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Blockchain plays a vital task in cybersecurity. With the exerted efforts for realising large-scale quantum computers, most current cryptographic mechanisms may be hacked. Accordingly, we need a quantum tool utilised for designing blockchain frameworks to have the ability to be executed in the level of digital computers and resist the probable attacks from both digital and quantum computers. Quantum walks may be utilised as a quantum-inspired model for designing new cryptographic algorithms. In this paper, we present a new authentication and encryption protocol based on quantum-inspired quantum walks (QIQW). The proposed protocol is utilized to build a blockchain framework for secure data transmission among IoT devices. Instead of using classical cryptographic hash functions, quantum hash functions based on QIQW are employed for linking blocks of the chain. The main advantages of the presented framework are helping IoT nodes to effectively share their data with other nodes and full control of their records. Security analysis demonstrates that our proposed protocol can defend against message attack and impersonation attacks, thus ensuring secure transmission of data among IoT devices.  相似文献   

量子特性在信息领域中有着独特的功能,在提高运算速度、确保信息安全、增大信息容量和提高检测精度等方面可能突破现有经典信息系统的极限。我们以液态NMR技术实现量子信息处理中的应用主题开展研究,所取得的成果包括:1)利用NMR实验实现了两个无直接耦合自旋之间的量子密集编码和三个量子位之间的量子密集编码过程。实验结果表明:量子密集编码只需传送N-1个量子位便可以传递N个经典位的信息。2)利用NMR实验实现了三种多量子算法;提出了一种实现n阶耦合变换的理论方法,根据这种方法可实现任意量子位的Deutsch-Jozsa算法。3)提出了一种基于量子克隆的量子编码和纠错方案。该方案一方面说明了量子克隆与量子纠错存在一定程度上的联系,另一方面也反映出一些量子克隆过程本身具有一定的抗消相干的能力。4)提出用二维NMR中的多量子相干实现无消相干子空间(DFS),并在实验上验证了该DFS的避错能力。本方法有效地利用了甲基中三个磁等价的氢核,把原本需要四个化学位移各不相同的核自旋构造的二逻辑位的DFS变成了只需两个化学位移各不相同的核自旋体系构造的二逻辑位的DFS,虽然用的核自旋数“更少”,却能避免更多的错误算符。用多量子相干作为量子计算中的量子位,是一种全新的概念,可以充分利用磁等价的原子核自旋来构造多个量子位,从而扩展了可利用的量子位的数目。  相似文献   

Quantum computing technologies have become a hot topic in academia and industry receiving much attention and financial support from all sides. Building a quantum computer that can be used practically is in itself an outstanding challenge that has become the ‘new race to the moon’. Next to researchers and vendors of future computing technologies, national authorities are showing strong interest in maturing this technology due to its known potential to break many of today’s encryption techniques, which would have significant and potentially disruptive impact on our society. It is, however, quite likely that quantum computing has beneficial impact on many computational disciplines. In this article we describe our vision of future developments in scientific computing that would be enabled by the advent of software-programmable quantum computers. We thereby assume that quantum computers will form part of a hybrid accelerated computing platform like GPUs and co-processor cards do today. In particular, we address the potential of quantum algorithms to bring major breakthroughs in applied mathematics and its applications. Finally, we give several examples that demonstrate the possible impact of quantum-accelerated scientific computing on society.  相似文献   

量子计算机是一种新型的运算工具,它具有强大的并行处理数据的能力,可解决现有计算机难以运算的数学问题,因此,它成为世界各国战略竞争的焦点。本文综述了量子计算机目前的发展状况和可扩展、可容错的量子计算机物理体系的实验研究进展,并分析了美国最近启动研制量子芯片的微型曼哈顿计划对我国构成的严峻挑战。  相似文献   

以智慧芽专利数据库的量子信息专利文献为数据源,基于专利计量的研究方法从时间、地域、专利申请人等多个层次进行专利数据分析,及时追踪量子信息技术发展态势,重点分析了发达国家的量子信息技术发展状况,挖掘典型机构和高价值专利。研究发现:量子信息技术正处于发展上升周期,美国是量子计算的强国,中国在量子通信稍占优势,量子保密通信、量子计算机是量子信息技术的研究热点。最后根据研究结果,提出要从国家层面做好量子信息顶层规划,加强基础研究,培养一批高水平人才,产学研融合发展,打造量子信息产业生态。  相似文献   

Discrete simulation modeling is a powerful tool used for evaluation and analysis. While it has been used extensively on mainframe computers, for a number of reasons it has not to-date been widely used on small computers. This paper addresses the issue of simulation on small computers by answering the following question: “Are microcomputers powerful enough to process a highly iterative simulation model in an accurate, timely and cost-effective manner?”  相似文献   

Computing plays an important role in genetics (and vice versa).Theoretically, computing provides a conceptual model for thefunction and malfunction of our genetic machinery. Practically,contemporary computers and robots equipped with advancedalgorithms make the revelation of the complete human genomeimminent – computers are about to reveal our genetic soulsfor the first time. Ethically, computers help protect privacyby restricting access in sophisticated ways to genetic information.But the inexorable fact that computers will increasingly collect,analyze, and disseminate abundant amounts of genetic informationmade available through the genetic revolution, not to mentionthat inexpensive computing devices will make genetic informationgathering easier, underscores the need for strong and immediateprivacy legislation.  相似文献   

J.L. Willems 《Endeavour》1981,5(1):37-43
In many fields of modern medicine, diagnosis and treatment demand the rapid correlation of a very large number of variables. To reduce this task to manageable proportions increasing use is being made of computers. The subject of the use of computers in medicine generally is too broad to review adequately in a brief space. This article is restricted to the use of computers in electrocardiography, which is not only intrinsically important-because of the problem of heart disease in the western world—but has been used as a proving ground for many other applications.  相似文献   

Domesticating Computers and the Internet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The people who use computers and the ways they use them have changed substantially over the past 25 years. In the beginning highly educated people, mostly men, in technical professions used computers for work, but over time a much broader range of people are using computers for personal and domestic purposes. This trend is still continuing, and over a shorter time scale has been replicated with the use of the Internet. This paper uses data from four national surveys to document how personal computers and the Internet have become increasingly domesticated since 1995 and to explore the mechanisms for this shift. Now people log on more often from home than from places of employment and do so for pleasure and for personal purposes rather than for their jobs. Analyses comparing veteran Internet users to novices in 1998 and 2000 and analyses comparing the change in use within a single sample between 1995 and 1996 support two complementary explanations for how these technologies have become domesticated. Women, children, and less well-educated individuals are increasingly using computers and the Internet and have a more personal set of motives than well-educated men. In addition, the widespread diffusion of the PC and the Internet and the response of the computing industry to the diversity in consumers has led to a rich set of personal and domestic services.  相似文献   

随着计算机的迅速普及,许多工作可以通过计算机来完成。自动化广播系统利用计算机自动操作,具有定时广播、自动开关机功能,完全无需人工操作。文中介绍了系统的设计思想和实现的关键技术。  相似文献   

As their name implies, computers were originally developed to make numerical calculations but they have already been applied to a relatively limited extent to handling data presented as written language, speech, graphs, and so on. With their Fifth Generation Computer project the Japanese have embarked on a startlingly ambitious ten-year scheme—supported jointly by government and industry—to develop non-numeric computers which embody artificial intelligence that can communicate directly with the human mind on a logical basis.  相似文献   

Information technology (IT)—computers and related technologies—is the latest technology to enter the household. Like other technologies, gender is a major factor in its adoption and use as well as its perceived usefulness. Unlike prior household technologies, the computer's entry into the household has followed a different pattern. Early statistics revealed a vast gender divide, with men using computers and related technologies much more in the household. More recent statistics show a narrowing of the divide, perhaps even a reversal, particularly in the United States, with women outnumbering men in the access to and use of the Internet. In this article, the role of gender and its relationship with Internet use in the home are reviewed. In addition to overall adoption and access, the review focuses on specific Internet applications and examines the factors that contribute to gender differences in adoption and use of computers and Internet applications in the home.  相似文献   

This article assesses the effects of home computers on school performance, and examines inequalities in educational payoff among those children who have home computers. We find that having a home computer is associated with higher test scores in mathematics and reading, even after controlling for family income and for cultural and social capital. However, children from high socioeconomic status (SES) homes achieve larger educational gains from home computers than do lower SES children. Boys' performance advantage is larger than girls'. Ethnic minorities gain far less of a performance boost than whites. Home computing may generate another 'Sesame Street effect' whereby an innovation that held great promise for poorer children to catch up educationally with more affluent children is in practice increasing the educational gap between affluent and poor, between boys and girls, and between ethnic minorities and whites, even among those with access to the technology.  相似文献   

Grier DA 《Endeavour》2001,25(1):28-32
Before computers were machines, they were people. They were men and women, young and old, well educated and common. They were the workers who convinced scientists that large-scale calculation had value. Long before Presper Eckert and John Mauchly built the ENIAC at the Moore School of Electronics, Philadelphia, or Maurice Wilkes designed the EDSAC for Manchester University, human computers had created the discipline of computation. They developed numerical methodologies and proved them on practical problems. These human computers were not savants or calculating geniuses. Some knew little more than basic arithmetic. A few were near equals of the scientists they served and, in a different time or place, might have become practicing scientists had they not been barred from a scientific career by their class, education, gender or ethnicity.  相似文献   

论述虚拟共享型多处理机的特点、实现机制、可伸缩性和负载平衡,以及共享存储型和消息传递型多处理机的区别。  相似文献   

工业锅炉集中监视与监控系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了保证工业锅炉系统安全高效地运行,对工业锅炉进行了集中监视与控制。集中监视与控制系统由两级计算机组成。上位机是工业控制计算机,主要完成智能化的后台管理和实时显示运行信息等功能,下位机是可编程控制器,主要完成现场信号和数据的采集及实时控制。该系统为工业锅炉高效安全生产提供了可靠的保障。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the impact of computers on the nuclear arms race and argues that improvements in computer technology have directly led to the diminishing warning and decision period available to human commanders in the event of an accidental outbreak of nuclear war. To support this thesis, a brief and general history of the application of computers to strategic weapons systems is given and evidence is presented which confirms the unreliability and error proneness of current computer-based weapons control systems. The main point of discussion however, involves an emerging proposal to completely automate the strategic systems of the United States and the associated problems and dangers, given present inadequacies.  相似文献   

Computer scientists and psychologists are collaborating to work out an intelligent computer system that is able to perceive human's emotions. The affective computing is a newly developed technology that allows computers to receive human's emotional signals, interpret their emotional states by analyzing their biological signals and affect human's emotions through various ways. This paper mainly discusses current achievements on Affective Computing, including several well- known methods to detect facial expressions,three different emotional models that are widely accepted in affective computing, three recent inventions based on affective computing in which affective wearable computers are emphasized, main obstacles during the development of affective computing and different ideas from scientists about affective computing.  相似文献   

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