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终身学习与学习化社会   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立学习化社会,实现终身学习,是进入知识经济时代世界各国的必然选择。它一方面要求学校向社会开放,为各类社会成员提供多种、多次受教育的机会,形成开放、灵活、发达、完备的终身教育体系。一方面要求创建学习型组织、学习型家庭、学习型企业、学习型社区,形成人人学习、终身学习的环境和氛围,使学习成为基本的生存和发展方式。  相似文献   

场馆学习是一种以实物为学习内容、以体验为学习方式、学习者掌握学习主动权的非正式学习,它可以为中小学生提供互动生成的学习环境、参与真实实践的学习机会以及创造多样化的学习体验,对优化和改革学校教育教学具有积极的作用。将场馆学习纳入中小学教育实践,采用以项目驱动学习、以主题统整学习和以博物馆流程引导学习的实践策略,可以优化传统的育人方式和学校教育教学。  相似文献   

Current teaching and learning methods reveal marked differences between how students approach learning and how instructors approach teaching. Little attention has been paid to understanding these differences and their implications for designing successful learning environments. The purpose of the paper is to introduce a framework for understanding and reconciling perspectives on teaching and learning success. First, we examine perspectives on learning success. Next, we compare and contrast beliefs and practices associated with teaching and learning. Finally, we introduce a model for reconciling teaching and learning beliefs and practices, and discuss implications for future research and practice.  相似文献   

According to experience learning theory (ELT) learning is a process. ELT conceives of learning as a four-stage cycle including four learning modes: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. The learning style inventory (LSI) invented from ELT provides a framework for examining one's approach to learning situations. The aim of the present study was to collect data with the LSI and present: (a) the test-retest reliability coefficients for the different learning modes; (b) the correlation between different learning modes and age; (c) gender differences in the learning modes; and (d) homogeneous groups of students with different learning styles. The results showed highly significant reliability coefficients, non-significant correlations between learning modes and age, gender differences in some learning modes, and a cluster analysis found homogenous groups with different learning styles.  相似文献   

Phenomenographic studies of student learning have shown that students learn in qualitatively different ways and have related qualitatively different learning outcomes. But phenomenography is not, and has never claimed to be, a theory of student learning. This is not to say, however, that there is not a view of student learning which is consistent with these studies. This paper outlines such a view and analyses a number of teaching and learning problems from this perspective. The paper argues that the students’ experiences of teaching and learning situations are fundamental to what they learn.  相似文献   

公民是推进终身教育学习的主体,对主体的关注是构建终身教育体系、建设学习型社会的基础性工作。调查显示,公民对终身教育的重要性认同度高,对终身教育的认知度还有待提高,公民的学习需求、学习动力更多转向关注自身发展,学习方式、学习费用投入等方面正发生着变化。我们要采用多种形式进一步广泛、深入地宣传普及终身教育思想,提高公民对终身教育和学习型社会的认识,加大经费投入,加强公共教育设施建设,创造有利于公民终身学习的环境和氛围。  相似文献   

Rats were trained in a triangular-shaped pool to find a hidden platform that maintained a constant relationship with two sources of information, an individual landmark and one part of the pool with a distinctive shape. In Experiment 1, shape learning overshadowed landmark learning but landmark learning did not overshadow shape learning in males, while landmark learning overshadowed shape learning but shape learning did not overshadow landmark learning in females. In Experiment 2, rats were pretrained either with the single landmark relevant or with the shape relevant, in the absence of the alternative cue. Final test trials, without the platform, revealed reciprocal blocking only in females; in males, shape learning blocked landmark learning, but not viceversa (Experiment 2a). In Experiment 2b, male rats received a longer pretraining with the single landmark relevant, and now landmark learning blocked shape learning. The results thus confirm the claim that males and females partially use different types of spatial information when solving spatial tasks. These results also agree with the suggestion that shape learning interacts with landmark learning in much the same way as does learning about any pair of stimuli in a Pavlovian conditioning experiment.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the factors that are likely to play a role in individual learning outcomes from group discussions, and it includes a comparison featuring test-enhanced learning. A between-groups design (N = 98) was used to examine the learning effects of feedback if provided to discussion groups, and to examine whether group discussions benefit learning when compared to test-enhanced learning over time. The results showed that feedback does not seem to have any effect if provided to a discussion group, and that test-enhanced learning leads to better learning than the discussion groups, independent of retention interval. Moreover, we examined whether memory and learning might be influenced by the participants’ need for cognition (NFC). The results showed that those scoring high on NFC remembered more than those who scored low. To conclude, testing trumps discussion groups from a learning perspective, and the discussion groups were also the least beneficial learning context for those scoring low on NFC.  相似文献   

Community and Learning: contradictions,dilemmas and prospects   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In this article I reflect on learning and community and their joint deployment. ‘Community’ evokes images and feelings of security and comfort (‘us’ and ‘ours’), while ‘learning’ evokes a sense of progress and confidence in overcoming obstacles—a lifelong and somewhat breathless journey these days. We learn every day, but what is worthwhile learning? What types of communities are worth learning towards? Such crucial considerations can remain unexamined because these words are so beguiling—every one can agree that learning communities are worthwhile. Together these terms have provided a powerful contemporary discourse for different educational reform agendas. Recent proponents of ‘learning communi ties’ have drawn upon sociocultural theorising of learning initiated by Vygotsky and others in the early 20th century. I suggest that this recent deployment of sociocultural learning theory is opportunistic and reflects an effort to resolve certain endemic pedagogical dilemmas related to how inclusion/exclusion is negotiated, how diversity/uniformity is reconciled, and how membership of a learning community is managed over time. I suggest that our role as learning and/or community theorists is principally to critically reflect on what types of learning and communities are worth striving towards.  相似文献   

自我调控学习与主体性教育   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
自我调控学习是指学习者为了保证学习的成功、提高学习的效果、达到学习的目标,主动运用元认知、动机和行为的过程。自我调控学习与主体性教育具有内在的一致性。主体性教育的核心是要培养学生学习的独立自主性,从而使自己成为自身学习与发展的主体。  相似文献   

自由学习和学习自由属于学习者两种不同性质的学习权利。自由学习是学习者的自由意志在学习场域中的积极投射,是学习者主体性在学习情境中的积极表达,属于积极自由;学习自由是保障学习者自由学习权利不受剥夺或被限制的学习制度设计或外界条件,是一种不涉及具体内容的个人自由,其保障基础是《学校法》,属于消极自由。本文在对比分析自由学习和学习自由之内涵的基础上,阐述了自由学习和学习自由二者之间的辩证关系,提出实现个体自由学习的可能途径,以及如何通过《学校法》的制度设计保障学习者自由学习的权利,得出自由学习和学习自由在促进学习者自身转变历程中的教育价值和课程意义。  相似文献   

The literature suggests that gamified learning interventions may increase student engagement and enhance learning. We empirically investigate this by exploring the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on the participation and performance of over 100 undergraduate students in an online gamified learning intervention. The paper makes a number of contributions. First, by synthesizing the literature the central concepts required for a learning intervention to be considered gamified are mapped and the development of an online gamified learning intervention is described. Second, the effect of gamification on learning outcomes is examined using a pre- and post-intervention survey. We find that gamified learning interventions have a positive impact on student learning. Third, our results show that while generally positive, the impact of gamified intervention*ns on student participation varies depending on whether the student is motivated intrinsically or extrinsically. These findings will be of practical interest to teaching and learning practitioners working in a range of educational contexts, and at all levels of education, who wish to increase student engagement and enhance learning.  相似文献   

Web2.0环境下,各种社会化网络应用实践为"以学习者为中心"的各种社会化学习形式提供了前所未有的机遇和环境。技术支持的非正式学习极大地影响了大学生的成长与发展:大学生可以在web2.0环境中寻找学习导师,在非正式学习过程中培养自主学习的能力,在在线实践社区中学会合作、探究学习。为了促进大学生的非正式学习,我们要加深了解非正式学习的价值,明晰正式学习与非正式学习的联系,创造多元的学习环境和条件,探索新技术并引领学生使用新技术。  相似文献   

Addressing a drawback in current research on computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), this study investigated the influence of motivation on learning activities and knowledge acquisition during CSCL. Participants’ (N = 200 university students) task was to develop a handout for which they had first an individual preparing phase followed by a computer-supported collaborative learning phase immediately afterwards. It was hypothesized that in both phases current motivation (in terms of expectancy and value components) influences both learning activities and knowledge acquisition in a positive way. According to main results, only goal orientations (before learning) were associated with knowledge acquisition respectively observed learning activities during the collaborative phase. Expectancy and value components of current motivation related neither to observed learning activities nor to knowledge acquisition during collaborative learning but were in part associated with learning activities and knowledge acquisition during individual learning. The discussion addresses several possible explanations for these unexpected results.  相似文献   

研究性学习是培养学生创造性学力的重要的学习活动,中小学实施研究性学习,是基础教育课程改革中学习方式的革命,是一场学与教的革命。它是培养学生具有创造性学力的生长点,也是教师施教的创新点。因此,教师应掌握研究性学习的特点,并努力成为指导研究性学习的专家。  相似文献   


Educators have indicated that a good flipped learning design has the potential to enable teachers to use the class time effectively for conducting higher-order thinking activities and enhancing the interactions among peers and teachers. Several previous studies have also pointed out the importance of employing proper learning strategies, such that students’ learning performance would meet the expectations of both the pre- and in-class activities of flipped learning. In this study, an interactive problem-posing guiding strategy was proposed to guide students to understand the concepts of problem-posing by the use of multiple choice options before class, and to engage them in effective problem-posing activities during class. To examine the effectiveness of the proposed learning mode, a flipped learning system was developed and an experiment was conducted in a natural science learning activity in an elementary school. The participants were two classes of fifth graders of an elementary school, a total of 56 students, with one class as the experimental group and the other as the control group. The students in the experimental group adopted the interactive problem-posing guiding strategy in the flipped learning mode, while the control group used the conventional flipped learning mode. The experimental results confirmed that the flipped learning activity with the interactive problem-posing guiding strategy was more effective in terms of learning achievement, self-efficacy, and deep approaches to learning science in the natural science course than the conventional flipped learning method. It also confirmed the importance of integrating the stepwise learning strategy (e.g. guided problem-posing and collaborative problem-posing) into flipped learning to support students’ pre- and in-class learning.  相似文献   

就"教"与"学"的关系而言,当前大致存在着"少教多学"、"先学后教"、"以学定教"、"教学合一"、"教学相长"五种范型。其中",少教多学"主要表征为一种批判"多教少学"的有效教学理念";先学后教"主要表征为一种突破"先教后学"的课堂教学模式;"以学定教"主要表征为一种反驳"以教定学"的教学活动逻辑;"教学合一"主要表征为一种针对"教学分离"的教学协同意识";教学相长"主要表征为一种超越"教学互损"的教师职业境界。探讨这五种关系范型的理论价值在于构建一个关于中国基础教育教学改革的总体认知框架。  相似文献   

学习评价的类型及其特征分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
从评价与学习活动的相互作用方式,可以把学习评价分为对学习的评价、为学习的评价和学习内评价.对学习的评价就是对学习的成效做出价值判断的一项活动,评价的是一段学习过程的"平均效果",发挥的是评价的选拔与甄别的功能;为学习的评价是指为了支持与改进学生的学习而进行的评价,是指向"未来"学习的评价,强调的是评价的激励与发展的功能;学习内评价是指学习本身所固有的、内在于学习活动之中的、满足学习自身需要的认识性实践活动,是在学习过程中产生的,是学习的一项基本性质,凸显的是评价的认知与生成的功能.  相似文献   

目前移动学习成为远程教育研究的热点,本文分析了移动学习对开放大学建设的重要意义,移动学习的研究内容,并以《数据库基础与应用》课程为例,开发应用了各种移动学习课件和移动学习资源,对开放大学移动学习做了初步的研究。  相似文献   

智慧教育是信息技术与教育发展高度融合而产生的新型教育模式,代表了未来教育的发展与改革方向。智慧学校、智慧图书馆等智慧环境的不断建设与完善为实现数字化学习向智慧学习的转变提供了可能。该文在已有研究基础上界定了智慧学习的内涵,构建了智慧学习的概念框架,设计了四种智慧学习模式,分别是独立自助式学习模式、群组协作式学习模式、入境学习模式以及创客学习模式,期望能够为智慧学习的有效开展提供一定的指导。  相似文献   

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