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在中职教学工作中,实践性教学环节对于增强学生的学习效果、培养实践动手能力有很重要的作用。本文主要阐述了在指导地形测量实习时,应从制定实习计划,选择恰当的实习地点、提高指导教师的专业水平等方面予以加强,以便提高实习效果、培养学生的实践能力。  相似文献   

地理综合实习能够为高师地理专业学生提供地理实践力培养的实践条件。基于地理实践力培养开展的地理综合实习,在实习设计时应综合考虑地理学特性、实习地特征,并以学生为中心,这是地理实践力培养的前提;在实习实施中应开展实地考察、问题探究、总结提升等多样的地理实践活动,这是地理实践力培养的核心;在实习评价中应采用形成性评价和终结性评价,这是地理实践力培养的保障。  相似文献   

中药专业学生毕业生产实习,是职业教育教学的重要环节,结合当前市场对中药专业技能型人才的需求,提出了:加强生产实习前实验实训基本技能的培养;打破传统单一的实习模式,进行实习岗位角色转换;在生产实习过程中,突出学生专业实践能力的培养;加强生产实习过程管理与实践考核。通过生产实习阶段综合与实际运用能力的培养,使学生快速适应专业岗位用人需求。  相似文献   

职业教育当前主要目标是培养应用型专门人才和熟练劳动者,提高学生的综合素质和能力。实践教学是培养学生综合素质和实践能力的十分重要的环节,本文就提高野外测量实习质量提出了几条对策。  相似文献   

与研究型高校相比,教学应用型高校公共管理学科人才培养定位更加突出实践教学,培养学生动手操作技能.其实践教学模式的特点包括:实验课时比重大;实习形式针对性、可操作性强;实践环境由院系创设.基于此,提出具有针对性的完善实践教学模式的对策:培养方案设计更加突出实验教学;采取多样化的实习组织方式;与实习单位开展“请进来,走出去”的合作方式;与实习单位构筑多层次、全方位的合作平台;确保学生专业实习效果.  相似文献   

黄河水利职业技术学院通过对水利、测绘、工程建筑等行业进行调研,对职业岗位、工作项目和任务进行综合分析,明确高职工程测量技术专业应以应用能力培养为主线,以发展学生的职业能力为目标,以提高学生技能水平为核心,以实习实验实训为立足点,全方位培养学生操作技能和实践应用能力。并采用“两轮顶岗实习”、实习实训“四化教学”、“三层次一结合”等实践教学模式开展工学结合的人才培养。  相似文献   

卫星导航定位已成为现代测绘工程领域的一种重要测量技术手段,为了满足测绘工程专业人才培养的需要,结合学校地理环境开展有针对性的GPS测量实践教学活动,使学生在规范的教学实习场地,领受到实际工程作业的氛围。论述了GPS实践教学基准网的布设以及模拟工程施工控制网和变形监测网的GPS实习情况。几年来的实践教学成效明显,深受学生好评。  相似文献   

金工实习是高校理工专业重要的实践教学环节,是将理论转化为实践动手能力的过程。本文以机械电气工程学院承担的金工实习教学为例,分析了目前存在的问题并提出相应的改革措施。构建金工实习教学体系,加强理论课程知识与实践、金工实习与各个实践教学环节之间的联系;优化教学方法,利用混合式教学方法,将金工实习的教学效果和教学效益最大化;优化教学内容和考核机制,激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生创新能力。通过金工实习这一实践教学环节,以达到培养学生的工程综合能力的目标。  相似文献   

植物学野外实习教学探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林长松 《生物学教学》2008,33(10):17-18
本文总结了在植物学野外实习中加强宣传教育和组织管理;加强基本技能的训练,培养学生掌握识别植物的能力;结合科研课题,培养学生科研能力;培养学生的环境与生态意识;改革考核方式;做好实习后期管理工作,巩固实习成果等方面的实践和体会。  相似文献   

襄樊电大水利水电专业的实践性教育环节,注重培养学生体验和感受生活、发现和解决问题的创新精神和实践能力,从课程设计,到测量教学实习、水资源调研实习、生产实习直至完成毕业设计,均做到了有的放矢,突出实用性,注重理论知识向实践能力的转化。培养出的毕业生在思想素质、专业知识水平、业务能力和工作业绩诸方面,均得到了用人单位的认同和好评。  相似文献   

职业技能培养与职业精神培养在以往的技术技能人才培养实践中处于"分离"状态,但二者被期待走向"融合"。调查发现,大多数学生对融合培养价值和活动持肯定看法,对融合培养目标以及企业和学生在融合培养中的作用有清楚认识;学生对融合培养条件不大满意;学校类型、专业、年级、性别、上大学前就读学校类型等因素对学生关于融合培养的看法有一定影响。基于调查结果,对高职学生职业技能与职业精神融合培养实践提出了三点建议。  相似文献   

"顶岗实习"是H大学为加强对农村地区教育支持力度,强化教师教育专业学生实习而启动的一项工程。论文采用问卷调查及访谈的方法对H大学非教育技术学专业顶岗实习生进行调研,通过了解学生对目前教育技术技能岗前培训的需求及存在的问题,构建了"三维一体"教育技术技能培训新模式,从网络自主学习、面授辅导答疑、实战训练指导三个维度对学生进行培养。  相似文献   

Pharmacy students undertake experiential learning to prepare them for practice. With the move to more patient-facing roles, there is a need to assess if the experiential learning prepares students for practice. A mixed-methods study was undertaken to obtain the feedback of graduates currently in pre-registration training on their experiential learning experience. There were 63 (response rate 55.8%) responses to the online survey. One focus group consisting of four graduates, and ten one-on-one interviews were conducted. Placement experience was dependent on tutors and placement sites. There was displeasure with community placements as they were relegated to dispensing duties, but satisfaction with their hospital experience despite only being allowed to shadow tutors. The limited duration of placements was highlighted, especially in hospital settings. Tutor training is key to ensuring students have an optimum experience. Sites should be made to see the value of having students, so that they are allowed patient contact.  相似文献   

There is a notable difference in occupational injury rates in the two Scandinavian countries, Sweden and Denmark, with the latter having a 40% higher rate of fatal occupational injuries in the construction industry. This study explored differences in the vocational education and training (VET) systems between Sweden and Denmark that may be important for students’ safety learning and practice during VET. In both countries, students participate in full-time education, and the curriculum includes school-based as well as company- based training. However, during company- based training Swedish students retain their student status, whereas Danish students are employed as apprentices. From a perspective of viewing safety as a social practice developed through interactions of different social and institutional bodies, the analysis points to this difference in employment status as important for their safety practices and also for the teachers’ position to influence safety learning and practices during company-based training. An analysis of interview and survey data focusing on how VET students enact safety ‘knowings’ across learning sites, suggest how different forms of connectivity models in VET promote various forms of safety learning among students.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法等,对运城学院体育系学生参加社会实践现状进行调查研究发现,目前运城学院体育系学生参加社会实践的类型有所局限,目的不够全面,途径太过单一。因此,学校应该经常开展讲座,多渠道加强学生专业知识和技能培训,同时应充分利用现有的资源与相关单位联合,创造实践机会,提高学生专业实践能力。  相似文献   

对艺术类师范生顶岗教学实践能力进行了调查和原因分析,提出对艺术类师范生顶岗教学实践能力的培养对策.以见习为起点,以试讲为桥梁,以顶岗实习为锻炼平台,三位一体培养学生教学实践能力.  相似文献   

地方高校土木工程专业学生工程实习现状调研   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程实习是地方高校应用型专业人才培养的重要环节,提高实习质量对培养能设计、会施工、懂管理的工程类高层次应用型人才,起着决定性作用。通过问卷调查法,对某高校土木程专业学生工程实习的现状做了调查。调查内容包括学生实习前的思想和知识能力准备、实习的过程管理、学生对实习工作的满意度和对实习工作的期望和建议等四个方面。调研结果可供国内同类高校的土木工程专业进一步加强工程实习管理、提高实习质量和优化人才培养方案提供重要依据。  相似文献   

《Educational gerontology》2012,38(11):670-680

Observation training of home dental practice is easily influenced by the site and time, and differences in learning content are likely to occur among students. The aim of the present study is to prototype virtual reality (VR) teaching material for home dental practice to provide dental students with the chance to observe patients receiving home dental care. The VR teaching material was created before the study, using a patient’s home as the medical treatment scene, and practical training was then conducted using this VR teaching material with dental students. To examine its educational effectiveness, 101 dental students, who attended practical training between June 2018 and January 2019, responded to survey questions before and after watching the VR teaching material. They took a comparative examination, based on the questionnaire results, using text mining and hierarchical cluster analysis. Two variables were tested: changes in self-confidence regarding knowledge of home dental practice (knowledge confidence) and changes in self-confidence regarding treatment assistance (assistance confidence). There was a significant increase in student’s knowledge confidence and assistance confidence scores (p < .001). Moreover, hierarchical cluster analysis indicated a change in the cluster before and after they watched the VR teaching material. Given that VR teaching material makes it possible to conduct home observation training for a variety of reasons, such as lack of available facilities or patient reservation issues, the findings indicate that VR teaching material can supplement dental students’ training in home dental practice.  相似文献   


Spatial reasoning is a critical skill in the Geosciences. Using a randomized control study with 592 undergraduate students enrolled in introductory and advanced Geology courses, our data indicates that regular, short interventions throughout an academic semester improve students’ spatial thinking skills significantly with a moderate to large effect size when compared to an instruction-as-usual control group. We found evidence for additional gains in students who participated also in hands-on training interventions. We found even larger training effects on students who achieved correct scores of >50% on the practice modules, with gains of almost three-quarter of a standard deviation relative to their baseline scores. Male and female students display significant differences in spatial skills, with males outperforming females. Training resulted in similar magnitudes of improvement in both genders, so we see no evidence that the interventions closed the gender gap. Using the initial performance as a baseline, poor performers’ spatial skills appear to improve through practice at the same rate as their peers. We argue that 15.4% of students improve their spatial skills through participation in the training towards a threshold that appears to be critical for participation in STEM careers. On a reflection survey, half of the students reported that they felt their spatial thinking skills improved through their participation, and over a third found the training beneficial for their overall learning in Geology or other classes. We hypothesise that formal training opportunities for spatial reasoning could increase the potential pool of students who successfully enter and succeed in Geoscience careers.  相似文献   

高职体育课程目标要求高职院校要加强体育同现代生活的联系,培养学生健康的生活态度,突出体育实践教程的思想性、科学性、系统性和实用性的理论体系。为此,本研究采用实验教学、调查等方法,对体育训练课加载于体育课教学课时中进行实证研究。研究结果表明:以学生为主体设计的体育课+体育训练课课程体系,有助于提高学生对体育的认知态度和锻炼行为,对提高学生的体质和运动素质及改善学生的心境,使之形成文明、健康、科学的生活方式,产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

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