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教师绩效评价的理论与实践   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
教师绩效评价是教育人事制度改革的关键,20世纪80年代以来,它成为了教育改革的重点和难点。在以往有关教师评价的研究中,三种不同类型的评价常常被混用;而对教师绩效的评价又常常只关注任务绩效,没有关注关系绩效;此外,大多数教师评价研究均是关于大学教师的。教师绩效评价应以教师绩效结构的理论分析为基础。基于教师素质结构理论,在文献分析和关键事件调查、关键事件访谈的基础上,通过定性分析和实证分析,在反复研究基础上,提出了教师绩效的结构,并通过实证研究探讨了教师绩效评价的信度与效度。  相似文献   

美国教师评价发展经历了三个阶段:以教师个性特征为评价重点:建立职业教师评价体系;教师评价成为教育改革的主攻方向。目前最新改革动向是建立以学习者为中心的课堂评价体系和开展熟练教师认证工作。美国教师评价改革趋势是把教师评价与学生学习结果的衡量有机结合,这为我国教师评价改革提供了一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

教师评价:注重绩效,还是促进发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从上世纪80年代中期开始,西方国家先后开始了新一轮的教育改革,改革的核心是问责与教师专业发展。受这两种思想的影响,绩效式教师评价与发展性教师评价成为教师评价的两种主要形式。这两种教师评价模式有内在逻辑及实施的约束条件,当前,执着于长期目标的新课程改革应需要更多的发展性教师评价。  相似文献   

高等学校教师的评价是高校管理的重要内容,科学地、客观地评价教师的工作,是实现对教师科学管理的重要标志。要保证教师评价的科学性、客观性,必须做到理论和实践的统一,学校自身改革和高等教育整体改革的统一,评价目标与评价手段的统一,定性评价、定量评价与发展性评价、多元评价的统一。  相似文献   

In conducting this study, I sought to contribute to the scholarly discourse of understanding how North American elementary pre-service teachers experienced evaluation via teacher performance assessments. Through extensive interviews and thematic data analysis, this study generally supported the contention that the process of completing edTPA deepened student teachers’ understanding of their educational experience in a number of domains, which in turn suggested a broader awareness and appreciation of the complexities of learning to teach. Data from a larger study indicated that the identified ‘realms of understanding’ fell into four areas of insight related to education: Understanding Children, Understanding Instructional Strategies, Understanding via Collective Learning, and Understanding Self as Teacher. For the purposes of this paper, the identified area of insight ‘Understanding Self as Teacher’ is explored. These findings lead to several practical ways in which teacher education might be improved, particularly in the area of utilization of video in teacher education programs.  相似文献   

教师专业发展是影响教育成效的关键之一,环顾世界主要国家都将提升教师专业发展视为重要的教育政策。为了确保教师的专业精神与专业知能,使教师们在数十年的专业生涯中,均能拥有最佳的专业服务质量及最高的成就感,也使学生能因教师的持续成长而获致最大的教育成效,使国家的总体竞争力能因拥有优秀的人才而不断提升,教师专业发展评鉴及绩效评鉴已经是难以抵挡的时代潮流,中小学教师必须准备迎接"教师评鉴时代"的来临。本文运用文献分析、历史研究、理论分析与哲学思考等方法,省思中小学教师评鉴之推动过程与现状,首先借鉴英国教师新专业主义的发展及其七项原则,逐一检视目前台湾教师专业发展评鉴的措施,考察其适当性与有待加强处,务期将"教师专业发展评鉴"纳入法令之际,提供研究成果给决策机关作为全面推动之参考。  相似文献   

教师绩效评价与专业发展是中小学人力资源管理的关键要素。美国将教师绩效评价政策作为学校问责与教师质量保证的重要组成部分,各州已经开发并实施各种教师绩效评价政策。例如,美国北卡罗莱纳州教师绩效评价政策的出发点在于促进与支持有效的学校领导、教学质量和学生学习成就。北卡罗莱纳州教师绩效评价体系涉及到评价目标、评价标准和评价过程,该州教师绩效评价政策为教师专业发展提供了新的范式,值得我们学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

教师亲切性是指那些缩小师生之间物理和心理距离的教师言语和非言语沟通行为。该领域的研究主要集中于教师亲切性的含义、结构与测量、作用等方面。大量研究表明,教师亲切性与学生学习结果、学习动机、学生对教师的评价、学生心目中的教师信誉度之间均存在正相关,并与若干结果变量之间存在因果关系。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between teacher evaluation policies in Chile and Uruguay, teacher professional development, and teacher performance effectiveness. The analysis tries to understand the extent to which the existing processes for teacher evaluation stimulate an improvement in the quality of teaching. The comparison of two national cases with similar educational results but radically different educational policies allows the authors to take a close look within the ‘black box’ of educational policy-making. The paper is based on in-depth analysis of the PISA survey to heads of schools and in-depth interviews with teachers, heads, and key informants. The paper finds that policies aiming to strengthen teacher development and teacher performance through teacher evaluation cannot be understood in dichotomist ways; lack of attention to teachers’ perspectives and unintended effects of policy implementation can lead to marginal effects. Uruguay, where teacher evaluation policies have weak practical effects, has managed to obtain similar educational results to Chile. However, the experience of Chile shows that teacher evaluation can have an effect on teacher professional development and, in the long run, this may have an effect on the quality of teaching and student results.  相似文献   

教师教育课程是教师教育质量提高的关键所在,科学合理的教师教育课程教学评价的标准是培养高水平教师的重要因素,也是教师教育教学质量持续不断提高的有效保障。目前,我国教师教育课程教学存在的诸多问题无不与教师教育课程教学评价的标准有关。在当前我国高等教育“质量工程”和教师教育课程改革的大背景下,应用CIPP评价模式评价教师教育课程教学质量,对促进学生发展、教师发展、课程改进和教学资源优化配置等具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

专业化视野下的教师教育改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师专业化已成为教师教育改革的趋势,专业化是一个不断深化的过程。进行教师教育改革,促进教师专业发展,应从树立现代教师专业的理念、扩大教师专业自主权、构建一体化的教师教育体制、合理设置教师教育课程优化教师专业知能等几方面入手。  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that contribute to an effective teacher has the potential to influence selection and preparation of pre-service teachers and may influence student outcomes. Prior research suggests a relationship between teacher characteristics (academic achievement, verbal ability, gender) and teacher effectiveness, however, these factors explain only a fraction of the overall variance in the effectiveness of teachers. Guided by the What Works Clearinghouse protocol for Teacher Training, Evaluation and Compensation, this study involving pre-service teachers (N = 400) used teacher performance rankings resulting from classroom observations and explored factors that may contribute to varying levels of teacher performance. Pre-service teachers’ prior teaching performance, personality characteristics and previous academic achievement were assessed as predictive factors of teacher performance. Results indicate that no significant relationship was identified between personality traits and the outcome variable teaching performance in this study. However, previous teaching performance in addition to academic achievement scores emerged as significant predictors of teaching performance.  相似文献   

美国"基于表现的教师评价"探析——以密苏里州为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡敏 《教育科学》2008,24(1):91-96
美国实施"基于表现的教师评价"是21世纪以来教师队伍建设的一项重要举措,对美国中小学教师整体素质的提高产生了深刻的影响。本文针对这一评价系统的基本理念、标准体系、实施过程以及对我国教师评价改革的启示,进行了全面的描述和分析。  相似文献   

教师教育的变革给地方师范大学发展带来了前所未有的挑战;《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》颁布及全国教育工作会议的召开,对教师教育提出了新的要求;我国研究生教育结构性调整,为地方师范大学发展提供了新的视角。笔者认为,地方师范大学将挑战与要求转化为发展动力,抓住难得发展机遇,提升教师教育人才培养层次,扩大教育硕士规模,坚持培养原则,创新培养保障措施,确保培养质量,是其充分发挥自身优势与突出办学特色,在激烈市场竞争中谋求长远发展的较佳选择。  相似文献   

Educational reform in Australia recognizes the need for an effective teacher evaluation system but has fallen short of actually prescribing one. Current practice does not align to policy intent, with teacher evaluation largely an exercise in compliance around performance management as opposed to a process that promotes evaluative thinking, continuous improvement and connection to student outcomes. The recent introduction of the Australian Professional Standards for Teaching has gone some way to providing a common language and the idea of a nationally acceptable pathway for teacher development and performance. Nonetheless, two things are missing in the Australian context: the privileging of developing evaluative mindsets in teachers and school leaders and the tools and methods that provide the ‘how’ of evaluation and support this thinking. Situated against a period of reform in Australia’s diverse federal and multi-sectoral education system, this article first provides an analytical review of the Australian approach to teacher evaluation. It then presents two innovative approaches that support the process of evaluation and the broader information needs of an evaluation system while developing teachers’ and school leaders’ evaluative thinking which engages evidence-informed change and ultimately more sustainable outcomes for the education system.  相似文献   

新教学观与教师评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教师是提高教育质量的关键,教师评价在确保教师质量和教育质量上发挥了越来越重要的作用。教师评价的内容与方式一直受到人们对教学的看法的影响,随着教学研究的深入,新的教学观越来越重视教学的专业性特点及创造性本质,教师评价也越来越强调教师专长发展、教学反思及创新。  相似文献   

美国教师绩效工资制度的分析与反思   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
推行绩效工资是美国近来教师教育改革一系列重要举措中的重要组成部分,它旨在通过工资和奖励制度的改革,形成与美国近年来注重质量和效率优先的教育改革政策相匹配的扶优罚劣的教学激励机制。这既是美国基础教育和教师教育改革的深化,同时也是教师管理机制的一次大胆变革。本文旨在先通过案例的分析,寻找绩效工资争议的核心问题,然后通过对于教师工资本身的特殊性,美国教师工资制度的发展和教师绩效工资制度本身,来谈下我对教师绩效工资制度的看法。  相似文献   

教师专业化视野下的教师教育改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师专业化既是教育发展的客观要求,也是教师个体发展的内在需要。当前要真正促进教师专业化发展,就必须进行教师教育改革:一是要建构专业化理念,提升教师专业化发展的意识和能力;二是要以专业化为导向,优化教师教育课程结构;三是要明确专业化标准,提升教师的学历层次;四是要进行整体设计,实现职前职后教育一体化;五是要建立教师专业发展学校,加强理论和实践的结合。  相似文献   

教师实践性知识作为教师在教育教学情境中对自身与他人教育经验的借鉴与升华形成的客观知识,对于提升教师职业专业化、增强教师主体性存在等具有重要意义。基于教师实践性知识作为理念性存在的前提下,对现行教师实践性知识研究进行批判,且以其主体——教师为视角对其开展全新研究,并积极探索立足于生活、建构、理解、实践基础上的教师实践性知识研究体系。  相似文献   

The 1990 Standards for Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students ( AFT, NCME, & NEA, 1990 ) made a documentable contribution to the field. However, the Standards have become a bit dated, most notably in two ways: (1) the Standards do not consider current conceptions of formative assessment knowledge and skills, and (2) the Standards do not consider teacher knowledge and skills required to successfully work in the current accountability and “standards‐based reform” context. This article briefly reviews the 1990 Standards and their influence, describes some other lists of assessment knowledge and skills that might be considered in updating them, and then proposes educational assessment knowledge and skills for teachers that reflect current teacher assessment needs. This set of competencies should help focus the work of teachers, teacher supervisors, professional developers, teacher educators, and others responsible for teachers’ assessment knowledge and skills.  相似文献   

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