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England has a two-sector system of higher education and further education. Shaped by legislation in 1988 and 1992, the architecture of this system was intended to concentrate each type of education in separate institutions and separate sectors. In recognition of these different missions, each territory came under different funding and regulatory regimes, with little or no movement of institutions anticipated between sectors. These arrangements continue, although Government policy is now to support and expand higher education in further education colleges. This policy turnaround is part of a larger strategy or experiment to change the future pattern of demand for, and supply of, undergraduate education. However, the college contribution to this new higher education is neither co-ordinated nor protected. Rather, further education colleges compete as well as collaborate with institutions in the higher education sector, under conditions of complexity, uncertainty and dependency.  相似文献   

This article uses the themes of genesis, metamorphoses, continuity and change from a comparative perspective to show the links and relationships between the ideas of the New Educationists, progressive education and the counter culture of the late 1970s. The article discusses important educationists from different continents and different time periods, namely Montessori (Italy), Neil (United Kingdom), Rogers (USA) and Cock and Millikin (Australia) to examine key issues in the history of New Education progressive education and the counter culture.  相似文献   

无论是从管理机构还是从办学单位来看,我国的继续教育、成人教育、职业教育及远程教育大都是独立而并存的。本文旨在辨别和分析这四类教育的相互关系及在整个教育体系中的位置。通过文献分析,发现我国对继续教育的对象有五种不同的界定,主要歧义表现在对继续教育学习者的学历要求、职称要求、在职要求的不同。本研究表明,在继续教育对象的界定中包含了成人教育、职业教育、远程教育;在成人教育对象的界定中包含了继续教育、职业教育、远程教育;在职业教育对象的界定中包含了继续教育、成人教育、远程教育;在远程教育对象的界定中包含了继续教育、成人教育、职业教育。总的来说,这四种教育互相重叠、互相包含。作者认为,这种现状不利于我国发挥优质教育资源共享的优势。作者进而参考国际教育标准分类,并根据我国教育实情,建立了我国教育系统的构想模型:包括两个系列(正规教育和继续教育)、九个层次(从学前教育至博士)、两类对象(全日制学生和在职成人学生)、三种模式(面授教学、远程教学、混合式或整合式教学)。作者最后提出,与知识经济社会相适应的应该是全民化的继续教育,而不再是与工业化社会相适应的精英继续教育。  相似文献   

The present authors wrote a paper on cognitive neuroscience (i.e., Byrnes and Fox, 1998) that spawned a number of commentaries. In the present paper, they respond to these commentaries. Using a theme-based approach, they reveal an emerging consensus regarding the educational relevance of neuroscientific research.  相似文献   

促进人文、艺术、科学教育的融合追求真、善、美的统一   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
人文、艺术与科学教育的融合是人自身发展的内在要求,是符合人文、社会和自然和谐统一的客观规律的,也是当代高等教育发展的世界潮流。中国高等教育和清华大学应吸收国际高等教育发展的经验,同时突出民族文化传统,融人文、艺术与科学教育为一体,培养集真善美于一身的高素质人才。  相似文献   

作为一门学科,教育学的发展历程非常独特。教育学产生之时,普通教育兴起,教育学随之以普通教育为研究对象,以师资培训和学生培养为学科旨趣而迅速发展起来,其结果是教育学长期被等同于普通教育学。事实上,就在普通教育学兴起之时,伴随着对幼儿教育的关注,学前教育学作为教育学的一部分也同时兴起。但正像学前教育长期被划分在正规国民教育之外、不属于义务教育范畴一样,学前教育学虽然名义上属于教育学的分支学科,但长期以来由于教育学几乎等同于普通教育学,学前教育学一直独自发展。二战以后,伴随世界范围内高等教育的蓬勃发展,高等教育研究迅速兴起。20世纪70年代末,东西方学者共同提出了高等教育学这一概念。随着高等教育学的最终出现并逐渐成熟,目前教育学已面临“三分天下”的困局。在未来的学科建设中,能否破解学科分裂的困局,有机地融合学前教育学、普通教育学与高等教育学,将成为教育学重建过程中走向学科统一的关键。  相似文献   

Martin Haigh 《Compare》2008,38(4):427-440
The internationalisation of higher education aims to produce ‘citizens that feel at home in the world’ but the process is driven by both economic and educational motivations. Today, the international community aspires to promote Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Education for Democratic Citizenship (EDC), together planetary citizenship, and with them emphases on personal and ethical responsibilities to the environment and future that contrast with current competitive individualism. Driven by rising numbers of international students, curricula are already shifting toward more global assessments of society and environment. However, progress is being impeded by management systems that take commerce as their model. While instructors strive to ensure that learners consider their responsibilities through ESD and EDC, their message is being contradicted by their context. Since learners learn from their total environment, not just in classrooms, changes are required. Granting greater attention to sustainability issues and the empowerment of learners and teachers would allow a better constructive alignment between educational and economic imperatives.  相似文献   

This article explores and compares the salient characteristics and educational influences of humanism in both Islam and Confucianism. It is argued that the humanist tradition in both belief systems upholds the development and transforming ability of human beings. A common aim of education is to nurture God/Way-conscious and virtuous individuals who fulfill their calling on earth by achieving perfection. Rather than advocating textual transmission, didacticism, and rote-memorization, the humanist tradition in both Islam and Confucianism supports a broad-based curriculum and promotes active learning pedagogies.  相似文献   

成人教育是为受教育程度不同的成人提供不同层次和不同功能教育的总和;广义的继续教育是指在任何教育基础之上的教育,狭义的继续教育主要指受教育者在其初始教育之后所接受的教育;终身教育这个概念则是包括了教育的一切方面,它并不是一个教育体系,而是建立一个体系的全面组织所根据的原则。成人教育、继续教育是两个不同维度的概念,但它们之间也有一定联系,且二者均属于终身教育的范畴。  相似文献   

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