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汉字是一种象似性极高的文字,从产生时期的象其形到发展演变过程中的象其意,始终都映照着汉人对客观世界经验结构的心理感知。汉字修辞利用汉字形体结构进行修辞活动,其修辞形式在对汉字部件的拆合、笔画的增减、字形的借用、连用和变动中映射出人们对汉字形体结构的心理认知以及与客观世界之间的相似关系。  相似文献   

象似性是对任意性的挑战。象似性根源于人们认识世界的体验性。人以自身的感觉器官直接感知客观世界,在与客观世界的互动中获得经验。这一过程就是将客观世界范畴化、概念化的过程。汉字作为人们认知世界的经验结构的表征形式,映照了这一过程,从而使语言活动与认知现象处于一种相互印证的状态。汉字是表义的组合符号,是中国文化"援物比类,比类取象"的意象思维的产物。因此汉字的意象形态与其所表示的原型义之间是最具象似理据的。  相似文献   

《说文解字》是研究汉字字形字义的一部著作,通过运用认知语言学中象似性的有关知识,对《说文解字》相关知识进行分析,了解当时人们的认知规律以及时代特征,还可以窥探到汉字背后所反映的深层次的文化内涵。  相似文献   

认知语言学认为认知来自人们对客观世界的经验与体验。语言结构反映认知结构。语言形式的复杂性反映这一形式所表达的概念或语义的复杂性。形式越复杂,可预测性或可及性越低,在认知处理上所需的注意和时间越多。数量象似性反映了人们的认知隐喻概念:语言形式是容器,容器越大,内容越多。标记性理论与语言结构的数量象似性理论有直接的联系。标记性特征表现在语言的各个层面。它既能从认知层面,又能从功能层面对语言的形式与语义进行解释。标记性理论对象似性的其他类别如语言结构的距离象似性、顺序象似性、范畴象似性、话题象似性、功能象似性及隐喻象似性等也有很强的解释力。  相似文献   

象似性是当代认知语言学研究的重要课题之一,但语言学家对语言象似性的研究主要局限于词汇层面和句法层面。用典型的象似性原则来探讨、分析语篇的象似性及其认知基础,能使读者更直观、更有效地解读语篇。  相似文献   

标点符号是在将口头语言记录成文字的过程中产生的。在现实语境中,我们的口头对话是有停顿的,并且带有丰富的感情色彩。对话交际是动态的,而文字是静止的。标点符号是书面文字的辅助系统,其使用不是任意的,它在很大程度上与话语中的时间和感情的表达是密切相关的,有着象似性。从认知象似性观点出发,动态地认知标点符号所传达的意义,可以更好地把握人的认知能力与语言表达之间的关系。  相似文献   

随着认知语言学的深入,语言象似性研究逐渐成为研究热点。象似性体现在语言的词素、词汇、句法和篇章各个层面,但关于象似性原则和相关的认知理据的研究不多。因此,从顺序象似、空间象似、接近相似、距离象似、文化规约象似和标记象似等六个方面可以分析英语词汇内部语序和相关认知原理。象似性研究语言结构和人的认识经验之间的联系,而不仅仅是语言结构和客观世界的关系。  相似文献   

象似性主要强调了语言的可论证性、可释性和理据性,它必然体现在文字上;会意字形体意合的过程是概念综合的过程,这种意合过程蕴含着丰富的象似性,这种象似性是象某些文化意象;形声字声旁具有完全表音、近似表音的象声特征,形旁具有以形载象的特征.会意字、形声字的象似性具有诱发词义的作用,又有助于对外汉字教学.  相似文献   

张博 《考试周刊》2011,(35):26-27
语言符号象似性是认知语言学的重要内容之一。本文分析了语言符号在语音、形态、语义、词序不同层面的象似性,有助于我们更好地理解记忆词汇,对词汇习得有很大的启示作用。  相似文献   

语言象似性初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
语言象似性在过去几十年一直为语言学界所关注,现已成为认知语言学研究的重点。通过对象似性的概念、其与任意性的关系及语言象似性的基本原则等方面的探讨,可以看出语言结构确实在很多方面表现出与人的认知结构、概念结构相照应的现象,尤其是在顺序象似性、距离象似性、数量象似性等方面,但同时也不应否认语言任意性的基础地位。  相似文献   

霍丽蓉 《海外英语》2014,(22):79-80,94
Reading is not only the most effective way to get the knowledge of the language but also the only way to improve the language skills of English learners.However,the vast majority of students’reading ability are far apart from the curriculum standards in reality.Reading English newspaper helps to mobilize the enthusiasm of students’reading,and improve their reading ability.It forms a bridge between learning and real life.It extends the English reading from the teaching materials and guides students to a lot of extracurricular reading,creating a new reading space for students.  相似文献   

莎士比亚的语言艺术主要表现在他的成熟的戏剧里,语言的个性化和形象化两个特色为莎氏赢得了世界语言大师的称号。语言是思想的直接现实。所谓个性化的语言既要符合人物的个性特征又要蕴涵人物所处时代的独特气息。所谓形象化的语言都来自于语言的内容是具体的生活现象或事物形态。  相似文献   

口述传统中保存的原始社会的诗歌、散文、神话传说在逐渐转变成书面文献的过程中 ,深深地打上了后世语言风格的烙印 ,真实性往往受到怀疑。根据考古发现考察原始社会的文学资料 ,就会发现并非都是失之严肃的托古之作而是有其来历。  相似文献   

It is believed that language is an innate ability and, therefore, spoken language is acquired naturally and informally. In contrast, written language is thought to be an invention and, therefore, has to be learned through formal instruction. An alternate view, however, is that spoken language and written language are two forms of manifestations of the same inner language and that under certain circumstances, they both are acquired the same way. Nevertheless, in reality, the motor mechanisms for speech mature earlier than the ones needed for reading and writing, and, therefore, spoken language gains precedence and is acquired earlier than the written language. Based on this rationale, it is hypothesized that if the option to communicate through oral language is restricted, and children are made to communicate only through written language, we can expect written language skill to emerge with greater force. This hypothesis was put to test by conducting a pilot study in which children’s option to communicate with each other in the classroom was limited to written language for brief periods. One group of fourth graders were allowed to communicate with each other for half an hour a day, 4 days a week, for a period of one semester only through written language. No talking was allowed during this period. A comparison group of children were not restricted in this way. We labeled this project “Drop Everything and Write” (DEAW). Both the groups were administered pre- and post-tests of reading and spelling. After one semester of this program, children in the DEAW program achieved significantly higher scores on tests of vocabulary, reading comprehension, and spelling than the comparison group. The DEAW group also improved greatly in written language use. The results are interpreted to support the hypothesis.  相似文献   

外语教学活动的多模态化对现代信息技术的应用提出了更高的要求。文章分析了外语教学在多模态化进程中遇到的制约因素,提出应用增强现实构建虚实融合的多模态外语教学情境,探讨了增强现实在外语基本概念学习及外语情境交际能力训练中的应用,进一步分析了增强现实多模态外语教学环境中的虚拟视觉及听觉模态符号。研究表明,增强现实在外语教学的多模态化中能够发挥重要作用,是提升外语教学效果的有力手段。  相似文献   

论世界文字发展轨迹与汉字   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
“表形字-表意字-表音字”三阶段说是不符合实际的,字的发展轨迹应该是:从以形表义开始,发展到盛行借音表义,然后在本民族发展为语素字,在外族发展为表音字,这与语言心理,语言特点有关,两种字不能简单地划分优劣。汉字是语素字的典型。  相似文献   

变异语言体现人文精神,它是合目的性的特殊言语形式。规范语言体现科学精神,它是合规律性的普通言语形式。变异语言的人文精神与规范语言的科学精神是人类精神的内在组成部分,也是人类实践不可或缺的精神动力,人文精神与科学精神的融通互渗,统一构建了语言的自然形态。变异语言与规范语言的矛盾统一性具体表现为:艺术性与科学性、感性与理性、临时性与稳定性、个别性与一般性的矛盾统一,这种矛盾统一反映了两种言语形式存在的现实性和丰富性、必要性和必然性,反映了语言现象的本质。  相似文献   

The development of enquiry into language this century has implications for pedagogy. This development concerns the transition from viewing language as a transparent medium, identifying an external objective reality, to a view in which language constitutes reality as we understand it. The paper begins by outlining some contemporary theoretical developments concerning the ‘productive’ or material nature of discourse. The paper shows how particular curriculum practices in art can be viewed as discursive sites which perpetuate particular discourses in which the pupil as art practitioner is produced. By focusing upon drawing practices the paper shows that the notion of ‘ability’ does not refer to some absolute skill possessed by pupils, but to particular ideological interpretations through which ability is conferred. However, such interpretations do provide us with stable forms which allow us to act as if they were absolute. Such interpretational states reveal the circular structure of interpretational practices such as evaluation and assessment. The paper shows how the reflexive nature of hermeneutic analysis can be helpful in providing a suitable space for reflection when such interpretational states break down during the practice of teaching art. By analysing a series of pupil's drawings the paper discusses how our interpretational discourses identify the pupil's ability and constitute the pupil as a subject in the ait curriculum. The paper forms part of a larger body of work in which the author is exploring how different practices in the art curriculum constitute discursive fields within which pupils as subjects are produced.  相似文献   

随着高校外语教学的发展,各种新的教学方法不断涌现,传统的语法翻译教学方法受到了不公正的待遇。作者认为,从中国学生学习英语的实际情况出发,该教学方法还有其存在的理由。外语教学工作者不应该冷淡这种教学方法,而应该在改革教学方法的过程中,综合运用语法翻译教学法和其他新的教学方法,因材施教,才能从真正意义上提高大学英语教学的质量。  相似文献   

人类是否具有语言本能一直是语言学家争论的话题,儿童语言被公认为最好的语言试验材料。文章通过对大量儿童语言实例进行分析,发现不同语言种类的儿童对于主词句与无主词句的选择恰好能符合自己语言的语言特征及要求,儿童的这种意识可以看作是人类语言本能的早期体现,人类语言本能的存在依据与表现形式还有待我们进一步的研究探讨。  相似文献   

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