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优秀速滑运动员弯道蹬冰技术的运动学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过运动生物力学的方法对世界优秀速滑运动员的弯道蹬冰技术进行了运动学分析,结果认为:优秀速滑运动员运用Clap式冰刀时的展膝程度并非传统认识上的充分伸直,而与采用传统冰刀时的展膝程度相似。蹬冰结束瞬间膝角在149.9°±6.63°~158.4°±4.83°之间。由此推测,Clap式冰刀与传统冰刀在下肢蹬伸技术动作上的差异并不是由膝关节所引起,可能与踝关节和髋关节蹬伸技术动作的改变有更大的关联性;提供了用起蹬条件作为判断和评价运动员蹬冰初始条件的方法,依此推测了下肢关节的有效蹬伸范围。  相似文献   

clap式冰刀蹬冰动作特点对速滑专项力量训练理念的启示   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对2002年世界速滑锦标赛优秀运动员弯道蹬冰技术动作的分析后认为,clap式冰刀与传统冰刀蹬冰过程中肌群工作方式存在着明显的不同。clap式冰刀蹬冰动作遵循大环节带动小环节,由上至下的关节发力顺序规律;而传统式冰刀则是以臀大肌和股四头肌的近固定工作与腓肠肌的远固定工作之合力实现两侧牵拉式伸膝动作。并且提出对速滑蹬冰技术动作的爆发力程度应重新审视的观点。由于肌群工作方式的异同性提示在力量训练理念上,更应加强速度力量性训练手段的选用,提高对肌腱的训练效果,重视专项力量训练对神经系统的作用功效。  相似文献   

通过三维定点摄像的方法,对我国优秀短道速滑运动员500米的起跑动作进行技术分析,结果表明:我国男女短道速滑运动员在起跑阶段前三步每一步所用时间均稍长于世界优秀短道速滑运动员的平均用时,建议加强运动员启动反应速度训练;我国男女运动员在起跑阶段躯干倾角和蹬冰腿膝关节角均偏大,建议运动员应保持较低的姿势.以减小阻力;我国优秀短道选手的蹬冰角度和最大展膝、展髋角速度均偏小,建议在今后的训练中应加强冰刀对蹬冰角度的控制及下肢肌肉力量和爆发力的训练.  相似文献   

短跑道速度滑冰中,弯道路程占总路程的一半,因此,弯道技术对运动成绩影响很大。为研究弯道技术,采用影像测量方法对九冬会比赛中优秀运动员的弯道动作技术进行生物力学分析。从测试数据看,女子运动员在11.33 m/s以上,男子运动员在11.88 m/s以上;从曲线图看,男女运动员的同侧髋、膝角度一时间曲线形状相似,这表明同侧腿关节角度变化规律相同,支撑腿髋、膝动作协调,摆动腿髋、膝动作协调,蹬冰腿髋、膝角同时发力。对比以前测试的一些短道弯道速滑动作图表,可知,只有优秀运动员才具有同侧关节角度一时间曲线形状高度相似的特点,此现象揭示了优秀短道速滑运动员的动作结构特点。此外,单支撑阶段速度上升,而双支撑阶段速度下降,可能表明单支撑蹬冰比双支撑蹬冰更有效。  相似文献   

从克莱普冰刀的特点、弯道身体倾斜角度、蹬冰角度、疾跑技术和衔接技术等方面对短道速滑和速度滑冰的直道技术、弯道技术和起跑技术进行对比分析,指出短道速滑运动员的弯道技术要优于速度滑冰运动员,从而成为短道速滑向速度滑冰转型的运动员的主要优势,相应的直道技术则沦为劣势,以此可作为判断运动员是否适合转型,以及改进转型后的技术动作的依据。  相似文献   

运用三维DLT摄像法,对国内两名优秀速滑运动员直道滑行技术进行运动学分析。研究结果表明:运动员自由滑行时间和单支撑时间偏长,降低了蹬冰频率;大腿带动小腿蹬冰动作不明显,在单支撑蹬冰阶段加大髋关节的蹬伸幅度,有利于发挥肌肉力量,提高蹬冰效果;在整个蹬冰过程中髋、膝关节起主要作用,单支撑蹬冰阶段膝关节伸展幅度过小,将造成消极蹬冰,影响肌力发挥;自由滑阶段较大的膝角导致压膝幅度增大,压膝幅度越大,压膝时间越长,对蹬冰效果造成的负面影响越大。  相似文献   

通过生物力学方法,从三维角度对世界优秀运动员王曼利1000 m滑行的弯道1个复步蹬冰动作研究后认为:王曼利左右腿支撑时间各个阶段存在一定的节律性,有利于弯道滑行速度的稳定.但左腿起蹬时刻要略晚于世界优秀选手的平均值,而左右单步动作频率都要高于世界优秀选手的平均值,说明是通过加快动作频率来达到提高步速的.蹬冰起始时刻膝关节角度较低,有利于增大蹬冰距离,而蹬冰的展膝程度中,膝、踝关节蹬冰角度没有充分伸展.  相似文献   

运用三维摄像DLT法,对我国优秀女子速滑运动员直道滑行技术进行运动学分析,结果表明:我国优秀女子速滑运动员各动作阶段时间比例不合理,自由滑行时间和单支撑时间偏长,降低了蹬冰频率,影响蹬冰效果;运动员大腿带动小腿蹬冰动作不明显,在单支撑蹬冰阶段应加大髋关节的蹬伸幅度,这样有利于发挥肌肉力量,提高蹬冰效果;在整个蹬冰过程中单支撑蹬冰阶段膝关节伸展幅度过小,造成消极蹬冰,影响肌力发挥。  相似文献   

本文根据空间力系及达朗伯原理对当今速滑弯道滑跑技术进行了解释,目的在于建立弯道技术的完整概念。同时指出:1、弯道增速主要动力来自两个方面,一是靠登冰腿单支撑纵向蹬冰的动作,二是靠运动员在弯道滑跑时适宜的触冰角度。2、运动员在弯道滑跑时身体靠支撑腿的自然伸展动作造成倾斜,而不是向左的倾倒动作。  相似文献   

速滑女子500 m运动员入弯道与出弯道姿势特征比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用影像测量的方法,获取优秀女子运动员比赛过程中运动员入弯道与出弯道蹬冰技术的运动学参数。目的是通过对优秀运动员入弯道与出弯道的运动学特征比较分析,揭示出高水平运动员入弯道与出弯道蹬冰技术的动作规律,确立正确的入弯道与出弯道蹬冰技术概念。运动员出弯道阶段的平均速度比入弯道阶段的速度快,左腿在单支撑蹬冰阶段和双支撑阶段蹬冰的平均速度要比右腿速度快;从身体姿势变化来看,入弯道躯干角度大于出弯道躯干角度。  相似文献   

The forward skating start is a fundamental skill for ice hockey players, yet extremely challenging given the low traction of the ice surface. The technique for maximum skating acceleration of the body is not well understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate kinematic ice hockey skating start movement technique in relation to a skater’s skill level. A 10-camera motion capture system placed on the ice surface recorded “hybrid-V” skate start movement patterns of high and low calibre male ice hockey players (n = 7, 8, respectively). Participants’ lower body kinematics and estimated body centre of mass (CoM) movement during the first four steps were calculated. Both skate groups had similar lower body strength profiles, yet high calibre skaters achieved greater velocity; skating technique differences most likely explained the performance differences between the groups. Unlike over ground sprint start technique, skating starts showed greater concurrent hip abduction, external rotation and extension, presumably for ideal blade-to-ice push-off orientation for propulsion. Initial analysis revealed similar hip, knee and ankle joint gross movement patterns across skaters, however, further scrutiny of the data revealed that high calibre skaters achieved greater vertical CoM acceleration during each step that in turn allowed greater horizontal traction, forward propulsion, lower double-support times and, accordingly, faster starts with higher stride rates.  相似文献   

运用CYBEX NORM等速测力系统,对两名健将级女子速滑运动员左、右腿髋、膝、踝三关节的屈、伸肌群进行了向心运动形式的肌力测试,并根据需要对左、右腿膝关节还进行了等速离心测试,以便找出两人运动学差异的内在动力学原因,为改进技术提供动力学依据。同时描述了速滑运动员髋关节、膝关节和踝关节的力矩曲线特性,进行深入探讨。测试结果:两名运动员的髋关节肌力发展不平衡;快速运动中,二人膝屈肌的肌力水平较差;二人踝关节伸肌群在适应较快速度收缩能力方面较差。  相似文献   

In the current project, we aim to provide speed skaters with real-time feedback on how to improve their skating performance within an individual stroke. The elite skaters and their coaches wish for a system that determines the mechanical power per stroke. The push-off force of the skater is a crucial variable in this power determination. In this study, we present the construction and calibration of a pair of wireless instrumented klapskates that can continuously and synchronously measure this push-off force in both the lateral direction and normal direction of the skate and the centre of pressure of these forces. The skate consists of a newly designed rigid bridge (0.6 kg), embedding two three-dimensional force sensors (Kistler 9602, Kistler Group, Winterthur, Switzerland), which fits between most individual skate shoes and Maple skate blades. The instrumented klapskates were calibrated on a tensile testing machine, where they proved to be unaffected to temperature conditions and accurate up to an RMS of 42 N (SEM = 1 N) in normal and up to an RMS of 27 N (SEM = 1 N) in lateral direction. Furthermore, the centre of pressure of these forces on the blade was determined up to a mean error of 10.1 mm (SD = 6.9 mm). On-ice measurements showed the possibility of recording with both skates simultaneously and synchronously, straights as well as curves. The option to send data wirelessly and real-time to other devices makes it possible to eventually provide skaters and coaches with visual real-time feedback during practice.  相似文献   

运用标准的三维摄像DLT法测量和录像解析的方法,以参加全国第十届冬季运动会速度滑冰比赛前6名的 男运动员为研究对象,对其500米比赛起跑阶段下肢蹬冰技术进行运动学研究。旨在揭示运动员在起跑阶段下肢蹬 冰过程中蕴含的运动学规律,为丰富速度滑冰技术理论,为教学、训练和科研提供参考依据。  相似文献   

我国速度滑冰运动员与世界优秀选手差距较大,从一定程度上暴露出我国在青少年后备力量培养方面的薄弱,青少年速滑运动员自身条件、基础训练的水平和科学性决定了能否多出人才,出优秀人才。认为青少年速滑运动员的心理能力、专项运动能力、文化知识水平、是影响其成长的自身因素,训练保障条件、竞赛制度及竞赛的公平性、家庭条件是影响其成长的环境因素,教练员的训练理念、多年训练计划的制定、训练过程的控制是影响其成长的训练因素。提出青少年速滑运动员主要应进行全面身体训练,结合专项、重视专门能力的培养和系统传授技术,加强科学文化知识的培养,打好发展基础:加强基层体校教练员的业务培训,做好教练员的训练理念的转变工作,建立合理的竞赛激励机制,以推动运动训练科学化与提高少年运动员的成材率。  相似文献   

In order to help coaches analyse the techniques of professional in-line speed skaters for making the required fine adjustments and corrections in their push-off work, this study analysed the specific plantar pressure characteristics during a 300-m time-trial test. Fourteen elite in-line speed skaters from the national team were recruited in this study. The total completion time of the 300-m time-trial test, duration of each skating phase, and plantar pressure distribution were measured. The correlation between plantar pressure distribution and skating performance was assessed using Pearson correlation analyses. The results showed that the contact time of the total foot and force–time integral (FTI) in the medial forefoot were significantly correlated with the duration of the start phase, and the FTIs in the medial forefoot of the gliding (left) leg and lateral forefoot of the pushing (right) leg were significantly correlated with the duration of the turning phase. The maximum force in the medial heel, medial forefoot, and median forefoot and the FTI in the medial heel and medial forefoot were significantly correlated with the duration of the linear acceleration phase. The results suggest that a correct plantar loading area and push-off strategy can enhance the skating performance.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to: (1) adapt the "double-push" technique from inline skating to cross-country skiing; (2) compare this new skiing technique with the conventional skate skiing cross-country technique; and (3) test the hypothesis that the double-push technique improves skiing speed in a short sprint. 13 elite skiers performed maximum-speed sprints over 100 m using the double-push skate skiing technique and using the conventional "V2" skate skiing technique. Pole and plantar forces, knee angle, cycle characteristics, and electromyography of nine lower body muscles were analysed. We found that the double-push technique could be successfully transferred to cross-country skiing, and that this new technique is faster than the conventional skate skiing technique. The double-push technique was 2.9 +/- 2.2% faster (P < 0.001), which corresponds to a time advantage of 0.41 +/- 0.31 s over 100 m. The double-push technique had a longer cycle length and a lower cycle rate, and it was characterized by higher muscle activity, higher knee extension amplitudes and velocities, and higher peak foot forces, especially in the first phase of the push-off. Also, the foot was more loaded laterally in the double-push technique than in the conventional skate skiing technique.  相似文献   

The forward skating start is a fundamental skill for male and female ice hockey players. However, performance differences by athlete’s sex cannot be fully explained by physiological variables; hence, other factors such as skating technique warrant examination. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the body movement kinematics of ice hockey skating starts between elite male and female ice hockey participants. Male (n = 9) and female (n = 10) elite ice hockey players performed five forward skating start accelerations. An 18-camera motion capture system placed on the arena ice surface captured full-body kinematics during the first seven skating start steps within 15 meters. Males’ maximum skating speeds were greater than females. Skating technique sex differences were noted: in particular, females presented ~10° lower hip abduction throughout skating stance as well as ~10° greater knee extension at initial ice stance contact, conspicuously followed by a brief cessation in knee extension at the moment of ice contact, not evident in male skaters. Further study is warranted to explain why these skating technique differences exist in relation to factors such as differences in training, equipment, performance level, and anthropometrics.  相似文献   

我国优秀女子竞走运动员竞走技术的生物力学分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用摄像及录像解析等研究方法 ,对我国优秀女子竞走运动员的技术进行生物力学研究与分析。研究表明 ,我国女子竞走运动员的步长、步频、着地角及支撑腿各阶段的膝角合理 ,但身体重心上下起伏偏大 (>5cm) ,并且单步腾空时间在模糊腾空时限 ,如果竞走技术不连贯、协调、轻松 ,容易造成犯规 ,需要在以后的训练中予以纠正。  相似文献   

运用肌电与摄像对我国部分优秀女子沙滩排球运动员起跳环节的同步研究分析,结果表明:起跳时在一定范围内延长缓冲时间,有利于踩实沙子,减少蹬踏时的下陷幅度;缩短蹬伸时间,有利于下肢做爆发式的用力。踝关节、膝关节、髋关节运动方式符合能量传递原理,而各关节上附着的肌肉用力起始并不遵循动作顺序原理,主要是因沙地具有流动性、可压迫性造成的。这是沙排起跳用力方式与室内不同的主要特征之一。  相似文献   

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