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The extent to which teaching in universities should reflect scholarly values has received increased attention over the past few years. There has, however, been little attention paid to what the scholarship of teaching might look like in practice and no attention to what the scholarship of teaching would look like from the perspective of a teaching-team. This paper reports on a study of five groups of university teachers working in teaching-teams. It considers how their practice as a team matches what is claimed to be scholarly and collaborative in the existing literature on scholarship and teaching and learning, on the one hand, and on collaboration and teamwork, on the other. A model of scholarship of teaching is further developed to include the scholarship of teaching in a team. The ways in which the teaching-teams in the study fit this model are explored and implications for improved practice are considered.  相似文献   

The current focus on identifying criteria for academic teaching practice is influencing performance goals for teaching academics. This has produced a strong imperative to engage with the scholarship of teaching and learning; however, it is not always clear how teaching academics continue to build capacity to do this during their academic career. Drawing on the literature, this paper analyses the outcomes from two years of faculty and institutional teaching grants to gauge their role in generating effective engagement in the scholarship of teaching and learning. The paper identifies some improvements to the grants programs which have contributed to quality outcomes.  相似文献   

“对分课堂”是复旦大学张学新教授提出的新型教学模式,近几年受到学界的广泛关注,并被应用到教学实践中。在大学英语读写课程中,要发挥此模式的最佳效果,需结合“文学圈”阅读模式,以实现真正具备核心素养的人才培养目标。  相似文献   

This article explores the challenges presented in using the scholarship of teaching as a model of teaching excellence when devising an appropriate approach to reward. It argues that the complexity of staff motivation has to be addressed by a critical evaluation of institutions' commitment to the scholarship of teaching. An expectancy model of motivation drawn from organizational behaviour literature is suggested as an approach to analysing the distance between espoused commitment to the scholarship of teaching and academic staff perspectives. The context of the discussion is set against the background of the UK Government's approach to funding incentives to promote reward for teaching excellence in higher education and the literature related to practices employed in HEIs. The views of academic staff drawn from seven focus groups across all subject areas in one institution demonstrate the need to take account of the motivation process and the need to have a shared understanding of what constitutes excellence.  相似文献   

伴随教学学术在大学教学实践领域中的推进,大学教师的教学学术能力成为影响这一实践过程的关键议题。运用实证研究方法,基于自下而上的实践归纳逻辑而提出的大学教师教学学术能力的三种典型类型为:实践取向型、专业取向型和整合取向型。三种类型在价值、知识、方法、交流等四个维度上的区分性特征,呈现出大学教师教学学术能力的多样性存在和多元化取向。对大学教师教学学术能力的类型化描述及特征比较的目的在于探索具有本土实践依据的教学学术能力解释框架。  相似文献   

This article is based on a project in which a teacher educator, acting as a critical friend, worked with six engineering teachers in a Masters program in Machine Engineering in order to stimulate their reflection on their own teaching and learning as a way of developing their scholarship of teaching. The article draws particular attention to ways of expressing the learning from self-study in order to illuminate the complexities of teaching and to begin to encourage the articulation of the scholarship of teaching as a consequence of a collaborative experience. The results highlight how making teaching visible through the use of self-study offers new ways to capture the complexity of practice, which in this article is considered to be an important aspect of developing the scholarship of teaching.  相似文献   

In order to bring teaching and research together, a fuller understanding of how academics conceptualise research and scholarship is needed. The paper discusses different ways in which research and scholarship are conceptualised and then provides two alternative models of the relationship between teaching and research based on different conceptions of teaching and different ideas about the nature of knowledge. The paper suggests that if the relationship between teaching and research is to be enhanced it is necessary to move towards a model based on the notion of academic communities of practice. The implications for higher education of doing this are then examined. It is argued that there is a need to reconceptualise the role of higher education and to renegotiate relationships between teachers and students.  相似文献   

朱子对自己研阅解读经典的途径和方法,曾作比较全面的探索和总结,其中一以贯之的经验在于"浃洽"二字.即在义理融会畅达的基础上,已熟的经书义理与实践操履相结合,在交融印证中获得对于义理的真切感受,达到身心与义理水乳交融的境界.这既是朱子一生读书问学之大体会,也是我们考察朱子读书整理文献的重要方面.  相似文献   

In order to bring teaching and research together, a fuller understanding of how academics conceptualise research and scholarship is needed. The paper discusses different ways in which research and scholarship are conceptualised and then provides two alternative models of the relationship between teaching and research based on different conceptions of teaching and different ideas about the nature of knowledge. The paper suggests that if the relationship between teaching and research is to be enhanced it is necessary to move towards a model based on the notion of academic communities of practice. The implications for higher education of doing this are then examined. It is argued that there is a need to reconceptualise the role of higher education and to renegotiate relationships between teachers and students.  相似文献   

To many teaching in universities in this country, the whole idea of developing staff seems slightly absurd. After all, did we not choose to work in a university because we had already reached a position of some academic standing in our own specialisation; and surely is not the essential function of an academic to extend the boundaries of knowledge through scholarship and research? Perhaps this is too narrow a view of staff aims, but certainly it is still the widely held belief that promotion comes more readily this way. It is only recently that interest has been shown in the nature of teaching in universities. Doubts have been expressed by Bligh (1972) and others about the effectiveness of the traditionally accepted lecture approach; and attention has recently been given to small group teaching, individualised instruction, the Keller plan and other alternative methods. The emphasis placed on such methods could suggest that staff development is concerned largely with teaching‐‐yet is this not an absurdity in an environment which values mainly scholarship and research? This conflict is one of the major problems facing staff development, and solving it may‐‐to some extent‐be at the heart of the problem of responsibility

In this paper, I will look briefly at some of the early work done in universities in the field of staff development, and suggest certain important character traits needed by anyone involved in this work, before posing questions of responsibility  相似文献   

参与式教学是目前中学历史教学中所提倡的一种新的教学模式,这种教学模式对中学历史教师的历史学养提出了很高的要求,但对中学历史教师进行历史学养的培养并不是中学的任务,而是师范院校历史教学必须担负起的职责。在这一过程中,以师生共同体为核心的导师制和"知史""、用史"的教育、培养与训练,则是培养师范生历史学养的重要途径,也是解决中学历史参与式教学中存在问题的最佳选择。  相似文献   

教学学术是一种传播知识的学术。我国大学普遍存在"重科研、轻教学"、"重专业学术、轻教学学术"等学术规则。究其众多原因,制度环境是关键性因素。我国大学教学学术发展的制度环境具有自主性与制约性并存、制度过剩与制度真空、制度空间与观念空间不一致性等问题及特征。对大学教学学术发展制度环境的治理,须从国家层面到大学内部层面进行制度设计,构建多样化的教学学术培育制度,建立教学学术交流与共享制度和完善教学学术价值认可制度。  相似文献   

After discussion of the concept insistent individualism which is addressed as a major problem in the academy, the importance of the collegium—the covenantal community, is presented as a resource for addressing that problem. A collegial ethic of hospitality is explained as a cardinal academic virtue, and it offers us a way of building the collegium. Hospitality can inform our academic work, and we can seek to develop hospitable teaching, hospitable scholarship, and hospitable service.  相似文献   

Learner-centered classrooms are cooperative learning spaces in which instructors intentionally incorporate the needs, experiences, and feedback of students in order to design course objectives, materials, and assessments. This paper is concerned with the question: To what extent does the literature on learner-centered classrooms address the unique teaching challenges of faculty of color in higher education? Through a review of the foundational literature on learner-centered classrooms and scholarship on faculty of color's teaching experiences, as well as the incorporation of personal vignettes, the author argues that scholarship on learner-centered classrooms in higher education excludes faculty of color epistemologically, or as sources of knowledge about learner-centered classrooms, and experientially, as practitioners enacting learner-centered pedagogical practice. In fact, many recommendations in the literature on learner-centered classrooms directly contradict scholarship on the experiences, challenges, and best practices of faculty of color. This paper ends with directions for future research and practice.  相似文献   

教学学术能力是高校教师教学发展的核心能力。本研究在构建高校教师教学学术能力指标体系的基础上开发了教学学术能力评价量表,并对上海市高校教师进行调查。结果显示,上海高校教师的教学学术能力总体较高,在年龄、职称、性别、教龄等指标上并未呈现显著性差异。在采用回归分析方法对影响教学学术能力的要素进行研究时发现,文化认知、组织规范、政策规章三个维度共同影响了教师的教学学术能力发展,其中大学教师的教学认知、教学和科研氛围、晋升和奖励政策是影响教学学术能力发展的关键要素。  相似文献   

This conceptual study argues that the scholarship of teaching is not just an evidence-based but also a virtues-based practice. To this end, it pursues two interrelated objectives. First, it seeks to show that the scholarship of teaching is supported by the intellectual virtues of ‘episteme’ (theoretical knowledge), ‘techne’ (productive knowledge) and ‘phronesis’ (practical knowledge). These three intellectual virtues stand in a particular relationship to one another and phronesis assumes a vital mediating function infusing the scholarship of teaching with the practical wisdom required in concrete situations. Phronesis, particularly a critically inspired phronesis, also enables the proper development and enactment of moral virtues, especially truthfulness, justice and courage, without which the standards associated with scholarship could not be upheld. It is further argued that the scholarship of teaching is usefully enriched by recognising two different versions of evidence-based practice: one is concerned with the evidence of instrumental effectiveness between strategies and outcomes; the other with evidence of the internal consistency between strategies and desired outcomes. It is proposed that analysing the scholarship of teaching through the lens of virtue helps appreciate what kind of a practice the scholarship of teaching is and the challenges involved in engaging with it well.  相似文献   

大学教师的发展是大学发展的基础,不同类型大学的教师发展目标有所不同。教学型大学教师发展的基本选择是"教学学术"的发展,这是由教学型大学的定位、大学教师发展的多样性及"全能型"大学教师发展的不可能性决定的。为实现"教学学术"的发展,需要纠正认识上的"教学不是学术"的错误观念、政策导向上的"唯科研论英雄"论和大学教师培训上的"以科研素质提升为中心"的不当做法。  相似文献   

绩效评价是教师评价的重要内容。近年来高校教师绩效评价问题受到广泛重视,绩效评价指标设计方法可谓五花八门,设计出的指标之多令人眼花缭乱,然而,始终不能摆脱奖惩性高校教师绩效评价的束缚。本文以x大学为例,总结了当前教师绩效评价的诸多弊端,结合发展性评价理念,高校应建立校、院两级教学和学术委员会,实现“教授治校”、完善区分性评价指标、将评价纳入绩效管理的全过程,这样才能保障发展性高校教师绩效评价的实施效果。  相似文献   

In this study, we use a mixed-method systematic literature review of articles that include African American counselor education doctoral student participants in the research. From this corpus of inquiry, we provide an opportunity for counselor education researchers to lead the way with inclusive scholarship and the use of strengths-based frameworks. We examine how to conceptualize research particularly for African American doctoral student participants and offer suggestions on how to write the discussion and implication sections in a way to promote innovation and excellence.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been considerable attention, at least at the policy level, to the need for graduates to be ‘lifelong learners’. Although this concept means different things in different cultural contexts, there is more or less general agreement that graduation really only marks the beginning of the graduate's need for continuing personal and professional learning, and, moreover, that it is the responsibility of universities and other institutions of higher education to equip their graduates with the skills and attitudes to help them to continue learning throughout their lives. The emergence of an information-rich ‘knowledge society’ has made this even more of an imperative. The rapid and pervasive spread of information and communication technologies, coupled with increasing globalisation, the democratisation of knowledge production—once assumed to be largely the preserve of universities—and what has been dubbed the ‘information explosion’ collectively mean that most citizens of advanced industrialised countries are, or will soon become, ‘knowledge workers’. Accordingly, many graduates, whether they work in educational or other contexts, are likely to be involved in ‘knowledge-intensive’ activities, for which they need to be prepared. But what does this mean in practice, and what are we to do about it? In 1990, the late Dr Ernest Boyer, in his book Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate, proposed a fourfold division of academic work into what he labelled the scholarship of discovery; the scholarship of application ; the scholarship of integration ; and, finally, the scholarship of teaching . The paper suggests that each of these four aspects of scholarship has a direct counterpart outside the university, and that, accordingly, they might be taken as a way of considering the attributes of graduates as well as of academics. The paper suggests a necessary symmetry between the teaching and other scholarly work carried out within the university and the development of such abilities and predispositions in graduates from a variety of fields who might not otherwise consider themselves to be destined for ‘scholarly’ work.  相似文献   

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