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The purpose of this study was to determine the possible relationship between a subject's musical style preference and other variables: religious preference, age, sex, marital status, health, education, previous musical experience, and residence category. One hundred four persons aged 55 and older were seen at area nutrition centers. A questionnaire and musical preference test were administered to each subject. The latter consisted of 28 pairs of musical excerpts. Eight styles of music were included, distributed equally between vocal and instrumental examples. Each style was paired with every other style. Respondents were asked to state a preference for one of the two excerpts of each pair. Educational level and past musical experience most influenced choice of style, although there was some relationship between musical preferences and the majority of the other variables under consideration.  相似文献   


Language for children who have special educational needs is generally recognised to be an educational objective in its own right. In the last decade, the pragmatic perspective has currently focussed attention on the contexts within which the structures of language develop and are used. It is suggested that naturalistic interactions between children and adults provide appropriate contexts for language learning. The focus of the present study was to examine the possible relationship between a musical context and language learning. A group of six language‐impaired children was studied in two routinized contexts, a lesson‐without‐music and a singing session. Child‐teacher talk in the musical and non‐musical contexts was analysed using a conversational participation coding system, which included measures of turn‐taking, initiation and imitation. The findings suggest that the addition of music to a routinized context has the potential to increase the language‐impaired child's ability to interact non‐verbally.  相似文献   

在音乐教学的过程中给学生一个全面而合理的评价,不但能够鉴别学生的学业状况和学习能力,而且可以了解音乐教师的教学质量和教学能力,提供音乐教学的反馈信息,对提高音乐学科教学质量有着极大的促进作用。  相似文献   

We examined the associations between academic achievement and arts involvement (access to a musical instrument for the child at home, participation in unspecified after-school arts activities) in a sample of 2339 11–12-year-olds surveyed in the USA between 1998 and 2008. We compared the contributions of these variables to other kinds of cognitive stimulation at home (e.g. books), participation in after-school sports, and socioeconomic factors. Involvement in after-school arts was positively related to academic achievement only for those children who also reported access to a musical instrument. Access to a musical instrument predicted academic achievement independently of socioeconomic status. We consider the possibilities that the results may be indicative of differing parental attitudes in homes with musical instruments and/or a causal link between instrumental music learning and academic achievement.  相似文献   

视唱教学可以提高学生的识谱能力,培养学生良好的乐感,使他们的音乐兴趣得以持续与发展,为他们进一步感受和学习音乐打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

This article focuses on an oversubscribed UK higher education music conservatoire that centres its selection procedures on individual performance auditions. In this mixed‐method study, centrally‐held assessment scores are used to show that A‐level music grades are a more effective predictor of final degree result than performance at audition. This context is then used to consider the learning of two students at the conservatoire who defy the expectations implied by the statistical results. Through six interviews with each student, their stories are probed through the lens of their trajectories of participation. Drawing on the notion of expansive and restrictive learning, the role that depth and breadth plays in learning to perform is unpacked, and it is suggested that both may be of central importance in shaping musical expertise. The authors discuss the results in terms of the specific challenges that the conservatoire faces in broadening its access, and consider the implications for learners of musical performance.  相似文献   

Does the use of musical accompaniment in instructional media enhance motivation and learning? Many instructional film producers avoid music in their presentations, but others regularly use music to accompany the instruction. Such differences in production may well affect the level of enjoyment, assimilation, retention, recall, transfer and application of the material to be learnt. This paper describes a study into whether the use of music on video‐mediated instruction has any effects on students’ learning. The study revealed only inconclusive differences in effect between video instruction accompanied with music and video instruction without music  相似文献   

器乐演奏是整个音乐教育的重要内容,是学生学习音乐的重要艺术实践.是器乐教学的主要形式之一。乐器技能的训练,主要是通过手指的触摸动作来完成的,其手、足、眼、口、脑等多种器官的协调活动,大大激发大脑的整体协调能力,是全脑教育的有效方式。  相似文献   

Kant based Geometry upon the intuition of space and Arithmetic upon the intuition of time. Frege's logicism accepts Kant's view on Geometry and rejects his view on Arithmetic. Logicism bases Arithmetic upon the Logics of sets. On the other hand Brouwer's Intuitionism accepts Kant's view on Arithmetic and rejects his view on Geometry.A model of Ben-Dov and Carmon relates the Kantian modes of perception, space and time, to the brain's right and left hemispheres, respectively. Therefore we conjectured that the preference for particular foundational schools may be related to the brain's hemispheres.Another way to approach mathematics according to two foundational schools is to compare Nominalism with Platonism. Nominalism accepts individual objects and therefore may be related to the left hemisphere, which processes individual details of information. Platonism accepts classes of individual objects and may be related to the right hemisphere, which integrates individual objects into new wholes.These conjectures were tested in a course on Philosophy of Mathematics. The students were asked which foundational schools they preferred and these preferences were then compared with the scores on the hemispheric tests. The results correspond to the conjectures and the model of Ben-Dov and Carmon.This work is part of a doctoral thesis of the author, which was carried out under the supervision of Prof. A. Evyatar.  相似文献   

大脑左右半球的性别差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从大脑左右半球的结构、功能、医学检测等方面论述了男性与女性的差异,并分析了大脑左右半球性别差异的原因.分析表明男性和女性的大脑半球在结构上、智力上、认知水平和非认知能力上存在差异,在医学的双耳分听技术、半视野速示方法、脑成像技术和表情判断等检测中也有不同表现.其原因有性激素的作用,也有大脑皮层本身结构的影响.  相似文献   

Hemispheric specialization and the language abilities of autistic children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between patterns of hemispheric specialization for speech processing and language ability in autistic children. 17 male autistic children, 6-18 years of age, and 17 normal children, matched for chronological age and gender, were tested. Measures of hemispheric asymmetry were differences in the averaged cortical evoked responses taken from right and left hemisphere scalp locations to linguistic and nonlinguistic auditory stimuli. A comprehensive battery of language tests was administered to autistic subjects. Autistic children's direction of hemispheric asymmetry in response to linguistic stimuli differed significantly from that of normal subjects. The majority of autistic subjects showed reversed (right hemisphere dominant), but not necessarily reduced, patterns of hemispheric asymmetry. Autistic children with more advanced language abilities were more likely to exhibit a normal direction of hemispheric asymmetry. The possibility that a shift from right to left hemisphere processing of speech occurs as the autistic child acquires spoken language is discussed.  相似文献   

Usually special factors thought to correlate with music are taken as tools for measuring musical ability: pitch, rhythm, musical intelligence. It is expected that these tests will differentiate between people. Here elements of an approach to using the unity of music itself for differentation are offered, based on the hypothesis that a musical composition might, in a later stage of development, not only correlate highly with validated ability tests but, because of its closeness to real life, make a positive contribution to the further development of musical ability tests.  相似文献   

赵瑛 《天津教育》2021,(5):130-132
幼儿音乐教学,就是对幼儿的审美能力的培养。教学实践当中,幼儿教师可以利用现代化的教学手段,采取科学有效的“互动课堂模式”,营造良好的教学氛围,激发幼儿学习音乐的兴趣;采取灵活多样的教学方式,充分发挥城乡课程资源的优势互补,全面提高幼儿的音乐素养,为他们将来进一步发展奠定良好的基础。在欣赏音乐的过程中,幼儿教师应帮助幼儿领悟音乐所要表达的情感世界,使幼儿真正把握音乐的内涵意义,从而全面理解音乐作品。  相似文献   

视唱练耳是学习音乐专业的基础,音准是它的重点.本文从生理特征的把握和具体知识的运用两方面就如何进行音准学习进行分析和阐述.  相似文献   

小学生器乐学习状况调查问卷统计表明:课堂上学生喜欢挑选的乐器是电子琴、口风琴、口琴、竖笛和小鼓;绝大多数学生对器乐学习感兴趣、富有热情;从城乡与男女生比较看,城市学生偏爱唱歌,乡村学生及男生略偏好器乐,女生略偏好唱歌但对唱歌和器乐都表现出浓厚的兴趣;大多数学生对自己所学的乐器充满自信、感到自豪,喜欢表现与交往,但还缺乏一定的表现能力;通过演奏乐器学会识谱的人数超过了唱歌,他们认为学习乐器后音乐课的兴趣增加,更有精神,最可贵的是把表现音乐当成器乐学习的主要目的。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,音乐学习逐渐成为社会化的活动,但存在着小学生审美趣味成人化、学习环境不理想等特点,解决这些问题可通过创设音乐化的学习环境、营造音乐化的生活环境、建立资源共享的班级音乐资料库等途径,使音乐学习成为学生生动、具体、艺术化的生活体验。  相似文献   

A small number of studies show that music training is associated with improvements in reading or in its component skills. A central question underlying this present research is whether musical activity can enhance the acquisition of reading skill, potentially before formal reading instruction begins. We explored two dimensions of this question: an investigation of links between kindergartners’ music rhythm skills and their phonological awareness in kindergarten and second grade; and an investigation of whether kindergartners who receive intensive musical training demonstrate more phonological skills than kindergartners who receive less. Results indicated that rhythm skill was related to phonological segmentation skill at the beginning of kindergarten, and that children who received more music training during kindergarten showed improvement in a wider range of phonological awareness skills at the end of kindergarten than children with less training. Further, kindergartners’ rhythm ability was strongly related to their phonological awareness and basic word identification skills in second grade. We argue that rhythm sensitivity is a pre-cursor skill to oral language acquisition, and that the ability to perceive and manipulate time intervals in sound streams may link performance of rhythm and phonological tasks.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a cross-cultural research study of children’s preferences for group musical activities in child care centres. A total of 228 young children aged 4–5 years in seven child care centres in Hong Kong and in the Adelaide City of South Australia participated in the study. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected via a mixed method approach. Result showed that dancing/moving was children’s most preferred musical activity in centres. Significant differences were found between children’s cultural contexts and their preferences for three activities: (1) Singing; (2) Listening; and (3) Playing instruments. Qualitative data further revealed the social phenomena of these two cultural contexts which influenced children’s preferences. Implications for the curriculum planning of early childhood music education arising from these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

音乐治疗师对于智障儿童的个性化治疗目标包括以下五个方面:治疗性的音乐体验可以有组织地促进正确的行为,减少不正确的行为;音乐活动可以促进和发展运动技能和学习能力;音乐治疗的体验可以促进语言的发展和增强语音能力;设计良好的治疗性音乐体验可以协助教授智障儿童掌握基本的技能,如注意力集中、听从指令、保持目光接触等;音乐治疗师可以帮助智障儿童在他们的闲暇时间里参与有意义的音乐活动,包括聆听和参与音乐演奏。  相似文献   

音乐对象是音乐体验的焦点,它是通过审美体验与作为审美实体的音乐为审美对象,同时也是人们对聆听的音乐所附加的内心情感的一种解释,表现出音乐欣赏心理的不确定性。  相似文献   

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