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教学评价是教学中的一个重要环节。对学生而言,评价的目的是全面考察学生的学习状况,激励学生的学习热情和向上的欲望,以促进学生主动而全面的发展。怎样才能更有效地发挥评价的功能,让评价切实为学生的主动发展服务呢?一、面向全体,评价因人而异“为了每一个孩子的发展”是本次课改的核心,也是教学评价的核心,对学生的学习评价应关注每个学生的发展。教师在面向全体学生,以求共同发展的同时,应转变“一刀切”、“一个标准”的评价观念,评价要“因人而异”、“因人施评”。评价时,应重视被评价者的差异,关注所有学生,特别是差生。差生在学习…  相似文献   

对数学学习的评价既要关注学生学习的结果,更要关注他们学习的过程;要关注数学学习的水平,更要关注他们在数学活动中所表现出来的情感与态度,帮助学生认识自我,建立信心.通过“以学生发展为本的数学学习评价体系研究“,以“为了一切学生的发展“为目标,面向全体,关注个性,因材施评,教给学生评价的方法,引导学生去评价,培养学生的良好习惯,以评价促进学生发展,然后引导学生对自身发展进行评价.通过螺旋式的评价,促进学生的自我提高.  相似文献   

赵磊  王秀洁 《成才之路》2012,(24):109-110
新课程改革一如既往地坚守着一个基本价值取向,即努力实现每一个学生个性的全面发展.因此,初中数学作为一门基础性学科,在课堂评价上更加应当贯彻发展的核心理念,从发展性评价、激励功能以及“因材施评”三个维度来进一步提高初中数学课堂评价的效能.  相似文献   

为了适应素质教育的要求,促进学生全面发展,教师要正确运用科学的评价手段评价学生,必须遵循以下原则:评价要全面客观,评价要以鼓励为主,评价要真实可信,评价要有发展性。  相似文献   

评价深刻影响着教学。评价必须尊重孩子的差异,实行因材施评。评价的本质是精神激励,促进学生快乐成长,评价的视野要拓展到学生发展的所有领域,评价的指向要着眼于培养最好的学习者。实行因材施评,在评价标准的制定方面要注重个性,评价时机的把握要善于等待,评价结果的呈现要力求多样,评价过程的创新要从"定评"走向"展评",评价主体要回归自主。  相似文献   

从“利用评价,激发学生的求知欲望;善用评价,培养学生的意志;巧用评价,让学生感悟做人的道理;因材施评---让每个学生都获得发展;把握时机---即评价和延迟评价相得益彰”五个方面,例谈小学数学课堂教学中,运用评价的艺术,培养学生学好数学应有的情感和态度,让不同的学生在智力、情感等方面获得生动和谐发展,为其终身学习打好基础。  相似文献   

刘北荣 《湖北教育》2002,(21):24-24
《数学课程标准》指出:“评价的目的是全面了解学生的学习状况,激励学生的学习热情,促进学生的全面发展。”“评价要关注学生的个性差异,保护学生的自尊心和自信心。”因此,教师对学生数学学习的评价,要遵循《标准》的基本理念,评价学生不能用“一把尺”。  相似文献   

随着疫情的持续发展,农村小学课外阅读也要调整方向和策略,以期更好地适应现实情况与学生需求。当前农村小学课外阅读存在阅读书目数量不足、质量不高的问题,亟待解决,因此教师需要帮助学生正确选择阅读书目。文章从书目选择的重要性出发,探析后疫情时期农村小学课外阅读书目选择应遵循的原则以及相应的阅读指导方法,让农村小学生“能读书”“读好书”。  相似文献   

生态文明观是立足于实践的科学环境观、先进价值观、科学发展观、绿色生活消费观和马克思主义实践观的有机统一的理论体系。个体的自由和全面发展是大学生生态文明观教育的终极目标;大学生生态文明观教育自始至终要遵循和贯彻理论联系实际的原则与知行统一的总体要求;遵循和贯彻回归到学生的“生活世界”的教育原则与“回归生活”的教育理念;大学生生态文明观教育要讲究策略和方法。  相似文献   

当前,课程改革要求改变原有的评价体系,建立与新课程相适应的教育评价体系。通过分析课堂教学对学生的学习活动可能产生的影响的评价问题,以“促进学生全面发展”为理念,遵循一定的评价理论,提出了侧重于促进学生发展的教学评价方案——教学评价模块。  相似文献   

Deaf students often differ from their hearing peers in written language development. Providing developmentally appropriate instruction is ideal, yet current methods of writing assessment do not provide teachers with sufficient information regarding the written language (i.e., syntactic) development of deaf students. In this research, we use a Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) approach to language analysis to provide teachers with a new way to evaluate deaf students’ writing. This project consisted of two studies. The first study focused on determining whether SFG analysis could be helpful for teachers of the deaf. The second study focused on mapping a trajectory of the written language development of deaf students and the development of written language inventory for teachers of the deaf. This inventory, along with additional evaluation tools, has the potential to impact both objective setting and instruction.  相似文献   

Professional teachers at first stage of secondary school were asked to assess the relative weights of five dimensions that in Italy must be considered when the final grades of students are decided. The teachers were also asked to give an overall evaluation of two samples of typical (i.e., students who record similar performances on all the dimensions) vs. atypical students (i.e., students who exhibit poor performance on at least one dimension and good or excellent performances on the others). The results show that the teachers shared a weighting scheme for assessment of the importance of the five dimensions. However, their overall evaluations were consistent with this weighting scheme only with reference to typical students. When the teachers evaluated atypical students, their judgements were highly inconsistent. The paper briefly discusses the implications of these findings.  相似文献   

初中生自我教育发展水平一般且随年级的增长呈略微上升趋势;自我认识、自我调节、自我要求、自我评价能力一般,自我控制能力差;初中男女学生之间自我教育水平相当。因此,我们要把提高学生自我要求能力、自我评价能力特别是自我控制能力,作为对初中生进行自我教育的关键,切实提高初中生的自我教育能力。  相似文献   

Teachers can transmit their class-related values to their students and thus affect their students’ academic development in regular classes. This so-called value transmission has mostly been examined with respect to emotional contagion, that is, the transmission of rather affective values (e.g., enjoyment) from teachers to their students through teachers’ enthusiastic behavior during instruction. However, other transmission processes might also be at play, including other value dimensions and mediation through other instructional practices. In this study, we therefore aimed to systematically test the generalizability of such value transmission effects by examining a broad spectrum of (a) teacher values, (b) instructional practices, and (c) student values. Based on longitudinal data from 1744 students and their 70 math teachers, cross-level mediation analyses revealed that teachers’ teaching enthusiasm, math enthusiasm, as well as math utility value affected their students’ values (i.e., intrinsic and utility values). Teachers’ teaching enthusiasm was transmitted to students’ values through both student-perceived enthusiastic behavior during instruction and through relevance-related instructional practices. Teachers’ subject-related values (i.e., math enthusiasm and utility value) primarily affected students’ utility value, but this transmission could not be explained by the instructional practices under investigation. Overall, our findings reveal auspicious evidence for a broader generalizability of the value transmission concept and yet also show the need to differentiate between different value dimensions and the mechanisms through which they are transmitted from teachers to their students.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that people's intuitive judgments are sometimes affected by systematic biases that can lead to bad decisions. Much of the value of this research depends on its applicability, i.e., showing people when and how their judgments are wrong and how they can be improved. This article describes one step toward that goal, i.e., the development of a curriculum for junior high school students aimed at improving thought processes, specifically, those necessary in uncertain situations (probabilistic thinking). The relevant psychological literature is summarized and the main guidelines in the curriculum development are specified: (a) encouraging students to introspect and examine their own (and others') thought processes consciously, (b) indicating the circumstances in which common modes of thinking may cause fallacies, and (c) providing better tools for coping with the problems that emerge. Two detailed examples are given. In addition, the problem of training teachers is briefly discussed and a small-scale evaluation effort is described.  相似文献   

文章旨在探讨本科教学评价的重要性、原则及相关的创新做法。有效能的教师运用评价的做法,不仅仅是为了替学生评分,更重要的是评价学生的努力和进步情形,并以之作为课程计划的依据。教师应该把评价当作教学活动一个不断进行、可持续的部分。教师必须仔细地检视评价的结果,以便确认学生的学习需求、误解;针对课程目标、教学资料提出调整的方法;同时,也检视评价措施本身的缺点,以寻求改进。  相似文献   

In an expertise study with 94 mathematics teachers varying in their relative teacher expertise (i.e., student teachers, trainee teachers, in-service teachers), we examined effects of teachers' professional knowledge and motivational beliefs on their ability to integrate technology within a lesson plan scenario. Therefore, we assessed teachers' professional knowledge (i.e., content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, technological knowledge), and their motivational beliefs (i.e., self-efficacy, utility-value). Furthermore, teachers were asked to develop a lesson plan for introducing the Pythagorean theorem to secondary students. Lesson plans by advanced teachers (i.e., trainee teachers, in-service teachers) comprised higher levels of instructional quality and technology exploitation than the ones of novice teachers (i.e., pre-service teachers). The effect of expertise was mediated by teachers' perceived utility-value of educational technology, but not by their professional knowledge. These findings suggest that teachers’ motivational beliefs play a crucial role for effectively applying technology in mathematics instruction.  相似文献   

为提高高职教育的社会认同度和影响力,高职院校必须提高教育质量,促进学生职业能力和综合素质的发展。针对高职院校素质教育认识中的某些错误认识,澄清素质教育的概念和内涵,并构建基于广州番禺职业技术学院校本实践的素质教育体系,从德性、知性和实践三个层面进行素质教育实践探索。  相似文献   

新世纪初我国高等职业学校的特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新世纪头五年,我国高等职业学校的运作理念将表现出三个方面的特色:一是专业设置的特性-注重供求均衡。根据惯性原理、因果原理和类推原理,预测社会的人才需求,调整学校的专业设置。二是培养规格的特征-融合中外标准。 把学生培养成道德高尚型、技术复合型和持续发展型人才,赶超国际教育分类中的技术型人才标准。三是管理制度的特点-保障师生创业。在人事管理上广纳贤才,优绩优酬;在教学管理上突出课程,统筹兼顾;在产业管理上转换机制,育人高校。  相似文献   

学科考试评价要实施多主体评价:注重对学生学习过程与发展过程的评价;积极探索多方位,多角度评价策略;充分发挥考试评价的激励功能;确定具有可操作性的评价内容;要运用网络平台,对学生科学探究能力进行有效评价,切实遏制应试教育的负面影响。  相似文献   

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