the sixth grade, but only gradually above the sixth. In light of the successful reading and the generally high interest shown, the conclusion is that such materials could be a part of the sixth grade curriculum.  相似文献   

This study explored children's understanding of their research rights in the context of an investigation of how children cope with peer provocation. Participants were 178 children (97 girls and 81 boys) who had finished the second, fourth, and sixth grades (average ages: 8, 10, and 12, respectively). After children agreed to take part in research on "how kids get along together," as well as after debriefing, their perceptions of free assent, their understanding of what they would be doing and why, their belief in voluntary participation and freedom to withdraw, and their comprehension of confidentiality were assessed. The vast majority of participants gave assent freely and reported no undue pressure from their families or the experimenters to participate. Older children knew before participating in the research what their participation would involve, comprehended confidentiality, and understood the study's purpose after their participation, but second graders were less likely to understand these issues than fourth and sixth graders were. Following debriefing, children's understanding of their research rights was largely unchanged; most children still had difficulty describing the research goals.  相似文献   

This longitudinal investigation examined word decoding and reading comprehension measures from first grade through sixth grade for a sample of Spanish-speaking English language learners (ELLs). The sample included 261 children (average age of 7.2 years; 120 boys; 141 girls) at the initial data collection in first grade. The ELLs’ word decoding and reading comprehension scores showed quadratic growth over the course of the study. The sample’s reading comprehension, but not their word decoding, began to fall behind the normative sample starting in the third grade. Phonological awareness, rapid automatic naming (RAN), and oral language measures were used as predictors and correlated with growth rates in a manner consistent with past research.  相似文献   

The primary objectives of this investigation were to examine the attributions, emotional reactions, and coping strategies of shy/withdrawn and aggressive girls and boys and to examine whether such social cognitions differ within the relationship context of friendship. Drawn from a sample of fifth and sixth graders (M age = 10.79 years; SD = .77), 78 shy/withdrawn, 76 aggressive, and 85 control children were presented with hypothetical social situations that first involved unfamiliar peers, and then a mutual good friend. Results revealed group and gender differences and similarities, depending on the relationship context. From our findings emerges a central message: friends' involvement during interpersonal challenges or stressors mitigates children's attributions, emotions, and coping responses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the practicality of extending the Multidimensional Self Concept Scale (MSCS) norms downward for use with third and fourth grade students from a predominantly African-American sample. This research compared domain-specific and general self-concepts by grade, gender, and race among third through sixth grade students. Comparison was also made between fifth and sixth grade students in this sample and fifth and sixth grade students in the national standardization sample. It was concluded that no meaningful differences existed between the present sample of fifth and sixth grade students and the standardization sample of fifth and sixth grade students. However, differences found between the third through sixth grade students in this sample were significant and clinically meaningful for the Total Scale score and for all scales, except the Academic and Physical scales. Although the existing norms for the Academic and Physical scales appear appropriate for the younger children, separate norm tables appear warranted for the remaining subscales and Total Scale. Internal consistency for the MSCS for third and fourth grade students was comparable to the fifth and sixth grade students in this sample. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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