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China is becoming an increasingly important actor in global governance. This paper contends that China participates by promoting its own global governance concepts on the one hand and by complying with the established global norms on the other. The paper introduces several key global governance concepts of the Chinese government and argues that they are likely to persist due to their roots in traditional Chinese Daoist and Confucian philosophies. It then focuses on China’s initiatives in education—the creation of Confucius Institutes and China’s involvement in United Nations (UN) educational initiatives—as examples of the Chinese approach. Finally, the paper discusses China’s educational profile in relation to its broader role in global governance.  相似文献   

本文对全球公共问题在推动当代世界政治转换中的地位作了思考,同时还简要列述了在转换世界政治中的中国外交研究所面临的问题。作者认为,需要把中国外交放在世界政治转换过程中去理解,同时也需要从中国外交自身创新来理解其对世界政治的含义。文章特别认为,中国学者应该加强对中国的周边主义与周边制度形态的研究。  相似文献   

当前,老龄化已然成为全球面临的共同挑战,老年教育在应对老龄化社会进程中,应发挥其特有的角色与使命。积极老龄化的理念由世界卫生组织提出,经联合国以及欧盟的不断推进,当前已经形成具有一定实践意义的政策框架与指标体系,得到了国际社会的广泛认同。作为终身学习体系组成部分的老年教育,能够为实现积极老龄化所倡导的“独立健康生活”“就业”以及“社会参与”等政策支柱发挥重要的促进作用。与发达国家相比,我国对老年教育的认知与实践仍有很大的提升空间。在未来,我国应当树立“健康即是回报”的老年教育观念,增加对老年教育的社会支持,通过教育增强老年群体的健康知识学习与社会参与,进而促进积极老龄化的实现。  相似文献   

Distinctively economic objectives for lifelong education, especially adult learning and education, feature prominently in policy-making agendas and educators’ practice in much of the world. Critics contend that humanistic and holistic visions of lifelong learning for all have been marginalised and neglected. The current turn of political attention to issues of planetary environmental sustainability and to global societal transformation and interconnectedness raises further questions and prospects. Two United Nations’ publications in 2015: UNESCO’s Rethinking Education: toward a global common good? and of the United Nations’ Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development pose intersecting concerns for lifelong learning and environmental sustainability. This article engages with those questions in particular regard to the role of adult learning and education. It discusses a field study of non-formal adult education in Ghana. The field study contributes evidence that resiliently humanistic conceptions and practices of non-formal adult education practically succeed to foster transformation, development and human flourishing. That effective humanism gives credence to the ambitiousness of UNESCO and UN agenda for transformation and sustainability and informs international debates.  相似文献   

冷战结束以来 ,七 /八国集团为将自身塑造成为“全球治理中心”而大力推出了众多举措和努力。当前 ,它已经形成为国际社会中的一个核心机构 ,对于全球化进程和国际政治、经济、安全、社会诸领域均产生了广泛的影响。然而 ,从七 /八国集团存在近 2 7年的国际社会现实来看 ,七 /八国集团只有重新定义全球治理 ,赋予联合国系统以全球治理中心的权威 ,彻底改变其一直具有的大国支配世界情结 ,推动扩大世界各国对国际事务的参与 ,真正地推进国际关系的民主化、制度化 ,才能走出一条新路。  相似文献   

全球变暖背景下国家伦理及其实现机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类在全球变暖问题上无法实现责任共担的根本原因是国家伦理的普遍缺失。国家伦理是一个国家作为一个现实存在的实体所应当遵循的伦理规范,具有国内和国际两个维度。我们需要在全球变暖背景下建构国家伦理,为国家间迅速凝聚共识奠定共同的道德根基,进而按照公平正义原则,建构气候责任分担体系,即按份分配国家气候责任、按国家实力分配国家气候责任、按各自排放行为分配国家气候责任、按人口分配国家气候责任和自愿承担国家气候责任。  相似文献   

环境非政府组织广泛地参与了主权国家范围内、地区性以及全球性环境治理,其中,对联合国环境事务的参与所发挥的作用最为突出。环境非政府组织对联合国的参与具有提供环境信息和引入新议题、推动环境问题的国际公约的制定和监督实施等方面的重要政治作用。  相似文献   

Teaching about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, is one way to support students’ learning about issues of fairness. However, learning about this document is not enough. Students need to have experiences where they explore issues of justice and equity in order to learn about respect and dignity for others. The present study explored an arts-based project in a kindergarten classroom about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 26—The Right to Education. Over the course of several months, nineteen kindergarten students learned about educational inequities around the world and specifically about an under-resourced partner school in El Salvador. Children’s literature about human rights became the catalyst for critical conversations, written responses, and drawings inspiring action. Students worked to address injustice by screen printing images they drew about their beliefs regarding a child’s right to education on fabric banners to raise awareness about school inequity. These banners were then displayed in their school and in the partner school. Overall findings from students’ discussions, writing, illustrations, and interviews indicated that the kindergartners were able to recognize their own rights and educational privilege. Through the project they demonstrated active citizenship centered on care and sought further connections with children at the partner school. In using arts-based service learning, educators involved in the study discovered how art can be used as a creative process and a teaching method to support young learners raising awareness about global inequities.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展和中国对外开放的进一步深化,国际贸易争端日趋增多,需要诉诸法律,与此同时国家的法制建设正在不断完善之中,这就促使国内各界对法律翻译的需求日益增多,并且越来越成为一个重要的研究课题。试以《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(CISG)的条款为例,讨论翻译法律文件的语言特点。  相似文献   

全球化和全球性问题催生了全球治理。要解决全球性问题,需要主权国家、联合国和非政府组织等各种行为体共同参与。作为全球治理的重要行为主体,联合国与非政府组织在解决全球性问题中,相互配合、协调,形成了新的联合国—非政府组织治理模式。这种模式的形成有自身的动因,即联合国与非政府组织在世界治理中互有优势与缺陷,只有加强合作,实行优势互补,才能实现全球问题的善治。但是,日益兴起的非政府组织逐渐对联合国构成了挑战,致使这种模式存在一定的结构性矛盾,因此需要妥善处理联合国与非政府组织的关系,对待双方的合作,国际社会的多重角色与因素应对之采取鼓励引导的政策,对待二者的矛盾,应采取多方协调、沟通、弥补分歧、消除冲突。  相似文献   

自从上世纪九十年代进入中国以来,模拟联合国活动开展得如火如荼,深受广大师生们的喜爱。模联活动既提高了大学生的外语语言表达能力以及人文素养,也帮助他们更深入地了解国际时事与政治,感受国际文化,树立和平,公正,平等的全球意识。本文旨在通过建构主义理论的指导,探析模拟联合国活动对培养大学生综合能力教学实践方面的重要启示。  相似文献   

发挥老年教育的杠杆联动作用以解决老龄化问题成为国内外政策制定者及学者的普遍共识。联合国在推动国际老年教育治理与可持续发展进程中发挥着不容忽视的重要作用,运用多种“解读”文本的方法和视角解析老年教育文本的“深层结构”和内在逻辑演变过程,探究不同时间场域老年教育的演变趋势和发展路向,揭示文本背后蕴藏的价值向度,对于把脉世界老年教育的总体态势、有效指导各国老年教育实践以及加快构建学习型社会意义重大。  相似文献   

在全球化时代,文明的冲突正日益成为威胁人类和平的重要因素,全球共治成为人类解决共同面对的一系列问题的必要途径,世界意识的形成及其同民族意识之间的矛盾需要我们尽快找到走出困境的新思维。"和谐世界"与"和谐教育"是中国人在时代发展的关键时期向全人类提出的新理念。通过和谐教育,促进人类世界意识和民族意识的协调发展,提高所有人参与国家治理和全球共治的意识和能力,推动全球化进程向良性方向发展,引导人们共同建构一个承认差异、多元互补、和谐共生的世界,这是中国人为人类教育和社会发展贡献的重要新思维之一。  相似文献   

机制复合体是不同机制间的松散合作形态。伴随治理主体的扩大化和多元化趋势,全球教育治理呈现出机制复合体的互动形态。在机制复合体视角下,全球教育治理可分为关系复合体、结构复合体和规范复合体三种互动类型。在每种互动类型下,治理主体的治理互动机理主要围绕全球教育治理议题、治理价值取向和治理手段展开。全球教育治理机制复合体的形成对全球教育治理行动具有积极价值,且在全球教育治理主体交互程度、治理议题范围、治理取向融合以及治理类型方面发挥作用。  相似文献   

随着新媒介技术的迅速发展和全球化时代的到来,媒介"公共性"问题日益凸显,而基于此的对话、交流与合作也成为人类社会存在和发展的普遍方式。当我们把公共哲学作为当代大众传播研究的必要视角时,大众传播研究所面临的一系列问题,比如大众传媒的"公共性"问题,大众传媒与公民社会的民主化问题,以及媒介全球化与全球治理等难题都可以得到更深入、更有效的分析和阐释。  相似文献   

今年是联合国成立60周年.60年来,一方面,联合国为世界的和平和发展做了许多有益的工作,世界越来越离不开联合国;另一方面,人们越来越发现联合国的机制与世界格局的要求正在拉大距离.联合国必须改革,联合国的权力机构安理会的改革更是首当其冲.人们寄希望于联合国的60寿诞,但是各国巨大的利益冲突,使联合国的改革左右为难,怎么改才能使各国都能接受,人们翘首以待.  相似文献   

Sema Akboga 《Compare》2016,46(5):789-810
Drawing on world culture and local culture explanations of educational change, this article aims to understand the dynamics of educational reform in Turkey in 1997 that expanded compulsory primary education from five to eight years. To do so, speeches given by opponents and proponents of the reform in the Turkish parliament were analysed. Imam-Hatip schools, vocational secondary schools for educating religious functionaries, were central to the debate. In support of world culture explanations, both sides of the debate made references to Western educational models and universal values such as democracy and human rights to frame and legitimise their arguments. However, all these arguments were embedded in local cultural and political issues. This article therefore proposes that both world culture and local culture should be considered when analysing national policy changes since local actors can easily appropriate global developments to support their local cultural and political interests.  相似文献   


We report an empirical assessment of suggestions that education in the appreciation of rights may be an effective agent of moral education. A children's rights curriculum was developed that was incorporated into the existing health and social studies curricula in Grade 8 classes (age 13-15) at five different schools over a 6-month period. The curriculum was designed to teach adolescents about their rights and responsibilities under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in an egalitarian and student-centred manner. Assessment of the impact of the rights curriculum showed that, when compared with their peers who did not receive the rights curriculum, the adolescents who did indicated higher levels of self-esteem, perceived peer and teacher support and increased rights-respecting attitudes.  相似文献   

1980年代以来,随着气候问题逐渐被列入全球政治议程,及其全球治理的深入展开,非国家行为体开始成为国家主导的全球气候治理秩序中的一个不可或缺的重要元素。本文详细审视和分析了国际组织、非政府组织和跨国公司这三类最重要的非国家行为体在全球气候治理中的作用。从形塑气候理念到建立全球气候治理制度,它们在国家和国际层面上都能发挥重要作用。通过影响个体国家的气候谈判立场和政策,它们能对全球气候治理进程施加重要影响,而且影响既可能是积极的,也可能是消极的。因此,如能恰当利用它们的作用,将会很好地增强国家治理气候的能力。  相似文献   

当今世界正处于百年未有之大变局。中国应积极参与全球治理体系改革与建设,发挥全球治理体系在全球变革中的根本性、全局性和长远性作用,推动全球治理体系向更加公正合理方向变革,为世界新一轮经济全球化和全球一体化发展提供新的制度性公共产品。  相似文献   

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