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通过对毕节潜在石漠化区域苔藓植物的采集鉴定,得到藓类植物共12科36属85种。通过对该区域藓类植物的分布状况进行统计和分析,结果表明:藓类植物的优势性明显;该区域生长的藓类植物从整体上来说是属于温带性质的,热带性质的只占了不大的比例。  相似文献   

通过野外调查和标本的采集,在毕节试验区韭菜坪获得藓类植物23科、78属、198种,根据藓类植物的生态环境和生长基质,参照陈邦杰对中国藓类植物群落划分系统,将毕节试验区韭菜坪藓类植物群落划分为石生群落、土生群落和木生群落三种类型。又根据吴鹏程、贾渝的中国苔藓植物地理分区及分布类型,讨论了毕节试验区韭菜坪藓类植物的地理分布。  相似文献   

黄冈龙王山藓类植物区系初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对湖北黄冈龙王山藓类区系分类做了探讨。在标本整理及鉴定的基础上.统计出龙王山共有苔藓植物31科53属88种(含1变种),其中藓类植物20科11属75种(含1变种)。黄冈龙王山有8个优势科,共含21属17种。区系成分以温带成分为主.也有一定数量的热带成分。  相似文献   

团风大崎山森林公园位于湖北省东部,大别山南麓,长江中下游北岸,通过对200余号标本的整理及鉴定,初步统计出团风大崎山共有苔藓植物26科46属98种,其中苔类植物8科8属10种,藓类植物18科38属88种。  相似文献   

达赉湖自然保护区盐生植物区系特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实地调查和参考相关资料,对达赉湖保护区盐生植物种类进行了科属种的多样性统计和区系特征分析.结果表明,达赉湖保护区盐生植物有22科53属81种,其中双子叶植物1 7科40属64种,单子叶植物5科13属17种.盐生植物属和种多数集中于藜科、菊科、禾本科和豆科,4科共有32属54种,占谊保护区总属数和总种数的60.38%、66.67%.从达赉湖保护区盐生植物的区系特征看,温带性质的属和种分别为28属和72种,占非世界分布属数和种数的83.78%和93.59%,这体现了该保护区盐生植物区系具有明显的温带性质.  相似文献   

湖北省苔藓植物资源研究--V 湖北省三角山苔藓植物名录   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
湖北三角山位于长江中游北岸,是大别山系的一部分,属于副亚热带大陆季风湿润气候,通过对三角山三百余份标本的初步鉴定,三角山共有苔藓植物137种(含2变种1亚种),隶属于34冬82属,其中苔类植物12科16属23种,藓类植物22科66属114种。  相似文献   

宝天曼自然保护区藓类植物初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道宝天曼自然保护区鲜类植物25科、75属、238种。分别占河南省总科、属、种数的62.5%、44.3%和43.5%,其中河南新记录科5个,新记录属23个,新记录种98个;该地区主要藓类群落分属于石生、土生、树生和腐木生四个群落类型。  相似文献   

浊漳河湿地维管植物区系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对浊漳河湿地进行实地调查,共记录了维管植物233种,隶属48科169属,其中,蕨类植物1科1属2种,双子叶植物37科123属168种,单子叶植物10科45属63种.植物区系地理成分可分为11个分布区类型,其中,温带性质的属有98属,占71.59%,在本地植物区系中处主导地位.  相似文献   

通过野外考察,标本采集、整理、鉴定,得出毕节阳山森林公园共有蕨类植物27科50属107种,其中优势科为鳞毛蕨科、蹄盖蕨科、水龙骨科和金星蕨科,优势属为鳞毛蕨属、蹄盖蕨属、凤尾蕨属、铁角蕨属。从该区蕨类植物科、属分布类型的所占比例可知,热带成分在该地区占优势,热带分布科有14科,占总科数的87.50%(世界分布除外,下同);热带分布属有30属,占总属数的81.08%;从种分布区类型的所占比例来看,则温带成分在该地区占优势,温带性分布有85种,占总种数的85%,特别是中国特有分布、东亚分布和中国-日本分布类型的种较多,温带性质明显。  相似文献   

对九顶山植物群落野外调查,得到种子植物115科413属613种。通过植物区系成分分析可知,该区区系比较复杂,15种分布类型在谈区均有分布。区系特征如下:具有明显的温带性质,温带成分236属,占总属的57.14%,而且以北温带分布(108属)为主;与热带有一定的亲缘关系。热带成分130属,占31.48%;中国特有植物多,17属18种;区系起源古老。为谈区域物种保护和植被区划提供理论依据。  相似文献   

文章首次对山东省果树资源的18个科,34个属,92种34个变种的组成成分和区系成分进行了统计分析.该地区包括9个分布区类型:北温带分布5科17属,世界分布4科2属,东亚及美洲间断分布3科1属,泛热带分布2科4属,地中海区中亚至西亚分布2科3属,旧世界热带分布1科1属,东亚分布1科2属,旧大陆温带及变型3属,热带亚洲美洲间断1属,可见北温带分布成份占有重要地位,北温带成份科占总科数的27.78%,北温带成份属共有17属占总属的50.00%.  相似文献   

对13年生马尾松天然林分优树子代测定结果表明:141个家系子代材积、树高、胸径的生长量差异均极显著。通过对各参试家系平均值的多重比较,根据3个生长性状的遗传增益排秩,选出了Q检验显著的16个优良家系,平均材积、树高、胸径的遗传增益分别为42.11%、12.90%和7.06%。在优良家系中评选优良单株58棵,其材积、树高、胸径的遗传增益分别为56.83%、14.76%和8.72%。选择效果十分明显,可作为马尾松第2代育种材料进入育种群体。  相似文献   

Three studies examined the links between psychological control and prosociality in middle childhood, and the role of religiosity as a moderator. Study 1 (101 Israeli Jewish families, ages 6–9, 50% girls) found a significant interaction, with a negative association between maternal psychological control and children's prosociality in secular but not in religious families. Study 2 (161 Israeli Jewish families, ages 6–12, 48% girls) replicated this interaction for mothers using a continuous religiosity measure. Study 3 (64 Arab Muslim Israeli families, ages 6–8.5, 50% girls) also found a significant interaction, with a positive link between psychological control and prosociality seen at higher, but not at lower, religiosity levels. The findings suggest that religiosity may alter the meaning and consequences of parenting practices.  相似文献   

通过调查和统计分析,海南岛蕨类植物有56科、140属、438种,其中有8个优势科.对海南岛蕨类植物科属种的区系地理成分进行分析得知,海南岛蕨类植物具有明显的热带性质,科的97.5%、属的92.5%、种的83.6%为热带分布类型.对海南岛蕨类植物的生态类型进行分析,它们分属于5个生态分布类型.并根据其用途,把海南蕨类植物分为观赏蕨类、药用蕨类、食用蕨类、工业用蕨类、手工业用蕨类等等.在以上研究的基础上,对海南岛蕨类植物资源的开发利用提出几点建议,如加强基础研究、加强资源的保护和宣传等等.  相似文献   

通过野外调查,对连云港白塔埠机场周边的种子植物区系进行了分析。结果表明:该区共有主要种子植物73科、190属、261种,其中裸子植物4科、5属、6种;双子叶植物56科、154属、216种;单子叶植物13科、31属3、9种。科的区系可划分8个类型和4个变型,以世界分布、泛热带分布和北温带分布为主;属的分布类型可划分为14种类型和9个变型,温带分布占总属数的46%;在种一级的分布中,世界分布种占总种数约71%,泛热带分布和温带分布各占13%,而热带亚洲至热带美洲、旧世界热带分布仅占1.2%,反映出由暖温带向亚热带过渡的特点。  相似文献   

闽东霍童溪淡水鱼类资源调查初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
霍童溪淡水鱼类资源调查表明,该溪有淡水鱼54种,分属9目16科39属.其中鲤形目鱼类有3科25属35种,占鱼类总种数的64.81%;鲶形目有4科5属7种,占总种数的12.96%;鲈形目有3科3属3种,占总种数的5.56%;鳗鲡目有1科1属4种,占总种数的7.41%.中华倒刺鲤.大斑花鳅、黄尾鲴等种类.福建鱼类志尚未记录.在54种淡水鱼中常见种25种,占鱼类总种数的46.30%;稀有种5种,占9.26%;偶见种23种,占42.59%;琵琶鱼是外来种.霍童溪淡水鱼类以底栖生活种类和穴居生活类型为主.  相似文献   

为选择优良的用材和景观林木种质资源,文章对由34个自由授粉家系组成的9年生云南樟子代测定林进行了调查分析.结果显示家系间树高、胸径、冠幅、冠高比的生长差异达到显著水平,树高、胸径、冠幅、冠高比平均值分别为2.70m、4.21cm、1.68m、0.63,变异系数分别为7.02%、12.14%、8.12%、6.26%,遗传力分别0.68、0.64、0.58和0.60.以树高和胸径的遗传增益都大于5%为优良用材林树种资源的选择标准,则入选6个家系的树高和胸径平均值分别为3.17m、5.80cm,遗传增益分别为11.79%、24.11%;以冠幅和冠高比遗传增益都大于5%选择优良的绿化树种种质资源,则入选2个家系的平均冠幅和冠高比分别为1.83m和0.69,遗传增益分别为6.32%和5.22%.  相似文献   

K Kim  B Ko 《Child abuse & neglect》1990,14(2):273-276
Among the 1,142 girls and boys aged 9 to 11 years, 8.2% were seriously battered, 58% were mildly battered and 33.8% were unbattered during the past year. Child battering was more serious in families in the lower social strata, with poor living conditions, in broken families such as those with stepparents or absent mothers, and where parents were unskilled workers or unemployed. Finally, child battering was closely related to all other forms of family violence.  相似文献   

The Family Walk-In Centre opened November 1978 as a pilot project at Eaton Socon in Cambridgeshire with the aims: to encourage parents to visit the centre on “their terms,” including parents who have abused or who fear they will abuse or neglect their child who may be difficult or handicapped, or because of chronic or acute family problems; further to mobilize “Self Help” groups and offer professional support. “Help” offered to the families included informal and formal group work, family casework and education in social and physical skills. Volunteer and professional support was given at the Centre and at home. Close liaison with specialist agencies was maintained to enable families to receive appropriate help. Periodic reviews and visits were made to maintain contact. An analysis of 50 families who attended the Centre between October 1979 and May 1980 was made to assess: the attendance and reattendance rate which indicated their acceptance of help offered and their motivation to use the Centre; the types of problems presented to the Centre, the types of action taken, the progress made when reviewed after three months and the degree of involvement by the volunteers. A final analysis will comprise 100 families. A preliminary summary found: significant reduction in the registration of new cases of child abuse; self-referrals exceeded significantly other modes of referral; loneliness and parenting difficulties formed the major proportion of families seeking help; 48% of families continued to attend for 3 months or more; work done centered upon discussion of parenting problems in 30% of the cases and involvement in activities with other families in 28%; 18% were assessed as showing improved child care after 3 months. The children are being monitored and will be assessed when they enter the infant school.  相似文献   

Sixty families assessed to be at risk of poor parenting were the subject of this study. These families were participants in a model multidisciplinary program designed for the secondary prevention of poor parenting and the extremes of child abuse and neglect. The model program consists of special medical, psychological, social and developmental services to families on an inpatient, outpatient, and in-home basis. Demographic information on these 60 families was tabulated. Each family was given a monthly rating on a simple measure of family function. Ratings over lime were observed, and families were characterized in terms of a family rating vector (up. up-plateau, plateau, fluctuating, and down). Families were also described in terms of the constellation of problems brought to the therapy situation. Problem lists for each family were subjected to factor analysis. Five factor constructs which made clinical sense emerged from the analysis. Each factor could be labeled as a “family type.” These types were: (I) Abusive Family. (II) Neglectful or Antisocial Family. (III) Family with an Emotionally Unstable Parent, (IV) Family with Cultural or intellectual Limitation, and (V) Family with Child-Rearing Difficulties. Approximately 20% of these families did not fit the typology. Families were then divided into two groups—those who were relatively long-term, ongoing recipients of services, and those who left the program in the observation interval. Families were categorized according to family function rating vector and “family type.” It was noted among long-term families, measured improvement in family function was most evident in families with transient situational crisis (who did not fit the typology) and those with intellectual and cultural deficits (Type IV). Among the families who dropped from the program. 15% were no longer at risk. Sixty-three percent of the remaining families were not improving. These techniques may be useful in determining which at risk families are more successful candidates for prevention efforts.  相似文献   

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