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In Australia, teachers are expected to teach a diverse range of students, including children adopted from overseas who have experienced attachment disruption and complex trauma early in life. International research identifies the potential vulnerability of this minority group at school. However, teachers’ backgrounds, knowledge and experience, as well as curriculum policies and school practices, may influence how teachers respond to the diverse needs of these children. Drawing on examples from a qualitative study which used focus group interviews and a multi-case study of 10 adoptive families, this article applies developmental and social constructionist perspectives to analyse the potential impact some common curriculum units may have on these children’s experiences of school. This paper reports on the way in which various units in the Australian Curriculum may provide obstacles and opportunities for inclusion, with particular examples provided from the English and History Curriculum. Findings show there is a need for greater awareness, understanding and sensitivity in teaching approach, as well as flexibility in teachers’ professional agency and discretion in the selection of resources when responding to the educational needs of intercountry adoptees.  相似文献   

As in many countries, such as Germany, Turkey, the United States and Japan the history/culture wars of the past two decades have increased public interest in what is taught in schools. This has resulted in rigorous debates in the general community, encouraged and sustained through regular media coverage. Partly as a response to this, History has been designated as a separate subject in the first wave of planning and implementation of the Australian National Curriculum. Two of the reasons for this include first, to recognise the importance of teaching historical skills as a distinct subject; and second there is an ongoing bipartisan political interest in privileging history disciplinary knowledge and content to ensure that national history narratives are taught to students. To contribute meaningfully towards the development and implementation of a National Curriculum, it is important to understand past curriculum constructions, so that the disciplinary knowledge and content of history remains independent, and not subsumed within current (or future) political trends. Based on examples of national history from the Queensland Social Studies syllabus and government endorsed sourcebooks in the lead-up to the 1988 Bicentennial of British colonisation of the Australian continent, this article examines the influence and role of multiculturalism in History teaching in primary schools. Particular attention is paid to Indigenous representations and British heritages, as an example of two groups that have often been represented as binaries to each other throughout Australian history. An analysis of the curriculum materials illuminates the differences between multiculturalism and history—highlighting how the two are merged at the expense of accurate historical knowledge and concepts, particularly in the area of national history. This study will demonstrate that as a result of the infiltration of multiculturalism into history content within the Social Studies curriculum, historical knowledge becomes silenced in the school curriculum – resulting in vague and sometimes historically inaccurate information being presented to students; and the privileging of certain types of multiculturalism.  相似文献   

This article reports the investigation of change in preservice teachers' conceptions of effective history teaching across a secondary history methods course in a postgraduate diploma of education program. Using concept mapping to plot shifts in their expressed reflections, data were obtained that indicate personal constructs of effective history teaching based around participants' map structures, curriculum understandings, knowledge of subject matter, knowledge of learners, knowledge of pedagogies, and pedagogical content knowledge. The purpose of this article is twofold: to present the findings of research exploring the growth in conceptual understandings of early career history teachers promoted through the use of concept maps, and to discuss the participants' response to tangible opportunities to reflect on their own conceptual understandings of history teaching.  相似文献   

褚华  李冲锋 《高教论坛》2003,(6):81-83,89
基础教育课程改革的进行不仅给广大中小学教师带来新的挑战与机遇,对高等师范教育也带来新的冲击与要求。本文在新课改课程背景下审视了高师中文专业教育的现状,在此基础上提出:在培养未来语文教师的过程中,高等师范院校中文教育应该调整专业知识结构,拓展学生的知识范围,针对未来工作对象,培养师范生的多种能力。  相似文献   

The soon to be implemented Australian Curriculum aims to integrate a futures orientation across subject areas. Guidelines and support for this specific initiative are being finalized. Only a little is known about the current teaching of a futures orientation or of secondary teacher interest, understanding and support for this important but challenging direction. This initial study surveyed 115 teachers from twelve secondary schools in Western Australia and aims to provide a basis for implementing the futures oriented elements into the year 7 to 10 curriculum. Most questions of respondents related directly to elements of the Australian Curriculum’s cross-curriculum priority of sustainability and of the general capabilities; these were extended to include a general appraisal of teachers’ interest in broader global issues, their self-efficacy in pursuing their interests and their suggestions for curriculum support. In overview, this initial study has shown that many Western Australian teachers are very receptive to developing a futures orientation into their classrooms in keeping with the rationale in the new national curriculum. It provides a foundation for follow up studies, supporting existing school interest and exploring specific opportunities for enhancing a futures orientation. It raises the possibility of engaging further with highly motivated teachers and schools in implementing the futures orientation components of the Australian Curriculum through its cross-curriculum priorities and general capabilities.  相似文献   

This article presents a critical action research study of six participants who reflected on their experiences and practices of digital resources in teaching Grade 12 mathematics Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). One-on-one semi-structured interviews, reflective activities, and journals were used for data generation to explore these reflections in order to encourage the teachers to reflect. Purposive with convenience sampling was used to select the teachers. The study reveals that ideological-ware (IW) resources and critical reflections are the main ingredients to ensure the success of CAPS implementation. When the teachers critically reflected on their practical use of the digital resources, they overcame the curriculum challenges that affected their teaching practice. This study recommends the promotion of IW resources and critical reflections in order to produce teachers’ reflective framework for teaching. This study consequently concludes that there were limited forms of reflections that were not compulsory to the teachers.  相似文献   

This article discusses the challenges faced teaching the promotion of ‘British values’, especially for trainee teachers. The advancement of these ‘British values’ as set out by the Department for Education is confusing, contradictory, and appear to exclude a sizeable minority of pupils of minority backgrounds from the current historical narrative of Britain as delineated by the National Curriculum (2013). Moreover, there is little advice for new teachers on what these ‘values’ really mean or how they should be taught within schools, despite forming part of the standards required to achieve QTS. The author not only examines this confusion but provides the perspective of a former academic who has moved into secondary teaching, and their reaction to the teaching of History in schools and concerns regarding the History Curriculum.  相似文献   

This paper explores the challenges for teachers in positioning them as independent curriculum makers. History teachers in New Zealand have recently entered uncharted territory with the abandonment of prescribed topics for history and a new-found authority to determine the selection of historical knowledge taught to their senior secondary students. This paper examines the complex nature of the teacher’s new role and responsibilities and argues that curriculum achievement objectives and national assessment places significant constraints upon teachers’ selections of historical knowledge. There is the potential for substantive historical knowledge to be downplayed in favour of procedural knowledge and the potential for assessment drivers to dominate or distort selection of knowledge for history. Local curriculum making places a heavy burden of responsibility upon teachers with implications for students’ access to powerful historical knowledge.  相似文献   

There are increasing opportunities in many countries for pre-service teachers to engage in a transnational school-based experience as part of study abroad programmes. The transformative potential of such transnational teaching experiences is recorded in research studies, often supported by data from participant surveys. However, there has been a lack of evidence investigating shifts in professional understanding derived from such experiences. This qualitative study addresses this issue by exploring the perspectives of 16 pre-service teachers of English as a Second Language from Hong Kong, who engaged in transnational teaching activities with primary school pupils in Australia during their study abroad programme. Discourse analysis of participants’ dialogues traces how they encountered conflicting Discourses of ‘student-centredness’ in the Australian classroom. Reflecting dialogically on their experiences led participants to negotiate and reframe their understandings of language teaching pedagogy and themselves as language teachers. The findings demonstrate the importance of both peer and lecturer feedback into the process of dialogic reflection and the need for more longitudinal research into the impact of transnational school-based experience in pre-service teacher education.  相似文献   

多元文化教育指平等对待来自不同文化群体的学生之间的差异,使所有学生得到平等教育机会的教育。在我国中小学实施多元文化教育,对中小学教师提出了新挑战,要求中小学教师成为多元文化教师,拥有多元文化知识,对不同文化持积极态度,熟练运用多元教学策略。在我国现行教师教育中,可通过增加多元文化教育课程,增加教学实习机会等途径,使未来教师经过学习、发展以及参与三个阶段,具备实施多元文化教育的能力,成为多元文化教师。  相似文献   

校本课程开发实践模式探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
校本课程开发具有多样的实践模式:创新模式、整合模式、调适模式、选择模式。课程创新是校本化程度最高的一种课程开发模式;课程整合是以超越不同学科知识体系而关注共同要素的方式来安排学习的课程开发活动的,从而实现课程教学整体育人的功能;课程调适是对国家颁布的课程标准和审定的教材在学校实施层面中由教师所进行的校本化处理,使之对教师和学生更具适切性;课程选择是从众多可能的课程项目中挑选、确定学校实施的课程的过程。四种实践模式各具特点又相互补充交叉,反映了课程开发的复杂性与不确定性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on an investigation into sustainability education in schools in the Australian state of Tasmania following the implementation of the Australian Curriculum. Sustainability is one of three cross-curriculum priorities in the new national curriculum and is the focus of this research (sustainability cross-curriculum priority (CCP)). Principals and Curriculum Leaders (PCLs) from all schools in Tasmania were invited to complete a survey that asked them about their understanding of various aspects of sustainability and how the sustainability CCP was integrated across learning areas. Sixty-eight PCLs (24%) responded to the survey. They reported generally good understandings of sustainability and education for sustainability, but lesser understandings of the sustainability CCP and the nine organising ideas. Respondents’ understandings of sustainability were dominated by an environmental focus. The PCLs’ responses in relation to sustainability implementation across learning areas gave insights into ways that the sustainability CCP can serve as a pivot for cross-curricular teaching and learning, which is strongly advocated for achieving transformative sustainability education. We conclude this paper with a discussion of how the sustainability CCP is an important asset in the necessary reorientation of the Australian formal education system for a more sustainable future. We note the importance of professional support so that educators may better understand sustainability and its complexity as a cross-curricular priority and envision ways in which the sustainability CCP can be realised within education.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe part of an Australian national research project that aimed to find out how well prepared beginning teachers are to teach literacy. A majority of beginning teachers participating in a series of national surveys and focus group meetings were confident about their personal literacy skills, their conceptual understandings of literacy, their understanding of curriculum documents and assessment strategies and their broad preparation to teach. Fewer beginning teachers were confident about their capacity to teach specific aspects of literacy such as viewing, spelling, grammar and phonics, or about their capacity to meet the challenges of student diversity. Senior staff working with beginning teachers were generally sceptical about the quality of teacher preparation for teaching literacy and were less confident than the beginning teachers about personal literacy skills. We discuss these findings in relation to the relative importance placed on particular substantive and structural issues by the study participants and in terms of previous findings.  相似文献   

根据《全日制义务教育历史课程标准》和《普通高中历史课程标准》制定的初高中历史课程目标、内容结构等方面存在差异,导致初中和高中历史课程教材两者之间不能很好地衔接。历史教师要努力钻研课程标准,做好初中和高中历史课程教学目标和知识结构的衔接;适时补充和复习相关内容,弥补初中和高中历史教材内容缺乏系统的问题,帮助学生理解教学内容和提高思维能力。  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革对教师素质的新要求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基础教育课程改革对广大教师来说是一次严峻的挑战,同时也是一次难得的发展机遇。人才的需要,社会的发展,教师专业化的提出,特别是基础教育课程改革对教师的素质都提出了新的要求。本文从教师所应具备的网络型的知识结构,以及课程资源开发与利用的能力、时间管理的能力、教学反思能力、教育科学研究等专业能力两方面阐述对教师素质的新要求。这样的知识结构与专业能力有助于教师抓住机遇,应对挑战,不断地充实自我,发展自我。  相似文献   

初中《历史课程标准》给历史教师提供了教育教学依据。初三历史教师要牢固树立课标意识,充分利用课标的指导作用,备课时要仔细研读课标,紧扣课标要求制定教学内容,突出重点、难点,由此展开的课堂教学才是真正有效的。通过课堂45分钟,历史教师认真研析复习内容的课标要求,必须始终围绕课标这一主线,做到明确复习方向,注重知识重难点的突出和突破,讲究复习方法,师生互动,讲练结合,打造高效课堂。并以人教版"中华民族的抗日战争"单元复习为例,提出启发诱导、逐层深入,论从史出、史论结合,讲练评有机结合、思维训练为主线等复习操作策略,以打造高效的历史复习课堂。  相似文献   

新课程标准确立了知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观三位一体的三维课程目标,然而,受传统教育观念的影响,目前多数教师心中仍留有应试教育的痕迹,只关心知识与技能,课堂教育自然围绕着知识与技能进行,忽视了情感态度与价值观的教育。本文对如何在高中历史教学中进行情感教育进行了探索。  相似文献   

The Australian Curriculum identified seven General Capabilities, including numeracy, to be embedded in all learning areas. However, it has been left to individual schools to manage this. Whilst there is a growing body of literature about pedagogies that embed numeracy in various learning areas, there are few studies from the management perspective. A social constructivist perspective and a multiple case study approach were used to explore the actions of school managers and mathematics teachers in three Queensland secondary schools, in order to investigate how they meet the Australian Curriculum requirement to embed numeracy throughout the curriculum. The study found a lack of coordinated cross-curricular approaches to numeracy in any of the schools studied. It illustrates the difficulties that arise when teachers do not share the Australian Curriculum cross-curricular vision of numeracy. Schools and curriculum authorities have not acknowledged the challenges for teachers in implementing cross-curricular numeracy, which include: limited understanding of numeracy; a lack of commitment; and inadequate skills. Successful embedding of numeracy in all learning areas requires: the commitment and support of school leaders, a review of school curriculum documents and pedagogical practices, professional development of teachers, and adequate funding to support these activities.  相似文献   

This paper provides insights into non-Indigenous teachers’ efforts to engage proactively and productively with students to enhance their learning in a predominantly Indigenous community in northern Queensland, Australia. Drawing upon notions of ‘funds of knowledge’, forms of capital as part of community cultural wealth, Critical Race Theory, and ‘whiteness’ studies, the research explores and challenges how white teachers draw upon community as a form of ‘capital’ to enable them to foster their students’ learning. These efforts to ‘capitalise’ on community reveal the school as a site of struggle for genuinely inclusive educational practices. These struggles were evident in: teachers' and school administrators’ ostensive care about their students but struggles to translate this into robust expectations as part of a genuinely inclusive curriculum; the cultivation of social and cultural capital to learn about the nature of the communities in which teachers worked but a tendency to deploy such knowledges for more instrumentalist reasons as part of their engagement with both the ‘official’ curriculum and Indigenous students; and, a desire and capacity to develop connections between community cultural capital and more dominant forms of capital but in ways which do not adequately foreground Indigenous epistemologies as curriculum. The research reveals teachers’ efforts to develop understandings of community cultural wealth and the funds of knowledge within communities, but also how their understandings were partial and proximal, and how subsequent social and teaching practices tended to instrumentalise Indigenous perspectives and insights.  相似文献   

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