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实施多元化导师指导 提高博士学位完成率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
博士生延期和流失已成为我国博士生教育过程中的重要问题之一。本文借鉴国内外导师制度的实践模式,设计了包括导师、导师组、导师委员会和导师指导工作室等四个层面的多元化导师指导体系,并在博士生教育管理过程中加以实践。  相似文献   

This study focused on exploring students’ and supervisors’ perceptions of ethical problems in doctoral supervision in the natural sciences. Fifteen supervisors and doctoral students in one research community in the natural sciences were interviewed about their practices and experiences in the doctoral process and supervision. We explored to what extent doctoral students and supervisors experienced similar or different ethical challenges in the supervisory relationship and analyzed how the experiences of ethical dilemmas in supervision could be understood in light of the structure and practices of natural science research groups. The data were analyzed by theory-driven content analysis. Five ethical principles, namely non-maleficence, beneficence, autonomy, fidelity and justice, were used as a framework for identifying ethical issues. The results show that one major question that appears to underpin many of the emerging ethical issues is that the supervisors and students have different expectations of the supervisory role. The second important observation is that doctoral students primarily described their own experiences, whereas the supervisors described their activities as embedded in a system and elaborated on the causes and consequences at a system level.  相似文献   

法国是世界上最早建立教育督导制度的国家,从法国教育督导制度的发展情况来看,法国将教育督导视为教育行政管理的重要支柱之一。法国重视和加强督导工作,设立专门的督导机构,明确督导的职责,严格选拔督导人员,采用灵活多样的督导方式,具有严密的督导程序,通过立法确立了完整系统的督导制度。  相似文献   

发达国家教育督导制度的比较及启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
教育督导就是对教育工作进行监督,检查,评价和指导,从发达国家教育督导制度的发展情况来看,许多国家都将教育督导视为教育行政管理的重大支柱之一,尽管各国的教育管理体制有所不同,但在建立和完善教育督导制度的过程中,却存有一些共同的做法,主要是重视和加强督导工作,设立专门的督导机构,明确督导职责,严格选拔督导人员,采用灵活多样的督导方式,具有严密的督导程序,通过立法确立了完整,系统的督导制度,我国应当借鉴发达国家教育督导的基本经验,加强督导立法,完善督导法规,明确各级督导机构职责,严格选拔督导人员,全面提高督导人员素质,改善监督职能,强化指导职能。  相似文献   

教育视导是教育质量保障的主要机制,其职能与作用受到研究者的广泛关注。英、美、澳三国发展了不同模式的视导制度,反映了国家对教育不同程度的干预。视导扮演了教育问责与学校改进的双重角色,对教师的教与学造成了不同的影响。分析这一现象,需借助国家理论澄清视导的存在理据与职能。  相似文献   

本研究了英国教育督导制度的发展历史,重点阐述了其现行的督导法规、督导队伍、督导职责、督导方式、督导过程、督导机构等方面的内容,并结合我国教育督导制度的发展现状,提出了一些建设性的意见与完善措施,以促进我国教育督导制度更好地发展。  相似文献   

Although clinical supervision is widely viewed as an educational process, counseling doctoral students may lack relevant background in pedagogy. In response to calls to incorporate learning theories and principles into supervision instruction, 7 evidence‐based science of learning principles as well as examples from 1 doctoral supervision course are described.  相似文献   

我国教育督导制度存在的问题与改进建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教育教学改革的不断深入,我国现行教育督导制度的局限性逐渐凸显出来,表现在:教育督导机构的性质定位不明,教育督导的职能定位偏颇,教育督导人员的非专业化。摆脱困境需实现行政过程中决策与执行的分离,变政府机构为法定机构。实现由"控制"向"服务"的转变,是21世纪教育督导追求的方向;实现由"经验型"向"专业型"转变,是教育督导发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

Current Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Eduational Programs (CACREP; 2001) standards promote the use of triadic supervision by counselor educators and supervisors. However, conceptual models of triadic supervision do not presently exist in the supervision literature. This article describes the process and structure of 1 model of triadic supervision (D. M. Kleist & N. R. Hill, 2003). This model provides a vehicle for implementing triadic supervision in response to changes in the CACREP standards and adds to the literature on triadic supervision. Implications for counselor educators and supervisors, as well as future research, are conceptualized.  相似文献   

教育督导是国家对教育工作实施有效管理的重要手段.但目前人们对教育督导机构的性质、督导过程、督导职能及督导评价等本源性问题缺乏深度的认识和深入的探讨.从教育督导的本质、国外教育督导的趋势和我国教育督导的实际来看,教育督导机构应保持相对独立;督导主要发挥监督执行的职能;督导应贯穿管理全程;督导应基于客观事实来进行评定.  相似文献   

党内监督与民主监督在监督体系、监督范围、监督方式上是有区别的;然而党内监督与民主监督在监督对象、监督目的、监督原则上又是同一的;目前,党内监督与民主监督存在着轻重失衡、上下失调、体制不畅、整修社会监督体系未形成合力等问题,须进一步研究强化监督的对策。  相似文献   

This article describes the practice of postgraduate supervision on a blended professional development programme for academics, and discusses how connectivism has been a useful lens to explore a complex form of instruction. By examining the processes by which supervisors and their students on a two-year part-time masters in Applied eLearning negotiated the blended approach adopted to supervision, it illustrates the conditions that enable connections to occur and flourish. The socio-technical context for supervision was supported using learning technologies (VLE, research wikis and ePortfolios), small group supervision (two to three supervisors and students) and traditional individual supervision. Qualitative data were obtained through surveys and focus groups, and analysed using a framework which drew on connectivist principles. Findings suggest that for increased connections between supervisors and their students, a sense of sanctuary, community and regulation within the supervision process is important; the role of technologies in unifying postgraduate supervision in professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了建筑智能化系统工程的运作现状和监理要点,指出:现阶段建筑智能化的飞速发展,要求对工程项目进行全方位、全过程的监理,监理人员必须跟形势、提高技能,才能做好建筑智能化工程监理工作。  相似文献   

高职高专院校院系两级管理体制下的内部管理机制,应把握激励、可行、稳定、适应等原则,兼顾整体性与层次性,建立科学的管理目标体系;以科层组织理论、人力资本开发理论为依据,从高职高专院校组织特性出发,按照效率优先、权责相称、分工协作的原则构建合理的组织结构;建立高效的多元化分配机制和激励约束机制,建立完善的教育督导与评价机制,确保人才培养目标及管理目标群的实现。  相似文献   

文章论述了高校教学督导工作的定位、高校教学督导的组织形式及队伍建设问题,并根据作者参加高校教学督导工作的实践体会,结合其自身所在学校开展教学督导工作的具体情况,阐述围绕提高教学质量如何进行日常督导、专项督导、分级督导等教学督导工作,并对怎样处理好督导团与督导对象的关系、督导团与教学管理部门的关系以及不断改进高校教学督导工作进行了认真细致的思考。  相似文献   

Survey results of school counseling supervisors in North Carolina are summarized. Responses show that the majority of school counseling programs in the state are supervised by noncounseling personnel, usually supervisors of curriculum, instructional programs, or other educational areas. Supervisors' educational backgrounds, professional memberships, opinions about counselor certification issues, dominant supervisory functions, and staff development activities are described. The survey results give impetus to recommendations for future AACD and ACES directions regarding counseling supervision.  相似文献   

在澳门高等教育质量评估中,澳门政府、社会、高校均扮演着不同的角色,发挥着不同的作用。三者在力量的博弈中,基本上形成了高校力量主导、政府宏观控制、社会广泛监督的高等教育评估模式。这种关系是基于澳门现有的经济、政治、文化之上的一种自发关系,但是从教育发展的规律来看,这一自发形成的关系格局将转变为一种建立在完善制度体系基础之上的相互制衡的新型关系格局。  相似文献   

Educational development for research supervisors is still a recent phenomenon. Early optional sessions on research supervision have now been replaced, particularly in the UK, continental Europe, and Australasia, by comprehensive and, in some cases, mandatory programs. Yet some of these programs focus solely on the administrative roles and responsibilities of supervisors, attempting to provide technical “fixes” that deny the genuine difficulties and complexities involved in supervision relationships. Some research supervisors resent the intrusion of educational developers into what many of them have regarded as a private pedagogical space. They interpret such programs as further instances of the quality assurance agendas of governments and university administrators, and are justifiably suspicious of what some describe as the colonial underpinnings of educational development. These reactions create tensions for educational developers. This article explores why educational development can be problematic for research supervisors. It then charts some current supervision educational development programs that seek to go beyond administrative interpretations of supervision. Finally, it examines whether the “Compassionate Rigour” supervision program, developed to address these difficulties, manages to respond respectfully and sensitively to supervisors’ educational development needs.

Le développement pédagogique des superviseurs de recherches demeure un phénomène récent. Les séances optionnelles portant sur la supervision de recherches de jadis ont été remplacées, particulièrement au Royaume‐Uni et en Australasie, par des programmes approfondis et, parfois, obligatoires. Pourtant, certains de ces programmes se concentrent seulement sur les rôles et les responsabilité des superviseurs au plan administratif, cherchant de la sorte à fournir des ‘trucs’ qui ne tiennent pas compte des difficultés et complexités réelles sous‐jacentes aux relations de supervision. Certains superviseurs de recherches n’apprécient guère l’intrusion des conseillers pédagogiques au sein de ce que d’aucuns considèrent être un espace pédagogique privé. Ils interprètent de tels programmes comme des composantes additionnelles des programmes de maintien de la qualité mis en place par les gouvernements et les administrations universitaires. Ces superviseurs redoutent, à juste titre, ce que d’aucuns décrivent comme les bases coloniales du développement pédagogique. De telles réactions instaurent créent des tensions pour les conseillers pédagogiques. Cet article explore pourquoi le développement pédagogique peut apparaître problématique aux yeux des superviseurs de recherches. Ensuite, il décrit certains programmes actuels de développement pédagogique reliés à la supervision qui cherchent à dépasser les interprétations strictement administratives de la supervision. Finalement, il examine le programme de supervision ‘Compassionate Rigour’, développé dans le but de palier à ces difficultés, pour voir si celui‐ci répond à la fois respectueusement et sensiblement aux besoins des superviseurs en matière de développement pédagogique.  相似文献   

随着城市的蓬勃发展,泰州的城市水利工程建设也日新月异。在泰州城市水利工程建设过程中严格实行建设监理制,通过招标择优选择监理单位,委托其对工程进行建设管理,取得了较好的管理效果。项目法人如何加强对监理的管理,充分发挥监理的作用,这是项目法人必须认真考虑的问题。笔者通过这几年的工程实践认为:一是要选择优秀的监理单位和合适的监理人员,二是要适度委托和授权,三是要加强管理,方能充分发挥监理的作用。  相似文献   

在过去的10年间,由于土耳其人对德国教育体制的逐步适应以及德国联邦政府采取了积极的教育融合政策,土耳其学生在德国的教育体制中取得了长足的进步,但是相对德国学生还有较大的差距,主要原因在于德国的分轨制教育制度和土耳其移民隔离于德国主流社会的生活状态。而且由于过去10年间德国就业市场对中级岗位需求的减少,二代土耳其移民的教育进步并未使他们在就业方面获益。  相似文献   

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