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本文从高校日常训练过程中的心理训练和比赛阶段的心理训练,对大学生篮球运动员的心理训练进行探讨,重点讨论平时心理训练方法和比赛过程中运动员心理变化与相适应的调控方法和练习手段.  相似文献   

散打运动员在比赛中良好的心理素质对比赛的结果产生重要的影响。教打运动员的心理训练分为长期心理训练和赛前比赛心理形成训练两种类型,散打运动员心理训练的方法包括放松训练、模拟训练、意志训练等。在散打运动员心理训练中要更注重目标设置技能训练、紧张应激控制技能训练、情绪和自信心的调控。  相似文献   

竞技健美操是一项竞技性和观赏性很强的项目,比赛中运动员心理承受的压力越来越大,要使运动员保持良好的竞技水平,心理训练已成为运动训练中必不可少的一个环节,它有利于发挥运动员学习的主观能动性,促进运动训练水平和提高比赛成绩。本文对心理训练,即表象训练在健美操训练中的运用进行分析探讨。  相似文献   

心理训练对田径运动员是非常重要的,有很多著名的运动员在平时训练时有很高的水平,可是一到比赛就很难发挥出来,很大程度上都是与运动员的比赛心理有着比较密切的关系,本文主要就如何提高田径运动员的比赛心理进行分析,希望为田径运动员的比赛心理提高提供一些参考。  相似文献   

陈凤凌 《重庆师专学报》1999,18(3):94-95,100
在体操训练和比赛中,心理训练的重要性万为突出,心理训练对于体操训练过程中技术水平的提高,发挥运动员的最大潜力,使运动员精力集中地进行体操训练,提高运动成绩,克服运动员的心理障碍,加速动作的动力定型,缩短认识事物的过程,为顺利完成比赛任务提供保证,本文主要探讨了专业体操训练中心理训练的具体途径和方法。  相似文献   

通过心理训练在投掷运动训练中重要意义的分析,赛前加强运动员的心理训练,能消除运动员紧张的心理状态,对运动员的比赛中运用正确的基本动作,取得优异的成绩有不可估量的作用,提出了对运动员心理训练的几种方法,并进行论述。  相似文献   

王卿 《华章》2012,(25)
在科学技术日益发达的今天,体育竞赛不仅是体能和技术的较量,而且还是心理素质的抗衡.随着科学技术水平不断提高,运动员技术动作,训练程度和身体素质越来越接近,但比赛成绩往往相差甚远,心理因素的差异是重要原因之一.乒乓球运动员的心理训练是乒乓球运动员训练的重要组成部分.它与身体训练、战术训练和技术训练一起,构成现代乒乓球运动训练的完整体系.在现代的乒乓球比赛中,特别是在大型的乒乓球比赛中,除了要求运动员拥有高超的技术水平和战术安排外还要求运动员必须拥有良好的心理素质,甚至在某种程度上来说,乒乓球运动员临场的心理素质会成为决定一场比赛胜负的关键.本文主要是对乒乓球运动员的心理训练进行探讨,通过心理训练来培养乒乓球运动员良好的心理素质.  相似文献   

通过对竞走运动员进行系统心理训练的实验研究 ,从心理方面提高竞走运动员临场比赛的技、战术水平 .结果表明竞走运动员进行系统的心理训练对比赛成绩的取得具有巨大作用  相似文献   

李斌 《华章》2011,(34)
运动心理训练是有意识、有目的地对运动员的心理过程和个性心理特征施加影响的过程.其目的是培养和发展运动员在紧张的比赛和训练中所必需的心理品质及个性心理特征,使运动员学会控制和调节自己的心理状态,争取在比赛中长时间保持最佳竞技状态.本文通过对青少年羽毛球运动员的心理训练问题进行简单分析,旨在为基层教练员的训练提供一些建议和帮助.  相似文献   

当前篮球运动在体力、技术、战术等方面的对抗越来越激烈,打法越来越凶猛,运动员参加比赛不仅消耗很大的体力,同时也消耗很大的心理能力。因此对运动员心理能力要求越来越高,在比赛中心理能力发挥不好,即使技术、战术很好的运动队也会在比赛中出现失败。运动员心理能力是决定比赛胜负的关键。篮球运动员心理能力训练应纳入到篮球训练之中。  相似文献   

你喜欢动物吗?你会训练动物吗?如果你不会,就请看看下文主人公丁老师是怎么训练宠物猫——“笨笨”的吧![编者按]  相似文献   

Traditional gerontological instruction uses an expertise‐based model. Such an approach can be counterproductive for gerontologists serving the elderly in rural areas. To meet the needs of both the rural elderly who need services and the professionals who wish to provide those services, educators in gerontology need to instruct students interested in a rural gerontology practice on the issues that face a professional who is entering a rural area: the diversity of rural areas; the influx of urbanites and what it means to locals; the slow acceptance of the need for human services in rural areas; and, most important, the fact that in rural areas, authority is based on trust, not on expertise. Rather than encouraging the development of expertise and professional authority, gerontological instruction for students interested in serving the rural elderly should emphasize the need for the professional to “stay low” in the client‐clinician relationship, learn the local language and culture, and accept the lack of separation between professional and personal roles in rural areas. These practices will help the professional who is new to the rural area gain the trust of the elderly residents.  相似文献   

Dr. Raoul F. Kneucker, Secretary General of the Austrian Rectors’ Conference and member of the Advisory Committee of CEPES, is at present chairman of the OECD/CERI Programme “Institutional Management in Higher Education”. Here he analyses the situation in the OECD member countries and calls for improved training of “managers in the service of universities”.  相似文献   

In recent years the uses of educational television in the training of teachers have achieved widespread, sometimes quite spectacular, currency and applause. Probably the best known and most widely used of these is in microtraining, where the trainee either in teaching (Brown, 1975; Wragg, 1974) or in medicine (Morrison and Cameron‐Jones, 1972) may be shown videotapes of ‘expert’ models displaying a particular professional skill to be mastered by the trainee, and may then go on to see videotape of his own use of the skill in a specially scaled‐down training situation. However, although microtraining seems set almost to become the norm, even the cliche, of the professional training world, other uses of educational television have received much less attention. These other uses include the training of student teachers in the observation and analysis of classroom behaviour, discussed with examples in the following paper  相似文献   

It is always a difficult matter to be the ‘first generation’ in anything and we first generation educational technologists cannot, even with our new technology, escape the problems and dilemmas inherent in a new field of study and practice. Our history is too short for us to have had much time for evaluation or indeed much to evaluate. In this article I propose to outline the kind of things educational technologists do and then to develop the theme of how we are going about training our successors.  相似文献   

This article essentially fulfills three tasks, that of giving a rapid and systematic overview of doctoral programmes by country in western Europe, that of describing certain initiatives taken by specific countries with the aim of improving third cycle (doctoral) studies, and that of arguing in favour of the establishment of so‐called European inter‐university doctoral programmes. So far as the first task is concerned, the authors note that all but two of the countries concerned have opted for the so‐called PhD type of doctoral programme rather than for long‐cycle programmes. In the case of the second task, they have given particular attention to efforts made in the Federal Republic of Germany to create separate doctoral level institutions. In the case of the third task, the authors have sketched a networking process by which inter‐university and inter‐disciplinary doctoral programmes are being created in certain specific disciplines, particularly scientific ones. The authors consider that such doctorates hold great potential but that their elaboration is being held up by lack of resources and by difficulties in finding, matching, and linking partners.  相似文献   

Twenty‐two teachers were asked to give their opinion as to the ability being tested by each item in two multiple‐choice examination papers. Agreement appeared to be rather low, particularly from one of the papers, but a rigid statistical analysis was impossible because of the difficulty of deciding upon acceptable criteria. The opinions of the teachers were correlated with the facility values for the items and the coefficients obtained appear to support the Bloom taxonomy.  相似文献   

ETV producers should be aware of how TV is used in the classroom. Production and utilisation are both essential studies in the course described below. Case‐history provides supporting evidence.

‘The most important variable in learning is not the presence or absence of a specific medium, but rather how the medium is used in the classroom.’

‘Despite reasonable planned courses no programme in the country allows students meaningful opportunities to test materials and methodologies in a classroom situation.’ (Hancock et al., 1974).  相似文献   

Silence needs to be shown to be taught. This is because the nonverbal, which is a different way of referencing the world than symbols, cannot be translated into words. Teaching silence is of special importance today because of the connection between silence and the creation of existential meaning, as well as the functioning of the creative process itself. The loss of silence in our culture will result in the loss of religious meaning and the impairment of creativity. Without deep meaning and the creative process the human species is at risk.  相似文献   

A backward glance over ten years of television production courses at Jordanhill College of Education reveals an interesting pattern of change and development. New technologies have offered portable lightweight cctv, video‐cassettes and cartridges, handheld battery‐operated cameras geared to low‐light conditions; these call for training and induction programmes radically different from those common in the mid‐sixties.  相似文献   

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