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儿童媒介素养教育源自20世纪30年代的英国,当时的目的是要对抗大众文化对青少年的侵扰,随着多年的研究与发展,如今在许多国家得以实践,其主旨逐渐从最初的抵抗与防疫转向解放与赋权。我国对儿童媒介素养教育关注的时间还不长,研究与实践基础都很薄弱。笔者通过对中小学教师的访谈,发现他们对于儿童媒介素养教育的认识非常模糊,存在许多出于直觉而产生的误解。本文试图阐释儿童媒介素养教育的基本问题如内涵、师资、立场等,以期引发大家对这一议题的探讨,促进媒介素养教育的普及与深化。  相似文献   

媒介素养教育研究日益受到学者们的关注,近年来在国内部分高校已经尝试开设媒介素养公开课程。由于受到国外文化保护、超越保护主义和视觉文化不同思潮的影响,因此国内对媒介素养教育课程模型还处于探索阶段。在媒介素养教育研究与课程实施的过程中,需要考虑国内大众对媒介传播的认识,进一步找到符合媒介素养教育本土化发展的方法与途径。CRT模型把媒介传播的本质作为媒介素养教育课程内容实施方法与手段,去分析和解构媒介素养教育的课程内容体系,从而使媒介素养教育课程的实施更符合国内课程的国情。  相似文献   

一场全球性的媒介素养教育运动正在世界范围内兴起,它给我国的全民素质教育增添了新的内容。随着人们对于媒介素养教育认识的逐步提高,有关媒介的规范管理以及在大、中、小学中加强媒介素养教育的问题也日益突显出来。开展媒介素养教育可以引导人类进一步适应当代媒介环境,从而提高其生存能力和生活质量。而建设传媒教育硕士点,全面推进其在我国本土化的发展,则是我国高校义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

在泛媒体时代背景下,探讨大学生媒介素养教育的途径及方法,对提高大学生的媒介素养具有积极意义。明确认识当前大学生媒介素养教育缺失的现状,进一步探究从教育主管部门、学校、社会、家庭等多层面提高大学生的媒介素养的途径,促进现代大学生的综合素质和能力的全面发展。  相似文献   


Sexuality education as pedagogy is often fraught by the perceived requirement to balance the informational needs of young people with an investment in notions of childhood ‘innocence’. Nowhere is this perhaps more evident than in sexuality education that seeks to be inclusive of transgender young people, often resulting in the failure of such education to address the needs of such students. In an attempt at addressing the relative dearth of information about what transgender young people would like to see covered in sexuality education, in this paper we explore transgender young people’s accounts of intimacy and sexual health and consider what this means for school-based sexuality education. To do this, we analyse discussions of intimacy from the perspectives of transgender young people as narrated in a sample of YouTube videos. We conclude by advocating for an approach to sexuality education that largely eschews the gendering of body parts and gametes, and which instead focuses on function, so as to not only address the needs of transgender young people (who may find normative discussions of genitals distressing), but to also provide cisgender young people with a more inclusive understanding of their own and other people’s bodies and desires.  相似文献   

随着大众传媒进入人们的生活,对青少年的影响愈发明显,也极易产生一些不良的影响,因此,对青少年开展大众传媒素养教育愈发显得迫切,但是,面对大众传媒不良信息的挑战,我国传媒素养教育存在着不足,针对这个问题,提出学校开展青少年传媒素养教育的策略,建立以学校教育为主的传媒教育实施途径和以社会组织为背景的传媒教育平台,并加强青少年的教育引导,加强我国大众传媒素养教育。  相似文献   

脱胎于文学批评-文化研究-符号学的媒介素养教育一旦运用到中小学课堂,势必流于解构技巧训练。任何一种解构的效果都颇为可疑,媒介素养教育不会使世界更好,只会使一个贫乏的大脑更加贫乏。新媒体带来知情权和参与权,受众消失,制作人诞生,人们解读媒介文本内容能力大大提高,解码媒介文本制作技巧无师自通。在此背景下,媒介素养教育迅速过时。知道不等于接受,解构无助于建构,技巧带不来素养,独立建制的媒介素养教育是富裕国家的教育富裕病,可取之途是将之融入素质教育和通识教育,将重心从解构技巧转向文化素养。  相似文献   

This article outlines the knowledge and skills students develop when they engage in digital media production and analysis in school settings. The metaphor of ‘digital building blocks’ is used to describe the material practices, conceptual understandings and production of knowledge that lead to the development of digital media literacy. The article argues that the two established approaches to media literacy education, critical reading and media production, do not adequately explain how students develop media knowledge. It suggests there has been too little focus on material practices and how these relate to the development of conceptual understanding in media learning. The article explores empirical evidence from a four-year investigation in a primary school in Queensland, Australia using actor–network theory to explore ‘moments of translation’ as students deploy technologies and concepts to materially participate in digital culture. A generative model of media learning is presented with four categories of building blocks that isolate the specific skills and knowledge that can be taught and learnt to promote participation in digital media contexts: digital materials, conceptual understandings, media production and media analysis. The final section of the article makes initial comments on how the model might become the basis for curriculum development in schools and argues that further empirical research needs to occur to confirm the model’s utility.  相似文献   


Digital literacy is often proposed as a means of dealing with the problems apparently caused by ‘fake news’. This positioning article considers some of the difficulties with this approach. It argues that fake news is not an isolated phenomenon, but one that needs to be understood in a much broader social, economic and cultural context. It also addresses the practical possibilities and difficulties of teaching in this area. The notion of ‘digital literacy’ appears to define the phenomenon in technological terms. By contrast, this article suggests that we need a broader notion of media literacy, which is based on critical thinking about the economic, ideological and cultural dimensions of media. Even so, the article suggests, the broader problems that are at the root of the problem of ‘fake news’ are unlikely to be solved very easily.  相似文献   


Against the background of climate change, which enables infectious diseases to move their frontiers and the increasing global mobility, which make people more exposed to contagion, we as citizens need to relate to this new scenario. A greater number of infectious diseases may also potentially lead to an increased need to use antibiotics and anti-parasitic substances. In view of this, the aim of this study was to identify the health literacy needed in the contemporary world and specify what should be taught in compulsory school. We present the findings of a Delphi study, performed in Sweden, regarding the opinions on contagion among experts in the field. We used Nutbeam’s framework of health literacy and related it to Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives in order to analyse and categorise the experts’ responses, which were categorised into six main content themes: contagions, transmission routes, sexually transmitted diseases, hygiene, vaccinations and use of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance. These themes were then divided into the three levels of Nutbeam’s framework: functional health literacy, which is about knowledge and understanding, interactive health literacy, which is about developing personal qualities and skills that promote health, and critical health literacy, which is about social and cognitive skills related to analysis and critical reflection. The implications for communication and education are then discussed and what should be taught in compulsory school is identified.  相似文献   


Much of the research on how social media is embedded into the educational practices of higher education students has a Western orientation. In concentrating on a case study of the varied ways in which African International Distance Education (IDE) students actively use social media to shape their learning experiences, we discuss an under-researched group. The paper draws on analysis of 1295 online questionnaires and 165 in-depth interviews with IDE students at UNISA, South Africa, one of the largest providers of IDE globally. WhatsApp emerges as ‘the’ key social media tool that opens up opportunities for IDE students to transfer, translate and transform their educational journey when studying ‘at a distance’. Although WhatsApp does provide a ‘space of opportunity’ for some students, this is framed through socio-technical marginalisation, itself a reflection of demographic legacies of inequality. Exploring social media practices though the case of African IDE students places these students centre stage and adds to the awareness of the multiple centres from which international education is practiced.  相似文献   


The role of digital literacy in strengthening citizens’ resilience to misinformation and ‘fake news’ has been the subject of research projects and networking and academic and policy discourses in recent years, given prominence by an escalation of the perceived crisis following election and referendum results in the US and UK respectively. This special issue sets out to take forward critical dialogue in the field of media and digital literacy education by publishing rigorous research on the subject. The research disseminated in this collection speaks to the political and economic contexts for ‘fake news’, the complex issue of trust and the risks of educational solutionism; questions of definition and policy implementation; teaching about specific subgenres such as YouTube and clickbait; international comparisons of pedagogic approaches and challenges for teachers in this changing ecosystem.  相似文献   

Ocean literacy is an understanding of the ocean’s influence on us and our influence on the ocean. A lack of ocean literacy presents a significant obstacle for citizens to engage in environmentally sustainable behaviour, and thus is acknowledged as a ‘complex problem’ that requires deliberative participation and joint-action by stakeholders across domains. The aim of the article is both to demonstrate the value of Collective Intelligence (CI) as a methodological tool to advance and enhance the promotion of environmental literacy, and to share outcomes from using the CI approach. The participatory context behind CI illustrates that working ‘with’ a range of stakeholders across marine education, outreach, regulation and policy, to debate how to better promote ocean literacy among young people, improves ocean literacy and broadens society’s awareness of sustainable marine environments. Findings reveal a hierarchical barrier structure localised to each country, a valuable order of echelon toward environmental change.  相似文献   


This article examines how representations of Islam in the media influence religious education. Reporting from a case study of religious education in an upper secondary school in Norway, the article analyses the way aspects of Islam are approached and structured by ongoing media debates. Based on research into media coverage of Islam in Norway, the article argues that when teachers adopt the polarized structure of media debates, they also come to privilege the more extreme actors in their teaching. Although the debates commonly present opposing views in order to give a balanced representation of the issue, the observed lessons often revolve around the most controversial side of the debate. This happens through what is called binary teaching and negative identification. In this way, lessons aimed at nuancing what is seen as biased media coverage of Islam, favouring controversial issues and extremism, may come to revolve around these same issues. The article claims that religious education in some instances reinforces the strong focus on controversial issues prominent in media coverage, confirming the ‘normality’ of extremism in Islam.  相似文献   

新媒体除了给人们带来方便、快捷和丰富的资源外,也存在一定弊端。新媒体环境下,大学生普遍缺乏信息的甄别与选择意识、自律与规范意识,部分大学生还远离传统媒体,沉溺于网络世界。加强大学生媒介素养教育,除了理念的调整还需要政府、媒介和学校相互协作,共建政府主导、媒介引导、学校教导的教育体系。  相似文献   


This study focuses on how young people read and discuss two political documentary films, Labor Day and Hillary: The Movie. We were specifically interested in the impact of the film viewing and discussion on participants’ beliefs about the issues in the films, how they view evidence and expertise in the films, and how the session impacted their views of documentaries as a source. Groups were designed according to composite political scores and individuals (n?=?30) were selected to form liberal, conservative, and two mixed groups (strong and moderate) for the viewing and discussion. Our analysis illustrates the power of political ideology in shaping how expertise is viewed and how evidence is warranted in film – and the role of social context and peer discussion in this process. Implications for media and democratic education in times of political polarization are discussed.  相似文献   


The current study explored preservice and inservice teachers’ perspectives on data literacy for teaching. Semi-structured interviews were employed with 12 teacher candidates in elementary and special education. The findings revealed participants’ misconceptions regarding formative and summative data; their understanding of the value of formative data; perceptions of challenges related to data literacy for teaching including time, making sense of data, and reliability and validity; and candidates’ preferences for authentic data literacy instruction.  相似文献   

研究型大学是培养高素质创新人才的基地,其知名的学者、良好的学术氛围和校园文化,吸引了众多优秀的生源。然而,受大众传媒时代多元媒介信息的影响,一些昔日的"天之骄子"其媒介素养水平低下,这有悖于研究型大学培养高质量人才的使命。文章在对国内研究型大学学生媒介素养现状调查了解的基础上,对研究型大学媒介素养教育的现状进行了分析,并提出了研究型大学媒介素养教育的发展战略。  相似文献   


Abundant health knowledge resources are available on social media to facilitate technology-enhanced knowledge learning among older adults. The objective of this study is to investigate the predictors and the underlying formation mechanism of older adults’ intention to learn health knowledge on social media. We propose a novel model to examine how older adults’ emotional state (i.e., health anxiety) and cognitive state (i.e., e-health literacy) during knowledge acquisition influence threat appraisal (i.e. perceived severity and perceived susceptibility) and coping appraisal (i.e. self-efficacy and perceived benefits), thereby shaping older adults’ intention to learn health knowledge. Survey data from 337 Chinese older adult users of social media was collected to test the research model. Results reveal that perceived susceptibility, self-efficacy and perceived benefits exert positive effects on older adults’ health knowledge learning intention, while the impact of perceived severity on health knowledge learning intention is not statistically significant; health anxiety is positively correlated with perceived severity and perceived susceptibility, and e-health literacy is a powerful predictor of self-efficacy and perceived benefits. This paper enriches the literature related to technology-enhanced knowledge learning and online health behavior among older adults. Effective strategies are proposed based on the findings for practitioners dedicated to promoting health knowledge via social media and older adults who apply health knowledge to address health-related needs.  相似文献   

高校辅导员的媒介素养水平是有效开展大学生思想政治教育工作的关键环节。通过采用自编的《高校辅导员媒介素养调查问卷》对北京师范大学部分专兼职辅导员进行了调研并使用SPSS进行数据分析,旨在了解高校辅导员媒介素养现状,并提出可行性建议及对策。  相似文献   

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