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现在的青少年多为独生子女,从小就缺少游戏的小伙伴。有些家长在指导孩子人际交往上又存在问题,导致孩子缺乏协作精神或不健康的心理。近年来的许多研究表明:家长对自己的孩子普遍存在过高的期望,希望自己的孩子成为"有教养的人,有知识的人",希望他们能上大学,成为"有用之人",对孩子最满意的是"用功学习",最不满意的是"不用功学习""贪玩",最担心的是"不能成才""找不到工作"。这些对孩子的心理健康以及学习、智力发展造成严重影响。  相似文献   

刘茜 《文教资料》2011,(16):78-79
日本的特摄作品影响了日本乃至包括中国在内的世界诸多国家的几代青少年,其中的"超级战队"系列、"奥特曼"系列和"假面骑士"系列一道占据了重要的地位。"超级战队"系列中人物的服色设定极具特色,红色战士往往是其中的灵魂人物。这些红色战士既有共性,又有各自的特点,特别是在进入新世纪以来的作品中,红色战士的形象进一步多样化。本文将这些新世纪战队作品中的红色战士分成三个主要类型逐一展开深度分析,发现这些红色战士性格上的变化通常可以反映日本社会上的某种流行或是大众的某种心理诉求,可说是折射日本流行文化发展的一面镜子。  相似文献   

叙事时间是叙事学的一个重要范畴,热奈特在《叙事话语》第一节的开头就引用了克里斯蒂安·麦茨的一段话来加以说明:"叙事是一组有两个时间的序列……:被讲述的事情的时间和叙事的时间。这种双重性不仅使一切时间畸变成为可能,挑出叙事中的这些畸变是不足为奇的;更为根本的是,它要求我们确认叙事的功能之一是把一种时间兑现为另一种时间。"其中"被讲述的事情的时间"即故事时间,"叙事的时间"即话语时间。由于"叙述作品和其他任何作品一样,只是有换喻意义上的、向它本身的阅读借用的时间性",所以话语时间"通常以文本所用篇幅或阅读所需时间来衡量"。本文就此谈谈《夏洛的网》的叙事时间。  相似文献   

玛丽·雪莱的作品《弗兰肯斯坦》是公认的世界上第一部真正的科幻小说,其中怪物的异化让人感慨万千。为了更好地挖掘怪物的心理,理解人性的复杂,运用西格蒙德·弗洛伊德关于人心理结构的"三分法"理论来分析怪物,着重追溯其心路历程,即其心理发展所经历的萌芽的超我、疯狂的本我、可怜的自我和绝望的本我四个阶段,指出其最终因超我的无力、本我的强大、自我的失衡而沦为噬血的恶魔;同时,怪物生和死的情形也暗示了其只会是本我的奴隶。  相似文献   

郭德峰 《家庭教育》2013,(11):10-10
近年来,社会上流行“孩子不能输在人生的起跑线上”的论调,影响甚广。如果说始作俑者提醒人们要关注早期教育也不无道理,但从其演绎的内容看,大多指向孩子的学习成绩,特别是应试学科的考分和升学竞争上。由此产生的校外补习班五花八门,有偿家教屡禁不止,家长择校风气盛行,孩子攀比心理异化等等不一而足。这些问题造成家长和孩子沉重的学习和心理负担,违反教育规律,甚至影响社会和谐。  相似文献   

洪艳玲 《考试周刊》2012,(93):175-176
近年来,单亲家庭中儿童的问题已很突出,我们平时说得较多的是这些孩子的学业问题,而他们中有相当一部分属于心理问题。真诚地希望离婚后的父母在给予孩子物质的同时,能更关注这些孩子的心理健康问题,也希望老师多了解"单亲儿童"的心理,用爱心和耐心去关注他们。  相似文献   

短篇小说《变形记》是奥地利小说家弗兰茨.卡夫卡的代表作。作品主要从主人公格里高尔.萨姆沙的视角出发,叙述了在家庭和社会的压迫下人变形异化为甲虫的故事。作者选取了"甲虫"这一新奇而怪异的意象来表现个人的恶劣处境,用写实的手法描写荒诞不经的事物。《变形记》历来为评论界所关注,但多数人着眼于文本中的变形异化现象,而鲜少注意其中的甲虫意象。文章试从"变形"为"甲虫"的必要性、"甲虫"之形、"甲虫"之性三个方面探析"甲虫"意象。  相似文献   

幼儿美术活动既能培养幼儿审美情趣,又能激发孩子的创造力.在具体的实践过程中教师引导是个关键因素.贴近幼儿心理,给幼儿创作创设宽松的环境,客观激励性地评价幼儿作品,丰富幼儿视野,积累经验,提高幼儿绘画技能,这些都对有效引导幼儿绘画的有重要作用.  相似文献   

林纾的译本有两大特色——归化的语言、异化的思想。深谙中国人心理的林纾,巧妙地将异化的思想根植于归化的语言之中,既契合了接受主体的文化心理,又传播了进步的资产阶级新思想。本文拟从"多元系统理论"及"归化"、"异化"的概念入手,对林纾译本的两大特色进行深入剖析并探究其根源,旨在全面地看待林纾译本在中西文化碰撞这一特定历史环境中的认识价值和艺术魅力。  相似文献   

目前,儿童文学作品汉译存在着过分"韩化"和文化内容翻译标准不统一等问题。译者要真正站在儿童读者立场上进行翻译,才能解决语言"韩化"问题。在文化内容翻译方面,韩国特有的文化词汇和与特有文化逻辑、文化现象相关的内容可采用异化加插图、异化加注解等方法进行翻译。  相似文献   

异化是佩列文小说中一个很重要的主题,佩列文在他的作品中通过人的变形,俄罗斯知识分子的异化和其他各种异化现象来说明解体后的俄罗斯人与人之间关系的异化和人与自我关系的异化,向我们展示了新时期人与人之间疏远、陌生的社会关系,人的异化、虚无的精神状态以及苏联社会现实世界的破碎性和虚幻性。  相似文献   

This study investigated the agreement and stability of 3 teacher rating Scales used to assess ADHD in preschool children: the ADHD Rating Scale, the Child Attention Profile (CAP), and the Conners' Teacher Rating Scale-28 (CTRS-28). A sample of suburban children (n = 60) was observed and rated by their teachers and assistant teachers at preschool level (Time 1) and 4 years later at the elementary school level (Time 2). Agreement among the rating scales and interrater agreement between teacher and assistant teacher ratings yielded noticeably stronger correlations at Time 2 than at Time 1. Over the 4-year interval of the study, there was a significant change in the number of children identified as potential ADHD risks. It is probable there were a high number of false-positive indications in the preschool ADHD screenings. It is also possible that immature behavior of preschool children may mimic ADHD behavior at the elementary school level.  相似文献   

儿童科学文艺是用艺术手法来描写科学、表现科学、普及科学的适合儿童阅读欣赏的文学作品.在中小学素质教育实施过程中,它既可以促进少年儿童弘扬与科学精神相融合的人文精神,又可以积极引导少年儿童的科学想象,提高少年儿童的科学创造力.  相似文献   

Nonresident fathers can have a significant impact on children's behavioral outcomes. Unfortunately, the impact of nonresident father involvement on the behavioral outcomes of children with child welfare involvement has received scant attention in the literature, a limitation the current study sought to address. A sample of 333 children in state custody in Illinois between the ages of six and 13 participated and were assessed using the externalizing behavior scale of the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) at regular intervals throughout their time in care. Father involvement was measured through a review of case files and interviews with child welfare workers. Growth trajectories were fit to children's externalizing behavior across time and were predicted using Time 1 characteristics. Father involvement, total non-father relative involvement, and gender (girls) was associated with lower baseline externalizing behavior and the African American children in the sample experienced higher baseline externalizing behavior. However, only Time 1 father involvement predicted slope trajectories after controlling for Time 1 externalizing behavior; more father involvement was associated with lower externalizing behavior trajectories. These results suggest that even in the unique and stressful context of child welfare, father involvement can be protective regarding children's externalizing behaviors.  相似文献   

《1844年经济学一哲学手稿》是马克思货币研究的重要著作。在此著作中,马充思从人学的视角出发,深入地阐述了货币与人的本质、价值、感觉、需要及其异化的本质联系。这种本质联系根源于人的对象化活动。在此基础上,马克思揭示了扬弃货币异化与人的解放的必然关系。马克思在手稿中对货币的人学分析具有重大的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

Objective. Children vary in how sensitive they are to environmental influences. Child temperament is an individual difference factor that appears to moderate the impact of environment on early child development. This study contrasts the “diathesis-stress/dual risk” and “differential susceptibility” models in examining difficult temperament as a moderator of the relation between preschool parenting and school-aged child persistence. Design. A longitudinal design included 61 typically developing Portuguese children (31 girls) assessed when they were toddlers (Time 1 at 1–3 years), preschoolers (Time 2 at 4–6 years), and school aged (Time 3 at 8–10 years). At Time 1, parents were recruited and interviewed. At Time 2, semi-structured mother–child interactions were observed, and preschool teachers rated children’s temperament. At Time 3, children’s task persistence was rated by their elementary teachers. Results. Difficult temperament moderated the association between mother–child interactions and child persistence, with stronger associations for children with more difficult temperaments. Conclusions. Consistent with the diathesis-stress model, results reveal that high levels of positive parenting reduce the risk of low self-regulation associated with difficult temperament.  相似文献   

时间是唐宋词作中表现的常态,它以独特的意味存在于词作中,形成张力形式,既成为词作结构的黏合剂,又成为情感(特别是读者情感)产生的最初生发剂;正因为时间的植入,唐宋词被赋予不同于民间词独特的生命感,从而在实质境界方面离开单纯享乐,指向生命感悟。  相似文献   

Ben-Avie and Comer describe how Jewish day schools and the Yale Child Study Center’s School Development Program (SDP) share a common agenda regarding the aim of education. The foundational science of education is child development, advocates James P. Comer in such seminal works as School Power (1980) and Waiting For A Miracle (1998). SDP, the educational change initiative founded by Comer, informed the design of the current study, which is an empirical exploration of how the climate of relationships in Jewish day schools impede or promote the process through which children forge a relationship to the Jewish people.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
One Step at a Time RNIB
Understanding Mental Health Katherine Greensmith
Child Play: its importance for human development Peter Slade
Policy, Practice and Provision for Children with Specific Learning Difficulties Jill Duffield, Sheila Ridell and Sally Brown
Pastoral Care and Personal-Social Education: Entitlement and Provision Ron Best, Peter Lang, Caroline Lodge and Chris Watkins (eds)
Dear Psychiatrist …. Do Child Care Specialists Understand? Jennie Roberts
Climbing the Walls: Family Perspectives on Epilepsy
Going to Court Sheila Hollins with Valerie Sinason and Julie Boniface St George's Mental Health Library in association with VOICE (UK)
Choice, Opportunity and Learning: Educating children and young people who are physically disabled John Cornwall  相似文献   

幼儿教材中的文学作品承担着对幼儿的文学启蒙和知识启蒙双重任务,其中文学启蒙当属首要。但由于现行各类教材中的幼儿文学作品偏于重认知、强教育、养习惯和显趣味等方面,对幼儿的文学启蒙作用不尽如人意,因此,幼儿园课程教材的文学选择应注重对情感、美感、趣味、快乐以及精彩等诸多要素的把握,以最优秀的幼儿文学作品来实现对幼儿的文学启蒙,并以此带动幼儿的多向发展。  相似文献   

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