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"It is better to have loft(阁楼) and lost than to never have loft at all."—Groucho Marx Everyone does it at one time or another but why? We"re talking about falling in love. Let's explore the dynamics (动力学) of what exactly happens when two people are falling in love:  相似文献   

下面是几道与"过去进行时"有关的中考题,我们先来看一看:1.—I called you this morning.but nobody answered it.—Oh,we____some running in the park.(2012年山东省日照市)A.are doing B.were doingC.have done D.did  相似文献   

正It's one of the oldest Olympic sports,but how much do you know about fencing? QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Fencing is an Olympic sport? But isn't that what I have in my garden to keep out the dogs? Ha! The sport of fencing involves fighting with different types of swords.But,actually,the two meanings have the same origin—from the old French "defens," meaning "defence."  相似文献   

1.—I've never been to a water park.(P69)我从未去过水上公园。—Me neither.我也没有去过。答语"Me neither."相当于"Neither have I."。在此句式中,neither后面的助动词由前面的谓语动词决定,即当前面的谓语部分只含一个  相似文献   

wake up——睡醒get up——起床go to the bathroom——去浴室have a shower——淋浴brush my teeth——刷牙wash my face——洗脸get dressed——穿衣服listen to CDs/MP3——听CD/MP3read the newspaper——看报纸have breakfast——吃早餐go to school——去学校go to work——去上班have lunch——吃午饭go home——回家make dinner——做晚饭phone a friend——打电话给朋友get on line——上网play computer games——玩电脑游戏often——常常,经常usually——通常sometimes——不时,有时never——决不,从未  相似文献   

我想作为一名英语教育者,要充分利用学生的年龄特点和个性心理,努力实施个性化教学,让学生展现自己的优势,淋漓尽致地发挥自己的聪明才智。我们不仅要让学生学到知识,还要把情感教育渗透在课堂的每一分,每一秒。当铃声响起,我们开始了Unit 2 Proiect Hopehas built many schools的学习。在这节课中,我开门见山地问学生:"Are you happy?"学生们异口同声地说:"Yes,I am,""Can you tell me why?"我继续问道,"You can say like this——because I have had…."有学生出现了这样的句子:"Because I have  相似文献   

1.You——to the meeting yesterday,what was the reason for your absence?A.would have come B.should have come C.had come D.must have come2.一I had a very boring evening at home yesterday.一鼢Y did you stay at home?场U 幻the concert.A.must go B.couldn’t have gone C.could have gone D.must have l~one3.一ⅥlYdidthelibrarianfineyouten dollars yesterday? 一Wlell.I those books to the library two weeks before,but I forgot. A.ought tO retllm B.must have returned C.needn’t have returned D.ought t…  相似文献   

1.The boy and the girl each—their owntextbooks.A.buys B.has C.have D.doesn’tbuy2.The singer and the dancer—popular withyoung or oldA.is B.are C.has D.have3.The headmaster and maths teacher—gone to Beijing.A.has B.have C.was D.were4.Both rice and wheat—in this part of  相似文献   

周勇 《初中生辅导》2010,(11):29-30
在初中英语中我们常用到have这个动词, have是英语中最活跃的动词之一,它与不同的词搭配表示不同的意思。如:have a meeting(开会),have a rest(休息),have a class(上课)等。你可知道have构成的两种特殊句型吗?不看不知道,一看就明了。1.have+宾语+省略to的动词不定式。该句型中作主语的"人或物"让作宾语的"人或物"去做某事。此时的宾语与省略to的  相似文献   

提问:英语中have,eat,drink,take都有"吃"、"喝"的意思,但具体应该如何应用呢?回答:动词have既可以指"吃",又可以指"喝"。英国人习惯上用have来代替drink;而美国人喜欢用eat来代替have。但应注意:与meal和三餐名词(breakfast,lunch,supper)连用时,  相似文献   

"| 1)dread coming to the end of the year," a friend said to me recently,"It makes me realize I am growing old." William James注1,the great 2)psychologist,said that most men are "old 3)fogies at 25." He was right.Most men at 25 are satisfied with their jobs.They have closed their minds to all new ideas—they have stopped growing.  相似文献   

陈元元 《海外英语》2014,(10):222-223
Sense and Sensibility,one of Jane Austen's masterpieces,has undergone a long time study and the two sisters in the book—Elinor and Marianne have been researched from various kinds of perspectives except"melancholy philosophy".This paper aims to analyze the two sisters in Sense and Sensibility under the guidance of"melancholy philosophy".  相似文献   

比较have/has been to和have/has gone to have/has been to意为"某人曾经到过某地,现在已经不在那个地方了。"例如:  相似文献   

教例:牛津版5A第八单元以句型“I have——What do you have?What does he/she have?”为主,单词为火柴、枕头、毯子、毛巾、锅、火炉、望远镜。如何将这些看似无关的内容有机地串在一起呢?我设计如下:  相似文献   

一、核心词汇:(一)"四会"单词have a cold have a fever感冒发烧have a toothache牙痛have a headache头痛hurt happy sad受伤/疼痛高兴伤心excited angry tired激动生气疲劳ill/sick生病(二)"三会"单词have a  相似文献   

1.课文原句:When you have readsome Chinese poems,you will have seenand heard some of the features that allgood poetry shares.考点:"将来完成时态"的用法。解读:"将来完成时"由"will/shall have(been)dode"构成。表示到将来某一时  相似文献   

本文基于Langacker的心理扫描理论,从英国国家语料库选取"have sth.done"与"have done sth."构式语料各300例,对比动词使用特点,找出语义产生动因,旨在对比人们使用两构式时心理认知和思维过程的差异."have done sth."构式多使用活动动词和完成动词,动词语义在时间轴线上动态持续延伸;"have sth.done"构式多使用结果动词,动词语义体现非时间性瞬时特点;语言使用者常采用顺序扫描识解"have done sth."构式,以表征其语义的非累加连贯性,用整体扫描识解"have sth.done"构式,以表征其语义的累加瞬时性.  相似文献   

<正>【教学思路】本节课我教的是have和has作"有"解时的区别。这节课我打算通过复习前一课时语篇中have和has的用法,以及通过做游戏,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握have与has的用法和区别。一、teaching content:topic:Unit3 Our animal friends grammar:using"have"/"has"to talk about"拥有"  相似文献   

1.have,have got英美说"有"句法不同。如:Have you any sisters?(英)Have you got any sisters?(英,口语)Do you have any sisters?(美)  相似文献   

The novel was written by an English novelist, Morgan Forster. It is about Human Relationship between British People and Indians, especially Anglo—Indian Human Relationship. The British people are snobbish, hypo—critical, narrow—minded They have a sense of superiority and monchalence, philislinism, on the other hand the Native Indians have a sense of inferiority. They are honest,  相似文献   

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