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篮球运动中连续起跳对篮板球的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
篮球竞赛中,抢得篮板球是获得控球权的重要手段,是双方攻守转换的焦点,是增加进攻次数的、发动快攻的重要保证,而篮板球取决于制空权的掌握,制空权又不仅仅在于对空间高度的控制,更在于对高度控制的持续时间上,因而连续起跳就显得颇为重要;本文就篮球运动中连续起跳对篮板球的作用作出理论参考。  相似文献   

“跳投”是现代篮球比赛中最主要的得分手段,其命中率的高低对比赛的胜负至关重要。篮球运动中制空权的掌握并不仅仅在于对空间高度的控制,还在于对高度的持续时间上,因而起跳投篮(及跳投)就显得颇为重要。跳投方法很多,如跳步跳投、跨步跳投(行进间运球跳投、行进间接球跳投)、急停跳投等,无论采用那种跳投方法跳投,其目的都是以得分为手段。本文探讨了篮球“跳投”中起跳技术的结构、运用及影响因素,并设计了相应的训练方法。  相似文献   

篮球运动训练系统及其控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对篮球运动训练系统的目标、措施、保障等进行了论述,并阐明了篮球运动训练系统中各有关人员的职能和相互关系,还根据篮球运动训练的目的、任务,将系统分为6个周期,提出对篮球运动训练系统可从两个方面进行控制:一是社会控制;二是对人的行为进行控制。  相似文献   

樊哙 《体育世界》2008,(7):60-62
急停跳投具有起跳突然、速度快、出手点高的特点,是篮球运动中一项重要的基本技术。本文对篮球急停跳投技术各环节中的运动特点和技术动作加以探讨。  相似文献   

通过运动生物力学对轮滑板运动的带板跳技术研究得出:跨越障碍时,滑板者所需的起跳速度与起跳角度和障碍高度紧密相关。随着障碍高度逐渐升高,起跳速度和起跳角度存在增大的趋势。同时阐述了带板跳技术原理与方法。  相似文献   

弹跳力是篮球运动员必须具备的重要专项素质之一。篮球运动中的弹跳不同于其它运动项目 ,它要求运动员根据进攻或防守中的变化起跳 ,并在跳起过程中做传球、投篮、转身、封盖、争抢等动作 ,同时要求运动员利用腰腹部力量控制身体在空中的停顿与平衡。因此篮球运动员不仅要有一般弹跳力 ,要求跳得高又要跳得快 ,而且强有力的空中争夺是保证技战术水平正常发挥的重要因素。1 加长性等张运动的理论分析1.1 运动生物力学分析篮球运动弹跳力主要是指下肢腿部肌肉的爆发力 ,即运动员的腿部肌肉以很快的速度收缩克服自身重力快速起跳的能力。也就…  相似文献   

姚远  阮棉芳  任峰 《体育科研》2012,33(4):73-76
通过录像分析了NBA与CBA各8场比赛,对比CBA与NBA比赛中各个位置队员使用各种跳跃步法的差异。将跳跃步法按原地起跳、一步助跑起跳、两步以上单脚起跳、两步以上双脚起跳、后撤步起跳、连续起跳、横向移动急停起跳等7种方式进行了归类和统计。结果发现CBA队员比NBA队员更多地采用了原地起跳,而在一步助跑起跳与两步以上助跑双脚起跳的使用频率上比NBA低。相差最大的是横向移动急停起跳,NBA的控球后卫、得分后卫、小前锋使用该步法的频率分别是CBA相同队员的1.6倍、2.1倍、3.9倍。提示:CBA队员应该增加运动中起跳的次数,尤其要加强对横向移动急停起跳的训练与应用。同时要加强对横向移动急停起跳的生物力学研究,为提高训练效果、预防损伤、研发符合篮球运动特点的篮球鞋提供理论依据。  相似文献   

刘朝辉 《辽宁体育科技》2010,32(4):44-45,49
起跳技术是跆拳道运动员获得腾空高度的关键。利用运动学方法对起跳技术的下蹲和蹬离两个阶段的技术动作以及起跳技术的影响因素进行运动力学分析;对起跳技术的运动学参数进行了解析,结果显示:体重、蹬离角、蹬离垂直起跳时间、地面垂直作用力和髋、膝、踝三关节的控制和柔韧性等因素对跆拳道起跳技术有显著影响。最后,给出了提高跆拳道运动员起跳技术质量的几点建议。  相似文献   

我国优秀男子跳高运动员起跳力量特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用运动生物力学测试的方法,对我国优秀男子跳高运动员起跳力量特征进行了研究。结果表明:起跳腿踏跳过程中所受的垂直冲击力可达本人体重的5.77-7.24倍,踏跳时间为0.150~0.172s;起跳腿肌肉反应特性值为35、72~43.61,并且与起跳过程中垂直速度变化值呈高度正相关;起跳过程中膝关节和髋关节肌肉的退让收缩力量水平均对成绩有着很大的影响;与国外优秀运动员相比,我国运动员的起跳力量较弱,部分运动员的起跳技术存在不足。  相似文献   

影响弹跳高度的动力学指标和运动技术因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用文献资料法,对影响运动员弹跳高度的6项动力学指标(起跳力量、起跳功率、起跳时间、起跳冲量、负正冲量比率和起跳速度)和2项运动技术因素(摆臂方式和膝角)进行了较为全面的分析和总结。  相似文献   


The drop jump is a popular form of plyometric exercise often undertaken to enhance countermovement jump ability (jump height). Despite its popularity the effects of drop jump training on countermovement jump height are often inconsistent. Such inconsistencies may be as a result of differences in the drop jump technique being employed. Two recognised forms of drop jump are the “countermovement” drop jump and the “bounce” drop jump and the current study examined the effects of eight weeks of training with these drop jump techniques on countermovement jump height. Methods: A kinetic and kinematic analysis of each participant's countermovement jump, bounce- and countermovement drop jumps was undertaken prior to training. Participants were then randomly assigned to a bounce drop jump training group (n = 34), a countermovement drop jump training group (n = 35) or a control group (n = 34). Changes in jump height were examined following training. Results: The countermovement drop jump training group increased their countermovement jump height by 2.9 cm (6%), which was a significant change (P < 0.05) in comparison to that experienced by the bounce drop jump (-0.2 cm, -0.4%) and the control group (-0.1 cm, 0.2%). Conclusion: The countermovement drop jump may be more effective than the bounce drop jump at enhancing countermovement jump height.  相似文献   

不同的空中姿态对摸高成绩的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用一维重心板对两名体育系大学生进行了四种不同姿态重心位置的测试,结合人体重心上抛运动规律,对不同空中姿态下的摸高成绩影响幅度进行了测算,结果表明,空中姿态对摸高成绩有影响;摸高成绩以直腿单手上举为最高,而以屈双腿双手上举为最底,两的差值在30cm左右。姿态对摸高的影响幅度占摸高成绩的10%左右:在影响幅度上,下肢姿态比上肢更重要;男子与女子间表现出无明显的差异。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the effects of arm-swing and sporting activity on jump height and jump height variability of countermovement jumps in adolescent students to inform correct jumping technique in different settings. Altogether, 324 students (grades 5–11) performed three countermovement jumps with bilateral arm-swings and three countermovement jumps without arm-swings on a force platform. The participants were divided into three groups based on sporting activity. The groups with the most (“active group”; more than 6 h formal athletics in a sport club per week) and least active (“sedentary group”; less than 3 h formal athletics in a sport club per week) participants were compared. Jump height was calculated for all jumps, and the best trial of three was used for further analysis. Jump height variability was indicated by the coefficient of variation over three jumps. The reliability of jump height was determined using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) over three trials of each jumping technique. The reliability of jump height was very high for all conditions (ICC: 0.90–0.96). Jump height was significantly higher for countermovement jumps with than without arm-swings for both groups. Jump height in the active group was significantly greater than in the sedentary group for both jumping techniques. A significant interaction between jumping technique and sporting activity indicates a greater benefit of arm-swing in the active than in the sedentary participants. No significant differences between groups were observed for jump height variability. Jump height can be measured reliably in active and sedentary adolescent individuals for both jumping techniques. The relevant jumping technique should be chosen with respect to the context of its application and based on its suitability for the individual and task of interest.  相似文献   

周斌 《体育科研》2017,(4):74-78,84
目的:探讨不同离心负荷激活干预对后激活增强效应所产生的影响及有效作用时间。方法:通过对14名普通男性大学生运用肌肉离心收缩激活方式,观察后续纵跳表现的影响。结果:在激活干预后即刻,对照组与离心负荷(105%1RM和125%1RM)激活干预两个实验组纵跳峰值功率和纵跳的高度没有显著差异,激活干预两个组之间的纵跳表现没有显著差异。激活干预的两组在T3和T6时段的纵跳功率峰值均明显高于对照组。在T3时段两个激活干预实验组纵跳高度峰值明显高于对照组,在T6时段,105%1RM激活干预组的纵跳高度明显增加。结论:纵跳测试前加入大强度的离心负荷刺激会小幅度提高纵跳的能力,不同强度离心负荷的激活干预的后激活增强效应差异性不大,采用105%1RM强度的离心负荷激活干预在 3~6 min有明显的后激活增强效应。  相似文献   

纵跳摸高能力是优秀篮球运动员比赛争抢板球和原地起跳投篮的重要专项素质之一,纵向摸高素质的提高与多种跳跃素质(如助跑摸高、五级蛙跳、连续快速起跳等)可能具有密切的相关关系(假说)。男子篮球运动员纵向摸高素质与跳跃素质的相关关系和科学训练的研究是很有必要的。文章以山西省体育职业学院20名男子篮球专项学生为研究对象,运用测试法测出:原地纵跳摸高、助跑摸高、立定跳远、30秒单摇跳绳、五级蛙跳、立定三级跳各项数据并得出相应的研究结果,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

运用Vicon运动影像捕捉分析系统,对运动训练专业二级运动员原地纵跳、半蹲跳及不同高度下落跳深动作进行采集与三维重构,运用V3D系统完成身体质心位置坐标计算。依据肌肉收缩理论,借鉴前人对肌肉弹性能利用的计算方法,对受试者不同高度下落跳深的弹性能利用率进行测试分析。结果表明:一般水平的运动员跳深练习中肌肉弹性能利用率,随着下落高度的增加,表现出"增大—峰值—下降"的单峰波特征,最大利用率大约出现在40 cm的下落高度;原地纵跳练习的肌肉弹性能利用率与跳深练习的最大利用率相接近;仅就肌肉弹性能的利用方面,原地纵跳是一种较好的训练方法。  相似文献   


We tested the hypothesis that the performance of rapid movements represents body size-independent indices of muscle power. Physical education students (n = 159) were tested on various vertical jump (jump height and average power calculated from the ground reaction force) and muscle strength tests. When non-normalized data were used, a principal components analysis revealed a complex and inconsistent structure where jump height and muscle power loaded different components, while muscle strength and power partially overlapped. When the indices of muscle strength and power were properly normalized for body size, a simple and consistent structure of principal components supported the hypothesis. Specifically, the recorded height and muscle power calculated from the same jumps loaded the same components, separately for the jumps predominantly based on concentric actions and jumps based on a rapid stretch – shortening cycle of the leg extensors. The finding that the performance of rapid movements assesses the same physical ability as properly normalized tests of muscle power could be important for designing and interpreting the results of batteries of physical performance tests, as well as for understanding some basic principles of human movement performance.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the performance of rapid movements represents body size-independent indices of muscle power. Physical education students (n = 159) were tested on various vertical jump (jump height and average power calculated from the ground reaction force) and muscle strength tests. When non-normalized data were used, a principal components analysis revealed a complex and inconsistent structure where jump height and muscle power loaded different components, while muscle strength and power partially overlapped. When the indices of muscle strength and power were properly normalized for body size, a simple and consistent structure of principal components supported the hypothesis. Specifically, the recorded height and muscle power calculated from the same jumps loaded the same components, separately for the jumps predominantly based on concentric actions and jumps based on a rapid stretch--shortening cycle of the leg extensors. The finding that the performance of rapid movements assesses the same physical ability as properly normalized tests of muscle power could be important for designing and interpreting the results of batteries of physical performance tests, as well as for understanding some basic principles of human movement performance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of varying knee angle (120° and 90°) on the external validity of an isometric leg press test with reference to vertical jump performance. Isometric peak force (PF 120 and PF 90 ), rate of force development (RFD 120 and RFD 90 ), and maximum height reached with a squat jump and counter-movement jump were measured in 14 males. Although RFD 120 was significantly correlated with squat jump and counter-movement jump performance ( r = 0.71 and 0.69), and the correlations with PF 120 approached statistical significance ( r = 0.53 and 0.50), neither PF 90 nor RFD 90 was significantly related to vertical jump performance. Furthermore, although both RFD 120 and PF 120 were significantly different between the best five and the worst five jumpers, RFD 90 and PF 90 did not differentiate between individuals' vertical jump performance. We conclude that the choice of joint angle affects the external validity of isometric strength testing. Based on our results, we recommend accurate control of biomechanical specificity and assessment at different angles to find the position at which isometric strength testing is most comfortable.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of varying knee angle (120 degrees and 90 degrees) on the external validity of an isometric leg press test with reference to vertical jump performance. Isometric peak force (PF120 and PF90), rate of force development (RFD120 and RFD90), and maximum height reached with a squat jump and counter-movement jump were measured in 14 males. Although RFD120 was significantly correlated with squat jump and counter-movement jump performance (r = 0.71 and 0.69), and the correlations with PF120 approached statistical significance (r = 0.53 and 0.50), neither PF90 nor RFD90 was significantly related to vertical jump performance. Furthermore, although both RFD120 and PF120 were significantly different between the best five and the worst five jumpers, RFD90 and PF90 did not differentiate between individuals' vertical jump performance. We conclude that the choice of joint angle affects the external validity of isometric strength testing. Based on our results, we recommend accurate control of biomechanical specificity and assessment at different angles to find the position at which isometric strength testing is most comfortable.  相似文献   

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