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名词或代词。正确地使用动词不定式,会使英语句子简洁。动词不定式作定语常常有以下几种情况: 一、动词不定式作定语有时带有情态意义 1.A good teacher must be the one to put himself in the learner's place. =A good teacher must be the one who is able to put himself in learner's place.好的教师应当能设身处地为学生着想。 2.He has a large family to support=He has a large family that he must support. 他有一大家人要养活。  相似文献   

一、反身代词的作用:1.作某些动词的宾语Make yourself at home.请随便/不要拘束。He jumped off the wall and hurt himself.他从墙上跳下来,摔伤了腿。I can’t express myself in English.我不能用英语表达思想。He is teaching himself Japanese.他在自学日语。2.作介词宾语She is worried about herself.她为自己担心。Be strict with yourself.律己要严。3.作表语,用于be,feel,look等后,表示感觉、情绪或状态。He isn’t quite himself these days.他近来身体不太舒服。She feels more herself today她今天感觉好多了。He looked…  相似文献   

反身代词oneself和某些动词搭配使用,表示一些特定的意义。下面试举一些常用的: 1.absent oneself from缺席He absented himself from the class because ofhis illness.由于生病他未上课。  相似文献   

1.一天图书馆管理员想到一个好主意。(1)One day the librarian___________a good idea.(2)One day the librarian __________ a good idea.2.他以他的成功而感到自豪。(1)He__________ himself _________ hissuccess.(2)He____________ his success.(3)He ______________ hissuccess.  相似文献   

My favorite star is Jay.He is a famous and successful singer. I think his voice is special.He really sings by heart.He can write lyrics by himself.He is talented and excellent.Besides,he is a brave and energetic person.He succeeded by working hard.So he becomes my favorite star.  相似文献   

本文拟就 to 后所接词语作粗浅的探讨,以期对英语初学者在学习和应试中有一定的帮助。Ⅰ.做带 to 的填空题时,首先要弄明白 to 是不定式标志,还是介词。A.To 是介词,后面动词须用动名词形式。1.He is looking forward to attending the meeting.他期望参加那个会议。2.He takes to drinking.他爱喝酒。3.She wanted him to devote himself to working for the Party.她要他全身心地为党工作。  相似文献   

人们常说:“英语是介词的语言”。介词虽然是一种虚词,但它是英语中最常用的词类,由它组成的短语,可使语言简炼、明了、生动,介词在英语中起着极其重要的作用。如:They would never have done it if youhadn’t helped them.就可用介词短语改写成:They would never have done it withoutyourhelp.没有你们的帮助,他们绝对办不成那事。下面就介词短语的构成及其在句中的作用作些归纳。一、介词短语的构成介词和它后面的词、词组或句子,构成一个短语,称为介词短语。介词短语的构成有下列十种形式:1.介词 名词。如:He put the money in his pocket.他把钱放在口袋里。They fought with courage.他们英勇地战斗。He stood beside the table.他站在桌边。2.介词 代词。如:Leave your dog with me.把你的狗交给我吧。He did it all by himself.他独自一人做了这件事。I wrote a letter to him.我写了一封信给他。3.介词 动名词。如:  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.settlev.1)place or plant firmly and securely安置;安放He settled himself in the armchair.他安坐在扶手椅上。2)to make a place your home定居;移居The family finally settled in South Amer-ica.这家人最后在南美定居下来。  相似文献   

有只乌鸦已经持续飞行了好几个小时,渴得受不了,因此决定找些水喝。A crow had been flying for a couple of hours before he tooka rest.He was terribly thirsty.He decided to find himself somewater to drink.  相似文献   

高三复习备考时,把意思不同但搭配相仿、用法相似的介词词组对比起来,进行辨析、记忆,能起到事半功倍的效果。请看下列相似介词词组: 1 by oneself独自or oneself给(为,替)自己He finished the work by himself.  相似文献   

反身代词一般可用作宾语、表语、主语或宾语的同位语,有时也可用作主语。在这些一般情况下,反身代词多可译为“本人”、“本身”或“自己”。如:1.He thinks more of others than of himself. 他想到别人的比想到自己的更多一些。  相似文献   

Tom had retired and lived by himself a long way from the town. He hardly even left his home, but one day he went to town to do some shopping,  相似文献   

A Jackdaw,watching some Pigeons in a farmyard(农家庭院),envied how well they were fed,and de-termined to disguise(伪装)himself as one of them. He painted himself white and joined the flock(群);and,so long as he was silent,they never sus-pected(怀疑)that he was not a pigeon.  相似文献   

Three Fables     
The Fox and the Lion When the fox first saw the lion,he was terribly frightened.He ran away,and hid himself in the woods. The second time,however,he came near the lion.He stopped at a safe distance,and watched him pass by.  相似文献   

An Honest Boy     
Jim is an honest(诚实的) boy. He is fifteen years old. His parents died three years ago and he had to make a living by himself. One day, when he was walking in the street, he found a wallet(钱包) full of money. He found  相似文献   

1.down for the count被彻底打败A:I.can’t stand looking at Tony destroying himself. B:He’s down for the count in everything now. A:Poor guy.What happened to him? B:His girl dumped him. A:真不忍心眼看托尼垮下去了。B:他现在是彻底被打败了。A:可怜的家伙。他怎么了? B:他被女朋友给甩了。  相似文献   

Dick often goes travelling when the summer holiday begins.But he was out of luck this summer. He went to an old temple on a high mountain by himself.Suddenly it  相似文献   

Kobe Bean Bryant     
Kobe Bean Bryant was born on August 23, 1978 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is the only son of Joe Bryant who himself was a professional basketball player. At seven years of age, Kobe got his first leather basketball and it became his closest friend . He even slept with it.  相似文献   

My younger brother was very selfish when he was a little boy. He did not want to share things with other people. For example, when he bought a chocolate cake, he put it in a secret place where I couldn’t find. Then he ate it all by himself. He never help…  相似文献   

A Black Sunday     
One On sunday it was so hot.My brother and I went to swim.My brother was very cheerful.Did you know swimming why?He is a good swimmer and he enjoys himself in  相似文献   

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