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在人们解决问题的思维活动中,直觉思维和逻辑思维都发挥着作用,并且相互联系、相辅相成。如果把直觉思维和逻辑思维割裂开来或对立起来,对于解决问题、科学研究是不利的。通过对人们在解决问题的思维活动和科学研究活动中常见的三种解决问题的模式的分析,我们可以看到直觉思维和逻辑思维所起的作用以及它们间的相互联系。  相似文献   

形象思维、逻辑思维、直觉思维是人类的三种基本思维形式。在传统的语教学中,教师往往比较注重学生形象思维能力和逻辑思维能力的培养,而忽视直觉思维能力。直觉思维是语创造活动中酝酿与发现阶段的催化剂,是极为重要的思维工具,对提高人们的领悟与觉察能力以及创造性思维能力等起着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

数学教学是数学思维活动的教学,直觉思维在数学思维活动中有着特殊的地位和作用。文章通过对直觉猜想、直觉洞察、直觉类比、数形结合、直觉归纳和审美直觉这六个方面举例论证直觉思维在数学解题活动中的作用。同时也分析了运用直觉思维解题需要注意的问题,并介绍了调控这些问题所必需掌握的知识,如数学观念、学习本质以及逻辑思维与直觉思维的互补作用。  相似文献   

浅谈数学教学中直觉思维的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数学直觉思维是由数学活动中的想象和判断组成,它和数学中的逻辑思维不同,不是按照演绎推理的思维方式进行的,而是依据数学对象及其自身结构的规律,从整体上的一种直接把握和直接判断.数学直觉思维简约、迅速,富有跳跃性,它是思维过程的压缩和简化,是依据个体经验、材料事实为基础的一种直觉结果.数学直觉思维在发现创造中起主导作用,数学逻辑思维在推理论证中起主要作用.在教学中教师要为学生提供一种能充分发挥学生解决问题能力的环境,用鼓励性的语言保护学生的好奇心、探索的主动性,用启发性的语言激起学生的求知欲和创造的动机,鼓励学生直觉思维和逻辑思维并用.这样做有利于培养学生的数学直觉思维,对防止学生思维僵化和保守,培养学生创新意识和提高创造能力大有益处.下面谈谈本人在教学中培养学生直觉思维的一些做法.  相似文献   

宋玉玺 《考试周刊》2014,(22):132-132
在化学习题教学中应用直觉思维要以逻辑思维为基础,需要知识、能力和丰富经验的积累;应用直觉思维方法要具备坚实广博的基础和丰富的经验,有审查全局的敏锐观察力;在习题教学中,运用直觉思维方法进行教学对学生分析问题和解决问题能力的发展,有极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

以思维过程是否遵循规则为标准,可将思维分为逻辑思维和非逻辑思维。非逻辑思维包括形象思维、直觉思维、灵感思维、和数学审美等。研究表明:形象、直觉、灵感思维在人的创造思维能力中占有举足轻重的作用。数学审美能力在数学学习过程中,起着非智力因素和智力因素之间的桥梁和中介作用,它有助于培养创造性思维能力。  相似文献   

一提到数学,大多数人首先想到的,就是逻辑思维。诚然,数学能培养人们更好的逻辑思维能力,但在数学中不仅仅只有逻辑思维是完美的。如果说逻辑思维用于数学的推理证明,那么直觉思维可用于数学的发明或发现。如果说逻辑推理只能用于演绎特殊到一般,那么直觉用于创造。科学家们在发现规律,创造发明的过程中往往是由直觉思维猜测出正确答案,然后用逻辑思维去证明。牛顿从苹果落地而发现“万有引力定律”也与直觉思维分不开。  相似文献   

数学是左右脑的产物。左脑用于逻辑思维(理性分析),而右脑用于直觉思维(形象观察)。对数学培养学生逻辑思维的功能不容置疑,而在数学中培养直觉思维的功能往往被忽略。本文探讨培养数学直觉思维与人的右脑的开发的联系、形式、特征以及数学直觉思维培养的方法和路径。  相似文献   

主题学习模式与学生创新思维能力培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、创新思维能力培养的时代要求 所谓创新思维(创造性思维)就是指以新异、独创的方式解决问题的思维,它是直观动作思维、形象思维与逻辑思维、发散思维与聚合思维、直觉思维与分析思维等多种思维活动的综合表现,人们一般把思维的流畅性、变通性、独特性和敏感性作为创新思维能力的判断标准。”何克抗教授对创造性思维的内涵和外延进行了科学、全面的论述,他指出“创造性思维”过程由发散思维、直觉思维、形象思维、逻辑思维、辨证思维和横纵思维六要素组成。  相似文献   

直觉思维是一种客观存在的思维形式,它具体表现为思维主体在解决问题时,运用已有的经验和知识,对问题从总体上直接加以认识把握,以一种高度省略、简化、浓缩的方式洞察问题的实质,并能迅速发现解决问题的方向或途径的思维形式。所以,直觉思维并不是什么神秘莫测的东西,它不过是一种未经有意识的逻辑思维而直接获得某种知识的能力,或者说是一种通过某种下意识(或潜意识)直接把握对象的思维活动,  相似文献   

We expect our students to learn different ways of thinking, such as historical empathy or scientific reasoning, reflection, critical analysis, or clinical reasoning. But how do we discern if they have learned these ways of thinking when thinking is often abstract, tacit and seemingly invisible? In this conceptual and theoretical article, I argue that we can discern any kind of thinking, however we define it, if we focus on the observable actions or thinking behaviours associated with that thinking. Based on this argument, I then offer a theoretical framework for teachers so they might recognise and informally assess the particular kind of student thinking they want to cultivate. This framework synthesises several important theories about how we learn to think, and distinguishes six general features a teacher might look for to be more discerning about any kind of thinking: visibility, complexity, frequency, flexibility, independence, and application of the thinking behaviours.  相似文献   

本文从天地万物起源神话入手,论述了具象化、感性直解的原始思维,并与现代思维进行观照分析,揭示出现代思维对原始思维传承的积极意义与消极因素,原始思维的局限性及其在现代思维中的表现,以使我们的认识来一次从感性到理性的飞跃,使思维认识的文明、科学、理性有利于实践活动方式的现代化发展与社会的进步.  相似文献   

思维方式,就其实质而言乃是人们在思考、解决“问题”时的思维样式或思维的内在特征。不同时期的哲学家们关注哲学基本问题的方式不同,反映了哲学思维方式的多样性。本文立足于哲学史的逻辑发展,从古代哲学追本溯源式的提问方式、近代哲学“反思”式的提问方式和现代哲学消解式的提问方式理解哲学基本问题的变革。  相似文献   

超前思维是人们超越于存在的意识与思维 ,对于指导人们的实践具有重要意义 .从超前思维的含义及基本特征出发 ,论述了具有前瞻性特征的教育事业 ,其教育目标的实现依靠教师工作的超前性 ;超前思维是教师开展教育教学工作的心理基础 .同时探索了教师形成超前思维的三条基本途径  相似文献   

Although research and policy suggest science and mathematics teachers should attend to their student's thinking during instruction, our field has inadequately defined what that means in relation to our ultimate goals for the practice. Here I present a theoretical argument that, in making their definitions, researchers should leverage the ways students understand such attention by characterizing teacher attention based on the epistemological messages it sends students about the nature of knowledge and learning in the classroom. Using data collected from high school science and mathematics teachers with a new video‐capture methodology, I present an analysis of variability in epistemological messages of teacher attention to illustrate work could unfold if we as researchers took up the theoretical claims made in this work. In doing so, I endeavor to draw the construct of epistemological messages into our collective conversations about teacher attention, and provide a starting point for our field to begin debating the most productive ways to study and unpack the epistemological messages we value in that teacher attention. I conclude by demonstrating the feasibility of using these messages to distinguish the types of teacher attention our field wants to develop and encourage in teacher education. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 55: 94–120, 2018  相似文献   

写作是一个复杂的思维过程,是语言与思维相互作用的一个结果,因而培养英语思维意识是提高英语写作之基。对此重点分析了中西思维模式的差异及在英语写作上的映射并提出对教学的几点启示。  相似文献   

In this article, I examine the extent to which, given how critical thinking has been most commonly conceptualised and taught in schools, the subject indeed develops modes of thinking, relating and reasoning that allow individuals to collectively work towards the appreciation and solution of social problems. In the first section, I outline a number of perspectives among social studies researchers and educators that demonstrate the importance of developing critical thinking capacities in students. This is followed by, in the next section, a close examination of two widely popular approaches through which critical thinking is taught – one in the general school curriculum and the other within social studies lessons. I argue that in their current forms and for a number of reasons these understandings of critical thinking fall short of developing the social and relational dimensions of thinking that are more than a little necessary in fulfilling the raison d’être of the subject. Towards this end, the final section presents a social epistemological framework for the teaching of critical thinking in the school curriculum, highlights a number of principles of its application and provides some examples of its use in classrooms.  相似文献   

To determine if quizzes containing higher order thinking questions are related to critical thinking and test performance when utilised in conjunction with an immersion approach to instruction and effort-based grading, sections of an Educational Psychology course were assigned to one of three quizzing conditions. Quizzes contained factual multiple-choice questions, factual essay questions or essay items requiring higher order thinking. Critical thinking was measured with a pre-test–post-test design and the Watson–Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (Short Form). Classroom learning was assessed via multiple-choice and essay tests. Critical thinking increased equally across all sections. The section receiving higher order thinking quizzes performed significantly better than the other two sections on both the multiple-choice and essay portions of the classroom tests. The implications of these findings are discussed in the context of methodological approaches to encouraging critical thinking.  相似文献   


From a Wittgensteinian point of view, my goal is to argue against the idea that teaching critical thinking should have as one of its aims the possibility of changing or adapting our deeply held beliefs. As pointed out by the Austrian philosopher in On Certainty, we have a world-picture which is neither true nor false, but above all, ‘it is the substratum of all my enquiring and asserting’ (OC, §162). Besides that, in his remarks on Frazer’s Golden Bough, Wittgenstein insists on the idea that different communities have their own rituals that express ways of acting, which become crystallized in their customs and institutions, similar to the magical rituals described by Frazer. The degree of similarity among them is greater than we suspect, and what interested Wittgenstein was to understand how we see things by looking for the links between the various ritualistic events. Based on these remarks, I argue that, if our deeply held beliefs are a source of necessity, instead of aiming to change/adapt them, teaching critical thinking should—by showing the links between diverse cultures—essentially avoid employing them in a dogmatic way, since our own deeply held beliefs could have been different ones.  相似文献   

This paper offers a critical review of the issue of assessing the quality of group thinking, describes the development of a Group Thinking Measure that fills a gap revealed by the literature and illustrates the use of this measure, in combination with interpretative discourse analysis, as a way of distinguishing those behaviors that add value to group thinking from those behaviors that detract value. The Group Thinking Measure combines two tests of equal difficulty, one for individual use and one for use by triads. This enables a measure not only of how well groups are thinking together but also a correlation between individual thinking and group thinking. This innovation gives an indication of whether or not working in a group adds value and so the extent to which a classroom culture supports collaborative thinking.  相似文献   

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