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企业业务外包作为一种新的战略工具,对强化企业核心能力、规避经营风险、降低运营成本起着重要作用。要了解外包实施的三个阶段,并在实施外包战略过程中注意解决相关的问题。  相似文献   

企业人力资源外包战略流程构建研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随市场环境的变化,企业人力资源管理职能正发生着战略转变,本文通过分析国内企业人力资源外包的现状,提出从战略高度规范人力资源外包,构建人力资源外包战略流程模型,尽可能降低企业人力资源外包活动风险,提高企业人力资源管理效率。  相似文献   

物流外包(Logistics Outsourcing),即生产或销售等企业为集中精力增强核心竞争能力,而将其物流业务以合同的方式委托于专业的物流服务商操作,外包是一种长期的、战略的、相互渗透的、互利互惠的业务委托和合约执行方式.制造业的物流外包一般来说是涉及供应物流、销售物流、回收物流等业务的外包.企业实施物流外包是否适应企业未来的发展战略和长远部署,是企业物流外包决策成败的关键.  相似文献   

物流外包(Logistics Outsourcing),即生产或销售等企业为集中精力增强核心竞争能力,而将其物流业务以合同的方式委托于专业的物流服务商操作,外包是一种长期的、战略的、相互渗透的、互利互惠的业务委托和合约执行方式。制造业的物流外包一般来说是涉及供应物流、销售物流、回收物流等业务的外包。企业实施物流外包是否适应企业未来的发展战略和长远部署,是企业物流外包决策成败的关键。1.依物流的战略价值定物流服务水平物流在企业的战略价值的体现也即物流活动占产品总成本的比率以及对利润的影响程度。物流在企业的战略价值越高,企业越…  相似文献   

外包是指企业整合利用外部最优秀的专业化资源,从而达到降低成本,提高效率,充分发挥自身核心竞争力和增强企业对环境的迅速应变能力的一种管理模式。本文介绍了物流外包的涵义,提出了物流外包优势,并对战略理论的物流外包进行了分析。  相似文献   

战略管理就是对企业在发展过程中自身战略制定、战略实施的管理。战略管理在企业管理中具有重要地位。《中共中央关于国有企业改革和发展若干重大问题的决定》和党的十六大在谈到国企改革时 ,都提出企业要做好战略研究的分析、制定和实施工作 ,企业要在实施发展战略、技术创新战略和市场营销战略的过程中把握和调整自己的组织结构 ,以适应不断变化的经济、社会、技术环境。国际、国内成功企业的发展历程已经证明企业战略管理是企业可持续发展的前进动力。  一、国有企业发展战略回顾改革开放以来国有企业在从计划经济向社会主义市场经济转…  相似文献   

企业战略管理分为三个阶段:战略分析,战略选择及评价,战略实施。本文就企业文化在战略实施的层面,重点从企业文化对战略实施主体的角度,分别从企业文化的导向、激励、约束、凝聚等功能,探讨了企业文化对战略实施的影响,最后就如何培养健康的企业文化提出了建议。  相似文献   

天津滨海新区服务外包业发展战略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在新一轮全球产业转移浪潮中,服务外包成为了服务业全球化的重要载体.天津滨海新区发展服务外包业,是加快对外开放的经济发展的重要内容和途径.我们依据滨海新区服务外包业发展竞争战略SWOT分析,确定了其未来发展的总体思路、主要原则和战略定位,提出了三种主要发展模式,建议从位置、政策、通道、平台等方面促进滨海新区服务外包业发展.  相似文献   

业务外包战略作为一种新型的经营管理途径,通过将原本由组织自身完成的各种服务和业务委托给外部团体,来实现节省时间、降低成本、改进质量和提高效率的目的,在中小学图书馆中有着广泛的应用.基于此,首先对中小学图书馆业务外包的含义、种类和模式作了分析,在此基础上,从业务外包战略的实践和分析控制两方面探讨了中小学图书馆业务外包战略的应用.  相似文献   

创造性地变革经营结构是企业经营战略的本质,中小工业企业为了能够长期生存和发展,需要经营战略。然而我国中小工业企业实施经营战略很少,其难点在于外部经营环境“突变”增加、优秀的中小企业经营人才奇缺及缺乏适用的经营战略理论。技术创新战略、改造传统劳动密集型产品战略、专业化协作战略、合作战略、外向型经济战略、“退二进三”战略是推荐的几种中小工业企业经营战略模式。  相似文献   

决定跨国公司资源配置当地化水平的主要因素有跨国公司本身的需求特性、所在区域的供给特性及跨国公司的公司特性。从需求特性看,跨国公司的产品技术含量及标准化程度低、采用小批量生产方法、小的工厂规模及跨国公司在当地较长的存续期限会提高其资源配置当地化水平。从所在区域供给特性看,产业结构的相似性、区域范围大小及区域经济的整体水平和区域内企业的竞争力会对跨国公司的资源配置当地化水平产生影响。公司特性中跨国公司的资源配置战略是影响跨国公司资源配置当地化水平的主要因素,同一跨国公司体系内分支机构的地理分布状况也有影响,而母公司国籍因素的影响作用则较小。当地政府应从利用当地资源和提高当地企业的竞争力等方面制定政策,提高区域内跨国公司资源配置的当地化水平。  相似文献   

In our commentary on this excellent set of articles on Sourcing in the Reading Process, we endeavor to synthesize the findings from the seven articles and discuss future research. We discuss significant contributions related to source memory, source evaluation, use of sources in action and belief, integration of information from multiple sources, and instruction in sourcing. Next we discuss several issues for future research raised by these articles, including expert sourcing, embedded sources, epistemic justice, and explanations of disagreement. Finally, we argue that the credibility of sources and their claims is determined by the reliability of the processes used by the sources to produce their claims. Our focus on the reliability of processes used by sources has implications for understanding sourcing processes, for evaluating normative claims about which sources are most reliable, for explaining how people evaluate sources, and for developing instruction on sourcing.  相似文献   

The process of using information about documents such as the author, genre, and date of publication while evaluating and interpreting those documents’ content was labeled “sourcing” in a seminal paper by Wineburg (Journal of Educational Psychology, 83, 73, 1991). Studies in various domains have adapted the term sourcing while referring to central reading skills in modern information societies. In this review, we discuss the concept of sourcing grounded in research from social psychology, information sciences, and text comprehension. Based on that, we reviewed 18 intervention studies in educational settings, in order to identify how sourcing was operationalized in the studies, the nature of the interventions, and how successful they were. The review shows that interventions for younger students emphasized source credibility, whereas interventions among older students also emphasized the role of sourcing in interpretation. None of the studies measured how students search for source features or specifically which features they attend to. Regarding the nature of the studies, the use of multiple partly conflicting documents was common, with that condition positively related to outcome measures. Another characteristic was the use of inquiry tasks. A majority of the studies do not apply findings from persuasion theory and information science indicating that credibility assessment requires effort and motivation. Future interventions should more strongly emphasize the relationship between sourcing and motivation.  相似文献   

战略性贸易政策理论述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪80年代在新贸易理论的基础上,西方学者以规模经济和不完全竞争为前提,以产业组织理论和市场结构理论为研究工具,提出了战略性贸易政策理论.该理论动摇了在规模经济和不完全竞争条件下自由贸易政策的最优性,证明了政府干预的合理性.  相似文献   

Acquiring information from the Web creates new educational demands even in elementary school. Children need to scrutinize source information (‘sourcing’) to choose trustworthy information. So far, few studies have documented young readers’ abilities to identify and evaluate source information. With two studies, we seek to gather more evidence on elementary students’ sourcing skills and use. In study 1, we investigate to what extent fourth graders can identify source information and evaluate informants’ expertise and intentions in simplistic, age-appropriate reading tasks. In study 2, we explore whether fourth graders spontaneously apply their sourcing skills when reading simplified multiple documents. Results suggest that fourth graders can successfully identify source information and evaluate informants’ expertise and intentions in simple and direct tasks but fail to apply this ability to more complex and implicit tasks. Implications for information literacy education are discussed.  相似文献   

Although role‐plays can be effective teaching tools for buyer‐supplier negotiation, learning can be somewhat limited because typically novices are negotiating with each other. We describe how we collaborated with a corporate partner, CACI International, to develop and implement a repeatable sourcing and negotiation role‐play that helps to address this limitation. The role play, used in a dual listed undergraduate/MBA strategic sourcing course, covers the sourcing process from strategy development, solicitation, bidding, negotiation, and supplier selection for security services. The unique aspect of the role play is that CACI supply managers assume the role of suppliers throughout the activity including during phone negotiations with student teams. Content analysis of student reflections and a student survey show that the highest degree of perceived learning from the role‐play was in the negotiation. Ways to modify the role‐play approach when you do not have strong corporate partnerships are discussed.  相似文献   

教育部相关文件提到教师要能够将新技术与教育教学深度融合,变革传统教学模式,提高教学创新能力,所以培养教师面向复杂教学环境并且变革的教学设计能力显得尤为关键。通过梳理设计思维的内涵与发展,厘清设计思维和教学设计之间的关系,明确发展教师设计思维能力的必要性,借鉴已有发展教师设计思维模式,从线下集中培训和线上长期教研活动两个方面,设计面向教师设计思维的策略框架,并为后续继续开展设计思维融入中小学教师培训提供了参考。  相似文献   

The current Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic has spread to about 220 countries of the world and has resulted in a significant number of deaths globally. Infections are still on the rise, and the impact on the global death rate could be devastating. There are fears over the likely impact of a large number of deaths on body sourcing and handling of cadavers for teaching and research. Historically, epidemics come with several challenges and have often led to some level of negligence of ethical practices and health and safety regulations associated with body sourcing and handling. The authors highlighted some emerging problems in this article, focusing on Africa and Nigeria in particular. These problems include a higher risk of coronavirus exposure for body handlers, shortage of cadavers for teaching and learning, a lack of standard regulations leading to unethical body sourcing and handling, and a lack of monitoring and collaboration needed for a well-coordinated Covid-19 pandemic response strategy. If these issues are ignored, the previous gains made in anatomical ethical practices may be destroyed. Some useful recommendations for policymaking geared toward prevention or curtailing these emerging issues have been instilled in this article.  相似文献   

产业集群:区域经济发展的重要战略选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产业集群作为一种新型的区域经济发展形式,有推动技术创新、推动中小企业快速成长、推动市场开拓、推动区域经济规模扩张等功能。它包括基于核心企业的产业集群、基于专业市场的产业集群、基于知识共享的产业集群等。各地应结合区域生产布局的条件,找出适合本地区的发展模式;做好产业集群发展的规划,制定全面的产业集群发展战略;选择正确的发展道路:培植有创新能力的企业家队伍;营造有竞争力的区域环境。  相似文献   

平衡计分卡(Balanced Scorecard)新的效绩评价和战略管理系统   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
平衡计分卡作为新兴的效绩评价系统,在美国应用已近十年。它弥补了传统效绩评价偏重财务指标的不足,增加了评价企业长期成功驱动因素的新指标。从财务、客户、内部业务和学习成长等多角度全面衡量企业效绩,并帮助管理者将组织的战略目标转化为实施的具体指标。着重阐述平衡计分卡的起源、特点、结构和应用及发展趋势。  相似文献   

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