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品牌目标是品牌输入层面和描述部分的十三种品牌工具之一。如何构建一套完整的企业品牌目标体系,是当前急需解决的一个重大课题。文章在建立品牌平衡计分卡框架的基础上,结合远东控股集团的品牌实践,提出了五层面的品牌目标体系,最后重点对财务(品牌资产价值)、品牌竞争力、品牌形象力、业务流程绩效、成长与学习等层面的目标和指标的设置问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Line planning is the first important strategic element in the railway operation planning process, which will directly affect the successive planning to determine the efficiency of the whole railway system. A two-layer optimization model is proposed within a simulation framework to deal with the high-speed railway (HSR) line planning problem. In the model, the top layer aims at achieving an optimal stop-schedule set with the service frequencies, and is formulated as a nonlinear program, solved by genetic algorithm. The objective of top layer is to minimize the total operation cost and unserved passenger volume. Given a specific stop-schedule, the bottom layer focuses on weighted passenger flow assignment, formulated as a mixed integer program with the objective of maximizing the served passenger volume and minimizing the total travel time for all passengers. The case study on Taiwan HSR shows that the proposed two-layer model is better than the existing techniques. In addition, this model is also illustrated with the Beijing-Shanghai HSR in China. The result shows that the two-layer optimization model can reduce computation complexity and that an optimal set of stop-schedules can always be generated with less calculation time.  相似文献   

为了改善传统粒子群优化算法过早陷入局部最优解的缺点,进一步增强算法收敛性,通过使用一定范围内邻域最好位置lBest代替自身历史最好位置pBest进行速度与位置更新,以增强粒子跨邻域学习能力。使用整个群体中最好位置gBest进行速度与位置更新,可增强算法收敛性,且具有较好的全局搜索能力。在8个不同的单峰和多峰函数上系统地对3种算法进行测试与比较,实验结果表明,提出的跨邻域学习改进粒子群优化算法可避免粒子群陷入局部最优解,求解精度与算法收敛性都提升了15%以上。  相似文献   

本文把质点动力学的Lagrange表述法和流体力学惯用的Euler表述法结合起来,建立了描述台风顶部辐散流出层Coriolis旋流的独特的二维微分方程组。该方程组有精确解,得到了流线方程.台风流出层气流先表现为气旋性流出,然后转化为反气旋性流出,本文求得了转向点的位置,理论计算的结果与由观测资料得到的Fujita模式符合得较好,并且导得强台风流出层转向半径与流入层转向半径相等的结论。  相似文献   

地方政府是在制度规则下,基于自身本质进行行为选择的个体行为者。对地方政府行为取向起决定作用的是他的“本性”和规范它的制度规则。要改变地方政府非理性行为取向,必须通过科学发展观的制度化,即把科学发展观转化为科学的政府绩效评估制度,正确引导激励地方政府,使地方政府的自身利益、地方领导的个体利益与地方的科学发展统一起来,使之在尊重个体理性的基础上达到集体理性。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市沙依巴克区自2011年12月开展社区矫正工作以来,在结合本辖区民族成分、社会管理及服刑人员特点的基础上,取得了一定成绩。为更好地开展社区矫正工作,应将社区矫正工作纳入新疆维稳大局统筹安排;加强司法所规范化建设,垂管进程宜快不宜慢;尽快制定《社区矫正法》;明确社区矫正工作的执法主体;加强社区矫正队伍建设,培养讲政治、懂业务的合格人才;建立社区矫正专项经费机制,保证社区矫正工作落实到位;建立工作联席会议制度,切实做到矫正工作的无缝对接;建立类型化矫正制度,完善针对性矫正措施。  相似文献   

本文主要考虑一类具有阶段结构的三次捕食者-食饵模型的方程组正解的动力学性态,证明了解的有界性。并利用线性化方法和Lyapunov函数讨论其非负平衡点的局部稳定性与全局稳定性。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to explore the lived experience of kindergarten teachers with mobile documentation designed to support their tracking of children's learning activities in an emergent curriculum. A structure for mobile documentation was created with the smartphone and cloud system. The phenomenological approach used in this study showed that mobile documentation supported teachers' documentation processes and cultivated the mobile learning community. In particular, less experienced teachers gained more benefits than experienced teachers because the former understood the emergent curriculum by viewing photos from and observing activities in other classrooms. In addition, the teachers' supervisor benefited from understanding the activities and projects occurring in each classroom and could provide specific mentoring to less experienced teachers. Suggestions were provided to cultivate a positive mobile learning community in an emergent curriculum.  相似文献   

三维模型相似性分析是计算机视觉中的重点问题,如何构建其形状特征和对比函数是难点。随着深度学习出现,通过神经网络自动提取模型特征成为研究热点。构建了双层CNN网络,首先利用热核特征函数分别构建带有颜色的刚性和非刚性训练集与测试集,其次将数据集通过双层CNN网络进行模型训练,第一层实现类别初步判定,第二层实现同一模型刚性与非刚性形变区分。为了提高分类准确度,对初步分类错误的模型引入阈值判定,将其直接排除。通过实验分析,双层CNN网络刚性与非刚性的判别准确率达到99%。实验证明,该方法在模型相似性分析上是鲁棒的,且提取的特征不受人工干扰。  相似文献   

This paper focuses mainly on the stability analysis of two-lane traffic flow with lateral friction, which may be caused by irregular driving behavior or poorly visible road markings, and also attempts to reveal the formation mechanism of traffic jams. Firstly, a two-lane optimal velocity (OV) model without control signals is proposed and its stability condition is obtained from the viewpoint of control theory. Then delayed-feedback control signals composed of distance headway information from both lanes are added to each vehicle and a vehicular control system is designed to suppress the traffic jams. Lane change behaviors are also incorporated into the two-lane OV model and the corresponding information about distance headway and feedback signals is revised. Finally, the results of numerical experiments are shown to verify that when the stability condition is not met, the position disturbances and resulting lane change behaviors do indeed deteriorate traffic performance and cause serious traffic jams. However, once the proper delayed-feedback control signals are implemented, the traffic jams can be suppressed efficiently.  相似文献   

随着计算机的普及,多媒体教学已成为各高校主要的教学手段,但在教学运用中,人们常常只见其优点。本文指出多媒体教学有其负面性,它可能导致想象力的萎缩、语言表达能力的衰退以及声与像的两难选择,并提出相应的对策,并特别指出每一位从事多媒体教学的人都应当发挥其教学智慧,尽可能地避免其负面性。  相似文献   

利用机器视觉系统获取养殖鱼摄食图像纹理特征来识别养殖鱼群的摄食行为。 从养殖鱼摄食图像上直接提取能表征鱼群摄食行为的20 维特征,通过归一化、PCA 降维和支持向量机训练获得养殖鱼摄食行为识别模型,以实现对养殖鱼摄食行为的识别。 结果表明,提出方法的平均精确度为92.3%、假负率7.34%、假正率4.15%,为指导养殖鱼智能投饵提供了参考。  相似文献   

师范教育是我国现阶段教师教育的主要途径,其主力军地位不容置疑。但师范教育也应审时度势,树立陶行知的“大教育观念”,建立开放的教师教育体系。教师教育应该走综合发展之路:整合师范教育目标,实现培养和培训目标综合化;调整师范教育结构,建立开放的教师教育体系;改革师范教育内容,加强课程的综合性、实践性。从而为教师专业化打下坚实的教育基础。  相似文献   

成人高等教育人才培养目标的定位必须区分战略目标、院校目标、学习者个体目标。战略目标的定位要放在实施科教兴国、迎接知识经济挑战、建设国家创新体系等宏大背景下进行;院校层面目标的构建,应以主动适应国家经济建设需要、适应就业市场需要为原则;学习者个体目标的确定,则应以提升素质、强化职业技能为导向。  相似文献   

为了解决传统粒子群算法早熟收敛陷入局部最优、粒子中期震荡及收敛结果不精确的问题,提出一种基于叠加Logistic映射分布的FWA-PSO算法对其进行改进。具体方法是:叠加Logistic映射用于对粒子位置的混沌初始化,在粒子数量一定的情况下,平衡最大遍历路径与最快收敛速度;引入FWA算法,同时根据迭代次数与粒子位置标准差,基于惩罚机制非线性调整爆炸半径r、惯性权重w、个体学习因子c1和社会学习因子c2,融合高斯变异算子与循环单维度寻优策略,在维系粒子群多样性的同时,也能避免粒子越过最优解。实验结果表明:FWA-PSO算法针对单峰函数50次平均值均能达到最优解0,证明了算法的稳定性与可靠性;对于多峰函数,FWA-PSO算法也能求得最优解,证明该算法可跳出局部最优,得到全局最优解。  相似文献   

This study examined the moderating role of the individual differences of goal orientation and affectivity on self-efficacy development. Consistent with hypotheses, results indicate that both positive and negative affectivity moderate the impact of an enactive mastery training program on efficacy development, with those higher in positive affectivity having greater change in self-efficacy as a result of training than those lower in positive affectivity, and those lower in negative affectivity having greater change in self-efficacy as a result of training than those higher in negative affectivity. The moderating impact of mastery and performance goal orientation appears to be much more complex, with initial levels of self-efficacy playing an important role in the interaction between goal orientation and efficacy development. Overall, results suggest self-efficacy development resulting from training varies depending on disposition of trainees and initial levels of efficacy.  相似文献   

建立了受约束的广义Birkhoff系统的运动方程,求出系统的平衡位置,并在平衡位置处建立受约束的广义Birkhoff系统的受扰运动方程,根据Lyapnnov一次近似理论和直接法来判定受约束的广义Birkhoff系统的平衡稳定性。举例说明它的应用。  相似文献   

Endeavors to reform the Swedish education system must be viewed in light of the change in this nation's place in world power politics and its increasing economic prosperity during the thirties and, in particular, after World War 11. After years of political stability, the Social Democrats acceded to the government in 1932 and began to create the conditions necessary for carrying out radical and economic social change as they established and consolidated their position of power. (92) The measures they undertook to improve social and economic conditions went beyond the mere elimination of existing disparities; their goal was broader — namely, to eliminate the differences among social groups, rooted in the Swedish social system, with regard to standard of living and degree of influence in p blic life. Central to the efforts to make this goal a reality was the discussion over a redefinition of the function of education. The Social Democrats started from the postulate — as formulated in the report of the Working Group on Equality in 1969 — that "education is one of the most important means for changing society." (93) The education offered to the individual must take into account the relationship between education and work, and hence the problem of social reproduction and social integration.  相似文献   

高职“思想道德修养与法律基础”教学改革探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《思想道德修养与法律基础》是实现高职德育目标重要的必修课程,必须正确认识其在高职思政课程体系中的地位、性质和任务,确立以“崇德尚能”为目标、以主体性德育理念为指导的课程改革基本理念,实现阅读导引、案例导学、实践体验三位一体的导学型教学模式,并合理构筑课程考核与成绩评价体系,才能切实提高“基础课”教学的针对性和实效性,使“基础课”真正承担起德育教育主渠道的功能。  相似文献   

改革现行的课程评价机制,建立能促进学生素质全面发展、激励教师积极进取的评价体系,是新一轮历史课程改革的重要内容。初中历史教师要充分认识到在对学生进行发展性评价,一定要尊重学生的个体差异,学习标准和发展目标进行精心选材,选取真正适合有利于学生的评价,最终达到促进学生素质全面发展,激励教师积极进取目的,下面五种方法值得借鉴。第一、课堂行为观察。第二、情感态度价值观评价。第三、情景体验。第四、肯定性语言评价。第五、设计多元个性化作业。  相似文献   

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