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针对传统“Solid Works三维建模设计”课程教学存在的不足,结合多年实践教学经验,将微课引入“Solid Works三维建模设计”课程教学当中,有助于提升学生自主学习能力,实现分层教学,提升“Solid Works三维建模设计”课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

SolidWorks三维CAD软件功能强大、操作方便.在《机械制图》教学中,将SolidWorks功能与《机械制图》课程教学有机结合起来可以明显提高教学效果.  相似文献   

随着我国动漫产业的兴起和发展,二维动画已经成为我国动画艺术的主流表现形式.为了提高二维动画的制作水平,在教学中着重培养学生的图形创意思维是非常重要的.本文首先阐述了图形创意思维的内涵,然后从三个方面详细阐述了如何在二维动画教学中,培养学生的图形创意思维.  相似文献   

CAD三维实体辅助教学法符合认识运动规律,符合机械制图教学规律,运用CAD三维实体辅助教学法教学解释机械制图教学中的重点、难点问题,具有推广价值。  相似文献   

分析了在工程制图教学中引入CAD三维建模的必要性,介绍了CAD当前的教学现状,探索CAD三维建模在教学中的应用,为教学提供了丰富的素材,开阔了学生的视野,激发了学生的学习兴趣,提高了教学效果。  相似文献   

情感态度与价值观教育逐渐融入中小学各学科的教学之中,也成为初中生物教学的"三维'目标之一.在初中生物教学中,如何实现"情感态度与价值观"目标,近几年来,笔者从教师、学生、教材等方面做了一些尝试.  相似文献   

本文对机械制图的教学中如何与Pro/E三维软件相结合的教学模式进行探讨,并讨论如何在教学中引进计算机辅助教学,将机械制图与Pro/E有机地结合起来,以提高教育教学质量、提高学生就业竞争力的目的.  相似文献   

小学数学教学研究首先是方法和理论的学习,其次是实践的分析和探索,第三是经验和理论的总结与提高,呈螺旋式发展,所以有三条维线,是一种立体式的学习研究.  相似文献   

论述了机械制图课程体系改革的意义.根据制造业发展的需求,重新构建了机械制图课程教学体系,提出了把UG三维造型技术内容融入到机械制图课程的方案,并将教学内容重新整合,实现教学重点转移,将制图中经典知识和先进的计算机绘图技术有机结合.  相似文献   

地理决策是中学地理课堂教学的重点和难点。文章在阐释中学地理决策教学内涵的基础上,提出地理决策教学在知识衍生、能力培养及学习视角方面的三大特征。同时,引入霍尔三维结构模型,从时间维(决策教学水平阶段)、逻辑维(决策教学环节)和知识维(决策教学理论储备)三个维度建立地理决策教学的三维模式,其中逻辑维按“明确决策问题—提供决策依据—进行决策分析—确定决策方案—凝练决策方法”五步骤依次推进。  相似文献   

"逆向工程与3D打印技术"课程的开设,是为了培养医学院校学生的医工结合的能力。以项目为驱动将知识点融入项目中进行教学,采用计算机软件操作、实验设备操作等教学手段,使学生了解医学领域相关的逆向工程和3D打印技术的基本理论知识和实践应用技能,为现代医学培养医工结合的复合型应用人才。  相似文献   

"到"在现代汉语句法结构中的分布主要有以下几种情况:(1):(S)//D (N),(2):(S)//D N VP,(3):(S)//V D (□),(4):(从)X到Y.在不同的句法结构里,"到"表现为动词、介词、连词、助词等不同的词性."到"的词性不同,与之相应的句法结构也应作不同的分析.  相似文献   

山西处黄河中游,有中华民族"文化摇篮"之称,有得天独厚的历史文化积淀。中国科举隋大业元年(605年)始,清光绪三十一年(1905年)终,历经1300年,横跨唐、五代、宋、辽、金、元、明、清。作为一种考试制度延续上千年的历史,这在中国和世界历史上都绝无仅有。历代科举中,山西共产生3000余名进士,有40余人进入鼎甲。本文尝试对山西历代的状元、榜眼、探花的情况进行小考。  相似文献   

This article describes a typical evening at the Clinica del Pueblo in the Hispanic neighborhood of Adams-Morgan in Washington, D.c. The Clinical del Pueblo began operating in 1983 in response to the urgen medical needs of Central American refugees arriving in the Washington D.c. area. The refugees bring with them severe trauma, fear, and health problems caused by the civil was and exacerbated by inadequate or non-existant health services. Approximately 80,000 Salvadoran refugees live in the area. They do not receive adequate health care for 3 reasons. 1) Because the US goverment is unwilling to recognize them as true refugees, they live with the constant threat of deportatin back to the violence from which they have fled. 2) Refugees lack the ability to pay for private care. 3) Langauage and culture create frightening barriers to health care for the refugees. For those who do seek care, these barriers can lead to the inadequate or incomplete diagnoses and poor compliance and follow-up. Plenty International and the Central American Refugee Center responded to these problems by organizing a free clinic to provide not only medical care but also a training course for volunteers. The director of the clinic organizes the course, the classes are taught by a variety of people including the clinic's volunteer physicians, nurses, and public health educators as well as graduates of previus training courses and people from the wider community. The services of the clinic reach only a small portion of the population in need. However, the fact that free medical services are now available to some Central American refugees make the Clinica del Pueblo an important program.  相似文献   

在康复治疗技术专业解剖学教学中应用3D虚拟解剖模型和学生手机APP进行学习,能很好地解决标本短缺的问题,取得较好的教学效果。文章介绍3D虚拟解剖模型概况,探讨3D虚拟解剖模型的应用优势,并指出3D虚拟解剖模型的不足和改进办法,以激发学生的学习兴趣,使教师的教与学生的学都变得更加轻松。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) or volumetric visualization is a useful resource for learning about the anatomy of the human brain. However, the effectiveness of 3D spatial visualization has not yet been assessed systematically. This report analyzes whether 3D volumetric visualization helps learners to identify and locate subcortical structures more precisely than classical cross-sectional images based on a two dimensional (2D) approach. Eighty participants were assigned to each experimental condition: 2D cross-sectional visualization vs. 3D volumetric visualization. Both groups were matched for age, gender, visual-spatial ability, and previous knowledge of neuroanatomy. Accuracy in identifying brain structures, execution time, and level of confidence in the response were taken as outcome measures. Moreover, interactive effects between the experimental conditions (2D vs. 3D) and factors such as level of competence (novice vs. expert), image modality (morphological and functional), and difficulty of the structures were analyzed. The percentage of correct answers (hit rate) and level of confidence in responses were significantly higher in the 3D visualization condition than in the 2D. In addition, the response time was significantly lower for the 3D visualization condition in comparison with the 2D. The interaction between the experimental condition (2D vs. 3D) and difficulty was significant, and the 3D condition facilitated the location of difficult images more than the 2D condition. 3D volumetric visualization helps to identify brain structures such as the hippocampus and amygdala, more accurately and rapidly than conventional 2D visualization. This paper discusses the implications of these results with regards to the learning process involved in neuroimaging interpretation.  相似文献   

自从克拉申提出语言学习(language learning)和语言习得(language acquisition)这对概念并加以区分以来,学术界一直在探讨两者的不同点,并试图通过比较,找出其中适合本民族、本国度学习第二语言的途径。本文认为:任何一门语言的学习和掌握都是“习得”和“学得”两者共同作用的结果;语言学习有两个层次,部分可以习得,而另一部分必须通过学习才能获得,母语的学习过程也是如此。语言学习过程中两个层次的观点对外语学习具有指导意义。  相似文献   

在罗斯福时代,美国黑人的政治力量显著增高,参与联邦政府决策的黑人数量不断增多,并发挥着重要的作用。1936年夏季,“联邦黑人事务委员会”或曰“黑人内阁”出现。“黑人内阁”的一系列活动提高了广大黑人群众的政治参与意识与能力,它本身也成为黑人政治成就的象征。  相似文献   

基于Google SketchUp的虚拟城市三维景观构建技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虚拟城市是现代城市信息化发展的产物,越来越广泛地应用于城市规划、建设和管理之中。如何高效、快速地构建三维景观是建立虚拟城市的关键技术。基于Google SketchUp的虚拟城市三维景观构建方法,其操作简单,效率高,大大降低构建大规模三维景观所花费的时间和精力,从而可以降低工程的成本,加快城市三维景观技术的推广。这种方法可以广泛应用于各高校校园景观建设,住宅小区的整体效果三维演示,中小城市的三维景观建设以及各种城市规划工作中。  相似文献   

3D打印技术的发展使得产品的设计、制造和传播更为便利化,但是也随之引发侵犯著作权的风险。根据产品设计文档进行3D打印产品的行为是否属于著作权法上的复制行为,抑或是产品制造行为,是判定其构成侵权的重要因素。对于美术作品或者实用产品的设计文档进行3D打印,将产生不同的法律后果。在3D打印领域,我们应当对于功能性产品的设计文档提供著作复制权保护,合理设定复制权保护范围,同时拓展合理使用和默示许可等著作权保护的豁免制度,以期通过3D打印增进社会公共利益。  相似文献   

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