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When We were young,we had dreams and expectations.We imagine things,we keep thinking about what we want to be,what We want to do,what makes us proud and happy and what  相似文献   

Jokes and Humor     
When we want to tell other people what we think,we can do it with the helpof words or with the help of signs.We sometimes move our heads upand down when we want to say“yes”, and we sometimes move our heads  相似文献   

It's only natural to look forward to something better. We do it all our lives. Things may never really improve, but at least we always hope they will. It is one of life's great ironies that the longer we live, the less there is to look forward to. Retirement may bring with it the fulfillment of a lifetime's dreams. At last there will be time to do all the things we never had time for.  相似文献   

We all have desires ——it's part of the human condition.
We want to be loved, to have friends, to experience joy, to have security.
But a desire for things is not as natural as we're often led to believe. Sure, we all have desires for things: nice cars, nice clothes, nice houses, cool computers and iPhones, beautiful furniture and notebooks and shoes and jewelry and bags and bikes and on and on.  相似文献   

When we were young, we might have all kinds of dreams: to become a star, a lawyer, a scientist and so on. These dreams are really nice. When we have a dream, we have the power to help us goahead. On our way to make our dreams come true, we will meet with …  相似文献   

Summer Bummer     
余明朝 《新高考》2013,(10):32-34
At some point every teen's parents ask what we plan to do during the summer. We respond "nothing." For us it's simple. Sleeping in till noon, watching TV, swimming,hanging out with friends, throwing parties, and staying up late is what we plan to do. We work hard all year, and this is our break. Shouldn't we spend it the way we want'?  相似文献   

"Look,"perhaps,is one of the most frequently used words in English,and "looking"is the most common thinq we do in everyday life.So.1et’s have a little chat on this little word-on different ways we look and on different things we do by looking.While most of the time we look to see,we also look to read,to search,to control,to respect,to expect,and,what else,to listen!  相似文献   

Our Choice     
Whatever comes on our way,whatever battle we have raging inside us,we always have a choice.My friend Harry told me that he chose to be the best of himself.It is the choice that makes who we are and we can always choose to do what is right.  相似文献   

We had a class meeting last Friday, the theme forwhich was what we want to be when we grow up. The meeting was very exciting. Everyone took the chance to speak out their dreams, and so did I. Some students said they would be doctors so that they could help people recover from illnesses and live a healthful life. Some said they would become soldiers to safeguard our country and the people' s lives. Some others said they wanted to become scientists or inventors to im- prove our lives with their inventions, but I wanted to go to teach in a school and pass knowledge on to our children.  相似文献   

English Corner     
Good Tips for You How to be Safe on The Internet? The Internet is an important part of our life.There are so many things we can do on it.We can get useful information,find help for our studies and make friends on the Internet.But some of us don’t use it in  相似文献   

生活中,有时强烈的思念使我们恨不得一把将所爱的人从梦中带走,实实在在地拥抱他们。做自己想做的梦吧,去自己想去的地方吧。做自己想做的人吧。生命只有一次,机会只有一回。  相似文献   

作文教学不应束缚学生手脚,而应从激发学生写作兴趣出发,让学生想写什么就写什么,想怎么写就怎么写,想写什么体裁就写什么体裁,想写多少字就写多少字。学生的主体作用在作文教学中应得到充分发挥。  相似文献   

解决中学生写作文无话可说的问题,让他们写"熟悉的生活"与观察到的事物难以收到成效,因为"熟悉的生活"和观察到的事物不等于他们心头想说的话.只有引导他们写"心灵的碰撞"、写对事物的感想和对生活的领悟才是正确的办法,因为这些正是他们想要表达的思想感情,这样作符合于作文的本质规律,能收到多方面的效果.  相似文献   

to state the theme that"sometimes,things change and they are never the same again,this looks like one of those times.That's life,Life move on,and so should we"Dr Spencer Johnson depict a story about change in a maze where four amusing characters look for"cheese"—cheese being a metaphor for what we want to have in life,whether it is a job,a relationship,money,a big house,freedom,health,recognition spiritual peace,or even an activity like jogging or golf.Each of us has our own idea of what cheese is,and we pursue it because we believe it makes us happy.If we get it,we often become attached to it.And if we lose it,or it’s taken away,it can be traumatic The maze in the story represents where you spend time looking for what you want.It can be the organization you work in,the community you live in,or the relationship you have in your life.  相似文献   

If I do not want what you want, please try not to tell me that my want is wrong.  相似文献   

将音频文件下载到你的MP3播放器上,然后收听,这是播客的一种简单传播方式。它们出现在我们最喜欢的网站上,改变着收音机的面貌。简而言之,播客随时随地为我们提供任何想收呒的节目。什么是播客?大致来说,播客是一种数字音频文件(通常是MP3格式)。我们可以将这种文件从网络上下载到电脑中.然后传到我们的MP3播放器上。“播客”(Podcast)一词南苹果产品“iPod”和“广播”(broadcast)这两个单词结合而成,尽管这项技术并不是由苹果iPod音乐播放器所带来的发明(只是灵感来源)。  相似文献   

近十几年来,数码相机逐渐成为摄影者关注的焦点。数码相机和传统相机之间究竟存在什么区别和联系,是许多人想了解的。我们可以从它们的对比中,来体会数码相机的独特之处。  相似文献   

透过旧上海这个充斥了封建主义和殖民主义两种文化的社会,我们看到了在当时的旧中国,这两种文化对人们思想和心灵的侵蚀,对新生命的迫害与毁灭,而这正是我们在《十八春》中所要挖掘的深意。  相似文献   

竞技体育比赛中的欠公平状况及其合理性评判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公平是竞技体育比赛的基本精神.从竞技体育比赛的诸多实例来看,欠公平状况从基本的吃到比赛用的器械,从比赛前的训练到比赛中的竞技,都一直存在.造成这种状况的原因是多方面的,我们想要着重提出的是,其存在在当前是否合理以及如何评判,是我们应该深思的,惟有如此,我们才能确定具有现实意义的竞技体育伦理观,并推动竞技体育的健康发展.  相似文献   

生态文明建设必须充分发挥人的主体能动性,但人的能动性并非是无止境的,人还是受动的。在改造世界时,人还受到各种因素的制约,不能为所欲为。马克思关于人的受动性的思想对于当下的生态文明建设有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

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