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马生来 《体育世界》2009,(11):77-78
中国男篮近来的成绩下滑,给中国篮球敲响了警钟,本文在结合中国男篮目前现状的基础上提出过去利益观的嬗变导致了选材的唯身高论﹑篮球运动中身高与速度灵活性的辩证关系﹑选材的多维评价模式。  相似文献   

目前,我国篮球后备人才存在着数量萎缩、训练理念陈旧、缺少比赛锻炼、“读训矛盾”尖锐、资金短缺等诸多弊端,这是导致目前我国篮球运动水平下滑的主要因素,本研究就改革培养体制、培育市场、加强政府的宏观调控能力、活跃群众篮球运动、提高训练科学性等方面,对我国篮球后备人才的培养提出对策.  相似文献   

轮椅篮球是伤残人坐在轮椅上进行的篮球运动项目,所有参赛者必须坐在灵敏度较高的篮球轮椅上活动,而比赛规则也经过改良以配合坐在轮椅上运球前进,其它的规则与一般健全人篮球运动相同。我国轮椅篮球虽有二十多年的发展历史,但并没有在残奥会或世界轮椅锦标赛上取得过优异的成绩,在亚洲赛场上也没有显赫的战绩。本文通过对我国目前轮椅篮球运动开展现状的调查研究,找出影响我国轮椅篮球运动开展的主要因素,以便使我国轮椅篮球运动能够持续、健康的发展。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法对八一男篮的起源和发展历史进行研究。八一男篮是我国篮球运动发展史中不可或缺的中坚力量,曾经长期引领着我国篮球运动的发展,有着骄人的成绩,树立了团结拼搏的"八一精神"。进入新世纪以来,由于职业联赛体制所限等原因,八一男篮日益衰落。  相似文献   

于福海 《灌篮》2021,(2):4-4
我国的体育事业不断创新发展,篮球运动教学也得到了持续地推动。运动员在篮球运动中,技能以及体能是决胜的关键因素,在运动员的体能水平较好的情况下能够有效发挥技能,进而可以取得良好的成绩。本文就篮球训练中体能训练的重要性进行分析与探讨,以供相关人员参考。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数理统计法、逻辑分析等方法,通过对我国第十届、十一届、十二届全运会田径比赛获得前三名的运动员成绩进行分析研究,研究结果表明:第10、11、12届全运会田径比赛男子项目总体成绩有所提高,具有很大的发展势头和空间,110米栏、400米栏项目成绩呈逐届下滑的趋势,且下滑较明显;女子项目总体成绩下降趋势,且成绩下滑较明显,只有200米、标枪项目呈逐届上升的趋势。  相似文献   

对我国篮球的困境与发展的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国篮球的发展在总体上不太令人满意,这是因为,任何事物的发展都会不同程度地遇到一些新问题,但具体问题要具体分析。篮球不同于其它单项,不能简单地用一句话或一次比赛的成绩来概括其发展和水平。目前我国篮球运动的发展遇到了前所未有的危机,我们有责任进行探索,寻找一条适合我国篮球运动发展的道路。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、观察法、比较法及逻辑分析法等,以我国女足、女排、女羽、女乒四项球类运动为例,分析我国女子球类运动在2010年5月国际比赛中成绩集体下滑的原因。试找出这些项目中存在的共性及差异性问题,做出对策分析,为改善目前成绩下滑现象和促进项目水平发展提供参考意见。  相似文献   

采用了文献资料法、数理统计法和对比分析法,通过对我国第13届运动会田径比赛的最好成绩与第12届全运会田径比赛的最好成绩分别进行了对比分析,结果表明:短跑项目男女的最好成绩都有小幅度提高,中长跑项目男女的最好成绩都呈现下滑态势,田赛项目女子有所进步,男子严重下滑,我国男子和女子的整体田径竞技水平都比较落后.建议制定有效的训练方针、加强对青少年的培养、巩固优势项目的优势,增加劣势项目的竞争力.  相似文献   

篮球运动作为竞技体育大家庭中的一员,在世界范围内正进一步普及、创新、提高,二十一世纪世界篮球运动将带着创新意识,沿着"智博谋高、身高体壮、凶悍体壮、积极主动、快速机敏、全面准确"的方向发展。现今,我国篮球运动已逐步融人世界篮球职业化、产业化的发展潮流之中。伴随着篮球改革的不断深入,我国的男女篮球队(包括青年队)在世界赛场上的成绩却不尽如人意,究其原因,训练、管理、技战术等方面固然是影响因素,然而其  相似文献   

体育课程思政建设是体育课程与教学领域将思想政治教育贯穿于学校人才培养体系的理念、任务、方法和过程的总和,是学校体育落实“立德树人”要求的基础工程。通过文献资料法、逻辑推理法、辩证分析法等研究方法,对“立德树人”视域下体育课程思政建设的五重维度及实践路向进行了系统研究。研究认为:体育课程思政建设进程中要处理好立德指向、立德责任、立德体系、立德过程、立德功能五重维度之间的内在联系和实践关系。要始终坚持将马克思主义基本原理作为体育课程思政建设进程中的价值导向;建立体育课程德育共同体,确保学生的身体素养培育与思想教育协调同步进行;突出体育课程思政顶层设计与学校德育协同效应的一致性;强化体育课程思政引领学生体育学科核心素养的培育导向和进程。在“立德树人”教育要求的指引下,使体育课程思政的理论内涵和底蕴更加丰富,实践的范式和形态更加完善,推动体育课程思政建设结构的实践性和操作性更加符合体育课程改革的需要。  相似文献   

全媒体在深度挖掘和精准凝练体育课程思政元素、实现思政元素全方位融入课程教学及优化思政教学模式方面有着独特的技术优势。运用文献资料、辩证分析及逻辑推理等方法,对全媒体时代的高校体育课程思政建设进行了系统研究。认为全媒体时代高校体育课程思政建设表现出具象流变的育人话语、立体多维的内容传播模式、科技加持的育人方式、多方联动的育人主体等时代特征。针对信息技术迅速发展造成的体育课程思政育人理念不成熟、育人内容传播碎片化、全媒体支撑要素不健全、体育教师媒介思政素养不足等推行阻碍,从顶层设计、理念更新、资源整合、科技加持、能力提升5个方面勾画全媒体时代高校体育课程思政建设的设计蓝图,完善“全媒体+”的高校体育课程思政育人体系,构建横向互联、纵向贯通的育人内容体系,深化全媒体技术,助推高校体育课程思政育人效度,全方位提升体育教师思政媒介素养等创新建设路径。  相似文献   

The precise influence of serve type and serve ball speed on beach volleyball performance is unclear. We examined the relationship between serve type and speed and their effectiveness during the 2008 Men's and Women's Open World Tour Tournament. Three hundred and seventy-eight and 375 serves performed by men and women respectively from the main draw tournament were analysed. Serve speed was recorded using a radar gun. Two expert observers recorded serve speed, serve mode, serve effectiveness and rally outcome. There was no relationship between serve speed and its effectiveness for men (r = -0.047, P > 0.05) and for women (r = -0.048, P > 0.05). However, there was a relationship between serve ball speed and its effectiveness both for men and women, when speed was categorised into three groups. There was a better balance between negative and positive outcomes at medium speeds for men and at low and high speeds for women. There was a relationship between ranking and serve ball speed only for women and between ranking and type of serve for both genders. There was no relationship between rally outcome and serve effectiveness. The combination of high ball speed and jump serve is characteristic of high ranking women but not of men.  相似文献   

高校健美课程教学目标定位于健美身体观的塑造,以彰显智慧、审美、和谐三位一体的身体文化特色。健美身体观有别于单纯的数字达标和体能训练,立足肌体练习,追求精神和身心发展。教学实践中,将"身体培养"贯穿健美课程学期教学,通过身体演练和体验,在基本技术动作学练基础上,对原有复杂、零散、多样化、碎片化的健美教学内容体系进行筛选和过滤,结合多元化教学方法,设计健美教学过程,具体体现在:将生理与解剖知识导入课程体系进行动作设计和练习;精炼并重组训练法则和恢复手段贯穿于身体学练实践之中;跟练流行团操提升身心体验的情境效果;选用多媒体教学丰富项目文化认知和审美体验。  相似文献   

In this study, we developed allometric exponents for scaling Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT) power data that are effective in controlling for body mass (BM) and lean body mass (LBM) and established a normative WAnT data set for college-age women. One hundred women completed a standard WAnT Allometric exponents and percentile ranks for peak (PP) and mean power (MP) were established. Allometric exponents were applied to WAnT scores for an independent sample (n=31) to assess external validity. PP and MP were 477.0 W (SD = 80.0) and 372.6 W (SD = 61.5), respectively. Allometrice exponents for PP and MP scaled for BM were b = 0.92 and b = 0.76, respectively, and for LBM they were b = 0.93 and b = 0.91, respectively. In the independent sample, these exponents produced correlations between allometrically scaled PP and MP and BM of r = -.02 and r = .02, respectively. Correlations between allometrically scaled PP and MP and LBM were r = .004 and r = -.02, respectively. The allometric exponents were effective in partialing out the effect of BM for PP and MP and demonstrated acceptable levels of external validity when applied to an independent sample. The allometric exponents and normative values provide a useful tool for comparing WAnT scores in college-age women without the confounding effects of BM or LBM.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计等方法,针对大学生体育与健康教育问题,进行了健康教育知识、健康行为、体育与健康的关系等方面的调查研究,提出了高等院校体育教育中健康教育的必要性及对策与建议.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the range of movement in gymnastic and dance populations. Sixty-five participants (41 females, 24 males; mean age 21.4 years) were assessed. The sample included dancers and gymnasts ranging from novice and club standard to international and professional status. Non-specialized physical education students acted as controls. Range of movement was measured at the shoulders, hips, lumbar spine and ankles using a Loebl hydrogoniometer, and inherent joint laxity was assessed using Beighton and coworkers' adaptation of the Carter and Wilkinson 9-point scale. The right and left sides of the body were assessed and measures of active and passive motion were recorded. A graded increase in laxity was observed from controls, through novice gymnasts, to dancers and finally international gymnasts. The greater laxity of females than males was also confirmed. Dancers and gymnasts had a greater passive range of movement in all joints, which was partly inherited and partly acquired. There was a large difference between their active and passive ranges, which appeared to render the joints unstable.  相似文献   

The quantification of joint laxity in dancers and gymnasts.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The aim of this study was to determine the range of movement in gymnastic and dance populations. Sixty-five participants (41 females, 24 males; mean age 21.4 years) were assessed. The sample included dancers and gymnasts ranging from novice and club standard to international and professional status. Non-specialized physical education students acted as controls. Range of movement was measured at the shoulders, hips, lumbar spine and ankles using a Loebl hydrogoniometer, and inherent joint laxity was assessed using Beighton and coworkers' adaptation of the Carter and Wilkinson 9-point scale. The right and left sides of the body were assessed and measures of active and passive motion were recorded. A graded increase in laxity was observed from controls, through novice gymnasts, to dancers and finally international gymnasts. The greater laxity of females than males was also confirmed. Dancers and gymnasts had a greater passive range of movement in all joints, which was partly inherited and partly acquired. There was a large difference between their active and passive ranges, which appeared to render the joints unstable.  相似文献   

This paper conceptualizes the teaching and learning of physically active play (PAP) in the early childhood curriculum. The conceptualization emerges from ‘doing complexivist bricolage’ and draws on complexity thinking features and concepts to position teaching and learning in PAP as children and teachers together exploring three different and coupled facets: fundamental movement patterns, group movement activities and group games. The three facets are different and coupled to highlight that they can be viewed as simultaneously separate and inseparable. This allows us to make sense of each facet and remind us that they are mutually influencing. Exploring fundamental movement patterns means focusing on exploring patterns and variations associated with one or more particular movement skills and balancing skills, and doing so in the context of individual activities, group movement activities or games. Exploring group movement activities involve children moving with their bodies as they engage in rhymes, songs and stories, thereby enabling children to develop both fundamental movement skills and literacy skills. Engaging in group games focuses on supporting children to learn the nature of games as socially constructed activities with some explicit rules agreed upon by players. I position teaching and learning as acts of joint exploration that embrace diverse learners (children and teachers) and different learning outcomes for individuals. In this joint exploration, the teacher plays two important roles: (1) fostering children’s and their own confidence and competence in PAP and (2) creating conditions that simultaneously constrain and enable as they follow, generate and sustain children’s interests in their explorations together. This approach enables teachers to respond to children’s interests and co-create learning situations with children in ways that are emergent and meaningful to all. When used in conjunction with mandated curriculum frameworks, it can open up possibilities for curriculum, teaching and learning for children and teachers.  相似文献   

运用文献法和比较法,从发展宗旨、组织体系、法规制度、人才来源、队伍规模、经费投入、场地条件、训练竞赛体制、运动技术水平等方面对中美高校高水平田径进行比较分析。结果表明:我国高校高水平田径与美国存在全面而显著的差距。主要表现在法规制度缺失;队伍质量低,规模小;投入不足;赛制不够完善。建议建立和健全法规制度;强化青少年田径训练;增加投入;完善赛制,不断提高我国高校的田径水平。  相似文献   

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