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(continued) Sarabi:It’s not true.Tell me it’snot true. Simba:It’s true. Scar:You see,he admits it,Mur-derer! Simba:No,it was an accident. Scar:If it weren’t for you,Mu-fasa would still be alive! It’s your  相似文献   

Questions: 1.What can you put in a barrel (桶) to make it lighter? 2.What has a mouth but doesn't speak,has a bed but never sleeps? 3.What has to be broken before it can be used? 4.What lives when you feed it but dies when you give it something to drink? 5.What flies without wings? 6.What do you break every time you say its name? 7.What can you feel but never see or touch?  相似文献   

William:Hello, John! How do you do? John:Hetlo, William! I am fine. William:What are you doing? John:I am reading an article. William:What is it about? Is it interesting? John:It is about the history of human beings, I find it quite interesting.William:History of human beings? Sounds very interesting and special. Can you tell me a little bit about it?  相似文献   

Simba:Nala?Is it really you?Nala:Who are you?Simba:It’S me.Simba.Nala:Simba?(Pause for realization)Whoah!Well how did you.. where did you comefrom...it’s great to see YOU...Simba:Aaah!HOW did you...who...wow...  相似文献   

JAKE: Hello, Roger.ROGER:Jake. What are you doing here? How's the storycoming? I think your viewers will like it.JAKE: So do I... I'm surprised at you, Roger.ROGER:What do you mean?JAKE: I don't get it. You were always good at whatever youdid. Why would you ruin a good career to go to work forThomas Ames?  相似文献   

教学过程 Step1.Leading in (课前播放 MTV "On the way")T:Do you like the music "On the way"? S:Yes. T:I like it , too.What do you like ? S:I like … T:I like drawing.Do you like drawing ? S:Yes./No. T:Look at my drawing. What can you see in it ? S:The red sun. T:It ’ s a riddle.Which cityis it ? S:Danyang. T:  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=patient;B=doctor)A:I've got a rash all over my body and it itches all the time,and I havesome lumps on my arms.Cart you give me anything for it?B:Let me have a look.How long have you had this rash?A:About three days.B:Have you noticed if anything makes it worse?  相似文献   

How much is it?【情景对话】A:Good morning!Can I help you?B:Yes,please.I want to buy a radio.Can you give me the blue one to have a look?A:Here you are.I think this is a nice one.B:How much is it?A:It’s 200 yuan.  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=patient;B=cashier)A:Here's all my paper work!How much will I have to pay all to-gether?B:I'll just work it out.All together you owe 35 yuan.A:Can you change 100 yuan?B:Oh,I'm afraid not.Can you take it to the shop outside to get somechange?When you come back,don't bother to queue,just cometo the window.  相似文献   

(A)M:Yes,Marilyn.And what can I do for you?W:I>ve lost my school bag,Mr Hardwick.M:Are you sure you>ve s__1__everywhere?W:Yes.I can>t find it a__2__.M:Can you d__3__it to me?W:Yes.It>s brown and it>s got a large button at the front.M:And what was in it?W:…  相似文献   

Watch It Ache     
Dentist:Ok. Don't eat much sug-ar,any more.Boy:Thank you.But give me thebad tooth.Ok?Dentist:What do you want it forBoy:Oh.I want to watch it ache.  相似文献   

1.How many letters are there in the alphabet? 提示:问题似乎很直接,但既然是谜语,当然要求一点曲线思维……2. A man was born in 1955. He is alive and well today at age 33. How is this possible? 提示:数字里头另有乾坤……3. What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and grey when you throw it away?  相似文献   

MARLIN:The mask! Where's the mask? No!No,not the mask!Get it! Get the mask!Get the mask!Get it! DORY:Hey,what are you doing? MARLIN:It's gone.I've lost the mask. DORY:Did you drop it? MARLIN:You dropped it! That was my only chance of finding my son, now it's gone.  相似文献   

A Wonderful DreamTed: Tom, I had a wonderful dream last night. I got full marks for physics. Do you know what it means?Tom: Yes, it means you study very hard in dream.  相似文献   

一、情景会话:根据所设情景,选择正确的答案。1、当你问别人职业时,你应说:A.How are you? B.What are you?C.Who are you? D.How do you do?2、当别人向你借一把尺时,你应该说:A.Give you. B.Here you are.C.Here are you. D.Here is it.  相似文献   

1 .If you droP a yellow hat in the Red Sea,what does it beeome?如果你不小心把黄帽子丢到红海单,会变成什么样? 2.What ean you Put in a wood box that will make it lighter?往木箱子上加入什么东西能使它变轻? 3 .The more you feed it,the more it grows high.But if you give itwater it .shal!quiekly die .What 15 it?什么东西你越不管它长得就越快,下,,你浇水时它立刻就消失r? 4.What goes uP but never goes down?了f么东一街只增加不减少? ’e6它JnoA’夕’eJ!」.C’。IoHV‘己’laMa山ooa日’‘:孝最IQ急转弯@林胜…  相似文献   

一沁 《英语辅导》2016,(6):58-59
1 Jacob:How do you put an elephant in a fridge[冰箱]? Jimmy:I don't know,how? Jacob:You open the door and put it in! Well,how do you put a baboon[狒狒] in the fridge? Jimmy:Oh,I know! You open the door and put it in,right? Jacob:No,you open the door,take the elephant out,and then you put the baboon in.Well,all the animals except one go to a lion's birthday party,which one is it?  相似文献   

Ⅰ.补全对话 从下面方框内选出合适的句子填入空白处,补全对话。 A : 1 B :H ello,Steve. A :W hats your nam e? B :Jim H arold. A : 2 B :J-I-M -H -A -R -O -L-D . A : 3 B :Its 62975463.A .H ow do you spell it? B.Is this a case? C.W hats it? D .W hats your phone num ber? E.H ello,m y nam e is Steve. A : 4 B :N o,itisn t. A : 5 B :Its a com puter. A :Thank you. Ⅱ.看图完成对话 1.—W hats this? — . 2.— ? —Y es,it is. —H ere you are. —Thank you. 3.—A re these pears? —N o,they aren…  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warm upT:Good morning,boys andgirls.Ss:Good morning.T:How are you today?Ss:Fine,thank you.T:Is it a…?May I have…?Ss:Sure.Here you are.T:Thank you.(收起学生的文具,为下文的交流做好准备)T:Now  相似文献   

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