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科技期刊提升选题策划质量的途径及实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】 提升科技期刊选题策划的质量和创新性。【方法】 通过总结《煤炭科学技术》40年来70余次专题策划案例经验,提出选题策划应从类型策划、内容策划、引读语及版面设计进行系统策划。选题内容的策划可以从会议主题、问卷调研及专家咨询获取的最新科技资讯、网络查询行业科技和政策信息、自然来稿、同行及跨行期刊创新选题借鉴、优秀团队科研方向、行业单位策划活动、中国知网等数据库进行精准选题。【结果】 通过上述选题方案的实施,《煤炭科学技术》策划的专题论文被引频次、网络下载率比同期论文高。【结论】 通过系列选题策划方案的实施,可大幅提升科技期刊选题策划的质量和效率。  相似文献   

【目的】探索全方位多层次的选题策划方法与组稿途径,为提高煤炭类期刊质量与影响力提供方法借鉴。【方法】以《煤炭科学技术》为例,介绍了其在围绕国家重大方针决策、行业重大科技成果、行业热点难点问题、行业重大科技事件以及品牌学术会议方面开展选题策划的方法,以及与项目课题组、科研院所、高等院校、煤矿企业、行业专业委员会、学术会议主办方、学术带头人等合作进行集中组约稿的经验体会与实施成果。【结果】通过持续开设有特色的专题(专栏、专刊)后,期刊发行量、总被引频次、网络下载率、影响因子等期刊评价指标逐年稳步提升。【结论】策划有吸引力的选题,并辅以高效的组稿途径是获得优质稿源、壮大“三高”作者队伍、吸引读者关注、扩大期刊发行量的有效举措,对引导学术研究、指导现场实践、提高期刊评价指标及提升期刊影响力具有重要促进作用。  相似文献   

【目的】通过梳理《生物工程学报》近7年来专刊的策划和出版实践,一方面总结出版专刊的成功经验,同时也为国内期刊同行提供借鉴与参考。【方法】详述《生物工程学报》在专刊选题策划及组织形式方面的做法,并通过中国知网(CNKI)的统计数据,追踪比较了该刊2009—2011年间出版的专刊与普通发文的被引频次。【结果】结果表明,组织专刊既可以扩大稿源,又可以提升论文质量、增强期刊学术影响力。【结论】专刊的策划与出版是现阶段提升科技期刊学术质量行之有效的方式之一。  相似文献   

【目的】 探索利用新媒体手段进行组稿、约稿的方法与策略,以期为科技期刊获取优质稿源、提高工作效率、提升期刊质量和影响力提供可借鉴的新方法。【方法】 以《中国皮肤性病学杂志》编辑部的实践为例,总结归纳其利用新媒体手段提升编辑人员选题策划的敏感性、深入了解读者需求、组织专家编委进行选题论证,以及完成约稿等方面的经验体会和实施效果。【结果】 《中国皮肤性病学杂志》编辑部将新媒体手段融入传统组稿、约稿方法之中,简化了工作、提升了效率,同时所策划的选题更能满足读者需求,使期刊影响力得到进一步提升。【结论】 利用新媒体手段进行组稿、约稿是科技期刊获取优质稿源、提升期刊影响力的事半功倍的方法。  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨综合性科技期刊科技热点专题策划出版的意义和方法,使学术期刊的价值更大化。【方法】 结合《科技导报》办刊实践,对比分析《科技导报》2014—2015年专题出版情况,讨论综合性科技期刊“新闻热点导入,科学深度解读”专题出版模式。【结果】 通过出版热点新闻专题,综合性科技期刊在短时间内吸引了大量读者,提高了期刊的关注度。选取的前沿或热点选题,既传播了科学,也提升了期刊学术质量和影响力。【结论】 从新闻热点导入的策划专题,打破科技期刊千刊一面、一成不变的发展态势,是综合性科技期刊创新性发展的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

【目的】 探索开放型办刊模式,找到期刊转型发展的着力点,为高校科技期刊创新发展提供思路。【方法】 以《药学进展》的改版实践为切入点,探讨办刊主体重构、编委队伍架构、学术活动策划、选题组稿策划4个举措所取得的成效。【结果】 《药学进展》办刊主体和编委队伍的重建以及学术活动和选题组稿策划均表现出“开放”的内涵,期刊有效转型为“知识服务载体+智库+交流平台”的复合型媒体。【结论】 办刊主体、编委队伍架构和学术活动均可作为办刊资源,服务于选题组稿策划。开放办刊是期刊转型发展的有效途径,有助于提高期刊核心竞争力,从而提升期刊品牌价值。  相似文献   

网络大数据在优化科技期刊选题策划中的应用与实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
【目的】探讨利用中国知网大数据优化科技期刊的选题策划,以提高科技期刊的影响力。【方法】 以《中国实用内科杂志》 “急性胰腺炎的诊治”选题策划为例,介绍该期选题背景、如何利用资源总库文献检索系统中的被引频次和下载频次判断研究热点、利用中国知网的学术趋势搜索模块验证选题策划以及检索功能确定撰稿专家等过程,并分享经验体会。【结果】急性胰腺炎选题刊出后受到了读者及作者的广泛欢迎,大份发行增加了3000册,出售单行本3000份,同时中国知网显示下载量和被引频次增加显著。【结论】《中国知网》大数据对科技期刊编辑了解学科热点、了解学科发展态势和发展方向提供了辅助信息,并为选取合适的约稿专家提供了线索。  相似文献   

【目的】 探索高质量的综述性论文对综合类科技期刊发展的作用和组稿策略。【方法】 以《科技导报》综述性论文组稿实践为例,阐述了科技期刊编辑应重视综述性论文的重要性,加强综述性论文的策划组稿工作,发挥主动性和积极性,从前期调研、确定好选题,利用编委和主办单位优势资源确定约稿对象名单,制定约稿方案和实施策略等方面提高组稿能力,多角度多措施地吸引优质综述性论文。【结果】 综述性论文的有效组稿为提高科技期刊的学术质量奠定坚实基础,提升了期刊影响力。【结论】 《科技导报》的组稿实践为综合类科技期刊发展提供了一定经验和借鉴。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨生物医学工程类期刊开辟临床应用栏目的意义,为媒体融合出版形式下期刊的栏目建设和竞争力的提高提供借鉴。【方法】以《中华生物医学工程杂志》为例,介绍其临床应用特色栏目“新技术与临床”设置的背景、特点、选题策划过程、现状和今后发展规划。【结果】《中华生物医学工程杂志》开辟“新技术与临床”栏目偏重临床的实践性报道,围绕栏目宗旨和选题计划、读者需求、培养年轻医师潜在作者群3个方面确定报道内容,体现了该刊为临床医生服务的办刊宗旨。【结论】生物医学工程类期刊开辟临床应用栏目可强化期刊的读者意识,突出期刊的导向功能,体现期刊的办刊特色,提高期刊竞争力。  相似文献   

总结《中国实用妇科与产科杂志》的办刊经验,探讨选题的方式方法.提出选题必须符合期刊自身的性质,应符合自己的办刊宗旨,保持期刊的特色,兼顾需要和可能、近期和长远.选题要注重策划和信息反馈.不断抓好选题的策划与制作,以促使期刊整体质量的优化与提高,更好地为读者服务.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that scientific discoveries have always brought changes to society. New technologies help solve social problems such as transportation and education, while research brings benefits such as curing diseases and improving food production. Despite the impacts caused by science and society on each other, this relationship is rarely studied and they are often seen as different universes. Previous literature focuses only on a single domain, detecting social demands or research fronts for example, without ever crossing the results for new insights. In this work, we create a system that is able to assess the relationship between social and scholar data using the topics discussed in social networks and research topics. We use the articles as science sensors and humans as social sensors via social networks. Topic modeling algorithms are used to extract and label social subjects and research themes and then topic correlation metrics are used to create links between them if they have a significant relationship. The proposed system is based on topic modeling, labeling and correlation from heterogeneous sources, so it can be used in a variety of scenarios. We make an evaluation of the approach using a large-scale Twitter corpus combined with a PubMed article corpus. In both of them, we work with data of the Zika epidemic in the world, as this scenario provides topics and discussions on both domains. Our work was capable of discovering links between various topics of different domains, which suggests that some of the relationships can be automatically inferred by the sensors. Results can open new opportunities for forecasting social behavior, assess community interest in a scientific subject or directing research to the population welfare.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a multi-strategic matching and merging approach to find correspondences between ontologies based on the syntactic or semantic characteristics and constraints of the Topic Maps. Our multi-strategic matching approach consists of a linguistic module and a Topic Map constraints-based module. A linguistic module computes similarities between concepts using morphological analysis, string normalization and tokenization and language-dependent heuristics. A Topic Map constraints-based module takes advantage of several Topic Maps-dependent techniques such as a topic property-based matching, a hierarchy-based matching, and an association-based matching. This is a composite matching procedure and need not generate a cross-pair of all topics from the ontologies because unmatched pairs of topics can be removed by characteristics and constraints of the Topic Maps. Merging between Topic Maps follows the matching operations. We set up the MERGE function to integrate two Topic Maps into a new Topic Map, which satisfies such merge requirements as entity preservation, property preservation, relation preservation, and conflict resolution. For our experiments, we used oriental philosophy ontologies, western philosophy ontologies, Yahoo western philosophy dictionary, and Wikipedia philosophy ontology as input ontologies. Our experiments show that the automatically generated matching results conform to the outputs generated manually by domain experts and can be of great benefit to the following merging operations.  相似文献   

With the emergence and development of deep generative models, such as the variational auto-encoders (VAEs), the research on topic modeling successfully extends to a new area: neural topic modeling, which aims to learn disentangled topics to understand the data better. However, the original VAE framework had been shown to be limited in disentanglement performance, bringing their inherent defects to a neural topic model (NTM). In this paper, we put forward that the optimization objectives of contrastive learning are consistent with two important goals (alignment and uniformity) of well-disentangled topic learning. Also, the optimization objectives of contrastive learning are consistent with two key evaluation measures for topic models, topic coherence and topic diversity. So, we come to the important conclusion that alignment and uniformity of disentangled topic learning can be quantified with topic coherence and topic diversity. Accordingly, we are inspired to propose the Contrastive Disentangled Neural Topic Model (CNTM). By representing both words and topics as low-dimensional vectors in the same embedding space, we apply contrastive learning to neural topic modeling to produce factorized and disentangled topics in an interpretable manner. We compare our proposed CNTM with strong baseline models on widely-used metrics. Our model achieves the best topic coherence scores under the most general evaluation setting (100% proportion topic selected) with 25.0%, 10.9%, 24.6%, and 51.3% improvements above the second-best models’ scores reported on four datasets of 20 Newsgroups, Web Snippets, Tag My News, and Reuters, respectively. Our method also gets the second-best topic diversity scores on the dataset of 20Newsgroups and Web Snippets. Our experimental results show that CNTM can effectively leverage the disentanglement ability from contrastive learning to solve the inherent defect of neural topic modeling and obtain better topic quality.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a topic discovery system aimed to reveal the implicit knowledge present in news streams. This knowledge is expressed as a hierarchy of topic/subtopics, where each topic contains the set of documents that are related to it and a summary extracted from these documents. Summaries so built are useful to browse and select topics of interest from the generated hierarchies. Our proposal consists of a new incremental hierarchical clustering algorithm, which combines both partitional and agglomerative approaches, taking the main benefits from them. Finally, a new summarization method based on Testor Theory has been proposed to build the topic summaries. Experimental results in the TDT2 collection demonstrate its usefulness and effectiveness not only as a topic detection system, but also as a classification and summarization tool.  相似文献   

Influence theories constitute formal models that identify those individuals that are able to affect and guide their peers through their activity. There is a large body of work on developing such theories, as they have important applications in viral marketing, recommendations, as well as information retrieval. Influence theories are typically evaluated through a manual process that cannot scale to data voluminous enough to draw safe, representative conclusions. To overcome this issue, we introduce in this paper a formalized framework for large-scale, automatic evaluation of topic-specific influence theories that are specialized in Twitter. Basically, it consists of five conjunctive conditions that are indicative of real influence exertion: the first three determine which influence theories are compatible with our framework, while the other two estimate their relative effectiveness. At the core of these two conditions lies a novel metric that assesses the aggregate sentiment of a group of users and allows for estimating how close the behavior of influencers is to that of the entire community. We put our framework into practice using a large-scale test-bed with real data from 75 Twitter communities. In order to select the theories that can be employed in our analysis, we introduce a generic, two-dimensional taxonomy that elucidates their functionality. With its help, we ended up with five established topic-specific theories that are applicable to our settings. The outcomes of our analysis reveal significant differences in their performance. To explain them, we introduce a novel methodology for delving into the internal dynamics of the groups of influencers they define. We use it to analyze the implications of the selected theories and, based on the resulting evidence, we propose a novel partition of influence theories in three major categories with divergent performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a generative model, the Topic-based User Interest (TUI) model, to capture the user interest in the User-Interactive Question Answering (UIQA) systems. Specifically, our method aims to model the user interest in the UIQA systems with latent topic method, and extract interests for users by mining the questions they asked, the categories they participated in and relevant answer providers. We apply the TUI model to the application of question recommendation, which automatically recommends to certain user appropriate questions he might be interested in. Data collection from Yahoo! Answers is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed model in question recommendation, and the experimental results show the effectiveness of our proposed model.  相似文献   

【目的】 介绍一种优化和创新选题的方法——联动效应,以期达到扩展稿源和提高期刊学术质量的目的。【方法】 通过对期刊界联动效应的概念及案例的介绍,分析联动效应在医药卫生期刊选题中发挥作用的具体路径。【结果】 在医药卫生期刊中利用联动效应优化和创新选题的路径:首先根据医疗政策,文献、会议信息,医疗卫生新闻事件,编委的学术前景观,情报学、文献计量学分析结果选择联动源点;其次通过阐明学科重大疑难学术问题,制定选题指南,传播和共享联动源点信息;最终实现联动效应的反馈和共振。以《中华肾脏病杂志》的“慢性肾脏病”选题为实例,研究表明联动效应可在选题中发挥重要作用。【结论】 在医药卫生期刊中利用联动效应优化和创新选题,可扩展稿源,形成正反馈的良好生态局面,推进期刊与学科的协同发展。  相似文献   

随着网络的发展和广泛应用,Internet中的信息已经由静态方式发展为动态的交互方式,网站与数据库的连接也显得越来越重要。先简要介绍了目前流行的几种Web数据库访问技术,进而详细探讨了数据库技术在专题学习网站中的应用。  相似文献   

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