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宋代史料丰富,《宋会要辑稿》是研究宋代史极为重要的一部典籍,此前中华书局虽有影印本面世,但使用多有不便。2014年上海古籍出版社点校出版,为学界提供了便利。翻阅此书,偶见讹误,《太宗实录》的初修时间"至道三年"误作"至道二年",《哲宗实录》两次编修的时间"元符"误作"元祐","绍兴"误作"绍圣"。此次点校,均未作点校说明,兹略加考辩,诚请方家指正。  相似文献   

校勘对象为中华书局1988年版沈啸寰、王星贤所撰《荀子集解》点校本(简称点校本),兼及清光绪十七年王先谦《荀子集解》思贤讲舍刻本(简称光绪刻本)。校勘的主要内容有3个方面:一是《荀子》原文与杨倞注文的文字错讹、脱衍、误倒、失校、误删、误改;二是沈啸寰、王星贤所撰《荀子集解》点校本断句不当、标点符号的失误;三是对沈、王点校本校勘记的分类统计。全文共清理校勘失误300条。分为上中下3次刊出,此为第2部分,共清理《荀子集解》点校本正文部分《王制篇》至《礼论篇》校勘失误111条。  相似文献   

《明成化说唱词话丛刊》被誉为"迄今发现的中国俗文学的最早刻本",目前仅有朱一玄先生对其进行点校,然由于底本模糊以及首次点校、俗字误识等原因,其中不免有错处。现对《花关索出身传》的点校失误举出数例以做补充。  相似文献   

本文校勘对象为中华书局1988年版沈啸寰、王星贤所撰《荀子集解》点校本(简称点校本),兼及清光绪十七年王先谦《荀子集解》思贤讲舍刻本(简称光绪刻本)。校勘的主要内容有三方面:一是荀子原文与杨惊注文的文字错讹、脱衍、误倒、失校、误删、误改;二是沈啸寰、王星贤所撰《荀子集解》点校本断句不当、标点符号的失误;三是对沈、王点校本校勘记的分类统计。全文共清理校勘失误300条。拟分为上中下三次刊出,此为第三部分,共清理《荀子集解》点校本正文部分《乐论篇》至《尧问篇》校勘失误90条。  相似文献   

中华书局点校本《南史》在标点上的不妥之处有以下几方面:一、文义不明而致误。二、专名不明而致误。三、记言之辞与记事之辞不明而致误。四、句式不明而致误。  相似文献   

检讨对象为中华书局1988年版沈啸寰、王星贤所撰《荀子集解》点校本(简称点校本),兼及清光绪十七年王先谦《荀子集解》思贤讲舍刊本(简称光绪刻本).本检讨的主要内容有三方面:一是《荀子》原文与杨惊注文的文字讹误、脱衍、误倒、失校、误删、误改;二是沈啸寰、王星贤所撰《荀子集解》点校本断句不当、标点符号的失误;三是对沈、王点校本39条校勘记的分类统计.全文检讨共计300条.本文拟分为上中下三次刊出,此为第一部分,包含本文序言、例略,共检讨《荀子集解》点校本“考证”部分与正文部分《劝学篇》至《儒效篇》失误99条.  相似文献   

中华书局2001年出版的《墨子间诂》新点校本与1986年版的点校本相比,点校质量有明显提高。但仍然存在文字讹误和断句失误等问题,文字讹误方面存在着形近而讹、校勘不精而讹、引文有讹误等问题。断句失误则有不明引文起讫而误、当断而不断、不当断而断等问题。  相似文献   

中华书局点校本"二十四史"一直被学术界和广大读者公认为权威版本,但由于种种原因,内中的疏失也在所难免。有专用名词之误,词序颠倒之误,夺字、衍文之误,字体形近之误。因限于篇幅,现仅以《新唐书》中的专用名词为例加以正误。  相似文献   

《贵州通志》是明代贵州仅存的七本方志之一,藏于日本尊经阁文库,为宇内唯一,其点校本《贵州通志·万历志》中有不少错误,以"铜仁府"为例,短短11页文字,就有200余处错误。点校本之误主要有错字,增字,脱字,异体字、繁体字未改,底本之误应校未校及标点错误等形式。  相似文献   

在现行<明史>各种版本中,以中华书局点校本为最好,但其校勘记存在一些诸如校勘未尽、误校误书等方面的问题,文章谨掇拾其中五十条加以补遗订正.  相似文献   

Data are presented which show striking differences between the characteristics of oral reading errors made to content and function words. Content word errors tend to be graphically similar but contextually unacceptable, whereas the reverse is true for errors made to function words — which are contextually acceptable but graphically dissimilar. This was true for two samples: for one child reading a total of 2,588 words, and for 12 children reading about 450 words each. There were however differences between the samples, and reasons for these are discussed. It is argued that some errors are better viewed not as errors in word recognition, but as post-recognition errors — that is, errors which occur even when the word has been correctly identified. The errors in this study are also compared with those made by an adult with acquired deep dyslexia reading words in isolation, and similarities between the two sets of errors were observed. Finally it is concluded that teachers and researchers should (1) categorize errors into visual, semantic, derivational and function word errors, (2) should calculate the proportion of function word errors, and (3) bear in mind that oral reading errors may occur even when words are correctly recognised.  相似文献   

阅读理解困难儿童的理解监控特点   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
使用错误觉察任务,设计无意义词、经验错误和逻辑错误三种破坏文章意义的错误信息,考察阅读理解困难儿童的理解监控特点。结果发现:(1)阅读理解困难儿童只是对破坏整体意义的逻辑错误觉察水平落后,对破坏命题意义的经验错误觉察水平与正常儿童相当,对破坏解码流畅性的无意义词觉察水平反而比正常儿童高。(2)阅读理解困难儿童对无意义词的觉察水平最高,其次是经验错误和逻辑错误;正常儿童对经验错误的觉察水平最高,其次是逻辑错误和无意义词。  相似文献   

中介语中的词语偏误包括词语构造的偏误和词语使用上的偏误。留学生在习得目的语时生成了目的语中不存在的词语,这是词汇偏误的一种重要类型,即词语构造上的偏误。本文基于自建越南留学生汉语中介语语料库对这部分合成词进行分析,与汉语中仿词构词及成语活用进行对比研究。  相似文献   

英语词语搭配错误是学生在英语书面表达中常见的错误。学生英语词语搭配能力的欠缺直接影响了英语词汇能力的发展。文章对造成学生搭配错误三个方面的原因——母语的干扰、近义词替代、词项的单一储存与提取模式进行了分析,并对英语词汇学习提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to determine the pattern of errors in Spanish spelling. Specifically, we were interested in discovering if all Spanish words have similar levels of spelling difficulty or whether there are types of words that cause a high percentage of spelling errors. 972 children aged between 8 to 10 years were requested to write a short spontaneous story. Our objective was to analyse and to propose a classification system for the errors made by children in the initial stages of the acquisition of spelling skills. The results indicate (a) that the diverse forms of only 20 Spanish words produce 36 per cent of the spelling errors in Spanish, and (b) that substitution is the most frequent type of error (68 per cent of total errors), which occurs as a consequence of an inadequate knowledge of the rules of phoneme-grapheme correspondence. These findings have relevance for the teaching of writing in Spanish.  相似文献   

Speed, accuracy, and types of errors in decoding lists of words and pseudo words and performance in two phonemic awareness tasks were assessed for German and American children in the first and second grades. German children were significantly better than American children only in pseudo word decoding measures across grades. Between group analyses showed that American children committed more vowel and word substitution errors in both decoding accuracy tasks than German children. Word substitution errors were more likely in word decoding than in pseudo word decoding for children in both languages. Within group analyses indicate that variance in decoding errors and speed accounted for by word substitution versus nonword and vowel versus consonant errors differed dependent on grade and whether real or pseudo words were read. Results suggest successful reading in English depends upon more complex grapheme to phoneme correspondence rules than does reading in German.  相似文献   

Children who read poorly have difficulty naming objects, and their errors usually bear a semantic or a phonetic resemblance to the correct words. Excessive semantic and phonetic naming errors could both be due to underlying phonological deficiencies in poor readers. When children cannot name an object because its name is not represented well in long-term memory or cannot be processed well, semantic information as well as partially available phonological information may be used in selecting an alternative response. This hypothesis was tested by looking for the joint influence of semantics and phonology in the naming errors of third-grade children. The same children were asked to name a set of pictured objects, repeat the object names after being spoken by the examiner, and recognize the objects from their spoken names. A separate group of children produced associative responses to the same pictures. First, it was found that, compared with skilled readers, less-skilled readers who named objects without any time pressure had a deficit that could not be attributed to repetition difficulty or limited vocabulary. Second, the naming errors showed a semantic relationship to the correct words that was as strong as that of the associative responses. Third, the naming errors also showed a phonetic relationship to the correct words, whereas the associative responses did not. Finding a joint semantic and phonetic effect in the naming errors of children suggests that the errors may be attributable to phonological deficiencies.  相似文献   

从对英语单词、短语的理解入手,就《国际统一私法协会国际商事合同通则》(中英文对照本)中文译文中出现的对英语单词、短语意思的误解而导致的误译情形进行了简要分析和评述。  相似文献   

研究关注中国英语学习者在英语议论文写作中的选词错误情况,研究者从“北京语言大学中国学生英语笔语语料库”中选取了两组不同水平学习者的语料进行比较调查。参考James(1998)对词汇错误的分类,研究者把语料中的选词错误分为7类:误用形近词、误用固定搭配、从母语直译、凭空造词、误用近义词、错误理解词的指示义和具体语境选词不当。通过分析数据,研究者发现了两组不同水平学习者在选词错误方面的一些特点和差异,并且有针对性地对英语词汇教学和写作教学提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

In the current research the performance of children with and without reading disabilities was compared on a single word naming task. An analysis was carried out of the frequency and form of naming errors produced by the groups when naming real words and nonwords in a transparent orthography such as Spanish. A sample of 132 (45 normal readers, 87 reading disabled) Spanish children aged 9–10 years were selected, and an experiment was carried out to investigate if students with reading disabilities would have particular difficulties in naming words under conditions that require extensive phonological computation. While the children were performing the naming task, we recorded what they read to subsequently analyse the form, as well as the frequency, of naming errors as a function of lexicality, word frequency, word length and positional frequency of syllables. Disabled readers made more errors in nonwords, low frequency words and long nonwords. The findings support the hypothesis that poor phonological skills are a characteristic of reading disabled children.  相似文献   

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