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新闻舆论监督与司法是现代社会的两股重要力量,虽说是报道与被报道、监督与被监督的关系,但两者之间仍有许多共同之处,如追求真实、准确与时效等等,更为重要的是两者的根本目标都是追求社会的公正与正义。但是,司法机关独立行使司法权,要求独力与封闭,而媒体则要求公开和透明,于是两者之间便自然产生了矛盾和对立。本文着重讨论新闻舆论监督与司法公正之间的对立和统一。  相似文献   

正企业文件与档案是企业中极具价值的基础性资源,文件与档案的产生和形成过程赋予了其不可替代的作用和独特的优秀品质。在现代企业中,如何淋漓尽致的发挥和活化文件与档案的价值与作用,彰显文件与档案管理活动的意义,是企业文件与档案管理的重要课题。当知识经济时代已到来之时,因文  相似文献   

精密导线网布设与数据处理的技术,在提高定位精度和减少误差的同时,引领了数据采集方法和策略的革新。精确度与效率的优化成为测量工作的核心。技术的应用特点包括高精度定位与误差控制、自动化数据处理与分析、环境适应性与灵活性,以及实时监控与调整能力的提升。未来,这些技术将朝着智能化测量系统、大数据与云计算的融合、环境友好与可持续性技术,以及跨领域技术整合与创新的方向发展,将为高速铁路工程带来更广阔的应用前景,推动工程测量领域的技术革新和效率提升。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产领域蕴含着丰富的知识,是中华传统文化的重要组成部分,对非遗知识的有效组织与管理,是非遗文化保护、传播与传承的前提和基础。本体与关联数据技术为非遗知识的组织与管理提供了新的方法和实现路径。本文首先分析梳理了非遗领域知识的要素与语义关系,设计构建了非遗知识本体模型,以规范和揭示非遗领域知识的概念、属性和关联关系;其次,基于关联数据技术,研究非遗知识组织与关联数据集构建的过程,包括实体RDF化、实体关联、关联数据存储与发布等关键步骤;最后以湖北省非遗项目为例,构建了非遗知识关联数据集与知识服务平台。关联数据技术在非遗知识组织与管理领域的应用,能够促进非遗知识管理的规范化和标准化,对我国非遗文化的保护与传承具有重要的意义。图13。表4。参考文献25。  相似文献   

中央电大现代远程教育公共服务体系建设与发展过程中,涉及到许多深层次的矛盾和关系问题。我们要用开放的理念和战略的眼光,立足我国社会和教育发展的大趋势,站在电大教育改革与发展的战略层面,重新思考和认识公共服务体系的重要意义。要正确处理好公共服务体系与电大系统和开放教育的关系,转变观念,形成合力,统筹规划,明确任务,推进电大公共服务体系的建设与发展。  相似文献   

随着人们对网络监控与移动通信的依赖度的增加,智能家居系统的监控自由度和便携性被不断扩增与期待。为满足对家居系统的灵活度的要求,本系统采用了基于485的一点对多点的多级检测与控制,可以随时拆装增减监控对象与子系统。本系统同时集合了对温度、烟雾的环境监测,对门禁系统的人员监控与图像采集,对家用电器的开关控制,并将回馈信息和控制操作通过网络页面与短信息反映出来。加入了GSM通信模块与以太网模块,使得网络访问监控和移动通信与智能家居恰当结合。实现了,每家绑定一个域名和手机号,构建一个家庭的互联网。  相似文献   

科技藏品与互动展品的关系,是研究博物馆与科技馆教育功能关联性的基础。本文从科技藏品与互动展品的不同来源与特性入手,分析了科技藏品与由科技藏品转化而来的“互动展品”之间的关系,以及转化的原因和途径,并从教育学和认知的角度分析归纳了科技藏品与互动展品的本质差异。在此基础上,说明依托科技藏品的博物馆教育与依托互动展品的科学中心教育的不同思路和策略。  相似文献   

清末到五四时期国内外的各种政治、文化和文学派别,出于不同的目的,主要通过纸媒描绘与书写了正面的与负面的两大类中国形象,并传播和扩散开来。在政治、社会和文化变革剧烈的时代,这些中国国家形象的书写与传播构成了中国语境的一部分,并极大影响了社会与文化的变革,从总体上激发了民族国家关怀和以救亡与启蒙为表征的民族主义思潮。  相似文献   

2008年4月25日,首届华文新闻与传播学术期刊国际论坛于杭州西子湖畔举行。这次论坛由浙江大学、杭州日报报业集团、美国中国传媒研究会主办。来自新加坡、中国大陆与香港、台湾地区的20多家核心期刊负责人和知名学者,就新闻与传播学术期刊的作用和意义、现状与发展、问题与机会、全球化发展战略、期刊生态与生命力周期、期刊运用科学化规范化与标准体系设立、期刊评价体系和数据库建设等相关议题,进行了坦诚的交流和研讨。围绕"创新与发展"的学术  相似文献   

王晴  徐建华 《图书情报工作》2017,61(19):122-134
[目的/意义]每个行业的生产经营活动都与环境息息相关,图书馆亦不例外。通过考查国外绿色图书馆发展动态,以期为图书馆的绿色发展和节能减排提供理论参考和行动指南。[方法/过程]采用内容分析和案例解析相结合、理论与实践相对照的方法,对相关文献进行系统的梳理和归纳,全面地评述和分析国外绿色图书馆理论研究与实践进展。[结果/结论]目前,国外绿色图书馆的研究内容分为绿色图书馆的概念、建筑及相关、资源与信息系统、管理与服务、环境审计、评价标准与政策等6个方面。针对现有研究的局限及不足,提出未来研究的4个方向:影响因素与理论模型、能耗测算与环境审计、管理政策与评价标准、组织协调与协作机制,以期为绿色图书馆理论与实践创新提供思路借鉴。  相似文献   

People communicate differently based on their willingness to communicate, along with their feelings of solidarity with the receivers (McCroskey & Richmond, 1987). People who are high in their willingness to communicate and feel close to their receivers would seemingly communicate more frequently and intimately. This study investigated this proposition by considering the late adolescent sibling relationship. College students were asked to complete a questionnaire focusing on the frequency, breadth, and depth of their communication with their siblings. Participants also completed measures of their trait willingness to communicate, their willingness to communicate with their siblings, and their solidarity with their siblings. People's willingness to communicate and willingness to communicate with their siblings was positively related to their frequency, breadth, and depth of communication with their siblings. Solidarity was also found to be positively related to frequency, breadth, and depth of communication.  相似文献   

当前图书馆理论与实践若干热点问题述评(下)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前我国图书馆理论与实践发生着重大变革,图书馆学和图书馆事业发展面临着一系列的重大问题,正视、适应这个现实,才能有助于解决问题,才能实现观念上、技术上、管理上、方式上的转型,使图书馆服务既与传统不脱节,又与信息高速公路接轨,满足社会知识信息需求。  相似文献   

当前图书馆理论与实践若干热点问题述评(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国图书馆理论与实践发生着重大变革,图书馆学和图书馆事业发展面临着一系列的重大问题,正视、适应这个现实,才能有助解决问题,实现观念上、技术上、管理上、方式上的转型,使图书馆服务既与传统不脱节,又与信息高速公路接轨,满足社会知识信息需求。  相似文献   

缪宏建  王晓蕴 《编辑学报》2014,26(5):415-417
科技期刊编辑在办刊过程中需要与作者、读者、审者等进行有效沟通,也离不开编辑之间的协同作业。通过分析一稿多投原因及稿件处理过程认为:与作者换位思考,编辑应快速处理来稿、尽早发表论文;与读者换位思考,应明确读者需求,强化与读者的互动交流;与审稿专家换位思考,编辑应该把好初审关,选好、选准审稿专家,对审稿专家信息保密,及时沟通交流;与编者换位思考,应取长补短,互相支持,努力工作。并且认为科技期刊编辑在与作者、读者、审者、编者的交往中要善于运用换位思考,构建和谐统一的交流氛围。  相似文献   

Using Communication Privacy Management (CPM), this study analyzed Emergency Healthcare Providers (EHP; i.e., Emergency Room Nurses, Paramedics, Emergency Medical Technicians, etc.) frequent experience of witnessing death, the dying processes, and regular involvement at the end-of-life. Twenty interviews from across the United States offered accounts of witnessing the death of a patient, communicating with the patient’s families, coworkers, and personal networks. The first research question explored the population’s normalization of death and changed outlook of dying. This population sees death and dying in real-time and must disconnect at the moment from their emotions to do their jobs. The second research question focused on preparing patient families for death, coping with coworkers, and protecting personal networks. In communicating with patient families, EHP educates/answers questions, advocate for families to be present during life-saving procedures and offer verbal and nonverbal comfort. In talking with coworkers, EHP copes with reassuring skill competency and offering emotional social support. Lastly, in communicating with their networks, EHP struggle with discussing emotions and event details in a protective function. From these results, the benefits, and challenges of communicating about death regularly are offered through a CPM lens, and recommendations to help the general population deal with death are given.  相似文献   

In 2009, the Obama administration issued the Open Government Initiative that directed Executive agencies to improve transparency, openness in government, and public participation with government. The Obama administration views transparency and openness in government as a cost-effective and efficient process capable of improving public participation with government and public access to government information. To address the initiative in part, many agencies adopt social media as the means to disseminate information out to the public and to increase public participation with agency website content and activities. This exploratory study examines Executive agency use of social media and public participation with the media. Findings indicate that most agencies reviewed do use social media. The public does interact with the media and some agencies experience high overall participation levels; however, there are some issues with agency use of social media and public participation with the media.  相似文献   

Employees (n=40) at a fast-food restaurant were surveyed about characteristics of their position and their level of satisfaction. Employees were then asked to report with whom they regularly communicated inside and outside the workplace and to indicate how close they were to employees with whom they were linked. Employee turnover was measured after three months had elapsed. A goal of the research was to replicate a model of employee turnover that predicts employees more central in their social network to be less likely to leave, and to test a social support explanation of the centrality model. The results indicated that employees who reported a greater number of out-degree links with friends were less likely to leave. The number of in-degree links with friends did not significantly predict turnover, and neither did network links with peers. Friendship prestige, measured by the number of in-degree links, was strongly correlated with relational closeness and amount of time spent with employees outside the workplace.  相似文献   

Predicting Employee Turnover from Friendship Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Employees (n=40) at a fast-food restaurant were surveyed about characteristics of their position and their level of satisfaction. Employees were then asked to report with whom they regularly communicated inside and outside the workplace and to indicate how close they were to employees with whom they were linked. Employee turnover was measured after three months had elapsed. A goal of the research was to replicate a model of employee turnover that predicts employees more central in their social network to be less likely to leave, and to test a social support explanation of the centrality model. The results indicated that employees who reported a greater number of out-degree links with friends were less likely to leave. The number of in-degree links with friends did not significantly predict turnover, and neither did network links with peers. Friendship prestige, measured by the number of in-degree links, was strongly correlated with relational closeness and amount of time spent with employees outside the workplace.  相似文献   

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