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测查是因材施教的前提,是人类文明与进步的体现.对儿童的测查应力求符合客观实际情况、应多角度多方面进行,测查结果的解释也是非常重要的一个环节,只有正确测查和解释结果才能对特殊儿童的安置和教育训练提供有价值的依据.  相似文献   

很多调查显示,特殊儿童心理问题突出,心理健康水平堪忧,进而据此呼吁社会各界应加强特殊儿童的心理健康教育,以更好地促进特殊儿童适应社会生活。综观这些调查统计及其解释,除了采用百分比的方式来说明特殊儿童有多大比例存在心理问题外,更多是通过量表测查比较普通儿童与特殊儿童心理健康的平均数、标准差来说明特殊儿童心理问题的严重性、广泛性。从某种程度上看,  相似文献   

儿童数概念发展的研究对于今后儿童数学认知发展水平的研究具有重要的指导意义。然而多数的研究是建立在大部分儿童认知发展的基础上而得出的一个整体性的结论,即一个平均值,年龄段也主要在三到六岁之间。此次测查研究,笔者主要对一名25个月大的幼儿进行个案研究,在对他进行多次观察的基础上设计测查题目,通过对测查结果的评价和分析,提出相应的教育建议。  相似文献   

一测查的目的本文试图通过儿童智力发展的测查,给学校、幼儿园、家庭教育提供一点启示。二测查的对象及方法1测查方法采用心理测验法,对测查对象逐一进行严格的智力测量。选用的测量工具是国内外广为使用的韦克斯勒标准智力量表。同时,选用比内智力量表作为复测工具。最后取两次测量一致的结果作为有效数据,以保证测查的信度和效度。2测查对象密云县城关地区的教育局、水利局幼儿园、沙河小学学前班儿童共181人。三测查结果1密云县城关地区181名学前儿童的智力分布2把表中的数据与人口中的智力分布进行差异显著性检验。按人口…  相似文献   

留守儿童与非留守儿童社交焦虑及认知偏差的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用儿童社交焦虑量表(SASC)和两可社会情境解释问卷儿童版(ASSIQ-C)对365名小学留守儿童与255名小学非留守儿童进行测查,探讨小学留守与非留守儿童社交焦虑与认知偏差的基本状况以及两者之间的关系.结果发现:(1)小学留守儿童的社交焦虑检出率高于非留守儿童;(2)小学留守儿童的社交焦虑显著高于非留守儿童;(3)小学留守儿童的认知偏差显著高于非留守儿童;(4)小学儿童的社交焦虑与认知偏差在各个维度上都存在不同程度的正相关.  相似文献   

研究者在北京市5所幼儿园随机选取22个班级188名儿童为调查对象,分别进行幼儿园教育质量测查、儿童语言发展水平测查以及对儿童家长进行早期家庭阅读现状的问卷调查,目的在于探索早期家庭阅读环境在幼儿园教育与儿童语言发展之间的中介变量效应。研究结果发现:家庭中"供儿童阅读的图书量"和"亲子阅读频次"在幼儿园教育质量与儿童语言发展之间有较强的中介效应;影响儿童语言发展的路径有三种,其中幼儿园教育质量间接影响儿童语言的发展,"供儿童阅读的图书量"对儿童语言发展的影响是直接的。  相似文献   

“一个苹果切三刀分成八块,怎样切法?”这是全国心理学会组织国内十个地区协作研究7—12岁儿童数概念和运算能力发展的测查题目之一。 最近我们利用这套方案对固原地区150名儿童进行了测查。测查中,各年龄组的儿童都对这道切苹果题目发生了浓厚的兴趣,个个跃跃欲试。但其中只有13%的儿  相似文献   

本研究通过问卷调查与故事情景测查,对114名47.85~71.09个月的儿童在同伴冲突场景中使用的解决策略及其心理理论水平进行了研究.通过分析和对比,本研究发现使用协商、猜拳等策略的儿童心理理论水平较高,而使用控制和求助第三者策略的儿童心理理论水平较低.儿童对谦让策略的使用与其心理理论水平不相一致;无论是从同伴冲突解决策略家长问卷还是从对儿童的实际冲突解决策略测查来看,在解决冲突时,家长和儿童都倾向于选择"谦让""协商"策略;在儿童同伴冲突解决策略研究中,使用家长问卷调查的方法和通过故事场景对儿童进行实际测查的方法会得到不同的结果.  相似文献   

学前儿童焦虑状况的追踪研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究采用问卷法分别于2005年6月、2006年6月对346名4—5岁学前儿童的焦虑状况进行了追踪研究。结果显示:(1)一年之后,学前儿童的焦虑水平明显下降;(2)从两次测查的情况看,学前儿童最高水平的焦虑症状为躯体伤害恐惧,其次为分离焦虑,再次为社交恐惧和广泛性焦虑,最低水平的为强迫性神经症障碍;(3)5岁组儿童第一次测查的焦虑水平存在显著的性别差异,男孩的焦虑水平高于女孩,而5岁组儿童第二次测查的焦虑水平以及4岁组儿童第一次和第二次测查的焦虑水平都无显著的性别差异。  相似文献   

在农村幼儿园,由于师资素质和办园条件的限制,一般只能在学期末组织一次统一的测查活动,并以此作为一学期的教育成果向家长汇报。这种将测查结果作为衡量教育效果和儿童发展水平的静态标  相似文献   

In educational settings, continuous assessment of the child’s level of understanding is necessary to effectively utilize the principles of scaffolding and to create contexts that can advance the scientific reasoning of the child. In this article, we argue that a child’s performance is a dynamic notion that is created by all elements in an interaction, including the task. Therefore, we studied preschoolers’ levels of scientific reasoning varying different properties of the assessment context. Young children were interviewed about four scientific tasks using one out of four different protocols (varying in the degree of flexibility and adaptiveness) by an adult. In the first study, different task contents resulted in different performance levels. The second study indicated that the most structured protocol elicited the highest maximum level of reasoning in children and the highest percentage of correct predictions. The third study showed differences between the protocols in the adult’s verbal behavior. Adaptation in verbal behavior to different children by the adult did not result in higher scientific understanding by the children, whereas a higher degree of task structure did. Combined, the studies emphasize the importance of context, which has implications for assessment and teaching situations.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that assessment plays a role in monitoring the development of young children with special needs in early intervention/early childhood settings. The process of assessing young children's language skills often looks for delays within a solid language foundation. However, many children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) may not have a solid language foundation to assess, leading to inaccurate assessment. When we reframe how we assess language skills in children who are DHH, we ensure the assessment provides a comprehensive picture of the child's language development. It is important to modify language assessment tools where necessary while ensuring the assessment stays reliable and valid. It is critical to use multiple assessment tools to monitor the child's progress, including standardized assessments and assessment tools normed for DHH populations. Finally, it is crucial to monitor the child's skills in each language that they are using, regardless of which language is used most often. We explain why each of these factors needs to be considered in the assessment of young children who are DHH, will discuss the challenges of assessing this population, and will provide solutions to some of the challenges of assessing language skills in of young children who are DHH.  相似文献   

This article draws on data from a bigger project where we explore what is taking place in the daily life of classrooms during the national testing period in mathematics for 9–10-year-old children in Sweden. Data were produced by observations, video-recordings and interviews with children. The article shows on a micro level how assessment trends, on a macro level, affect children. It further focuses how children through different repertoires of time position themselves as ‘appropriate’ test takers.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the relative contribution of two main components often used in the instruction of arithmetic word problem solving to first-grade children and children with learning problems, external representation with manipulatives and formal mathematical representation with number sentences. Four computer aided treatments were developed along these dimensions. Furthermore, an assessment control group was formed.It was shown that performance improved significantly after treatment in comparison to the performance of the assessment control group. Comparison of the different training conditions showed that a number sentence treatment was the most effective training component. However, this effect was only present with the relatively high competent children and not with the relatively low performing children.  相似文献   

This paper aims to highlight the significance of a particular aspect of magnitude processing, namely counting and subitizing or the rapid enumeration of small sets of items, for learning. Emphasis is laid on the historical roots and the conceptual framework as well as on studies on pre-verbal and school-age children. Evidence of the potential value of this research for the assessment of children at risk of mathematical learning disabilities, is presented. Inherent to its nature, subitizing relies on rapid, preverbal analogue magnitude comparisons being triggered. We will highlight the differences with counting, and the implications of shortcomings in counting and subitizing in children with mathematical learning disabilities for the automaticity of number magnitude processing. Furthermore we especially look in this paper at the varying assessment paradigms which are used in research with different age groups, something which has received insufficient attention in the past. Finally, we outline the challenges for future research on mathematical learning disabilities.  相似文献   

Because of current federal legislation, educators must assess children with possible handicapping conditions and plan an individual education program for each child with a special need. Past trends are inadequate for these two purposes, and, furthermore, have placed bilingual, culturally different children into special education classes disproportionately to their representation in the general population. What needs to be recognized by measurement experts and educators is that no one test method is sufficient for the assessment of bilingual children. This paper discusses past measurement directions and makes recommendations for the assessment of bilingual, culturally different children.  相似文献   

This study builds on and contributes to work on assessment of children in primary school, particularly in science. Previous research has examined primary science assessment from different standpoints, but no studies have specifically addressed children's perspectives. This article provides additional insight into issues surrounding children's assessment in primary school and how the assessment of science might develop in England after the science SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) were abolished in 2009. Some research suggests that primary science assessment via SATs is a major reason for the observed decline in children's engagement with science in upper primary and lower secondary school. The analytic focus on engaging children as coresearchers to assist in the process of gathering informed views and interpreting findings from a large sample of children's views enables another contribution. The study, based on a survey of 1000 children in primary and secondary schools in England and Wales, reveals that despite being assessed under two different regimes (high‐stakes national tests in England and moderated teacher assessment in Wales), children's views of science assessment are remarkably consistent. Most appreciate the usefulness of science assessment and value frequent, non‐SATs testing for monitoring/improving science progress. There was a largely negative impact, however, of science assessment on children's well‐being, particularly due to stress. The paper demonstrates that children provide an important perspective on assessment and that including their views can improve policy‐making in relation to primary science assessment.  相似文献   

双语语音发展研究显示双语儿童的语音发展明显异于单语儿童。若把双语儿童的语音发展跟单语儿童作比较,双语儿童极有可能被低估或错误评估。本研究采用标准化语音测试,探讨语言背景对双语(广东话及普通话)儿童语音发展的影响。本文记录及比较两名不同背景的三岁半双语儿童的语音发展,亦同时把该两名儿童的语言表现与单语儿童作比较。结果显示不同语言背景的双语儿童有不同的语音表现,跟单语儿童的语音发展亦不相同。本文提出测试双语儿童语音发展的建议。  相似文献   

A diagnostic goal of the “Profile analysis according to Grießhaber” is the assessment of the grammatical ability to place verbs in German sentences in the correct syntactical position. To evaluate the test quality for the first time, 403 monolingual and multilingual primary school children were randomly assigned to three different test materials: Test material that specifically stimulated the target competence led to the best test results. This indicates a low objectivity of application. In addition, ceiling effects for primary school children were detected, which means that the profile analysis can only slightly differentiate among the grammatical abilities of the children. Retest reliability and objectivity of analysis are also too small. In summary, the test quality of the assessment tool should be improved with respect to all of the test quality criteria considered. Hence, we recommend standardizing the profile analysis better and adding more sensitive diagnostic criteria for primary school aged children. Other aspects of profile analysis, for example the improvement of diagnostic competencies of teachers, are recommended for future research.  相似文献   

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