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美国适龄儿童中流动比较频繁的群体可分为四类:移民家庭儿童、无家可归儿童、贫困家庭儿童和军人家庭儿童.这四类儿童面临的教育问题既有差异也有共性.为此,美国政府通过美墨两国流动儿童项目、流动者教育相同起点项目、联邦麦金尼·文托无家可归儿童项目、建立国防部内部学校、流动者教育计划等措施,为解决流动儿童的教育问题做出了大量努力,取得了一定的成果.这为我国政府在解决流动儿童教育问题上提供了很好的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

学龄人口减少扯动中国教育学龄人口减少对教育的最大影响就是导致"农村留守儿童"和"城市流动儿童"的出现。他们大量流出农村,加剧了农村学校的生源不足;他们进入城市后的教育保障,又没有得到制度性的解决,形成城市公办学校生源不足。这两大教育群体的教育公平问题相当严重。  相似文献   

本文对南京市流动儿童的学校教育环境、家庭社会经济地位、家庭养育环境及流动儿童的人格特点进行了调查。结果表明:流动儿童对学校教育满意度高,显示出南京实施的流动儿童管理措施成效显著;大多数流动儿童的家庭教育环境良好,有利于孩子健康成长;流动儿童积极正向的人格特征表现得多,消极负性人格特征表现得少,但少数流动儿童的人格问题应引起家庭和学校的重视。  相似文献   

教育部:制止盲目撤并农村义务教育学校 敦育部公布了《规范农村义务教育学校布局调整的意见(征求意见稿)》,其中强调,坚决制止盲目撤并农村义务教育学校。调整布局中要统筹考虑城乡人口流动、学龄人口变化,以及当地农村地理环境成交通状况、教育条件保障能力、学生家庭经济负担等因素。  相似文献   

当前学术界在应对流动儿童社会融入问题中存在缺陷和不足,社区、学校和家庭层面忽略对流动儿童的本质关注。诺丁斯关怀教育理论提出尊重人的本体价值,提倡以关爱的实际行为受益于被关爱者,并在长期道德教育实践中总结出包括榜样、对话、实践和认可4个相互制约的过程。其关怀教育理论与方法恰如一缕清风,为研究流动儿童社会融入问题带来新的启发:在社区文化中认可流动儿童价值、在学校教育中树立教师榜样作用、在家庭互动中加强父母与流动儿童的对话。  相似文献   

本文采用家庭功能评定量表、社会支持评定量表和问题行为量表,对重庆市6所中小学的516名学生进行问卷调查,考察流动儿童的家庭功能与问题行为之间的关系,探讨社会支持在其中的调节作用.结果表明:流动儿童的家庭功能与问题行为之间存在负相关关系,即家庭功能越好,流动儿童的问题行为越少;社会支持在学龄儿童的家庭功能和问题行为之间发挥着调节作用,且对流动儿童的调节作用明显大于非流动儿童.针对研究发现,文章从学校心理咨询的视角提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

作为流动人口最多且人口流动频率最高的国家,美国在其发展历程中经历了因国内人口大量流动所带来的流动学生教育问题,联邦政府、州政府通过一系列政策和措施使得该问题得到了较好地解决,并积累了丰富的经验。从"补充性援助计划"和"州际合作项目"两个角度解析美国加州"流动学生教育计划",深入探究其"迷你"助教项目、学前儿童保育项目、家庭—学校—社区合作以及流动学生信息网等典型项目,可以为我国进一步完善进城务工人员随迁子女教育政策提供参考。  相似文献   

如何促进教育公平尤其是流动儿童群体在学校教育中的性别公平是一个重要的问题。以流动儿童在上海市小学课堂教学中的师生互动及课堂表现的性别差异为切入点,分析导致流动儿童受教育过程性别差异的原因,以及影响不同性别儿童受教育质量差异的因素,有助于缩小流动儿童群体在城市学校教育中的性别差距。采用半结构式访谈及课堂观察等质性研究方法对上海市10所小学进行的实证研究显示:流动儿童群体尤其是低收入且以体力劳动为主家庭的流动儿童受教育质量的性别差异最大;这部分儿童所在家庭中传统的"重男"观念对儿童性别角色的社会化分工产生了初次影响,而学校教育和课堂教学过程中的师生互动与教师评价再次强化了其性别角色差异,并逐步导致学生课堂行为和受教育质量的性别差异。为缩小这一性别差距,除学校教育外,更需要流动人口提升对子女的家庭教育意识,加强与学校教育的沟通与合作。  相似文献   

美国为了解决流动儿童不仅能"进得去"流入地公立学校,而且流入地公立学校也能"留得住"流动儿童的问题,从联邦干预流动教育开始,信息技术就被引入流动教育.信息技术伴随美国流动教育始终,为保障流动儿童平等教育权发挥了巨大作用.美国关于信息技术在流动教育中的研究和实践对我国有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

用科学发展观指导中小学校布局调整   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
科学发展观对当前我国城乡中小学校布局调整具有重要指导意义。坚持以人为本,在农村地区应确定符合地方实际的中小学校布局调整标准和调整方式,把方便学生入学放在突出位置;坚持协调发展观,统筹城乡教育发展,统筹“中心”与“边远”地区的教育发展,城市中小学校布局调整要考虑流动儿童的教育问题;坚持可持续发展观,学校布局调整要在对地方学龄人口变化趋势进行科学预测,对未来教育发展周密规划的前提下进行。  相似文献   


This study compares achievement levels for high ability students attending charter schools and students in traditional public schools in Georgia. Researchers examined student achievement (as assessed by the state's Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests) using three comparison groups: students in the closest traditional schools with similar grade levels, schools with similar demographics, and comprehensive school reform schools. Hierarchical loglinear analysis was used to determine the impact of school type and student demographic variables on student achievement mobility (i.e., the degree to which students, from 2004 to 2005, moved into or out of the top 10% of each grade level on the CRT mathematics subtest). Results for the first comparison did not provide evidence of a significant relationship between school type and achievement mobility, but results for the second and third comparisons suggest that Black students generally experienced positive or neutral achievement mobility in traditional schools and negative mobility in charter schools; White students generally saw negative achievement mobility in traditional schools and neutral to positive mobility in charter schools. Implications for the study of gifted education and gifted students within charter schools are discussed.  相似文献   

The problem of student discipline disproportionately affects urban schools with large numbers of low income and ethnic minority students. Research over the past 35 years however has consistently shown that discipline policies that are understood and accepted by teachers, students, and parents and consistently enforced by school officials, correlate with lower levels of student disruption. The important role that urban school districts can play in building consensus in support of student discipline policies has not been well documented. But increased levels of student mobility in large urban areas, and increased diversity among the families served by urban districts, highlight the need for district-wide codes of behavior that provide schools with a range of discipline programs that serve the needs of their particular communities. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how the process of developing and implementing a district-wide code of student behavior in Cincinnati played an important role in reducing disruptive behaviors leading to student suspension and expulsion. By involving all stakeholders in the development of its policies, and by responding to the concerns of all stakeholders in the range of programs it offered, the Cincinnati Public Schools was able to build consensus across socioeconomic and ethnic lines and make its code of behavior effective. On the basis of the evidence presented, it is argued that urban school districts can play a more active role in the area of student discipline. By developing and implementing district-wide codes of behavior that are understood and accepted by teachers, students, and parents, and consistently enforced by school officials, urban districts can lay the foundation on which schools can build healthy learning communities. Dr. Lionel H. Brown holds Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral degrees from the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Brown is retired from the Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) where he served as a teacher, vice-principal, principal, and Deputy Superintendent. His responsibilities in the role of CPS Deputy Superintendent included the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, the Office of Student Discipline, and the Office of Student Affairs. Dr. Brown is currently an Assistant Professor in the Division of Educational Studies, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. His research and teaching interests include urban education, alternative education, and programs for Black males.Dr. Kelvin S. Beckett holds Bachelors and Masters degrees from the University of British Columbia, Canada and a Doctoral degree from the University of London, United Kingdom. He is an Adjunct Lecturer in the Division of Educational Studies, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. His teaching and research interests include urban education and alternative education.  相似文献   

Numerous initiatives by private philanthropies and the US government have supported school size reduction policies as an educational reform intended to improve student outcomes. Empirical evidence to support these claims, however, is underdeveloped. In this article, we draw on information from a longitudinal dataset provided by the Northwest Evaluation Association covering more than 1 million students in 4 US states. Employing a student fixed effects strategy, we estimate how a student’s achievement changes as (s)he moves between schools of different sizes. We find evidence that students’ academic achievement in math and reading declines as school size increases. The negative effects of large schools appear to matter most in higher grades, which is also when schools tend to be the largest.  相似文献   

This paper examines the competitive effects of a unique school choice program implemented in the late 1990s, Wisconsin's open enrollment program, which allows families to send their children to schools outside their home district. In contrast to other school choice programs, districts not only face negative consequences from losing students and state funding, but they also stand to gain in the event of student emigration from other districts. The identification approach exploits differences in the number of schools in bordering districts, which affects inter-district ease-of-transfer. Estimates produce three main conclusions. First, districts that experience student out-migration produce higher standardized test scores in the subsequent year. Second, these effects are most evident among districts for which out-migration, expressed as a percentage of enrollment, falls in the upper quartile of all districts under consideration. Third, districts do not appear to respond to in-migration, indicating that districts place more emphasis on (and have more control over) preventing out-migration, as opposed to encouraging in-migration. These findings provide evidence that schools respond to competitive forces by improving quality.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the impact of competition on the performance of Italian schools. The study is based on policy experiments developed in 2000 by the Lombardy Regional government which introduced a voucher plan to encourage families to enrol their children in private schools. After this intervention, many other Regions launched similar policies. Despite the high political attention to this theme in Italy, there is almost no economic research on the possible role of such policies in fostering competition, and on the effects of competition on schools’ outputs. As there are not data collected by the Italian authorities for the purpose, the article uses the OECD-PISA 2006 dataset with some additional administrative information. The empirical analysis shows that while some indicators of school competition have been found significant in – positively – affecting schools’ performances (in terms of student achievement), there is not strong evidence that voucher policies implemented in the Lombardy Region did improve school competition.  相似文献   

Policy makers periodically consider using student assignment policies to improve educational outcomes by altering the socio-economic and academic skill composition of schools. We exploit the quasi-random reassignment of students across schools in the Wake County Public School System to estimate the academic and behavioral effects of being reassigned to a different school and, separately, of shifts in peer characteristics. We rule out all but substantively small effects of transitioning to a different school as a result of reassignment on test scores, course grades and chronic absenteeism. In contrast, increasing the achievement levels of students’ peers improves students’ math and ELA test scores but harms their ELA course grades. Test score benefits accrue primarily to students from higher-income families, though students with lower family income or lower prior performance still benefit. Our results suggest that student assignment policies that relocate students to avoid the over-concentration of lower-achieving students or those from lower-income families can accomplish equity goals (despite important caveats), although these reassignments may reduce achievement for students from higher-income backgrounds.  相似文献   

A relatively small state, Utah presents an interesting case to study charter schools given its friendly policy environment and its significant growth in charter school enrollment. Based on longitudinal student-level data from 2004 to 2009, this paper utilizes two approaches to evaluate the Utah charter school effectiveness: (a) hierarchical linear growth models with matched sample, and (b) general methods of moments with student-fixed effects regressions. Both methods yield consistent results that charter schools on average perform slightly worse as compared to traditional public schools, a result that is primarily affected by the low effectiveness and high student mobility of newly opened charter schools. Interestingly, when charter schools gain more experience they become as effective as traditional public schools, and in some cases more effective than traditional public schools. This research has implications for local and state charter school policies, particularly policies that avoid “start-up” costs associated with new charter schools.  相似文献   

This study exploits a unique policy environment and a large panel dataset to evaluate the impact of school crowding on student achievement in Wake County, NC. We also estimate the effects of two education policy initiatives that are often used to address crowding: multi-track year-round calendars and mobile classrooms. We estimate a multi-level fixed effects model to identify effects that are not confounded by other school, family, and individual characteristics. Results suggest that severely crowded schools have a negative impact on reading achievement but have no discernable impact on math achievement. Both mobile classrooms and year-round calendars are found to have a small negative impact on achievement in the absence of crowding, but a positive impact in crowded schools, though these policies are only able to partially offset the negative impact of crowding.  相似文献   

This paper use the panel data of BEWAP to study the effect of layout adjustment of schools on student achievement in primary school of rural area in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.By the comparisons of two-level value-added model and OLS estimation results,the research shows that the layout adjustment policy generally has a negative effect on primary school students' achievement,especially on the language achievement.Specifically,the factors of school condition,dormitory area per-student and degree of school satisfaction have positive impacts on student achievement,the achievement of resident student slightly lower than non-resident student.The factors of farther home-school distance,more financial burden of families,inadequate supporting facilities of schools and the absence of psychological or other assistance have negative impacts on students' achievement,which are higher than the policy's positive effects.Based on the empirical study,this research suggests that the government should construct better hardware establishment and software condition while the improvement of school condition in the process of layout adjustment,ensure relevant financial input and enhance supervision so as to realize the goal of improving education quality.  相似文献   

Full-service community schools are designed to increase students, and families' access to comprehensive and coordinated supports, services, and programs such as medical care, food aid, and enrichment activities. Despite widespread support, the research base documenting the efficacy of community schools is still emerging. Analyzing longitudinal data from 6 low-income, predominantly Latino community schools, this case study investigated whether students' participation in community-school programming influenced their attendance and achievement. Multilevel models indicated that youth who participated in extended learning programs or whose families were involved in family engagement opportunities exhibited greater attendance rates and achievement in math and English language arts, when compared to their nonparticipating peers. Findings provide promising evidence on the value of a comprehensive and integrated system of school supports that address the myriad needs of vulnerable student populations.  相似文献   

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