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姜楠 《今传媒》2010,(12):101-102
语言是人类最重要的交际工具,也是民族认同的符号系统。在语言交际过程中,地方方言作为语言的变体,咬字器官受传统发音习惯的影响,成为方言区人们学习、推广和使用普通话的一个障碍。本文从普通话声母、韵母、声调的发声部位和方法入手,以普通话与陕西方言的单音节字词为例进行了比较得出了两种语音的对应规律。  相似文献   

凌云 《新闻世界》2011,(8):101-102
方言区的人们在学说普通话的过程中,往往存在着"中介状态"。一方面是语音接近普通话,另一方面在学说普通话的过程中延续了方言中存在的语法、词汇等方面的习惯和问题。本文例举了一些普通话与宣城话之间常见语法、词汇的差异类型,并对宣城话作一番研究、考量。  相似文献   

朱清菊 《大观周刊》2012,(8):163-163
我们深处贵州的山区,文化发展落后,所使用的都是贵州方言。贵州虽属于北方方言区,贵州方言中没有明显的翘舌音,由于本身语言环境的束缚,促使学生在学习普通话的过程中,总是混淆翘舌音。甚至许多人在说普通话时,没有翘舌音。  相似文献   

萨日娜 《大观周刊》2012,(38):242-242
语音是人类发音器官发出的具有区别意义功能的声音,是语言交际工具的声音形式。音和意义的联系是人们在语言实践中约定俗成的,这种音义关系体现了语音的社会属性。而汉语的差异主要表现在语音方面,在词汇和语法方面方言与普通话的差异是有限的。语音差异是造成交际困难的主要原因,因此,汉语拼音是民族地区学习普通话的重要工具。  相似文献   

现实:强势方言区普通话主持人节目遭到冲击真正引起一场关于方言节目存废争论的,当滥觞于《阿六头说新闻》等一批方言新闻节目。如今的城市电视新闻节目,在粤川吴越等强势方言区,大都是方言新闻节目笑傲江湖,一批方言新闻节目主持人也随之走红,身价倍增。  相似文献   

目前都市类报刊语言中频频出现方言词语。这些方言词语的使用一方面体现出普通话共同语和方言之间的互动性以及报刊媒体在方言词语向共同语转换方面的媒介作用,另一方面也营造出"陌生化"的效果,有效地提升了新闻价值。  相似文献   

日前,浙江省义乌市档案局(馆)正式启动方言语音档案建档工作,把义乌最地道的"土话"以文本、音频、视频形式全面、立体地记录下来,让义乌方言语音资料真实、完整地进馆入库。一是分析现状,摸清"家底"。"义乌十八腔,隔溪不相同。"随着普通话逐步推广、市场经济日益繁荣,义乌方言正成为逐渐消逝的乡音。但它就是一座宝藏,需要通过实施"记忆工程",进  相似文献   

李韵 《图书馆论坛》1999,(3):21-22,12
广州话及其代表的粤方言是现代汉语各方言中和普通话差别较大的一种方言。除了语音之外,词汇方面和语法方面,尤其是语法方面还有着一些和普通话明显不同的地方。广州话及其代表的粤方言流行的广东地区又是近代中国最早对外开放的地区之一,也是当今我国改革开放的前沿。...  相似文献   

<正>用闽南方言对本地和台湾广播,我们通常用的是用普通话写成的文稿,这就经常要碰到两个颇为麻烦却又回避不了的问题。其中一个是词语问题,即普通话词语如何转换成闽南方言相应的同义词语;另一个是语音问题,即闽南方言词语的读音问题。闽南方言语音的类型比较复杂。本文只就广播中对闽南方言词语文白读音出现的一些问题做初步探讨。  相似文献   

孙长飞 《新闻世界》2012,(9):212-212
语言是人们用来作为交际的重要工具。在国内外交流日益频繁的时代,在通讯联络手段不断丰富、发展、更新的今天,在人类漫长的发展过程中,语言始终发挥着不可替代的作用。人们需要在交往中有共同的语言才能进行交际。但语言自身的发展、丰富和分支,限制了人们的交际空间,尤其是我国各地纷繁多样、特色各异的方言很多,已影响了人们的交际范围,如何突破这种语言障碍,促进交流,最佳途径无疑是推广和普及普通话。普通话是以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范的现代汉民族共同语。  相似文献   

重新认识电影与文学的关系和新的电影观的确立绝非没有积极的作用,尤其是在世界电影正通过高科技大踏步走向"景观化"、而中国电影由于忽视了视昕语言已远远落后于世界电影潮流的时候,这种对电影本性的寻求和回归显得更加重要.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(59):113-119

Efforts to create a standard interface for computer networks on either a local or global scale brings the advantage of simplifying bibliographic instruction, but also brings a new set of issues to reading. This essay argues that online mediums of publication erase genre distinctions, and that reference service should move toward instructing people in mediums not systems.  相似文献   

万历《会典》的编纂特色及其存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鞠明库 《图书馆杂志》2004,23(12):62-67
万历《会典》为明代官修的行政大法,也是记载有明一代典章制度最重要的史著。其在编纂上呈现鲜明特色,如统分结合,结构严谨;图样众多,形象具体;遍用小序,提纲挈领;典、例结合,编排有序等。同时,由于卷帙浩繁、典例繁多、成于众手等原因,又存在着纪年混乱、避而不载等问题。  相似文献   

IndonesiaDLN — The Indonesian Digital Library Network — is a distributed collection of digital library networks, digital library servers, full local contents, metadata, and people, all engaged in developing Indonesia as a knowledge-based society. Besides the general issues of digital libraries such as publishing, quality control, authentication, networking, and information retrieval, Indonesia also faces other issues — namely, the digital divide — in designing and implementing the Indonesian DLN Network. This paper describes the basic design of the Network that enables it to handle the typical problems encountered in a developing country's digital library network, such as internet accessibility, bandwidth capacity, and network delays. Also described are the experiences in implementing the Network, which currently has 14 successfully connected partners and more than 15 partners in the process of developing their digital library servers.  相似文献   

基于机器学习的文本自动分类研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张雪英 《情报学报》2006,25(6):730-739
文本自动分类是目前最常用的文本信息自动处理技术,也是机器学习、自然语言处理和信息检索领域的研究热点之一。本文比较全面、深入地论述了基于机器学习的文本自动分类所涉及的相关问题及解决方法,并提出了当前该领域面临的主要研究问题。  相似文献   

There is a need for people to have access to health information but this may not be readily available for some black and ethnic minority groups living in England. This study aims to improve access to health information for ethnic minority groups by providing this in their own language, in an audio and visual format through a touchscreen computer. The study was led by health promotion and public health workers informed by advisory panels of representatives from local black and ethnic minority groups in the cities of Nottingham, Sheffield and Leicester. Discussion within the advisory panels and local epidemiological data helped to identify groups to be targeted and priority health issues to be addressed. Other issues covered during development included interface design, language translation and identification of accessible locations. A number of problems were addressed in establishing appropriate touchscreen facilities, mainly relating to producing information in an electronic format for multiple languages and populations not necessarily computer-literate. Three touchscreens, containing information on 10 health topics, translated into five languages are currently installed, one in each city. They are being rotated through a series of locations including a library, GP practice, and a temple. Their use, and satisfaction with use, is being evaluated over a 2-year period, by statistical analysis of computer logs and the collection of qualitative information by bi-lingual interviewers with users, over an 18-month period. Health information can be made available for ethnic minority groups even if they are unable to read their mother tongue. Touchscreens appear to be a suitable medium for achieving this.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Our objectives were to identify literature on: (i) theory, evidence and gaps in knowledge relating to the help-seeking behaviour of people with learning disabilities and their carers; (ii) barriers experienced by people with learning disabilities in securing access to the full range of health services; (iii) interventions which improve access to health services by people with learning disabilities. DATA SOURCES: twenty-eight bibliographic databases, research registers, organizational websites or library catalogues; reference lists from identified studies; contact with experts; current awareness and contents alerting services in the area of learning disabilities. REVIEW METHODS: Inclusion criteria were English language literature from 1980 onwards, relating to people with learning disabilities of any age and all study designs. The main criteria for assessment was relevance to the Guilliford et al. model of access to health care (Gulliford et al. Access to health care. Report of a Scoping Exercise for the National Co-ordinating Centre for NHS Service Delivery and Organisation R & D (NCCSDO). London: NCCSDO, 2001), which was modified to the special needs of people with learning disabilities. Inclusion criteria focused on relevance to the model with initial criteria revised in light of literature identified and comments from a consultation exercise with people with learning disabilities, family and paid carers and experts in the field. Data abstraction was completed independently and selected studies were evaluated for scientific rigour and the results synthesized. RESULTS: In total, 2221 items were identified as potentially relevant and 82 studies fully evaluated. CONCLUSIONS: The process of identifying relevant literature was characterized by a process of clarifying the concept under investigation and sensitive search techniques which led to an initial over-identification of non-relevant records from database searches. Thesaurus terms were of limited value, forcing a reliance on using free-text terms and alternative methods of identifying literature to supplement and improve the recall of the database searches. A key enabler in identifying relevant literature was the depth and breadth of knowledge built up by the reviewers whilst engaged in this process.  相似文献   

施博  魏佳 《传媒观察》2020,(5):82-87
新型冠状病毒暴发后,很多艺术类高校的学生积极以"艺"抗"疫",用艺术的视角,聚焦当前疫情环境下的民生问题,表现出极高的媒介素养。本文以南京艺术学院为例,探讨融媒体时代艺术专业媒介素养的教学与实践,分别从图片、影像、音乐、社交平台、产品设计以及装置等抗击疫情的艺术作品来分析媒介素养教学的成果。  相似文献   

胡静 《大观周刊》2012,(18):184-186
在英语作为第二语言的学习中,听、说是中国学生学习中普遍存在的薄弱环节,尤其是口语,受到语言环境的局限,更是其中最薄弱却难以突破的瓶颈。在学生们普遍基础薄弱、自律性较差的三本院校中,提高学生口语水平的难度就更大。文章以陕西科技大学镐京学院口语教学改革为例,详细介绍了镐京学院口语教学的探索过程,通过对不同阶段成败的分析,选择参与大规模的口语集中训练的学生展开调研,通过对结果进行对比分析得出结论,为英语口语课堂建设及教学方法提出建议。  相似文献   

林英 《出版与印刷》2023,(1):100-107
文章以皖籍著名出版人汪孟邹为个案,从微观的角度切入,探讨旅外徽州人如何与故土桑梓保持紧密的联系,如何为促进乡邦福利和革新桑梓的社会文化面貌而努力。汪孟邹对家乡的救援与革新包括:尽力提供职业、经济上的帮助,以纾乡民之困顿;重视家乡的教育问题,以培育革新的力量;革新家乡陋习,并率先垂范;热心组织和参与同乡团体,聚集救援与革新的力量。文章发现,旅外徽州人与留守本地的先进乡绅之间有着高度互动,内外联动是近代中国地方社会实现转型的重要方式。  相似文献   

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