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后现代课程观强调在开放的、互动的、共同的对话中重建师生关系,开放性和互动性、多元性和差异性、反对权威和去中心化是后现代课程观的基本理念。后现代课程观催化传统教师角色由“权威者”转变为“平等中的首席”,由知识的“传递者”转变为学生学习的“促进者”,由课程“执行者”转变为课程的“研究者”、“开发者”。后现代课程观拓展了我国中小学教师角色研究的视野。  相似文献   

伴随着我国基础教育课程改革的逐步深入,新一轮的课程改革提出了“一切为了每一位学生的发展”的核心理念。它要求我们的教师必须改变传统的“目中无人”的教育教学习惯,反思旧的课堂教学行为,重新认识,定位自己的教师角色,为我们的课堂教学注入新的极富有生命力的血液。  相似文献   

随着科学技术发展对人才的要求不断提高,语文教师也面临严峻的挑战。新的形势要求我们在课堂教学中必须从过去那种“师道尊严,惟师为尊”的角色中走出来,重新正确认识自己在课堂教学中的角色,以建立“师生互动,平等参与”的新型师生关系,从而培养学生主体意识,激发学生主动探究,勇于创新,促进学生全面发展。  相似文献   

在课堂教学中充分发挥学生的主体作用,离不开平等和谐的课堂氛围。因此,教师首先要转变观念,确认自己新的教学角色。美国课程学家多尔认为,在现代课程中,教师是“平等者中的首席”。作为“平等者中的首席”,教师更应该承担起组织者、引导者、参与者的责任,创造平等和谐的师生关系,充分调动教与学两方面的积极性。  相似文献   

一、新课程实施过程中教师教育行为的现状 我国新一轮基础教育课程改革是从教育思想到教学方式的一场深刻变革,核心是改革陈旧的教育观念、坚定不移地推进教学方式和学习方式的转变。要达到改革的目的,必须建立新型的师生关系,即转变教师的角色。虽然新课程要求教师由主角转向“平等中的首席发言人”的身份。教师也明确新课程教师角色的要求,但现实却是大多数教师在“穿新鞋、走老路”。我们稍加留意就会发现新课程理念指导下的一些陈旧的教育行为。  相似文献   

杜威领导的进步主义教育运动主张“儿童中心”,这是他对师生关系的新见解,但这决不代表杜威对教师作用的否定。课程改革想要取得成功.教师的观念和行为是关键。我国新一轮的课程改革对教师角色的转变提出了新的要求,为适应新角色.需要教师在教学观念和方式上有全新的认识,并做出相关的改变。杜威教育思想中的教师观.对今日我国的课改仍有重要启示和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

课堂教学中教师作用问题的研究不仅是繁荣教学论研究的需要,也是课堂教学实践以及新一轮基础教育课程改革的要求。近现代教育史上教师中心论和学生中心论的论争以及我国于20世纪开始的“主客体”讨论都为这一问题的研究奠定了基础。新时期,有关课堂教学中教师作用问题的研究更加关注课堂教学实践。现代人类学所倡导人种志方法以及课堂语言行为互动分析方法对这一问题的研究具有重要价值。  相似文献   

侯良 《昆明大学学报》2006,17(3):81-83,96
师生互动是课堂互动中的关键形式,作为在课堂互动过程中的主体之一———教师,制约着课堂互动的氛围,不仅影响着师生互动的效果,还影响着学生之间的互动。由于课堂互动的氛围总是受到教师思想意识和行为的影响,因此,教师必须反思传统的教师角色,真正由教育教学过程中的经验者、主导者、控制者、传授者、执行者角色成为教育教学实践与理论的研究者、引导者、促进者、反思者、设计者角色,让课堂互动的氛围激励学生主动地学习,促使师生关系健康地、可持续地发展。  相似文献   

浅谈教师调控课堂教学能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新课程下的课堂教学是师生互动,交流的过程,教师要树立新的教育理念和锻炼新的教学方法,提高调控课堂教学的能力。本文从教师角色正确定位,建立平等、民主、合作的师生关系,优化课堂结构和艺术节奏,建立“自主、合作、探究”为特征的学习方式等方面论述教师提高调控课堂教学能力的途径。  相似文献   

随着实施素质教育的不断推进,基础教育课程改革不断深入的今天,为了适应当今社会对生物人才的需求,生物教师扮演着非常重要的角色,作为生物教师应该摒弃旧的教育观念,放下“师道尊严”的架子,用新的课程理念指导我们的教拳行为,使生物课堂教学生动活泼,富有启发性、创造性。  相似文献   

教师教育课程大课堂是指通过教师在课堂教学过程中有效发挥师生教和学的双主体作用,并通过课堂教学活动和学生的课外学习、相应的实践、体验活动,更加有效地实现目标和教学任务的高校教师教育课堂教学模式。该课程模式在具体的课堂教学实践中需要处理好四个方面的问题:一是把课程理念转化成具有可操作性的课堂教学模式问题;二是不断丰富教师教育课程内容,逐步形成彼此联系的教师教育课程大课堂的课程体系;三是实施过程需要处理好统一要求与创新实践的关系;四是课程资源建设问题是有效实施教师教育课程大课堂的重要保证。  相似文献   

Caring relationships are a core component in effective classrooms, and safe learning environments. As such, it is important for pre-service teachers to reflect on their own perceptions and experience regarding care and care within the classroom if they are to build upon that knowledge and grow as caring educators. In addition, teacher educators can learn more about the developing theories of care that exist within college classrooms, and utilize this knowledge in working with pre-service teachers to understand the power of care and relationships between students and teachers. The purpose of this article is to examine pre-service teacher perceptions of “care” and caring relationships within the classroom. How do pre-service teachers define “care”, and how do their experiences align with their personal beliefs? More importantly, how do these perspectives shape their teacher identity?  相似文献   

教师活动作为课堂教学的主要语言输入和教学媒介,对学习者习得第二语言起着重要作用,而目前教师与学生的话语交流往往局限于问答形式,使学生的语言交际能力得不到有效培养。为此应提高教师的话语质量,使教师掌握话语策略。本文通过提炼前人的理论并结合教学行动研究,总结出一套恰当使用教师话语的策略,为学习者提供更多的使用目标语进行双向交际和意义协商的机会,并促进学习者的交际能力,对第二语言的课堂教学具有指导意义。  相似文献   


The crucial role of teacher-student relationships has been reported in many studies. Yet, how teacher-student relationships develop from moment-to-moment interactions during lessons remains understudied. The present study combined insights from interpersonal theory and dynamic systems approaches to study indices of interpersonal content and structure in teacher-student interactions and their association with the teacher’s interpersonal style. We found that moment-to-moment teacher behavior was indeed related to student perceptions of the teacher’s interpersonal style. Indices of variability (structure) in interactions discriminated between teachers with less preferred and more preferred interpersonal styles, while, contrary to earlier research, the indicator of predictableness of interactions could not. Results are discussed considering the expectations, and suggestions made for future research and practice.  相似文献   

选取"一师一优课一课一名师"评估活动中的一节部级优课,利用基于信息技术的互动分析编码系统(ITIAS),对课堂教学行为做频数分析和矩阵分析,了解课堂氛围、课堂教学结构、教师言语、师生问答、技术使用及动态特征曲线等情况。研究发现:在这一节部级优课中,信息技术与教学深度融合,教学效果良好;课堂教学气氛融洽,师生之间情感深厚;教师注重鼓励学生,学生自信心和成就感有所提升;教学方法灵活多样,学生的问题解决能力有了长足的发展。这启示教师在提升智慧课堂教学质量和信息化教学能力时,应灵活运用信息技术与数字化资源;合理安排教学设计,注重师生之间教学交互;把握课堂教学节奏,营造良好课堂氛围。  相似文献   

Teachers need to know a great deal, in many areas and in multiple ways. Teacher knowledge is a complex tapestry, and teachers must successfully weave the multiple threads. In this article, I present a conceptualisation of teacher knowledge that provides a framework for describing the complexity of teacher knowledge. The framework describes three ways of knowing: “knowing how,” “knowing why,” and “knowing what” and then applies these three knowledge discourses across six domains of teacher knowledge. The framework was developed from a study of 14 teachers in their first year of teaching, and in this article the framework is applied to their experiences to illustrate specific gaps in their teacher knowledge. It is proposed that this conceptualisation of teacher knowledge allows those involved in teacher education and induction to more clearly identify professional learning needs and develop their programmes with specificity.  相似文献   

案例教学中教师扮演着多种角色并交互发挥作用,相比之下,过去传统教学方式僵、松、空、陈的弊端便显而易见。案例教学中教师对主持人、发言人、导演者、触媒剂等角色丛的充分理解和把握,有助于活跃课堂气氛、提高教学质量、培养学生多方面能力。案例教学对教师提出了更高的要求,相应地教改也期待教师角色经历一场深刻的嬗变。  相似文献   

“翻转课堂”作为新兴的教学形式,被广大教育工作者所关注。话语权是课堂教学中师生关系的一种直接体现,基于翻转课堂教师角色的新定位,探讨通过翻转课堂教师和学生话语权力的流动来实现翻转课堂教师和学生角色的转换。  相似文献   

Teachers participating in curricular reforms, especially reforms based on constructivism, are expected to bring about change in their teaching approach. This is often a difficult, complex and intensive process, and demands a radical reculturing of the classroom. This is also the case for social constructivist reforms in chemistry education, which are based on a context-based approach. Educational change is a social and interactional process, and during this change teachers will engage in negotiations with their students about the reform. These teacher–student negotiations have a profound impact on the succeeding of the reform. This study explores the teacher–student interactions during the reform that shape and alter the context-based chemistry approach. We focused on two teachers, of whom it was found in an earlier study that one of them succeeded in implementing the reform, while the other one struggled. By following them for one school year, in which in-depth qualitative data was collected through various instruments, we developed insights about the teacher–student negotiations that influenced the educational reform. Three themes emerged from the data: “agency of learning,” “vulnerability,” and “care.” The differences that were found between the teachers regarding these themes help explain why and how the reform can become a success and why the reform often fails to change classroom practice.  相似文献   

Teacher talk and teacher-student classroom interaction have always been the central issue among the various classroom researches. Teacher talk is undoubtedly important in EFL(English as a foreign language) classroom in China. This paper attempts to discuss the features of teacher talk in EFL classroom, mainly of NNS(non-native speaker) teachers and the implications and suggestions of how to make teacher talk more appropriate and stimulative.  相似文献   

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