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数学焦虑是一种特殊的学科焦虑。从数学焦虑的心理层面出发,一些测量数学焦虑的工具被开发出来,并得出了它的维度。数学焦虑的影响因素主要来自三个方面:环境性因素、个体的人格特征和情境性因素,同时数学焦虑会影响到数学认知,进而影响个体的数学成绩。  相似文献   

数学焦虑是一种特殊的学科焦虑.从数学焦虑的心理层面出发,一些测量数学焦虑的工具被开发出来,并得出了它的维度.数学焦虑的影响因素主要来自三个方面环境性因素、个体的人格特征和情境性因素,同时数学焦虑会影响到数学认知,进而影响个体的数学成绩.  相似文献   

初中生数学自我概念的影响因素有个体内部因素和外部因素,其中个体内部因素主要有数学学习动机、数学成绩、数学焦虑等,外部因素主要有数学教师期望等“数学教室文化”,数学教师期望包括数学教师态度和教师行为.在这些影响因素中,数学教师期望、数学学习动机、数学成绩和数学焦虑对数学自我概念影响的直接效应分别是0.61、0.20、0.19和-0.13;数学教师期望、数学成绩、数学焦虑分别通过学习动机间接地影响数学自我概念,影响的总效应分别是0.674、0.22和-0.23.同学评价对数学自我概念的影响没有达显著水平.数学教师期望与数学学习动机产生非常显著的交互作用.因此,要加强“数学教室文化”建设,合理引导学生成败的归因,激发学生的积极“个体因素”,提高学生数学自我概念.  相似文献   

肖慧 《教学与管理》2012,(30):61-64
数学焦虑是个体在处理数字、使用数学概念、学习数学、解决数学问题或参加数学考试时所产生的不安、紧张、畏惧等焦虑状态。已有研究表明数学焦虑会对中学生学习造成不良影响,很多研究者纷纷探讨了数学焦虑的影响因素,如国外比较有代表性的观点有Cemen总结的三大类影响因素:一是环境因素,如消  相似文献   

进城务工人员子女在初中阶段数学学习的过程中反映出各种各样的障碍问:题,随之产生了各种程度的数学焦虑,这些数学焦虑一定程度上影响着学生的数学学习.进城务工人员子女的数学焦虑的形成原因归纳起来有5个方面的因素:数学学科因素,学生个体因素,教师因素,班级因素、家庭因素.对引起数学焦虑的5个因素作具体分析有助于教师认识不同生活背景学生的数学焦虑现状与产生情况,以更好地改进数学教学.  相似文献   

数学焦虑不仅影响个体情绪情感、社会性的健康发展.而且影响数学认知的发展.它会使个体对数学刺激产生负面的生理反应.对自己解决数学问题的能力怀有错误的信念和消极的态度,因而数学焦虑者数学学业成绩一般都较低.课堂上巧妙的问题设计,可以触发学生的非智力因素,激发学生的学习兴趣和解决问题的欲望,积极参与到课堂活动中来,从而使学生消除对数学的焦虑.  相似文献   

数学焦虑不仅影响个体情绪情感的健康发展,而且还影响学生数学认知的发展.从数学焦虑的概念入手,分析影响中学生数学焦虑的因素主要有数学学科特点、数学教学倾向、学生的技能与能力、学生的情感体验、教师的课堂行为等方面,有针对性地提出了缓解数学焦虑的策略,包括创设宽松愉悦的课堂气氛、帮助学生剖析焦虑根源、培养学生数学学习的信心,控制过强竞争、减少限时测验.  相似文献   

数学焦虑是学生学习数学过程中产生的负面情感体验。过度焦虑会影响学生的数学认知构建、数学学习策略的选择和数学能力的发展.导致状态性焦虑的形成。若焦虑症状未能得到减轻.长期以往会固化下来。形成特质性焦虑,严重影响学生的心理健康.阻碍个体社会性的发展.  相似文献   

数学焦虑是一种学科焦虑,国内外研究发现数学焦虑对数学学习有消极影响。探讨了数学焦虑的维度与结构。数学焦虑的发生过程以及影响数学焦虑产生的因素,并在对数学焦虑影响因素探析的基础上进行思考,提出了相应的教育教学建议。  相似文献   

数学焦虑是一种特殊的学科焦虑症,是焦虑的一种特定表现形式,它通常指的是个体在处理数字、使用数学概念、学习数学知识或参加数学考试时所产生的不安、紧张、烦躁、畏惧等焦虑状态,是因为过度焦虑数学而引起的一系列异常的生理变化、行为表现和心理体验,它指向数学活动,并影响数学活动的效率及效果.数学焦虑普遍存在于不同年龄阶段的学生当中,尤其以高中学生的焦虑程度最为突出和严重.因此,探讨高中学生数学焦虑的成因及对策,有利于及时解决和处理高中生在学习数学中的心理障碍,消除高中生数学学习的焦虑,提高高中生学习数学的兴趣和主动性.  相似文献   

Concerns about the influence of students’ perceived negative consequences of engagement in a task (i.e., cost) on their emotions, motivation, and cognition have increased in the last decade. The use of longitudinal models is needed to provide new insights into the role of perceived cost in mathematics learning. Grounded in the control-value theory, this study examined cross-lagged relations of mathematics anxiety, perceived cost, and mathematics achievement. The participants (N = 335) reported their mathematics anxiety and perceived cost four times during Grades 7 and 8, and their mathematics grades were attained from their school records. Cross-lagged panel model analysis revealed evidence of a long-term positive reciprocal relationship between mathematics anxiety and effort/emotional cost, a gradually diminished relationship between effort/emotional cost and mathematics performance, and a positive achievement to anxiety link during the transition between grade levels. Moreover, mathematics performance is a distal predictor of mathematics anxiety through effort/emotional cost rather than a proximal predictor or an outcome of anxiety. This study also clarified the distinction in the central role of effort/emotional versus opportunity cost in the interrelatedness of mathematics anxiety and performance, where the latter failed to demonstrate significant paths. Specific timing for interventions was discerned. Early cost prevention interventions along with considerations of academic achievement to alleviate both anxiety and perceived effort/emotional are highlighted as crucial for a positive high school mathematics experience.  相似文献   

This study explored the nature of mathematics anxiety in a sample of 106 ethnically and linguistically diverse first-grade students. Although much is known about mathematics anxiety in older children and adults, little is known about when mathematics anxiety first emerges or its characteristics in young children. Results from exploratory factor analysis indicated that mathematics anxiety in first grade is a multidimensional construct encompassing negative reactions, numerical confidence, and worry. Negative reactions were related specifically to foundational mathematical concepts whereas numerical confidence was related specifically to computation skill; worry was not related to any outcome. Levels of mathematics anxiety did not differ by sex or language background. Overall, negative reactions and numerical confidence were found to be the most salient dimensions of mathematics anxiety in this sample.  相似文献   

This study examined whether children's mathematics anxiety serves as an underlying pathway between parental involvement and children's mathematics achievement. Participants included 78 low-income, ethnic minority parents and their children residing in a large urban center in the northeastern United States. Parents completed a short survey tapping several domains of parental involvement, and children were assessed on mathematics anxiety, whole number arithmetic, word problems, and algebraic reasoning. Research Findings: The results indicated that parents influence children's mathematics achievement by reducing mathematics anxiety, particularly for more difficult kinds of mathematics. Specifically, the mediation analyses demonstrated that parental home support and expectations influenced children's performance on word problems and algebraic reasoning by reducing children's mathematics anxiety. Mathematics anxiety did not mediate the relationship between home support and expectations and whole number arithmetic. Practice or Policy: Policies and programs targeting parental involvement in mathematics should focus on home-based practices that do not require technical mathematical skills. Parents should receive training, resources, and support on culturally appropriate ways to create home learning environments that foster high expectations for children's success in mathematics.  相似文献   

The construct ‘mathematics anxiety’ is explored with a sample of first year primary education university students. Self reported measures of anxiety about needing to use mathematics, and anxiety about the prospect of teaching mathematics, are moderately and positively correlated. The factor structure of a set of 13 items related to ‘mathematics anxiety’ is consistent with previous studies and the associations of these factors to other, related measures are explored using multiple linear regression of the factor scores. It is argued that it is likely to be more valuable to investigate ‘mathematics anxiety’ in terms of its composite factors than as a single phenomenon. Directions for future investigations are indicated.  相似文献   

This study examined gender differences in the rate of change in mathematics affect (attitude and anxiety toward mathematics and utility of mathematics) across middle and high school, using data from the Longitudinal Study of American Youth. Hierarchical linear models indicated no gender differences in the rate of decline in either attitude or utility, but females grew faster in anxiety than males. Schools were more responsible for variation in the male than female rate of change in mathematics affect. Student and school variables influenced the rate of change in mathematics affect in a quite different way between males and females.  相似文献   

The authors used correlational and confirmatory factor analytic techniques to examine the relationship between measures of the constructs of mathematics anxiety and test anxiety. The correlations found between measures of the 2 constructs were nearly as high as those found within measures of the 2 constructs, bringing into question the separateness of the constructs. Results of the confirmatory factor analysis provided some support for a distinction between the constructs; the correlation between the 2 factors, however, was relatively high. Those findings suggest that mathematics anxiety and test anxiety may be separate phenomena; the conceptual uniqueness of mathematics anxiety, however, needs to be further delineated and its measurement improved.  相似文献   

关注人的情感发展是教育的一个本源性、基性的问题,情感教育是数学教育的重要任务,同时也是提升数学教育价值的重要手段,传统数学课程评价中通常只关注理性的认知因素的量化评价,产生了诸多消极和负面的影响,如何对数学认知过程中情感因素的状态和构成模式进行的科学、合理的判断,从而为数学课程实施提供有效的信息,是目前数学教育必须正视的问题。  相似文献   


South Africa finds itself with skills shortages in scientifically oriented professions. A major contributor to this has been students’ failure in mathematics. This study set out to identify students who self-reported mathematics anxiety and determine if this was a factor in their studies. Participants were 204 mathematics first-year students registered for degrees in Engineering, Information Technology, and Natural Science. Included in this group were Foundation Year students. Results indicated that the majority of students admitted to higher levels of anxiety. With respect to the different degree programmes, chemistry students reported higher anxiety. Specifically, a negative association was established between performance and mathematics evaluation anxiety. It is concluded that lecturers through investigations such as this can identify and isolate highly anxious mathematics students. Such students may receive remedial psychological help or at least, lecturers may revise their presentation methods to suit these particular students. The study also concluded that there are underlying problems within the teaching and learning of mathematics among the study sample. As is typical of this type of investigation, a number of questions remain unanswered such as what the sources of students’ mathematics anxiety are and how these relate to the variables investigated here. A follow-up study will focus more closely on these issues.  相似文献   

Little is known about the development of mathematics anxiety in elementary school students. To address this gap in knowledge, the authors evaluated students in Grades 3 and 6 on measures of mathematics anxiety, school test anxiety, and attitudes toward mathematics to determine (a) whether different forms of mathematics anxiety exist, (b) whether mathematics test anxiety differs from school test anxiety, and (c) whether mathematics anxiety is related to different attitudes toward mathematics. Evidence was found for two distinct forms of mathematics anxiety: test and problem-solving anxiety. Mathematics test anxiety increased with age relative to mathematics problem-solving anxiety; this result demonstrated that children become more anxious about mathematics testing situations as they progress through school. Mathematics test anxiety was related, but not identical, to school test anxiety, and students in both grades were less anxious about math tests than about academic testing generally. Finally, older students tended to show more positive attitudes toward mathematics than did younger students, and relations between these attitudes and the two forms of mathematics anxiety also changed between Grades 3 and 6.  相似文献   

数学焦虑作为一种消极的数学学习体验已成为数学教育中的一个热点问题.对数学焦虑与数学成绩、数学兴趣、自我效能、性别差异和年级差异的关系进行调查,结果发现:数学成绩与数学焦虑显著相关;数学兴趣、自我效能均与数学焦虑呈显著负相关;男、女生在数学焦虑上存在显著差异,女生焦虑水平比男生高;中学各个年级的数学焦虑水平没有显著差异,初三学生的焦虑水平在中学阶段是最高的.  相似文献   

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