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随着融合教育理念的深入,中国和澳大利亚高等教育中的融合教育思想和实践也得到一定的发展。但不同文化和政策背景为两国高等融合教育的发展提供了不同的土壤,进而造成了差异。从高等融合教育的准入与安置、专业和课程设置以及资源支持三个方面入手,分析澳大利亚高等融合教育的实践发展路径和策略后发现,中澳两国的高等融合教育实践存在一定差异。为推进我国融合教育发展,应从转变残疾观念、构建本土化政策保障体系、建立残障大学生服务中心、调整课程设置、加强职前和职后师资培养以及搭建高校支持体系六个方面予以改进。  相似文献   

"以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向"是我国职业教育的发展方针。然而,部分高职学校片面理解这一方针,过于追求学生专业技能素质,忽略了学生人文素养的培养,导致高职生缺少文化底蕴,发展后劲不足,高职教育陷入规模有余而内涵不足的发展困境。在培养学生专业技能素质的同时,努力做到成人和成才目标相结合,专业技能课程与人文素养课程相结合,市场调研与学生人文素养差别化培养相结合,课内训练与课外濡染相结合,定性评价与定量考核相结合,着力培养学生人文素养,提高学生可持续发展能力,是高职学校摆脱发展困境的良策之一。  相似文献   

美国、英国是世界通识教育模式的两种代表,通过对其高职通识教育的研究,探究其同与不同,为我国高职通识教育的开展提供借鉴。高职通识教育的核心价值在于培养可持续发展能力的职业人与良好素养合格公民;通识教育是应知与应会的“成人”教育;通识课程设计而非是基础课程的简单删减或调整。  相似文献   

成人教育是终身教育体系的重要组成部分,高职院校成人教育教师队伍的综合素质直接关系到成人教育的成效。文章阐述了产教融合背景下高职院校成人教育教师专业发展的重要性,分析了高职院校成人教育教师专业发展过程中面临的现实困境,提出了产教融合背景下高职院校成人教育教师专业发展的路径建议:建立保障制度,提高教师专业认同感;健全激励机制,增强教师专业发展意识;加大政策扶持力度,促进教师队伍建设;创新考核机制,提升教师科研和社会服务能力;完善评价体系,激发教师专业发展的内生动力。  相似文献   

农村初任教师是农村教育事业的开拓者,其专业成长水平直接关系到农村教育的质量水平和发展进程。当下,农村初任教师面临着心理发展、专业知识和能力发展的困境。面对导致困境的内、外两方面的影响因素,促进农村初任教师专业成长的策略主要有:优化教育政策支持,创造良好教师发展环境;提高学校管理水平,构建教师专业成长文化;提升自主发展能力,实现教师专业持续发展。  相似文献   

充分发挥本科林业院校的学科、资源优势,紧紧把握高等职业技术教育的特点与需求,重点抓好专业设置,始终坚持产、学、研结合,不断深化教学改革,努力探索一条具有林业特色的高等职业技术教育之路。  相似文献   

新中国成立70年来,我国民族高等教育的规模迅速扩大,教育质量和水平显著提升。本研究在梳理民族高等教育发展历程及相关文献的基础上,将70年来民族高等教育的成就总结为五个方面:民族高等教育的人才培养成效显著、族际受教育水平差距逐渐缩小、学科建设取得重大进展、科研工作稳步推进以及保障机制逐步建立健全。与此同时,民族高等教育的发展中仍存在一些亟待解决的问题,集中表现为一流民族特色学科发展滞后、高层次人才难以满足民族地区发展需要、民族高校科研的前瞻性不足、服务国家"一带一路"倡议的能力亟须提升等。民族高校需以民族文化为根基,加快一流民族特色学科建设;以"两个服务"为原则,注重高层次人才培养与就业引导;以科研创新为导向,开展民族社会各领域的前瞻性研究;以复合型区域合作人才培养为依托,增强服务国家发展战略的能力。  相似文献   

This paper uses the methods of personal reflection and auto/biography to consider the ways in which global social and political transformations have influenced a key generation of feminist sociologists entering the academy and attempting to introduce feminist knowledge and pedagogy into academic curricula. Three critical events on or around 22 November are used to highlight key political moments, the associated development of changing themes in forms of analysis of social transformations, and the part played by feminism and sociology within higher education. They are the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1963, the Israeli-Arab war in 1973 and the resignation of Margaret Thatcher in 1990. The argument is that there has been a clear relation between changing social and political contexts and methodological understandings, which have drawn on developing feminist perspectives and reflexive sociological analysis, especially as embraced within the sociology of education. In particular, the shift from a political and professional perspective on social change and family life towards one that engages with personal issues is noteworthy. It is one of the hallmarks of both feminist notions associated with reflexivity and developing sociological methodologies and policy sociology. Thus, the personal and the political are now central methodological forms of feminist and sociological analysis within education and, especially, the sociology of education, influencing pedagogy within higher education, especially associated with developments in professional postgraduate education. I weave my personal reflections on my professional developments through an analysis of the key moments related to specific policy regimes and changing forms of understandings within the fields of policy sociology and sociology of education. I conclude with current concerns about the balances between the personal and professional within educational research and policy sociology.  相似文献   

At the core of higher education is the experience of students whose focus for learning is often directed towards their future employability. In this paper, we explore the intersections between two large international research projects involving over 500 students. Interviews with students yielded their conceptions of learning and work in specific discipline and professional areas. Analysis of the Swedish and Australian data sets showed the important interplay between students’ individual ideas about learning and future work with their workplace. A meta-analysis of the two projects highlights the utility of higher education for students’ future working life and suggests ways in which institutions and policy makers can critique current practice in a way that will incline curriculum and teaching development towards professional formation.  相似文献   

以衡水学院等3所高校为个案,课题组对河北省新建本科院校青年教师的敬业情况进行了调查。调查结果显示,青年教师敬业情况总体良好,70后和80后青年教师的敬业认知度有一定差异。影响青年教师敬业的主要因素源自于他们的职业良心等内部因素和工作报酬等外部因素。同时,也存在奉献精神认同度低、职业心态不稳定以及职业压力较大等问题。并从加强思想道德教育、加快专业化发展以及调整教育政策导向等方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

良好的考核评价政策有助于调动教师工作积极性、主动性,对提升高等教育质量具有显著影响。目前,绩效评价已成为我国高校教师评价制度的主流,对教师专业发展影响深远。探究当前教师绩效评价制度如何影响高校青年教师的专业性,具有重要的理论价值与现实意义。通过对S大学的实地调研发现,教师评价制度有赖于建立“层级管理-量化的相对指标-外部裁决”的管理技术,施予青年教师结构性压力,使其产生“适应顺从”的惯习,影响其专业知识、专业自主、专业伦理和专业情意。基于布迪厄的实践理论,研究发现:评价制度与场域内的资源配置机制在形塑青年教师自我认知与行为选择方面具有一致性;应采取优化资本配置、调整学术人员惯习、关注学术场域内发展性评价等策略提升高校青年教师专业性。  相似文献   

To date, much of the research on internationalization and globalization of higher education has focused on the institution or higher education system as the unit of analysis. Institution based studies have focused on the analysis of institutional practices and policies designed to further internationalization. System-level studies focus on state policy initiatives or approaches. In this paper we explore the inter-relationships among multiple levels of authority within a higher education system through an analysis of research policies and activities related to internationalization. While we are interested in the internationalization of university research, our primary objective is to explore the relationships between policy initiatives and approaches at different levels. Using the “Global Higher Education Matrix” as a framework, we discuss the policy emphasis on the internationalization of research at the federal, provincial (Ontario), and institutional levels of authority, as well as the international research activities associated with two large professional schools operating at the understructure level. By focusing on the inter-relationships among initiatives at different levels of authority, this study explores the complexity of policy perspectives within the internationalization of research in the context of multi-level governance.  相似文献   

本文对2007年国际教师教育论坛的交流与研讨进行概要介绍。分析了当前国际教师教育领域里的热点问题,探讨了国际教师教育改革与创新的特点,重点阐发了国际教师教育创新的政策支持、教师专业发展的国际比较与合作开发、国际教师专业发展的创新实践等方面的发展趋势,以及国际教师教育改革对我国当前的教师教育改革与发展研究的启示。  相似文献   

本文对2007年国际教师教育论坛的交流与研讨进行概要介绍,分析了当前国际教师教育领域里的热点问题,探讨了国际教师教育改革与创新的特点,重点阐发了国际教师教育创新的政策支持、教师专业发展的国际比较与合作开发、国际教师专业发展的创新实践等方面的发展趋势,以及国际教师教育改革对我国当前的教师教育改革与发展研究的启示。  相似文献   


Liberal arts education is based on a philosophy that uses an interdisciplinary curriculum to cultivate critical thinking, creativity, moral reasoning, analytical skills, and a sense of social responsibility. As China continues to invest in higher education, faculty, administrators and policy makers are aware that a narrow focus on professional and scientific training is insufficient to enable students to meet today’s global needs and challenges. Through qualitative and quantitative research and document analysis, this article examines Chinese policy development and transformation regarding higher education and liberal arts education in general, and the current state of liberal arts education in three universities in Shanghai in particular.  相似文献   

自上世纪90年代以来,英国以专业组织联合信息系统委员会(JISC)推动了高等教育信息化的整体发展并取得了瞩目成绩。JISC集多重任务于一身,为英国教育和学术研究领域创建了一流的网络基础设施和内容共享平台,引领了多层面的教育信息化创新性研究及实践,推动了英国乃至欧盟教育与科研信息化战略和政策的制定。借鉴JISC的成功经验和研究成果,有利于促进我国高等教育信息化的创新与发展。  相似文献   

梁文艳 《天中学刊》2011,26(1):18-24
面对经济危机给公立高校造成的经费困境,美国联邦政府积极调整高等教育财政政策,通过加大高等教育投入、改进高校学生财政资助政策、加大对高校基础科研和科技创新的经费拨款、推动以职业教育为导向的两年制学院发展等措施,美国的高等教育取得了长足的发展。在我国正式颁布《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》,并着手制定"十二五"教育规划的过程中,我国的高等教育财政政策应借鉴"他山之石",作出战略性、前瞻性的部署。  相似文献   

In this article, I provide a brief historical perspective on how state-level policy was an integral part of the rise of school physical education in the first half of the twentieth century, as well as the evolution of sport pedagogy as a subdiscipline within the field of kinesiology. The role and importance of policy in changing behavior are presented using reductions in tobacco use and improvements in automobile safety as examples. “Impact” of best available research evidence is presented as a multilayered concept, from surface level impact at the personal level to “deep impact” that would be reflected in improved professional practice. The influence of the changing landscapes in K-12 and higher education present both external and internal barriers that, coupled with a lack of awareness (or neglect?) of the role and impact of policy, have hamstrung any appreciable progress in professional practice. In the final section, I argue that unless kinesiology becomes proactive in advocacy toward state-level policy development, school physical education will retain its marginalized place. Initial suggestions are provided to help initiate greater involvement in such policy development.  相似文献   

德国的应用科技大学是德国高等职业教育的主体。其专业开发的经验与特色,如专业设置调整重视针对性和调研论证,专业设置具有明显的区域色彩以及专业建设与企业密切联系等,值得我国高职教育借鉴。我国高职院校应以经济社会发展趋势和需求作为设置调整专业的根本依据,把清晰确定培养目标作为专业建设的前提条件,走产学研合作的专业建设发展之路。  相似文献   

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