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版本学是一门能为社会各学科研究提供服务的辅助性学科,从版本学本位归纳其知识范畴和技术技能在藏书治学中的普遍具体运用是现实而必要的。这些知识范畴和技术技能在藏书治学中的运用包括:善本的界定及其选择、伪书的辨识与藏用、版权信息的分析和著录、版本目录的价值及利用。  相似文献   

伪书何以畅销?为什么会出现"伪书驱逐良书"的现象?通过对伪书现象的深入分析和研究,我们发现,富有成效的营销策略是促使伪书走向"成功"的关键举措,而这也正是处于产业转型期的国内大部分出版社所欠缺的.或许,分析伪书"成功"的方法,对提升出版社的营销能力有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

近两年来,“伪书”泛滥成灾。2005年2月,新闻出版总署下达了对“伪书”进行专项检查的紧急通知,深圳书城收到23家出版社的下架通知,涉及图书115种[1]。“伪书”打假成了2005年中央电视台“3.15”晚会的话题之一。2005年5月和7月,新闻出版总署分别公布了第1批19种、第2批49种共计68种含有虚假信息图书名单。有舆论认为惩治“伪书”出版发行尚存法律空白,我们认为有法可依,但执行细则不明确。在现行法律框架下“伪书”的治理途径大致有以下几条。1利用《出版管理条例》治理“伪书”现行规范出版行为的法规主要为《出版管理条例》。“伪书”大…  相似文献   

本来是文献学的一个概念.专业名词为文献辩伪. 中国古籍浩如烟海,而其间真伪相杂,不可不察.据1998年出版的<中国伪书综考>介绍,我国现存古籍约十万种.古籍中伪书究竟有多少?清末民初张心徵<伪书通考>收录了一千一百种,综合现代学者(如北京大学杨忠等)研究成果,为一千二百种.据此,我国古籍中伪书所占比例为十分之一强.  相似文献   

叶建华 《图书馆》2006,(3):91-93
本文简述了当代“伪书”的概况,并从法律法规角度对“伪书”进行了法律分析,提出了图书馆的对策。  相似文献   

浅论明朝中期私人藏书家丰坊及其藏书   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丰坊是明朝中期著名的藏书家和书法家。丰氏藏书数万卷,建有万卷楼。他的藏书来源主要包括世代相传、购求、造伪等三个方面,而尤以“造作伪书充实所藏”为主要特色。丰坊晚年因对万卷楼管理不善,大量藏书被人偷盗,加之遭遇火灾,最后将所剩书籍售予范钦,转而成为范钦“天一阁”藏书的重要来源之一。  相似文献   

什么是伪书? 最近以来所谓的伪书指的是含有虚假宣传信息的图书. 在新闻出版总署新出图[2005]109号文化<关于对含有虚假宣传信息的图书进行专项检查的紧急通知>是这样描述的:  相似文献   

天禄琳琅是清代宫庭藏书处所,《天禄琳琅书目》和》天禄琳琅书目后编》是清高宗、仁宗朝宫庭藏书的官修善本目录,在目录学、版本学领域有极重要之参考价值.按此书编制体例,书中已著录若干方伪印,于版本鉴定大有裨益.然而百密一疏,书中遗留不少当时没有发现的伪印,文章依序一一指出,并分析伪书的版本及欲冒充之印主,归纳出藏书印作伪主要集中在明代这一结论.  相似文献   

明洪武十三年,将沿袭千余年的秘书监一职废黜,自此而后,明代国家藏书的管理陷入了混乱之中。由此带来的是图籍被盗、藏书楼累次被火、书目编撰挂一漏万、伪书泛滥等后果,使得明代藏书文化的发展受到了极大的摧残。  相似文献   

为了经济利益而出版伪书的现象古已有之。本文梳理了民国期间出版的最知名的《浮生六记》、《石达开日记》和《当代名人轶事大观》三部伪书,回顾了这几部伪书的炮制机构——世界书局的经营问题,并对今天的伪书问题提出了警示和反思。  相似文献   

通过对古籍中的伪书、革命文献中的伪书及盗印书中的伪书考察,认为伪装本书刊普遍存在于古今中外出版物中,是版本学中比较重要而且特殊的一种版本形态。革命文献中的伪装书是指在近现代文献中将出版物的封面或其他外表形式伪装,掩盖其真实内容,以便达到宣传发行效果的进步出版物。伪装书又称“托名本”、“改题本”,在版本学上则称之为“伪装本”。  相似文献   

The author studied the bibliographies in five years of issues of the four leading psychoanalytic journals to identify those articles and books that could be called classics in psychoanalysis. The determination of what items were classics depended largely upon age (original publications must have taken place in 1939 or before), and frequency (six or more citations were required). The 9 books and 21 articles are listed in order of frequency and examined further by type of authorship, psychoanalytic specialty dealth with, language of publication and availability. It is felt that the results of the study are important for teaching purposes, as a reading guide and for collection development.  相似文献   

中文图书出版年是采编工作查重的重要指标,也是读者选择图书的重要参考,因此出版年的规范著录非常重要。然而对于一些特殊情况(如出版年有误、同一种图书的复本有不同的出版年、只有印刷年没有出版年等),出版年的著录往往存在不规范的现象。对于这些情况,编目员应通过认真分析图书中的信息和查找网络信息资源等方法考证图书的正确出版年,并从方便利用的角度合理运用著录规则,以确保出版年的规范著录。  相似文献   

《出三藏记集》是一部版本目录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
僧祐《出三藏记集》著录了20多种佛经版本,考证了古书版本的源流,找出了同书异本中的善本,又鉴定了佛经的伪本。它不仅是现存最早的一部版本目录,也是现存最早的佛经目录,对后世产生了深远影响。参考文献10。  相似文献   

This study was conducted in order to establish an objective basis for managerial decisions relating to the preservation of library books. The investigation was concerned with the operational issues underlying such decisions, focusing specifically upon the problem of accurately and efficiently assessing books in terms of their present physical condition and past utility. Its objectives were: (a) to determine if date of publication and/or measures of library use (i.e., frequency of circulation and date of last circulation) constitute reliable indices of a book's current physical condition; (b) to determine if the frequency with which a book has been circulated tends to correspond with its date of last circulation; and (c) to devise a systematic approach to the preservation of library books based upon the results of the inquiries (a) and (b).  相似文献   

The article considers the concept and significance of bestsellers in British publishing. There is a brief historical summary, noting the trade's objections to the idea. This was overcome in 1979, whenThe Sunday Times started to publish a weekly list. The methods used to compile it are described. The successive improvements to the methods, and their limitations, are analyzed. The authoritative lists published inThe Bookseller since 1979 are analyzed in terms of format, authorship and subject. It is concluded that paperback is the principal medium for popular fiction, but that hardback is still more important for nonfiction. It is further concluded that the range of subjects of bestsellers is limited, and predictable, leading to the creation of formula books. A link between popular television programs and media personalities and successful books is noted.  相似文献   

The author briefly describes arguments used in the quality versus demand debate, discusses how a number of public librarians have compromised between the two in their selection practices, and shows how battle lines are being redrawn with the rise of public libraries which claim to be exclusively demand‐oriented.

The bulk of the paper, however, reviews research done during the last quarter‐century in public libraries to determine whether any evidence has been found to support claims that demand‐oriented public libraries are filled with materials of dubious quality. While a great deal has been written on the quality versus demand issue, the author notes that much of it is rhetoric only; the research itself is scanty, in part due to the complexities of defining and measuring quality. However, three factors are identified which have been assumed to affect collection quality: the financial resources the library devotes to book purchases, the educational background of individual selectors, and the degree of contact such selectors have with the public. The author reviews studies relating to these factors and concludes that to date, there is no evidence to corroborate the belief that the quality of books in demand‐oriented libraries is less than that of their quality‐oriented counterparts. Suggestions for future research needed are included.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the causes, types, and consequences of authorship conflicts among the researchers of selected research institutions in Dhaka, Bangladesh; and to suggest ways to reduce conflicts. A sample of 100 researchers was given a semi‐structured questionnaire; 45 subjects responded. The responses were confidential and anonymous. Over two‐thirds of the respondents were aware of authorship conflicts, and one‐third had actually faced conflicts with their co‐authors. Of them, four faced conflicts with their juniors, while 13 faced conflicts with their seniors or supervisors. The primary causes of such conflicts appear to be unethical claims of authorship, violation of authorship order, and deprivation of authorship. In most cases, the victims became frustrated and had to give up, and avoided a direct clash to safeguard their job. Four respondents claimed to have been victimized for raising their voice. Conflict was never resolved in seven cases. To reduce conflicts, respondents suggested that authorship should be decided before the study begins, order of authorship must be determined according to contribution, and a standard code of authorship should be followed strictly. Authorship conflicts arise among researchers mostly due to what they regard as unethical practice of their co‐authors, supervisors, and department heads in the absence of any formal authorship policy in the institutions. A standard code of authorship, sensitization of researchers to the problem through open discussions and advocacy, and formation of a grievance redress committee are suggested to minimize such conflicts. Although the sample size was small, some of the specific recommendations will be appropriate in many other cases.  相似文献   

There are different ways in which the authors of a scientific publication can determine the order in which their names are listed. Sometimes author names are simply listed alphabetically. In other cases, authorship order is determined based on the contribution authors have made to a publication. Contribution-based authorship can facilitate proper credit assignment, for instance by giving most credits to the first author. In the case of alphabetical authorship, nothing can be inferred about the relative contribution made by the different authors of a publication.In this paper, we present an empirical analysis of the use of alphabetical authorship in scientific publishing. Our analysis covers all fields of science. We find that the use of alphabetical authorship is declining over time. In 2011, the authors of less than 4% of all publications intentionally chose to list their names alphabetically. The use of alphabetical authorship is most common in mathematics, economics (including finance), and high energy physics. Also, the use of alphabetical authorship is relatively more common in the case of publications with either a small or a large number of authors.  相似文献   

徐晨 《图书情报工作》2015,59(19):93-99
[目的/意义] 针对日益棘手的科研团队合作中成员荣誉分配问题,设计系统可行的实践指导方法。[方法/过程] 首先明确界定单个科研成果合著贡献度的概念内涵和前提假设,归纳出均分式、顺序式、哑铃式和比例式4种合著场景;然后在综合对比国外机构知名合著标准基础上,制定合著者6阶段基本标准和辅助说明;最后总结出合著贡献度的整体计算流程,为4种不同场景下合著贡献度设计和计算提供详细的步骤和计算方法。[结果/结论] 将投稿时科研成果署名权标准的制定和发表后科研成果的荣誉分配连成一体,兼顾客观定量和主观协商,为单个科研成果荣誉分配提供有益参考。  相似文献   

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